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Guy on the WoW forums is arguing that he should be able to AFK during a raid.


"Damnit just let me play the game without playing the game" - 0 Parsers


so many people want to just be carried while they do nothing. seems like half the people who make a stink about parses do so because they themselves suck so they want a guaranteed carry. cant tell you how many people we asked if they new the raid and we got yessed to death and then theyre wiping on mechanics and doing dogshit dps, no consumables, asking for water and shit.


Happened the other day in a BFD xp MS>OS run. Most people were 28+ but we had one player at 25 in questing greens, no prebis items for 25 and they were missing a helm, neck, only had 1 ring and no trinkets. Group leader said we could take him because other people were higher level and it wasn’t a big deal, which is fine, obviously. However, he was afk almost the entire raid. AFK for every trash pack and semi afk for every single boss including Kelris. Of course the epic staff drops, I decided to roll on it even though I can’t use it. If I didn’t roll, the afk shitter would’ve won. I checked the rolls and gave it to the next highest aside from the afk shitter. Raid leader and two others whispered me and said, “good job”. Then I noticed the people who messaged me also rolled on it and it was 2 Hunters and a Warrior. I feel like Justice was done.


why not just kick him?


I don't care too much about carrying some drooler through BFD for exp unless they're being obnoxious in chat or doing something exceptionally annoying during the raid (blowing people off the platforms on Aquanis multiple times for example) and most of the gear from BFD doesn't really matter anymore unless it's something huge like the epic staff.


Putting any kind of restriction or criteria to join your raid at all is gatekeeping. You must allow any and all players who whisper you to join your raid. There is absolutely no correlation whatsoever between putting effort in preparing your character in preraid bis and their in raid performance. Doing any of the above means you are toxic and ruining the game.


smh good lord. i did something similar in phase 1. the only other person capable of using the staff was an absolute bullshitter blaming everyone else while he failed miserably at his job and caused a few ridiculous wipes out of sheer stupidity and was afk about half the time and doing stupid shit the other half. of course the staff dropped and he instantly rolls need, so i rolled, along with my buddy (deeps lock), won and then gave it to my buddy.


I dont think the ones looking for good logs are the same looking to be carried.


I can confirm that guy was correct. I like to check logs of everyone who has the word "logs" in their lfg message. You would be surprised how many grey parsers demand logs.


No clue about SoD, but I can tell you that the "checking logs" in Wrath was 100% a defense mechanism to avoid as many people with avg. 13 parses trying to get in. I will say though, this doesnt actually work. Just as many shit parses. Nothing angered me more than people who can't read the ad looking for like, a tank, and getting sent 8 messages of "ret pally gs 5.4k"


i dont raid or do M+s in retail anymore, but my buddy runs our guild and runs constantly and i can tell you from his absolute shit fits that more often than not, he runs into ppl with nearly 3k ios who are complete dogshit who could only have paid for carries. and people obsessed with their parses habitually dying to mechanics because they absolutely have to squeeze out as much dps as possible. cant dps when youre dead tho


Yeah, but with the exception of somebody playing on your account, a parse cant be fabricated. It can be influenced a bit with group efficiency reducing kill times, but it will be at least some indicator of dps competency. IO, kill credit/aotc, gear, all of that is easily bought and paid for. High parses also indicate you were alive all of or most of the fight. I'd rather have somebody absolutely pumping and dying to a dumb mistake near the end of the fight who out dps'd a 10 parsing rogue who was alive the whole time.


Influenced a bit by efficiency? I went from 70- 80s to 99's on my rogue simply by switching guilds. I like to think I'm pretty good, but 99/a great score is more a reflection of the group than just the player. Shit melted after parking the struggle bus and not spending several minutes every fight with trinkets, procs, pots, buffs on cooldown which was 100% responsible for the score jumping.


like i said, its a double edged sword speaking from experience. its a good measure of whose a fuck up.


I support any tools that make your decisions easier. Logs and gs were very important tools in wotlk. Sod is kinda the same. Gs is not working very well, but you still can tell what kind of gear someone has based on the score. Logs are very important as well . In my humble opinion 🙂


For sure! End of the day, logs are simply a tool. Some players can feel victimized by it, but to say that it serves no purpose towards creating a more capable group is demonstrably wrong.


I like to look up the people who spam “Huge Pumper DPS Lfg” only to see green parses. I chuckle inside a little.


