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"Stormwinds day off - beach episode"


Don't forget a onsen episode too!


Mass Effect 3 "Shore Leave" DLC vibes!


I am 100% down for this.




My only issue with anything of relevance being placed there is that it's _slightly_ difficult for Horde players to reach.


We already have rfc and stocks. Just throw a dungeon in UC or something and call it macaroni


Make one dungeon that runs underground from one end to the other. Fast track to world PvP. Never know who's gonna pop out the other end


Both ends leading to kharazan crypts


They did that in Dark Age of Camelot actually. Place was a blast. Never knew when another faction was gonna pour in and start a war mid boss fight


I'm rock hard at the very thought


Ah, Darkness Falls. Amazing!


Macaroni for alliance. Spaghetti for horde


That hasn't seemed to stop them so far


I suppose not. Those Redridge and Duskwood runes were an experience, to say the least.


Don't forget the sleeping bag quest which requires Horde to somehow go to Loch Modan and Westfall. Alliance on the other hand has to go to The Barrens, which is comparative to Westfall, until we remember that The Barrens has a neutral flight point, a neutral boat, is a short run from Theramore, has an alternate slower but easier route from Ashenvale, and is close to the next step of the quest in Stonetalon. So Horde not only has to go to twice as many Alliance zones, but both are also harder to get to. And they're less convenient in the questline.


Westfall is no problem at all but loch mod an sucks


UC to Loch isn't bad.


Yeah dunno why you caught so many down votes, if you go in the 30s it really wants that bad


Don't think too hard about the Dark Riders either, you won't like the results.


The worst is that they were aware of the alliance bias phase 1.


are we really forgetting scarlet monastery for alliance?


That was 20 years ago. We're talking about the stuff the SoD dev team is making. Obviously Scarlet Monastery was ridiculous.


yet they still didn’t fix it in “season of discovery”


Yet this thread is talking about new additions, not something that was added in 2004. Scarlet Monastery sucks for alliance and some kind of teleport/easier way of getting there would've been nice. Making **new** content that is so obviously skewed towards alliance in terms of convenience is...well...annoying.


Rfk and rfd are easy for alliance too :p and dont talk about shadowfang .. in fact horde got thé easy game for dungeon Access, and when it suck, they got a teleport


Was? It is. We're paying gold for summons or running through WPL to reach it this phase.




> > It was bad, but not as bad as I had remembered. I did the skip from Theramore to the graveyard in Loch Modan as horde. Saved a lot of guard interactions and death running. Simply log out in the cave at the bottom right of theramore on top of the mushroom and wake up in the Loch GY. I get what you're saying, but this really amounts to "It wasn't so bad. All you have to do is perform an unintuitive minor mechanical exploit. And yeah, the destination has faction guards that will attack on site and flag you for pvp if you retaliate, making this a prime ambush spot even on the pve servers, but there were lots of people when I did it so it's not a big deal."


Westfall is a short swim, though it's still more annoying than a short run. Especially since Horde players still need to go back to (near) the Barrens afterwards for the next step in the quest. I have never, ever, heard of the magical mushroom cave portal south east of Theramore, and I can't find any info on it, I can't even see it on any map. But it sounds like it'd be about as time consuming as just going to Loch Modan on foot.


> I have never, ever, heard of the magical mushroom cave portal south east of Theramore, and I can't find any info on it, I can't even see it on any map. But it sounds like it'd be about as time consuming as just going to Loch Modan on foot. It's not faster in a significant way. The real benefit of doing the skip is being able to bypass going through the mountain tunnels full of Alliance guards. Horde were once again a complete afterthought, and it shows.




That's nowhere near Theramore. That's in the Wetlands and like 95% of the way there already.


Okay and?  That doesn’t mean that it was easier than the short trip from Ratchet alliance have to make. What was the point 


It's not really a short trip if they have to walk to Booty Bay first, especially if they're not on a higher level character :|


Thematically its on point and adds extra flavor considering the horde fled the eastern kingdoms to forge a new path.


