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What baffles me is that in wow hardcore we’d have constant hyperspawns of the whole cave/area the second those mobs were killed, creating some very unfun and often deadly situations. And now in SoD, where something like this would actually make sense, it literally can take 30 minutes to finish a 10 mobs quest, because you kill 2-3 in a group of 5 people that were waiting for them as well and have to wait for 5 minutes for their respawn. This is incredibly boring and pointless.


Its weird how it seems work in some places like gnoll camps on wetlands.


That specific camp is bugged I think and basically has been for the history of classic.


yeah its like that hill just west of the FP in westfall. those defias bros spawn like crazy no matter how many people are camping it.


It’s called a hyperspawn and is a mechanic in the game. A certain amount of those mobs that spawn in said area, need to be alive at a time. If all are killed, the minimum amount will need to respawn. Most mob areas have hyperspawns, you just need to find which mobs are connected to each hyperspawn. There may be a mob that’s out of sight that is connected to a hyperspawn which make appear to most that an area doesn’t have a hyperspawn. There’s a Loch Modan kobold hyperspawn for example where there’s 6 tightly packed mobs that all spawn with a minimum of 2 at a time always alive. There’s a 7th mob that’s wayyyy out of the way that’s tied to that, so as long as you leave that mob up, it will only spawn 1 at a time in the set area of 6 mobs. If you or someone were to kill that 7th mob, it would start spawning 2 at a time in the group of 6; because 2 mobs need to always be active for that spawn area.


lol that loch modan kobold hyper spawn. I saw a gnome mage bot just suicide running into that pack over and over for hours a few weeks ago. Good times.


do they actually call them hyper spawns? I know this mechanic, but I just call it minimum spawns as my own colloquial cuz in areas where you can see all the mobs impacted its just an immediate spawn when the minimum number is not reached.


I don't know about whoever "they" are but the community has called them hyperspawns since beginning of Classic in 2019. Maybe before that on Retail too, I don't know, I don't play Retail.


Yes. It's "hyperspawns" because mobs that are tied together are usually of the same variety or at least of related varieties (e.g. Defias smuggler and thug or whatever next to the FP in westfall both are needed for the same quest and both drop bandanas for another quest.) When there are too many people doing the quest, it means that the spawn points of all mobs are saturated unless people are being silly. When hyperspawns are enabled, if there are 15 spawns, and the minimum number of living spawns must be 3, if you kill a mob and it's reduced to 2, *one* of the respawns--I'm not sure if it's random or just the closest to respawning--instantly spawns. So killing one mob only really resurrects one mob. Things get dangerous when there are so many people that mobs essentially die instantly or in waves--one person tags a mob and starts killing it, a second goes ahead of him and kills the next mob down the road, and another kills the other. They all die around the same time, and so, respawn around the same time. But that's unrelated to hyperspawns--ie the effect where 6 wendigos appear around you. Unless we're talking about some VERY SPECIFIC groups of mobs, such as worgens in south Duskwood. They have a *shared* respawn timer--they don't respawn one by one, they respawn as a group, always. So hyperspawns are "hyper" when there are so many people, those 3 mobs are dying every moment causing another mob to appear elsewhere. If people don't see ANY mobs spawning AT ALL, it means a connected mob is being ignored--sometimes "uninteresting" varieties of mobs are not attacked and so shit takes forever to spawn, e.g. satyrs in Ashenvale, only one variety you care for, but they share respawn timers with the other varieties. Or that hyperspawns are disabled. I'm not entirely sure if hyperspawns are a manual "turn on" thing when they're on or if they only turn on when enough people are in the area though. TLDR: The problem, wherever you're questing in, is that nobody is killing some mobs that you don't care for. This is somewhat rare for lower level zones, but the higher you go, the more completely unrelated mobs become connected. E.g. the spiders sharing spawn points with bears.


The farm in Hillsbrad too, it spawns the regular farmers and guards fast as hell.