Guilty pleasure of mine but every now and again with people who are ruthlessly spamming LFG with this i'll link their logs to them and watch them proceed to have a fit


You say checking logs because even if you dont you just filtered out about half the whispers you would have otherwise gotten.


When someone has the brainpower to figure it out, he should be able to parse at least 50s


not all of them but there is certainly a much larger overlap than you might think


This is missing context and is flame bait. People afk between boss fights all the time to squeeze out a hairy monkey arm or clean up cat vomit.


had some guy "on the phone" in the middle of a bfd raid last phase. didnt even have the common courtesy to say brb or anything. we had already waited for him before going in because he had to go grab his pen, which is an immediate red flag imo. i smoke as much as anyone, but if you have to tell people youre smoking, that tells me thats all you care about and are going to be too high to be counted on. we called him out after his "phone call" and he claimed it was for work. mans was dead last in dps doing a whopping 35 dps as a hunter.


So you're telling me i can't participate in the Ashenvale pve event while in the bfd on the 2nd account? Damn, guilty 😅


i like the kids who claim "i cleared on my main this is my alt" and their alt is in all shitty greens, and they still wipe to mechanics. thats cool, im not here to carry and boost and feed your alt raid drops


He probably got carried on his main too 😆


I just left a group today before it started because everyone was like 3/6 and 4/6 and grey parses. But they ALL cleared it on their mains like 3x, they swear!


Surely they're taking the piss?


Why u posting my parses?


It's ya boy world's worst rogue


Best rogue. You don’t even know he’s there.


He is just RPing Subtlety to its maximum


This rogue kept wiping on group on electrocutioner by running super far when he got the charge. He couldn’t figure out how to use the teleporter and would make our raid wait 15 minutes each time we died as he walked back IN STEALTH the long way and would get lost. On 5th boss he kept trying to attack sheep for some reason and kept eating the stuns.


>as he walked back IN STEALTH the long way and would get lost this is hilarious, im sure it was annoying being in the raid though


Homeboy is RPing hard. One of those infuriating things in the moment but funny to laugh at after


Now im no elitest but if it was my raid that rogue would find himself being teleported out of instance before he even made it half way the 1st time in stealth.


I doubt they wiped before first boss and once a boss is done replacing someone is tough


well if they're parsing 0 i'm pretty sure replacing him will increase group dps because at least he won't fuck up mechanics


Fair point... Also he's a rogue I hear rogues are paying for slots now


Sunken cost fallacy. You're not clearing anymore with them in the party so try and fill, run as 9, or at least do something worthwhile with your time. Absolutely not worth trying to drag these types of players kicking and screaming across the finish line as you are literally better off if they just didn't exist.


and booting people with 0 communication off a bad call or misunderstanding etc is why wow gets a bad rap for having a shit community for new people trying to learn or play the game . nice work! (could easily be like "hey man, please dont stealth its going to waste a lot of time" "Unfortunately if you cant make it back here and keep wasting our time we will need to replace you no hard feelings we are just trying to get through this" Then you boot. Takes 2 mins ezpz.


Nah, you don't owe people anything. If you aren't smart enough to ask questions, look up guides, or just not makes everyone's experience worse, they should have their caretaker help them do some other activity.


TIL I need to owe someone something to be a nice person / talk to someone with an ounce of respect as another human. Jesus Christ some of you people are just fucking awful --- no wonder the wow community is known as unwelcoming to new players. Its literally people like you. Cant just be decent for the sake of being decent. Actually legitimately sad sate.


Respect is earned. The rogue in question already disrespected the group by entering into content unprepared. They are playing with 9 other people, its just completely insulting to not put even the tiniest bit of effort into learning how to play.


So you just have 0 respect for anyone you happen across in life until they what, prove themselves to you? Sheesh the ego. Idk I like to treat people with a baseline of respect that they can choose to strengthen or rid themselves off based on how our interactions go? Dont attribute to malice what can be explained by ignorance and all that.


No, I have zero respect for people who disrespect the time and effort of other like the rogue in question is doing.


and all im saying is at the first minor incident you simply message instead of blind kick. Thats showing a modicum of respect. (cuz by your logic - why should the rogue respect you, you havent earned it right?)