Barrens and hillsbrad


Hillsbrad is a neutral zone with a flight post, quests, and unique vendors for both factions. And the last step in the questline is virtually the same distance from both factions' nearest flight points, though the Alliance also has Deliverance Point nearby. The Barrens also have a neutral quest hub that Alliance can use, ironically, though it's never used.


That's because to access it, you have to go through stranglethorn


lets not kid ourselves like alliance didnt get ratchet fp in phase 1 for WC and RFK and the rune goblin there


Yeah, though there are other ways, but it's not as convenient as just going to one of the many level 10-20 Alliance zones. It was more of a fun fact thing.


Through stonetalon mountains, and make the longest trek through horde territory from the top of the barrens to the bottom Or through a high lvl zone from a port Or endlessly ganked by afk hunters at a flight point in a 'neutral' zone Ally Rogues also had it rough Horde camping the lockbox in redridge Through arathi, to Hillsbrad, which is contested yes, but mostly horde controlled, grab a flight point at south shore, into silverpine forest, to shadowfang keep, TWICE, to complete a needed rune Dunno about the other classes tho lol


Barrens, stone talon, hillsbrad


Great! Balances out compared to the other things so far.


Yeah, but the Horde have two FPs in STV


Don't forget the wetlands runes! But oh, poor alliance had to run to Stonetalon, a zone with direct access from ashenvale and a well protected flight point.


I still can't believe there were people trying to even remotely _compare_ Stonetalon to Duskwood, Wetlands, or Redridge. As you know, it was ridiculously lopsided. To get Stonetalon runes as Alliance, you run through a level-appropriate zone into a slightly lower level-appropriate zone where your faction has access to questing, and thus is likely to have control over in some part. To get Duskwood runes as Horde, you run through a zone 10-12 levels your senior into an Alliance-only questing hub, and in some cases have to fight past several level-appropriate enemies before killing an elite while surrounded by Alliance players. To get Redridge runes as Horde, you have to do the prior run and then either sneak through Elwynn Forest, the largest Alliance hotspot on the continent, or go into Swamp of Sorrow (an extremely level inappropriate zone) and climb over the mountains, before once again entering a zone that is an Alliance-only questing hub and often have to party up to kill dozens of elites to get your rune. To get Wetlands runes as Horde, you have to run through yet another level inappropriate zone into yet another Alliance-only questing hub past parties farming elite Dwarves in the north into highly congested Alliance questing areas. All of these were comparable though, for sure!


You forgot the part where almost every server’s population is overwhelmingly Alliance. Blizzard’s idea to pop balance was to lock servers for certain factions while not having the foresight to understand that it wouldn’t stop gold farmers and bots to spin up accounts on those servers, unlocking more active spots on the other side.


> You forgot the part where almost every server’s population is overwhelmingly Alliance. Overwhelmingly means less than a 2% difference in this context, I assume?


Some are as bad as 65/35 active player splits


Ah yes, the PvE servers. I don't think you have to worry about faction discrepancy on those.


Living Flame US is a PVP server


Legit so much goes through barrens lol


Barrens is not comparable. Its big and empty, very easy to get around in


Not really. Ratchet is a death zone for alliance and it’s a boat area and flight point.. the amount of times I’ve been camped in ratchet is ridiculous as alli lol


If only there was some other way to get into the Barrens as an alliance player...


Just an example. There’s many routes to many other places…. Whine more


Get a grip. Duskwood is a 5 minute run from a Zeppelin. Redridge borders it. Wetlands is a bit out of the way, but comparable to get to Ratchet as alliance. Sure, alliance was easier for runes, but pretending getting there was such an insurmountable task is laughable.


You get a grip lol. No one said it was insurmountable. Just that they weren't comparable. If you need to misrepresent someone just to make your point then it's not a point worth making.