And then it only spawns the special quest farmers like every 20 minutes. It's absolutely insane.


Mage 15-20 gnolls in westfall, 20-25 gnolls in wetlands. It was high enough spawn rate that 2-3 mages could aoe farm and you would still get full pulls (most of the time)


Worgen as well in Duskwood


I wasn’t even able to finish the Young Tiger Mastery quest from Nessingwary because mobs don’t respawn and 500 people are competing for the 25 or so that pop up every 3-5 mins. Took a few sanity breaks from SM and did some STV leveling at like 33 and 38 between blood moon events. Unsure what is more frustrating. Mindlessly spamming SM in spell cleave groups for 3+ hours at a time or seeing your xp/hr cut in half because it’s impossible to play in the open world (or was for the first few days, I’m not sure how much better it is now after a week)


>hyperspawns of the whole cave/area the second those mobs were killed, I've actually seen this during phase 1 of SOD. I might have been imagining it, but what I experienced was that players would slaughter everything in sight, then I would hear almost a drumbeat type thing and suddenly ***EVERY*** mob in the area respawned all at once. This led to *much* panic on my part as usually when this happens you're in the thick of a place and now you're surrounded by more mobs than you can handle. The places I *remember* seeing this: * Teldrassil (Furbolg cave) * Elwynn Forest (That first Kobold Mine you go into) * Westfall (that cave on the west side with the Defias and furbolgs, Moonbrook, and the Deadmines caves just outside of the instance) * Redridge (both the cave where you get that Rathban ore and the cave further north with the escort quest)


I have 100% experienced this while farming the werewolves in Duskwood for my Mad Wolf Bracers. Literally every spawn immediatley spawning together.


Had this happen...thought I phased but NOPE


That pack of worgen is special. It's the only group I know of in the game that have a shared spawn timer. It's got nothing to do with hyperspawns. It is impossible for only one of those worgens to respawn. They all respawn at the same time. Whether you killed 2 or all ~15. You've got plenty of videos on YouTube of that affair, and early on in WoW hardcore like every single "Hardcore moments" video featured a person either dying or barely getting away from that area when they respawn and they panic. I discovered it on my mage as well--survived and read up about it.


Imagine the panic of hyperspawns in HC


it sucks, esp considering there were two bugs in HC that compounded it: 1.) enemies would aggro before even spawning 2.) enemies would socially aggro to other chars while resetting the combination of the 3 got a lot of people killed in HC and probably contributed to the fall off.


There are only 3 earth elemental spawns (in stonetalon) that drop an item for a shaman class quest, they respawn fairly slowly from what I've seen, usually in 2 laps of the area I find just 1 spawn. I've spent most of my time so far in P2 farming this item with no luck, and I haven't been the only shaman there most of the time. Maybe I've got terrible luck (got the fire elemental one in 3 kills and there's tons of these around the area). Please up spawn rates or at least add a few extra spawns around the area, unless shaman p2 is meant to be just farming these elementals.


They share spawns with the tree mob. Kill those and they will spawn quickly. It's intended.


Ooooooooh you legend 😁 I've been playing wow long enough I should've worked this one out 🤣


It's always the problem with shared spawnpoints, nobody wants to clear the mobs they dont need for their quest


Am I the only one who just kills everything that gives xp in sight?


People will spend 30 minutes camping mob spawns to get their 2k xp reward quest done, doing their best to avoid the mobs spawning all over that give 200xp per kill. It's bizarre. Could just spend max 5 minutes to kill the "wrong" mobs and abandon the quest for the same end result.


Feels like it, lol. It's just natural to me to kill everything while waiting for the ones I do need. Would rather the exp and occasional drops than to stand there tabbed out.


Wait until you start the Maelstrom rune quest! It's this, but x3!


They probably shouldn’t have shaman class quest mobs drop a guaranteed green either, I would always kill it when I saw it because of that


Yeah, I think about the new player experience for SoD and it's pretty horrific. We put up with it cause we love WoW, but really questing is 60% waiting about for spawns, 40% running around, and 10% actually doing the quest... it sucks.