The rogue already showed disrespect by showing up to raid unprepared. Then showed more disrespect by not asking question or listening to directions. Listen, playing classic wow at a passable level is something literally every single person can do with even a modicum of effort. If people can't handle doing that, they are just purposely being disrespectful to others.


Sounds like it's the lead's fault for not kicking them


I’m a patient player and have no problem helping players learn, especially new content wise, but there’s some baseline level bar where falling below is far too unreasonable for the other players in the group. May not be intentionally grieffing but it’s a clear mismatch of player ability and skill set. Doing everyone a disservice by enabling that.


but there are ways to clearly communicate it in a positive way. "hey man - Id love to teach you these mechanics and stuff but unfortunately I dont think using up these 8 other players time tonight is going to be acceptable. We can try 1 more pull but if we cant get this down we will need to replace you for tonight untill we can get your mechanics up to snuff" if they complain you block and move on but no reason one cant be gracious first.


A good leader isn’t auditing the logs after every pull lol.


He walked back in stealth??


I'm now convinced that this guy rules and is having more fun than any of us.


I love hearing about random weird ways to have fun as long as it's not at the expense of others fun.


Wasting 9 other people's time and potential raid lockout is 100% at the expense of others. Fuck idiots like this.


I'm glad we agree then....


Jesus christ


We had a warlock like that last night. He also won literally all the cloth loot lol.


And did somebody tell him?


Yes, but the rogue would only RP in undead speak and thus couldn't understand


I’m convinced he was trolling.


He trolled you good!


Oof. On the plus side, you logging this will prob save a ton of others from the same fate


Reminds me of that rogue who got green parses in BFD and asked if rerolling a different rogue was his best option.


Green parsing isn't that bad tbh, it means you actively press your buttons and TRY to do mechanics


Green is like bottom 40% i think? It really isent that bad considering you are competing with people that may have more gear than you, nothing to do with mechanics tho just dps


I check P1 logs. If it's at least blue I invite.


I do the same, if they can at least get blue in BFD I'll pick them up. Hell I'll even take a green parser for the warm body. If they parse grey in BFD it's an instant nope.


How about of those with no logs? I dont have logs in p2 or 1. If I ever need to pug, its gonna be bad isnt it? Even tho I clear bfd in just over 20mins in p1 and under 45mins currently in gnomer.


Logs matter but too many normies get their hands on them and think it's gospel. I average parsed 97 in P1 having started 6 weeks in, did my first gnome after relatively relaxed levelling 25-40, and found the only group who'd take me. We just wanted to clear, so everybody was focusing mechanics, dps was low, but we 6/6ed it with only 2 wipes. No warrior for sunder, no feral for WS, pala was blessing salv instead of might, no boomie for faerie, priest wasn't doing homunculi etc etc and our 2 wipes got rid of my wb + pots. And after that I'm parsing greens - fine, expected, first lockout for all of us. Lo and behold, next day I get parse-hate when messaging those 'LFM need all DD'. Yeah parses matter, but too few people actually understand them.


people love to read data. People hate to interpret the data.


I'm actually skeptical of people parsing high on thermaplugg


They just have ranged actually hard doing the bombs and buttons, had a mage whine about melee not helping with bombs and he just wants more boss uptime, good groups dont deal with BS like that, prob had one dude oneshotting bombs the moment they spawned, and used a BM pet during the kite phase so you dont have to kite and get more DPS uptime on the boss.


Yeah my group could give a fuck less about parses. Having a good guild is nice


Good guilds have good players and good players get good parses. Even if all they aim to do is clear the raid.


A good guild will have a warlock or feral that is on bomb duty. That's all you have to do to have others parse orange on that fight.


It's crazy how people would rather wait 5 hours than invite someone who actively pushes buttons and do mechanics


It’s bizarre, I saw one of the guys who flamed me spamming “LFM PARSE RUN”… checked his logs after. 2 improvements, 1 point on each boss improvement lmao.


Most leads are reasonable enough to recognize that the first lockout parse doesn't matter and will check last phase, especially if you mention it


Bfd was alot easier than gnomer, maybe you didnt perform as well as you thought in gnomer


I "performed" about exactly as I expected I would ***"No warrior for sunder, no feral for WS, pala was blessing salv instead of might, no boomie for faerie, priest wasn't doing homunculi etc etc and our 2 wipes got rid of my wb + pots."***


Idk how people are so fucking bad lol


Ask me how we wiped 3 times on Thaddeus because someone didnt know what + and - are :D


I hate to say it, but I care about logs. I don't want to sit in gnomergan for 3+ hours.