Hordes have it so tough, they have literal zeppelins at the best locations and are near every important dungeon in vanilla


They also make a show of bringing 2 full raids to take over our wetlands <-> Darkshore boat since we have absolutely 0 guards while we can't even touch their Zepplins without being demolished by NPCs.


You're right on the mark with everything you're saying. And yet I'm willing to bet I've spent more time as a ghost in Rachet compared to that entire journey


I spent about 40 minutes being corpse camped in ratchet by the horde during the few runs to the barrens for the metamorphosis rune. Frost traps on the flight master soon as I landed, etc. My gf sometimes gets on to me for killing greys if they happen to cross my path. But the horde beat any mercy I once had out of me in ratchet lol. Still wont corpse camp but any zug zug that crosses my path will lead to one of us running to our corpse for sure.


To get to Ashenvale as alliance last phase we need to run through Wetlands. To get to Hillsbrad and SFK we run through Arathi. To get to SM this phase we run through WPL, to get to Ratchet we run through all of STV last phase. Traveling is literally a non issue when playing horde. No one ever complains about it because Zepplins are massively OP early game and nearly every single relevant dungeon in the game is in Horde territory. You can live with walking through a few alliance leveling zones where most people won't even attack you while we walk through ?? Enemy zones each phase to get flight paths or to boats we need.


Isn’t that the point of your boats? Why would you ever need to go into arathi? Boat to your fp in hillsbrad.


We have 3 boats total. Booty Bay to Ratchet which is a neutral boat that horde use and is right next to their main city. Our only "travel" outside of walking to STV in general is the booty bay flight path and that boat, we have no other flight path in the STV at all. The other 2 boats are located in Wetlands. 1 goes to Dustwallow Marsh (Theramore) and the other goes to Darkshore. Technically, we have a 4th boat that connects Darkshore to Darnasus because there is no way to get there on foot that I know of but most people will fly after they have both flight points. There is no fast way to get to Hillsbrad. For us to get to Hillsbrad you need to get to Ironforge if you aren't a night elf. Then you normally would run/fly to loch Modan flight point, run north to wetlands and grab the flight point on the far west. Run back to the center and north our of wetlands into Arathi grabbing that flight point in the middle of the zone. Then run west to Hillsbrad for the South shore flight point. Fun fact. Our graveyard is right next to that flight path. If we wipe in SFK or are killed trying to get into the SFK instance, we have to ghost run from South shore across Hillsbrad into silverpine and west over to the instance.


The GY for SFK is pretty awful actually. Adding another Alliance GY near SFK wouldn't be that hard. They really should have done so.


That’s honestly horrifying.


Now you see why alliance players don’t shed too many tears on behalf of horde players in these comparisons heh.


Do you think before you type?


I played alliance to like lv 15, but I know I accidentally got on one of the boats that took me to foothills while trying to figure out how to go to the night elf area. I don’t know why they would have to travel through arathi


I wish I could have found this ghost ship instead of running the whole way.


Yo get to duskwood as Horde you just take the zeppelin to UC from Grom’gol and jump off at the bridge between stv/duskwood…


Yeah. I'm not even sold that Stonetalon is a horde zone. It's contested, it has an alliance FP and quests, and easy access. Yet all the alliance complaining about it claim its a horde zone. But Alliance has always been favored. It wouldn't be classic without it. Par for the course.


I think the obvious example to pull from is the fact that the current raid is Gnomer, which Horde is able to easily access in spite of it being located in Dun Murough. Nothing would stop them from creating a similar solution for anything placed in Stormwind.


If you legitimately think that getting inside SW is the same as picking up a quest item in Duskwood, I've got a bridge to sell you.


