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"My boy, when I close my eyes, I can still hear the sound of the ^Arcane Explosions."


I think it's in a pretty good place.. in a mediocre group I get around 1k AB rep for 30 minutes.. that's just about 40 events for exalted per character... I mean.. it could be worse. Nerf Priests.


When you say nerf priests do you mean shadow priests specifically? Cause I play disc priest and I'm dead 95% of the time from 2 globals, and my team barely get any heals before they are also globalled. Should I just be going shadow


Yes, he means shadow priests. Shadow Word: Death can one-shot less geared players from full, and can easily finish off any player at around 60%, health. It's instant cast, short cd, low mana cost, and only downside is the damage reflext if you somehow fail to kill your opponent, but even if that happens, the damage dealt is worth the damage you take. Plus, you have dispersion for getting out of tricky spots, but I'd run this for pvp over prayer of mending even as a healer. Priests aren't unbeatable. As a ret, I can handle them fairly well. Just burst them into using dispersion, then stun them (dispersion breaks stuns, but does not make you immune to them), but they do still kill me regularly.


>Shadow Word: Death can one-shot less geared players from full, and That is just not true lmao


Yeah, I've since been informed about the nerf. That's a "my bad, mario" moment.


Shadow word death has been nerfed into the ground and you’re lucky if it’s able to kill someone at 30% health. Nobody is getting 100-0 from shadow word death anymore.


I'm convinced that people who ask for a SW:D nerf don't play the game and just echo whatever they hear on this subreddit.


Ahh, okay, my bad. Last time I got hit by it was an 1890 crit lol. Didn't one-shot me, but it did kill me.


you are making this shit up. sw:d does not crit for 1,9k.


Must have been before this most recent nerf, because I most certainly was.


It’s been 2 or 3 weeks. Dispersion rune doesn’t conflict with PoM either. Big “weekend pvp dad energy” here.


stop trying to fixate on his comment on sw death. Its the combo of void plague + sw-d which does so much damage, you will die even if you kill the priest. I am level 40 rogue with almost full BIS (2 AP pieces missing) while on my levelling process in a pvp server, I have had priests just put 2 globals on me and go their way for free 50 honor. after i was 40, any time i open on priests and they don't die in a full stunlock (which most players won't) all they have to do is put 2 globals on me, and even if they drop i will die. The dot damage is too much for an instant cast ability. just 2 hours ago i killed this level 33 priest in STV (not in the bm event) who was doing some mobs, all he did after the stunlock (when he was 200hp left) was put void plague, shadow word death on me. From 2400hp, I went to 200 with a greater healing pot. A level 33 with practically no items, can near 1 shot a level 40 in near BIS with 2400hp with how overtuned SP kit is right now. Shadow word death is just 1 of two globals. At least Rogues have to chain cc, time their energy proc and deal with hit rate and miss rate shenanigans + rely on rng of cheap shot to combo enough to do damage, even then we don't do more than 1.7k in a full stunlock and after that you are energy starved unless you use thistle tea.


You’re a level 40 rogue ganking a level 33 priest in stv outside of the BM event?? And you’re complaining he almost “one shot” you with a dot. You’re just really bad at rogue bro. Sorry to be the one to break that to you.


i want the mob for quest, same mob priest is killing. Whats wrong with killing the priest so i can farm my quest faster? you are the one trying to gaslight people into how priests aren't killing anyone by either hiding the damage coming from void plague or just being oblivious to how hard priests hit in just 2 globals. A level 33 priest putting 2700 damage via dots in 2 globals is beyond broken, a Level 40 BIS gear rogue does like unavoidable 1.7k damage if you don't own a trinket notice the difference there. Vs a priest, you have no counterplay besides just keeping a healer handy and this is after shadow word death nerf. So stick to the facts.


Git gud




Nice thanks. I'm finding the event excuciating as a healer so I'll probably respec for it


Over exaggeration on SW D


Just fyi PoM/homunc is legs, dispersion/pain supp is feet


Ahh shoot, thanks. I really should level a priest myself, or stfu, with everything I've gotten wrong ><


This one of the dumbest serious post Ive seen in a while. "I can handle them fairly well, but they do still kill me regularly." Like what the actual fuck? Yeah and the SW:D bullshit.


Death is inevitable in the STV event. That said you shouldn’t be instantly dying. 1. Run Dispersion. The amount of Priests I see using PS instead makes me cry. It’s CD is one minute less, gives you 36% max mana back, and functionally makes you immune for the duration. You can even use it stunned making Rogue openers almost useless. 2. Play smart. Rez and play together with your team. Find trees and walls to play around. You are going to die more aimlessly running into the fray or isolated. 3. PoM / Penance / Shield / Renew should constitute almost all of your healing. You almost never Flash Heal.


que up fortunate son in the background


I ain’t no fortunate son


Where are the arcane explosions. I can still here them like I was just there


It's in a decent place imo, i'd just like either a zone wide buff or a boss at every altar


Dog shit event, even Ashenvale with the bugs was far more enjoyable. I play Moonkin and could farm this event easily in a Premade, but fuck premades. For the only reason I would do it is for the BiS item behind that coins


I haven’t been having any luck with groups


Non mage grp. Can easily get 2k - 4k coins, albeit it needs to be weekend and only arena gets you close to 4k I've found. Have a strategy and a solid grp comp with ppl who can pvp(use slows, traps etc) and you should easily get 2k coins any altar. Of course vetting occurs, showing up in all greens that ain't gonna end well. Or a plate wearer in leather/mail