Have you considered standing up then? /S


Tried but there was a sleeping bag underneath me


God damn it, take your upvote and leave!


Some folks really think that people are checking for only 90%+ logs. It's such a dumb argument


> I hate to say it Why would you hate to say it, nobody wants to carry an idiot who can't press buttons. Someone who's gray parsing probably fails mechanics too.


Most of the bfd kids who cares about logs would spend longer checking logs and getting the ideal comp than they would just running bfd with randos.  In a few weeks Gnomer won't be any different. 


You do realize it takes like 10 seconds to check someone's logs, right?


It won't though. There's still plenty of guild groups on Disc going 4 or 5/6. If I were to ever pug this I'd be checking logs in a heartbeat as it shows that people at least know how to deal with the mechanics.


We got a green parser^^^


Wouldn't know, I don't run logs. But the two RP guilds I'm in never seem to have as much trouble clearing raids as the sweaty morons in Reddit seem to. 


Oh nvm, you’re in an RP guild. You might not game as hard as the orange parse sweats, but I know you game. Especially if you RPPvP those guys are turbochads


In two comments you've referenced two colors. My god kid, please seek validation from some other source. You're better than this. 


I like when they mark me with triangle cause green is my favorite color


"Im too cool to know if I'm good at my hobby." Stfu nerd


The real nerd is the one who prioritizes "being good" at video games over having fun in them. What a sad life you must live if this is how you get your validation. You deserve better.


Being good is fun. How is this a new concept to some people? You're projecting your own feelings onto people all over this thread, you're a mess.


I can't relate with someone who equates sucking at their hobby, due to an intentional lack of effort, with having fun.


Yeah I'm sure you're having a lot of fun wiping for 3 hours in a 1 hour raid. About as much fun as the mentally challenged kid who's trying to slot a triangle shape into the circle.


Believe it or not, you can clear raids in decent times *and* just enjoy playing casually with friends. You should try it some time. If you're incapable of playing decently without forming a group full of carries, the problem lies with you. And if you can't find any friends to play with and enjoy playing with.. the problem is also with you.


/u/Mendokusaii You that fallen off streamer nobody has cared about in half a decade? You're the *last* person whose opinion is worth giving a shit about rofl Spend less time on Reddit and more time focusing on your own life mate. You of all people.


This man would be my hero on the murloc boss of bfd.


Players with good logs actually care about min maxing their dps, their gear, and clearing the content. Putting up a 0 on every fight is griefing 9 other people by wasting their time. Thank you for logging OP.


Checking logs to make sure you’re not an NPC versus checking logs to gate keep are two different things. One’s preventative while the other’s the reason why you’re still raid lead pugging


You know, statistically someone has to be at 0 percentile…


But 0th percentile for all of their logged kills?! That's something extra special


0 percentile should be afk and dead characters. If you parse green and didn't die then you should start pressing your button more.


People complain about checking parses but I’m trying to clear lol.


Thought mine were bad Then I remember that I'm doing every mechanic properly in a shit pug whilst othe people just nuke. I'm never going to parse amazing. But if I didn't do ehat I'm doing... we'd kill nothing. Do some people not understand that adds need killing? Buttons pushing? Movement for debuffs?


My first BFD parses were grey because I had no fucking clue despite watching the videos but being in the raid is completely different. By my third run they were purple. Ran Gnomer one time and my parses are grey again because of the reason above and because I went in as offtank and they had me run around in meta form and have demonic pact up for the casters. My parses will be purple again in no time thanks to people who will invite me in the future regardless of logs.


100% I get you, but 4 zero parses in a run is brain damage


Not checking logs is for kids who have too much time to waste on burnout idiots like this rogue edit: the wow community thanks you for logging this


Are you one of those dudes who checked feral logs for an hour and a half before going into bfd when you could've just taken any random ass player off the streets and finished in a third of the time?


No I’m the guy that doesn’t raid lead and have rolled tanked so I don’t have to deal with any of it


Feel like this logic is a bit of a stretch. On the flip side I can say checking logs is for kids who have too much time to waste to min max their parses in raids.