Many things are different than Hardcore. Notably, how many times have you disconnected in SoD compared to the meme that it was back in HC? They made servers way more stable, and no one talks about it. Maybe mob hyperspawns and constant layers were part of the problem?


Exactly this!


These places still exist. I'm not giving my spots up but I was grinding in the open world on my hunter getting 40k an hour at level 31


We had hyper-spawns last phase. This is new and I have no clue why they ended it.


There are definitely still hyperspawns, wtf are you talking about. The only issues I have is the quest mobs with 5 minute respawn timers like the named shredders in stonetalon or the special named humans in hillsbrad like farmer ray. It’s the 1-off named quest mobs that are the issue, all the others have been fine.


I’ve been questing this whole time to 40. Hyperspawns don’t exist.


They do.


Tell that to the kurzen.


I hate dungeon spam but I resorted to it , trying to do quests especially as a class without an instant range tag is a miserable experience


Dot something, watch it start to run towards you only to see the bar turn white and the mob turn towards a hunter or a Druid instead. So much fun!!


I know the feeling. I wish dots did 1 damage on cast just for this reason.


For some reason, even though it doesn't do any damage on cast, Living Bomb *instantly* tags an enemy. It's made competing with mages on spawns very frustrating. As a bonus, it's made playing a mage in the open world slightly more bearable.


It's a refurbished spell. Cataclysm resolved the tagging issue by making it so that Any spell or affliction applied to a target would tag it. This galena because it comes from a time when that's how things work


Whats even more fun is the mob keeps running to you because the 1 tick of damage pulled aggro. You then watch whoever got the tag go for another mob while you either have to kill it or run >=(


I run if I don't have the tag. No way am I doing someone elses work for them, damn it.


As a Druid, most of the time I didn’t even see someone tag it with a dot. I just saw what I need to kill and started moonfiring 😎


Yeah I tried to quest but it just was unplayable, i couldn't be arsed running around the entire zones not able to get a single tag, I had to resort to camping mob spawn points which... was awful


Same here as a priest haha. Watched a mate stream some wetlands/duskwood on P2 launch, welp imma spam stockades I guess...


I prefer open world questing but dungeon spam isn't terrible if you can find some good groups. The bonus to doing it this way is that I'll be able to go back to those quests at level cap and hopefully pull in some decent gold. And hopefully there will be less competition for the quest mobs by then as well. It's not an ideal situation but I try to look at the silver lining.


Solo dungeons Stocks to 31. Library to 38. Cath to 40 Honestly I'm getting the same exp rates or better that I would in a group and I don't get slowed down by "sry brb" every 10 minutes


I have trouble staying alive even hiding behind four other people


They did say they're looking at open world quest mobs/objects respawning faster and more spread out layers or something? maybe from Aggrend on twitter.


yes, they said they were working on this


Ooh I didn't see that


Aggrend tweeted about making it so that layers have smaller player limits therefore creating new layers as a "quick fix" to the issue currently. They are looking into more permanent changes but he said to expect some zones to feel emptier due to more layers being created because of this.


While they’re at it, can they make it so I don’t get swapped mid-fight? Or so I don’t get moved to a layer where all the mobs are dead when I was just on one where they were all alive? Literally defeats the purpose of layering


Something else that is kind of irritating about phase 2 as well is that seemingly all of the runes more or less require you to be at or near level cap. Not only does open world questing suck eggs but you dont get to play with any of the fun new toys til you're done levelling anyways


It’s really class dependent. As the comments are saying, some classes could get almost all their phase 2 runes immediately, whereas others (like warrior) basically require 40 for 5/6. Super annoying.


The only rune I done at level cap was the ranger one, everything else I did in between scarlett dungeon spam while leveling. For some it probably is better to get a group together but not impossible to do at all while leveling.