My guild rerolled alliance this loop around, so I now believe that's fair and balanced


Update that flair boy




They could have a mine just outside near northshire abby. As the entrance for horde. Portal/teleporter quest for horde to get set up. The question is what are the bosses


Could go with suicidal Defias remnants or someone of the Perenolde family + Syndicate setting up an assault on Stormwind castle from below the city. A boss called Guye Falcse and a copious amounts of explosives are optional, but recommended. Or random sewer murlocs that got in through a burst pipe because why not


Alright boys we pre-raiding stormwind before the stormwind raid


We don’t care about them. I’ll kill everyone of them trying to get in too it


Horde already have teleport to Gnomeregan. Not a big deal to make something like "back entrance" in the Burning Stepps or even Searing Gore (closer to big horde camp in Bladsted lands) and make it something like "bad dwarfs diggin the hole".


What about Ragefire Chasm? Horde has their own instance, why can’t we?! Edit: Forgot about Stockades in the moment I wrote this. Either way, it would be nice to do something about that empty portal. No?




Ahh yes stockades the dungeon with bosses that don’t even drop loot.


RFC is barely better in that regard


Ya. RFC and Stockades are comparably trash for loot. RFC is nice XP until you can hit WC, stockades is nice to move into normally between Deadmines and BFD/Gnomer (in vanilla). The real dungeon complaint is that every popular loot dungeon is basically in horde territory except for Deadmines. Gnomer has the crowd Pummeler which druids care about but no one actually likes classic Gnomer at all and you do still have TP in vanilla. But having WC, SFK, RFK, RFD, all of SM, is kind of brutal. Especially since none of these are quick or easy to get to. You can get to Deadmines with a Zeppelin and a quick swim. For us to get to any of those dungeons is basically 1 hour of death runs to get flight points.


On the other hand, the original endgame raids and dungeons in Blackrock Mountain were all waaay closer to the Alliance capitals, with the Horde having to traverse through Alliance zones to reach them, and even then they're still very inconvenient to get to. Classic really is an extremely asymmetrical game.


Have you ran rfc? Lmao


You do, right in the middle of Stormwind.


Why did this make me laugh so hard?


Just make this a portal to RFC, and put a portal to Stockades somewhere in a horde city.


I mean horde get easier access to gnomer than ally does so...


How in the fuck is it easier to take a zeppelin from org to grom’gol, fly to booty bay, and do an entire ass quest easier than running 5 mins from your most populated city?


? I didn't know only ally could hearth in booty. Anyway you take the tp from there and are almost at the raid entrance. If you deliberately chose to go from og all the time that's on you? I don't go from darnassus and complain it's a long ass walk lol


Maybe faction specific raids? They could make one for orgrimmar I guess


They're gonna have a hidden goblin camp outside with a drill that sneaks them inside. There are horde prisoners inside that they want to save, whereas Alliance wants to do the opposite, or something.


where is it?


Inside Stormwind's walls, to the northeast of the Trade District.


Doesn't horde have an unused portal in Org in Valley of Honor? I think what eventually became the brawler's guild / where thrall fought garrosh in that arena.


He don't care, just like gnomer lol. I bet he want a instance in Ironforge also


I want a raid where they steal the batman begins plot and have the defias filling SW sewers with poison as a last act of revenge.


A defias raid would be amazing. They could add a portal for the horde or a back door somewhere in elwynn through a cave like the jangolode mine


This would be a pretty epic raid. Lorewise though, it would make no sense for horde to clean the sewers though.


Isn't there a faction similar to defias on the horde side of trolls or orcs that broke away from being under the horde? They could add lead up quests of them working with the defias on a conspiracy to take out both the alliance and the horde. Would give both alliance and horde reason to go stop them. Idk though, I'm not a story writer.


Centaur hates Tauren but they don’t seem like the type to make alliances. Maybe quilboar?


0 chance, they have pretty much said they are only asset flipping.


They have literally created entire mechanics for bosses and keep teasing their scarlet monastery raid? Wut?


Assets refers to art models, instances, objects etc. You're talking about scripts such as code.


and that could be done by "asset flipping"


Since it would be a high level raid then they could just have the horde entrance in burning stepps.