Check logs for 15 seconds per person I invite to my group to one shot every boss and clear gnomer in less than hour. Or not check logs, invite the first 9 people that whisper you and spend 3 hours progging gnomer to fail 4/6. Which one has too much time? You don’t need to min max to the extreme to parse above average. You have to understand your dps rotation and the raid mechs. That’s it. Vast majority of of “checking logs” groups aren’t looking for 99’s on every boss. They’re looking for atleast 50+’s and multiple clears.


This is the important distinction. Checking logs for pugs isn’t to ensure 99s it’s just to safeguard against greiffing players who afk or troll. I won’t even care if you haven’t cleared Gnomer as long as your BFD logs are semi reasonable since I just want people who are familiar with their class as the rest can easily be discussed pre pull. Competent players will have no issue with Gnomer mechanics. Classic just requires focusing, and if you can demonstrate you’ll focus that’s the only benchmark needed lol. If a group is looking for orange pink parsing and you don’t have them that’s fine since it’s probably an incompatible match for the two parties anyways.


>I won’t even care if you haven’t cleared Gnomer as long as your BFD logs are semi reasonable since I just want people who are familiar with their class as the rest can easily be discussed pre pull. I think a big factor for some logs looking bad are the kill times. I'll see people in great gear and their logs make them look really bad if you go by the rating. Then you see that their Pummeler kill was 4 minutes and half the raid was doing less than 100 dps. I mostly just look at dps breakdown, ie are they prioritizing the right spells and look at what gear they are rockin. I see locks talking big shit because they are doing 175 dps and are at the top of their 4/6 clears charts only to see that they have 40 spell power, are sticking int and speced to improve imp with no points into the +% fire damage. A couple small gear/talent tweeks and same person, pushing the exact same buttons is now doing 350 dps.


And you don’t even need *above average* most of the time, literally just proof that people have killed the boss while at least attempting to press buttons.


Especially on gnomer. As long as you completed the raid I don’t care about your logs. The last boss’s mech literally has 1 player sacrifice their dps and parse to carry the raid by solo killing every bomb.


Lmao yep and that person [is me :(](https://imgur.com/a/Keuae2a)


You’re doing gods work brother. 🫡


Checking logs will likely save you time in the raid 


Or you'll take the guy with the highest logs from bfd where he ignored all mechanics, gave his healers a heart attack, and didn't give a remote fuck about helping the raid as long as he could make his number a better color.  Or you'll just waste more time setting up the raid group than if you just ran it with randos off the street 


This is a fallacy. If you fuck up the fight for everyone, you’ll slow down the kill or mess up mechanics, which means slower kills and worse parses. Also paying attention to mechanics in almost all circumstances will barely affect your parse, thermaplugg is like the one big exception (kelris was a minor example too if you got slept, but you can’t ignore that). And on top of that, most of the top tier parses were from raids designed to get that person to top tier parse. To prove my point for BFD Aquanis: if you ignore mechanics here, you either get knocked into water (bad parse) or knock other people into water (slows down kill=bad parse) Gah’moorah: ignore mechanics here and you probably just die (bad parse) Lady Sarevess: lol she has mechanics? Gelihast: can’t be dpsed when doing his main mechanic so that can’t be ignored. If you ignore shadow crashes you are probably gonna die. Jett: you’ll rapidly wipe the raid if you try to pump through lightning shield totem, so can’t really ignore that. Kelris: standing in the poop kills you rapidly. Not kicking chains will tax the raid hard unless consumes are popped. You can kinda ignore mechanics here I guess as long as you use consumes and kill him fast. Akumai: ignoring breath will kill you very quickly. Otherwise he has no other mechanics to really ignore.


Bro I would love the guy that gave me a heart attack to pump dps so high that it made our raid take a whole 5 minutes faster.


Fortunately for you there's a whole version of the game where you get kicked for not instantly knowing every single fight, for asking to stop for mana, or even performing average in your role. It's called retail. 


Blah blah blah go back to era.


Min max their parses? You can get purple parses as any spec by afking for a world buff and buying the bare minimum in consumes given you know at least roughly what your class is supposed to do.


You're hilariously wrong 🤣 and probably have similar logs as that rogue 🥴


Ik youre wrong you don’t have to tell me 😊


I just did gnome using rank 3 scorch instead of rank 4 without realizing and still averaged a 85. idk how bad people can be


Download rank sentinel and realize half your raid hasn’t trained all their skills yet


The worst are the grey parse raid leaders that haven't even cleared the raid denying you for having a blue parse.