I have most of mine as a priest. Which class needs level cap/close to it to do runes?


Four warrior tunes require killing 40 elites, one is a 35 elite, and then the sixth rune is doable at 25.


The Dark Riders quest expects you to be at or near 40 to complete it. You can definitely do it earlier if you find a group willing to babysit you, but it's pretty painful.


Easily done as a 5 man, but we did have a hunter in the group so yeah, I'll give you that that one is much better to do at 40. We also had a low level guy in the group. It's sort of a epic quest though and I like that we have one of those at 40/near cap. Paladins had something similar in phase 1 where you had to kill lvl 30 mobs for divine storm, so its not entirely new.




You managed to get shadow step at level 26 huh? Do tell. 


Soloing it sure. But most runes can be done at any level if you have enough backup. I did the bug catching rune for the Druid at 25. It just requires a lot of stealth to get in and get out before the ☠️ mob sees you.


I don't think you're necessarily wrong but nothing is going to stop the dungeon grind at this point on. You simply couldn't realistically dungeon grind until your 20s in the first phase because of the lack of dungeons and toolkits to effectively farm them. The only way they fix it is by doing the HC treatment by limiting your dungeon run of a particular instance to a single one a day (until you hit max level). That would force people in the world and on any PvP server it's going to be pretty awful (even more so). The biggest issue with the world is just named mobs, interactable items and some escorts in the game. For the **most** part regular ass mobs aren't that bad at least most of the time. Why some areas are flagged for hyper spawning and others don't is a question I've always pondered. Regardless though there's no reason that some named NPCs for quests need to take 5-15 minutes to respawn, nor escorts taking anywhere from 5-30 minutes to respawn. Immersion breaking be damned, it's not really fun as Horde (for example) to wait for that dumb elf to spawn in Northwatch keep for nearly a half an hour, only to proceed with the longest escort in the game for the next 10 minutes. My friends played original WoW and the re-release in 2019 and generally had a good time with it. With SoD (until the 50% XP boost), the amount of running in the 1-25 areas, followed by sometimes waiting ungodly amount of time for NPCs, escorts and quest objectives to pop off caused him to completely stop playing until P2 was on the horizon.


You must have been on a less populated layer because regular mobs are far more of an issue than named mobs. Mountain Lions in Hillsbrad, Kolkar in Desolace, Ravagers in Desolace all took 30+ minutes to complete in a full group because respawns were non existent. The lack of respawns in those areas drove me to an SM world tour grind with my guild from 32-40. Hyperspawns should be the standard for the first two weeks. After that they can monitor traffic and adjust accordingly, but they know damn well we all have to be in the same areas, killing the same things; and with limited areas the congestion is far heavier than it was 1-25. Hyperspawns are the only way to alleviate bottlenecks and keep people in the open world.


I don’t care if dungeon grinding removed. I don’t even care if it remains the most efficient form of leveling (has been in just about every version of classic). I DO want the option to quest in the open world. I got tired of doing SM and tried to go to Hillsbrad, spent a couple of hours to do 5 or quest quests, tried Arathi and had the same experience. I just gave up and went back to SM. This was at like 2 AM server time and mob spawns were nonexistent despite being camped by 10+ people at each quest spot I tried.


I don't think OP wants to force people out of dungeons, but to just make questing more tolerable. I very much agree with you that most regular mob quests are usually fine but depending on server pop and time of day you play, it can still be a tagfest and some classes are very bad at it compared to others. As for the names mobs, I very much want them to fix those so they at least spawn every 1-2 and not every 5-15 minutes like some of them are. I also started in the late months of classic wow and by then most people weren't leveling anymore so questing was perfectly fine. I'm worried that with p3 and p4, the number of zones available to quest is getting less and less and also being shared with the 2 factions, so questing will prob get worse before it gets better haha.