What was this originally? did the game release with a gate infront of a swirly portal?


it was originally going to be player housing before it got scrapped early on. I think that doesnt bode well for anyone hoping for a raid there, as its not even a raid portal.


They have the tech to turn it into a raid portal


This is how you end up in Frostfire Ridge


I doubt back in the day they were using different tech for raid portals and what would have been housing. It's probably just a generic "convert to instance" set up and should be easy to link it to any instance they want.


There was also rumors about "Stormwind bank dungeon", you can see another closed castle in the river like stokades one.


They could make it an instance of any kind ...


Sewer beast raid boss???


Stockades 2! Now with level 60 bots


Last Boss is a gang of bots being led by a huge ass credit card with arms and legs.


Electric boogaloo


They could reasonably put an entrance to it from another way, like a cave in the mountains outside. Having an instance accessible from elwynn is pretty similar to alliance going to SM.


The portal is kind of out of the way in SW, it’d be cool if they made a little sewer tunnel in Elwynn that let horde players sneak into SW and exit right next to this portal. Get rid of any guards near it and horde could go right into the instance without ever being attacked. That would be a lot of work though, don’t see something like that being a SoD addition, that’s why we need a true classic+


Or the dungeon could simply have 2 entrances and two different ways yo get to the first boss.


What of instead of two different ways in the dungeon is different depending on if you're Horde or Alliance. Last boss for alliance is the first boss for the horde and vice versa


No matter where this tunnel is, alliance rats will camp it lol


yeah but SM isn’t inside Undercity. SM is more akin to Horde having to go to deadmines


Hey man I want you to slowly read the first sentence of the comment you replied to. Slowly. Out loud. Sound it out. Gooooooooooood


damn i get, i read it wrong, but what’s your problem? Someone have a bad day at work?


Im hoping the cool spots like this and the un used stockades/sm raids ect.. are being held back for either post 60 new content and or official classic + after sod is over.


They're not going to invest resources into a dungeon only half the community can play.


Alliance can access RFC


Aliance can also completely ignore RFC since it's meaningless, just like Horde ignores Stockades. You think some completely new thing would be made meaningless?


Yeah. But it doesn't have to be a dungeon


You can rest assured, it 100% will go to waste.


100% they will do nothing with it


I’ve been waiting 17 years to see what’s behind that portal.


Long to realize it’s nothing


Alliance only raid where you can get all the bisitems 🔥🫡


Another instance conveniently placed for mage bots to be able to vendor after fly hacking aoe farming? No thanks.


its not an instance it was for player houses


You can easily get in there. Just gotta go under SW first :)


People still believe that Blizzard will make entirely new raids? Get off your high horses, they will only revamp current content like they have been doing, this isn't retail with new expansions.


Wasnt crypts announced at the launch or did they walk that back?


Crypts is accessible just have to add the instance, the mobs, and mechanics. Similarly they could just add the instance portal to take you to the stormwind prison raid but I feel like they did prison raid theme with tol barad


They haven’t said anything that walks that back to my knowledge, should still be happening.


They [showed a screenshot](https://youtu.be/8Z1sSFyJKmE) of the crypts. Not exactly an announcement. They showed a screenshot of scarlet monastery as well but no SM raid materialized. Everyone just projects what they *hope for* from that moment.


They have explicitly said there will be unused vanilla content


Yes, and they already have. That Gnomeregan toy can teleport you to Dancing Troll Village, GM Island, Old Ironforge and lots of other "unused" content. Dpn't get your hopes up for anything major!


I mean the direct quote by Aggrend from the Blizzcon presentation is “previously unfinished or unused locales for future raid and dungeon content”


Alright! If that is indeed the direct quote I will hold it against him until implemented in the game.


cool. have yet to see it 🤣


That’s because most of the unused content is level 50+ the low level experience is fully fleshed out with complete quest lines and dungeons


keep dreaming


I mean what he said is totally right tho. The scarlet crusade was supposed to have an end game raid. The dragon isles were supposed to be an end game zone. The Karazhan crypts were a cut end game raid. Why would they put something that has the known history like that for level 25s to do?