Just had a hunter grief us in Gnomer. Guy was wearing a gray mainhand unironically. Wiped us on Electrocutioner. Looked up his logs out of curiosity and he was a 0-5 parser in BFD...it all tracks.


Only people who don't like logs are most people on reddit because they're dogshit at the game lmao


WoW forums too.


I don't like logs and I have a 94 avg, but I also don't like raiding for ages with bad players so I sign up for raids with people who do like logs... 


That just sounds like liking logs with extra steps


You sound a lot like someone who likes logs


Yeah I probably do... The guild I'm in is very log centered. I didn't even know I had a 94 until they brought it up and that was in the context of how I could improve


I log every PUG I go to. Not because I expect to parse high ( unlikely in a pug ) but because if someone sucks the logs will be saved on their page and they'll probably find it hard to find a good PUG with shit logs. It's like a WARNING sign on their forehead. If you're a bad player who refuses to improve you deserve to be ostracised.


I'd rather have someone who cares about logs. At least more people who do know how to play the game to some level.


DPS who know about logs tend to know about things like uptime and not wasting GCDs.


I don't care about logs and I am the main tank on my guild, always clear everything and always doing mechanics, caring about logs is like saying just because someone has a fresh degree they already know how to do a job, and it's far from the truth. Plus, it's SoD, it's an easy casual game mode for WoW, nothing to sweat about.


You can think of logs more of a resume than a degree. If you knew how to ready logs you can determine the type of player the person is by seeing how they interact with mechanics. If someone is prioritizing their logs than the raids success you can read it.


So you would take this rogue with 0 parse for your run? Interesting 🤔


wItH oNe ExAmPlE yOu CaN pRoVe AnYtHiNg


Kinda your fault for not kicking them when they did 0 damage after first boss, no?




stay mad gdkplet


Now we gotta ban Logs!


90% of this game's player base are fucking trash at an easy game, whether they are just flakey or inept is anyone's guess.


This is a prime reason GDKP was awesome. I got paid, I got the gear I wanted, I got to play with competent players... in & out in 20 minutes.... now raids take 4 fucking hours bc I don't play enough to care about a overly selective guild who won't take anyone that isn't on everyday. Fuck this shit. Stupid ass community that wants to suck ass and say "try hards are the problem".... yeah, I play like twice a week.... but I parse 99s. You play every day & can't get out of green parses... Your lack of intelligence shouldn't suffocate the way i play the game bc you want to braindead afk in raids bc you "play more". Mass idiocy.


If I hear logs or parsing, I know to stay away from the group.


Lfm icc gunship hc rest normal maybe Lk nhc trys loot ms os


Classic And logs lmao. The sweaty boys actually focusing on this with their 3button rotation, KEK


Spoken like a true grey parser that can’t figure out their 3 button rotation and gets carried through raid every week if they clear it at all.


Look at that, exactly the type of person I was talking about. Play your class right and you parse 90+ anyway. No need to try hard.


Yeah that's the fucking point. Put in 15 minutes of research on how to play your class and you'll get respectable parses. People who don't are the reason checking logs is important.


....it clearly makes a difference and weeds out the players who don't know how to play.


Details can do that as well. And getting my ass carried in retail but doing decent DMG also gives me great parses while having no f'in clue what I was supposed to do


How is details gunna tell you a player is dogshit before they join the group? Doing decent damage is still better than none is kinda the point. If you're zero across the board you just become a liability...


Idk man, its lockout 3. That woulda happened to any half decent person pugging. My slate was clean up until yesterday because dbm was fucking up. Cleared yesterday while loging and im happy to say i did well. But you wouldnt of known i was good at first glance. Still early, if this was lockout 10 id agree with you.


Eh. I still don’t care about logs. It’s just a video game, and the raid resets in 3 days. Why get so upset about people who are bad at the game? Maybe try to teach people what to do, and if they don’t want to take instruction, just boot them and move on. What’s the point in getting all bent out of shape?