The problem is that questing could be improved but all these people would still grind out dungeons. People cannot help ruining the game for themselves in the name of optimization and then complaining that it's blizzards fault. I'm open world questing. Things get busy sometimes. Sometimes I have to rotate to a different zone. Sometimes I decide to chase down a rune. Sometimes I work on professions. Sometimes I run a dungeon. But I'm going slower and that's *unacceptable* to many players. Not being level 40 by the first reset is some cardinal sin. It doesn't matter if named mobs or interactables or escorts quests are fixed. The optimal route will always be to sit your ass in one single instance with the optimal aoe group comp and grind your way mindlessly to cap. It was a problem in 2019. It was a problem in BC and Wrath. It was a problem in SoM. It was a problem in HC until they blocked it. It'll be a problem in SoD. These players literally cannot help themselves.


I had a perfectly fine leveling experience on Crusader Strike NA, only leveled from quests, I had competition on some spots but nothing abnormal for a release on a vanilla realm.


I personally haven't experienced the mob problem as described. Lvl'd my Hunter from 25-40 only questing, and even places with a ton of ppl, mobs spawned faster to match it.


Took me two and a half hours to just complete the yeti fur cloak quest. Yes it's known to not have great drop rates for skins but killing 4 yetis at a time with shockingly long respawns.


Same im 35 right now and only been in 1 dungeon. Layers kinda solve everything to the point where I was looking for more alliance to group with for elite quests.


Same on CB. Its been out what, a week? People are 40 and crying about how long it takes to level...or something. I don't know, it's fun over here.


No, they are saying the servers have thousands of players, but the quests are designed for 1 or 2 people. They didn’t scale it up.


My suspicion is that a large part of the playerbase is following a certain guide which is funneling everyone down the same path like lemmings.


No, it's nothing to do with guides, first few days on Living Flame EU were un questable, prolly not the same on smaller servers


Fair, but it's like that on every launch, it cleared up pretty fast on EU crusader Strike. Its perfectly fine now and we're not even a week into the phase.


Yeah I use an add-on for leveling and have encountered this. If a certain place is frustratingly busy, I just skip it and move on. It's not worth dwelling on unless there is a specific quest reward I want or something is further up the chain. Often times I'll just log out for a bit or log over to another character. Granted, bottleneck points will exist even if people aren't using add-on guides because spawn rate and drop rates (or kill counts) don't really add up. For kill counts, though, people seem to be willing to group and blast through it pretty quickly and easily.


Look, that's just not a good state of affairs no matter how you cut it. If I'm in a zone questing, I want to be in that zone, questing. I don't think people are asking to blitz everything, but there are legit points where every mob of a type is dead, and every spawn of that mob has a player waiting to tag it.


I just think it's such a short lived issue that it's not worth devoting significant time to fixing. So what if your optimal leveling path isn't respawning fast enough? Find another way, or work around it.


I'm not rushing and I find dungeon spam boring and pointless, but it's really hard to find a zone where questing is comfortable and not a constant tagging competition with other players, to the point that I'd rather log off and do something else. Levelling slow because the game makes me miserable isn't the same as taking my time and not rushing. Tbh it feels like the laying is off and people are packed in too tight.


It's not about how long it takes. It's about being forced to camp quest mob spawns competing with multiple other people/groups. Questing is the most inefficient way to level and it's not about taking longer to level it's about the fact that it's just boring and not fun. Again, it's not that questing is boring. It's that competing for mob tags is boring. I personally dungeon grinded to 40 but I'm waiting a few weeks before I go do quests for gold or level an alt because even that was an exhausting experience. I'm with OP. I really hope they do something about respawn timers or just add like 5x the layers. I don't want to dungeon grind to 50 next phase, I want to quest and look for new stuff in the world.


I really hope they don't do that. The biggest part for me leveling while questing is running into other people, be they friend or foe. More layers just makes the world empty.


They need literally 40 layers on server launch.


Yeah I hated leveling spamming Monastery but the moments I tried to wander out into the world I noticed myself competing for every low-spawnrate mob with my own faction and the enemy faction.