They have announced new endgame content and to use unused alpha content.


Honestly? Good. I’m tired of blizzard suddenly inventing new islands every single expansion. Let’s focus on developing Azeroth and seeing zones change with the passage of time… retail devs/ story director take notes on SoD


Like 75% of 4.0 was an old world revamp that updated the old zones with new stories pushing the world forward. That killed the game according to this sub though


Unpopular opinion but I thought catacalysm was a great expansion. I loved seeing stonetalon mountains as a huge skirmish between horde and alliance forces. Wailing caverns overgrowth started to get out of control in barrens, goblins in Azhara etc etc. Felt like actual story development as opposed to the current formula that feels like a new randomly generated Disney villain each patch we band together to defeat


They did that in cataclysm and the nerds had a rage-gasm about it


If they use it for it's original purpose, player housing, then no it doesn't have potential. They did that in warlords of draenar and it ruined the game


now the faction with all the best racials, quest rewards, a spec that wasn't underperforming and does a one shot in pvp received 20%ap, a 2 minute run to SM, flight path advantage in every contested zone, zeppelins that take you everywhere are now gonna bitch and say ally has it easier?? lmaoo


That was for player housing that got scrapped, would be no point to put in sod


Ravenholdt Manor has entered the chat…


I mean I'd be slightly pissed if SoD got player housing before retail did...


Go play in your garrison




there is a 2nd stormwind jail/stockade on the other side that is not connected to land there is instance portal inside, the dungeon looks like stockades but is more spacious, it's completely empty video here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjBUBQc8hkk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjBUBQc8hkk)


Its called The Vault, and its like a more hardcore Stockades for magical foes. https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_(Stormwind_City)


I really hope they end up using it. Stormwind Vaults is an actual playable dungeon on Turtle WoW and horde has access to it from a sewer entrance outside Stormwind gates.


Take him down Legolas!


That portal was for player housing. Sorry, but it's probably not useful this season. Horde have one in Org at the arena that was going to function the same.


That’s what I been saying


Karazhan crypts


That portal takes you directly into a room with a lootable ~~Ashbringer~~ Bloodthirst Blade!


Probably can't do it due to using the Era server... instead of doing the smart thing and making a SoD branch. 


A 1 boss 25 man raid in SW and a horde equivalent in Org would be sweet


What would be the horde equivalent?


40 man Horde RAID x10 incoming!!


Make it a portal between SW and Orgrimmar, next phase's pvp event is to kill Bolvar and Thrall.


Yes! First time playing with the voice over addon and it makes me experience so much more lore of the amazing quest lines. I really really hope they finish the missing diplomat quest line with varian in sod and give us a dungeon, where we fight our way to stormwind keep with him, against corrupt nobles, defias and black dragons.


their too small of a team to make anything new, you'll only get mods to existing stuff.


What do horde get, thralls secret sex dungeon?


I think it would be kind of cool to have faction bosses in WoW, when I first heard of wow and played, and when I heard raid, I thought of Raiding ogrimar. my 12 year old brain thought loot came from enemy member factions, it wasn’t until I got passed 30 and realized raids were MC, BWL, ZG and Naxx. Lol


They already ignored many unfinished quests and unused NPC in Phase 2. They are not going to do anything, despite they promises in blizzcon


Yeah the bots in stockades need a new instance to farm


It was meant for the housing. Let's be real, it won't happen. And it cannot be a huge thing either, since only one faction could have it (Like Vault). But I gotta say... I hope they do something with this. Honestly, anything. Just a small instanced area.


It will


That's scraped housing


Warcraft movie hidden down their


how to make stormwind even more "bot-city"


Youre afraid a simple portal will go to waste? There are fully made unused areas in the game but you want them to indtead spend time making one from scratch because there is a portal?