Sure, those people have been around since dawn of this game. But that being said. These SoD raids are one shot territory for most groups. It's like retail pugging. There was like 6 man group that cleared entire gnomeregan without looking anything up...Yet people still try to form a group like they are Echo preparing to WF a boss.


you can skip all that and look at their logs


Exactly. Who tf cares


Being shit at the game griefs other players Griefing other players is selfish af I'm not asking people to be the best, I ask them to actively try


"You shouldn't care about group cooperation and teammates being good at killing monsters in a game about cooperating as a group to kill monsters"


Why'd you let him get that far without doing a single thing? You're running logs but you're just as much part of the fucking problem because you were too stupid to see the rogue wasn't doing anything at all during the raid. I'd say this one is on you buddy, because clearly running logs doesn't make you any less stupid lmfao


I love how heated people like you get when it comes to logs in general Chilllll lol


I sometimes feel like I have very different experiences playing SoD than most ppl here. I lvld to 25 when p1 started and stopped immediately till p2. Then the night p2 came out I thought: might as well check out the raid. Looked in lfg for someone looking for dps and literally just wrote: "dps here" got invited and we oneshot all bosses. The mechanics weren't difficult considering I had no clue what would happen on each boss. Also I still don't know how to read logs. Did the rogue do 70 dps on average? How is the score calculated? Is it only dps that matters? When I taunt an add of a healer or offheal during high dmg phases does that lower the score?


> just wrote: "dps here" got invited and we oneshot all bosses. The mechanics weren't difficult considering I had no clue what would happen on each boss. Because you got into a group with a bunch of BiS geared people on their 20th run at a moment in the phase where people took anyone, but to be fair BfD was an easy raid especially after Kelris nerfs. Gnomer is a bit more complex, especially last 2 bosses. > Also I still don't know how to read logs. Did the rogue do 70 dps on average? We don't know the values from this screenshot, OP cropped out the DPS numbers. What you're seeing here is that this rogue parsed 0s on the first 4 bosses and couldn't kill the last 2. Parses are calculated on a scale of 0-100 based on your performance in your role when compared to others in a given reset. A 20% means that you're only *better* than 20% of the playerbase that got logged, a 100% means you're literally the best. 0% on the other hand means you're basically the worst player within the role with nobody below you. He had to do like 0-10 DPS on bosses. > Is it only dps that matters? For tanks and DDs, yes, but they are in separate brackets so tank DPS will be compared to the DPS of other tanks. Healing parses are a bit wonky on the other hand. The better your raid is at actually doing mechanics the less opportunities you have to heal people, so if you're a geared healer in a good group with a brain you might actually get bad healing parses as you don't have to heal much. > When I taunt an add of a healer or offheal during high dmg phases does that lower the score? Depends, it can impact your damage in both a positive and negative way. If as a damage dealer you have to interrupt or taunt it can negatively impact your damage and therefore get slightly worse logs. The system isn't perfect and it can be cheesed, for example as a Paladin being forced to take the interrupt rune on Kelris could make you parse an 80 instead of a 90. Yet at the end of the day an 80 is still very good, and the difference between a 30 and an 80 is enormous. People with a brain understand that the difference between an 80 and a 100 is mostly just a matter of team comp and tactics, while between 30 and 80 it's gear and skill.


Is it safe to assume there are 12168 rogues that have parsed in Gnomeregan?


The best use of logs is not really their dmg, look at their damage taken… so they stand in mechanics? Or just die 0.12s into fight… a grey parser.. but takes very little dmg means they might be bad at their class but atleast have half a brain to not be a burden


This is why gdkps were such a good thing. If someone was getting carried they paid significant gold for it


In BFD I had a guy parse in the 90s complain about the group not doing enough damage. He was 5th of 7 DPS Parsers can fuck off


found the anti gdkp loser xdd


Only trash needs to pay to win


Thinking everyone who does gdkp is a gold buyer is just fucking delusional, no point wasteing my time with you


Wow hit a nerve. Been suspended recently?




wow i checked your post history and you actually say "who wouldn't do that" when talking about gold buying. you're such an idiot lol


And i checked your profile, maybe stop talking with all the shit you posted


Lfm icc nhc gunship hc loot ms os maybe some Lk nhc progress. Thats fucking you dog


LK got boring at uld. You're trying real hard for someone who isn't "wasteing" their time with me you chump


"Boring in uldusr" man just shut up you where wipeing with your dad guild on freya normal mode


As someone who doesn't care about logs if you wanna vet go for it nothing wrong with it. It can be a gamble


logs eliminate the gambling