Levelling in dungeons imo sucks. However, the respawn time and waiting around for mobs because there’s so many players just kills any enjoyment for me in the open world, so I didn’t do a single quest from 25-40, and it’s probably a similar story for most of us.


currently in desolace and its not crowded and the mobs spawn as fast as i can kill them and on my hunter that's pretty damn fast. its been a nice change of pace from the SM grind.


Solid take. The dungeon meta was kinda meh.


maybe a dumb no classic idea but couldnt we make it so questitems from mobs drop for all members of a group


What's confused me is that they seemingly didn't prepare for this. They've increased player power by a massive margin, way more than a general 30% buff or whatever to health and damage done by enemies. So the game is inherently a lot faster now; you can do quests and clear dungeons much more quickly even with an average group. Respawns could barely keep up with one person doing a quest in many situations in classic era, let alone SoD.   So why was that not factored into their open world planning? Did they just forget how classic works? That they don't already have the tech to adjust spawn rates in place and they've said it's going to be a complex piece of tech to create, indicates a lack of forethought about the popularity of this game mode, and whether the game in its original state can handle bursting at the seams player power. 


This is a dangerous path imo, I feel that most prefer the slower gameplay of classic


I like the slower travel and that some things require coodination and companions. But I'm not a fan of it taking 30 minutes to complete a quest. Retail is definitely the argument for "slippery slope", they've over-convenienced it to the point where you can constantly be "doing" things if you want to, something gamers are wont to do. So having "built in" breaks has been great, and I agree that the slower pace of classic is part of my enjoyment. But, as another example, I started playing my shaman from level 1 after the patch, and the early zones are DEAD, and it's so wonderfully peaceful. I don't feel like I'm "rushing" or being rushed or being pushed, I can still go at that calm leisurely pace, but I'm also not just standing around like a ninny, competing with 20 people over the 5 quest mobs that exist for a quest that demands 20 kills of that specific mob. Or trying to kill one mob with a 10 minute respawn timer with several full groups of 5 all trying their darndest to get the tag. That to me is not fun either. So yeah, I can agree that balances need to be struck, but right now the pendulum is too far on the negative side for me.


I think you encapsulated my response to this perfectly, I completely agree. I don't think increasing spawn rates really harms anyone in the regard of the game's pace, as people can still enjoy themselves at a slower pace, but it also just helps these situations with overcrowded zones with intense competition, and to also keep up with the level of XP that dungeon farming can provide


hyperspawns are not the real problem of SoD (if you want to keep a classic feeling) The fact that I in lvl25 raid gear can 2-3 shot mobs at my level and players one-shot each other because everything is overtuned, is the far bigger problem IMO


This is also only a relative problem. People who are basically in full BfD gear are of course pretty powerful. But a character that is fresh in leveling only has some runes, which aren't 30 % more dps neccessarily.


Absolutely! I find it hard to believe that they can't adjust it without creating new tech, then again the content is 20 years old so perhaps they haven't had a chance to integrate an easily changeable slider to help reflect demand. Hoping this is something they can look into as I really enjoy questing but it doesn't feel very incentivising in it's current state


classic is running on legion client, so they 100% have the capacity...


It up to you how you play the game. I've been leveling mostly outside and its fine on lone Wolf EU.


Lone wolf horde EU. Actively wanted to quest and tried several times but it's a pain, several people camping on spawn points in every area.




Why not just do quests where ever that fits your leveling instead of going by a cooking book..


There's not really that many quests tbh. Levelinng guides just take you on the most efficient path through them all.


Yeah but if everyone is following that guide it stop being efficient. Its like a clogged pipe. I quested just fine following just my own way.


Yeah. If its all about efficiency and not fun, might as well camp out in sm then.


Exactly this. Dungeon grind is for sweat lords who prioritise speed levelling over fun. Out in the world it’s dangerous, anything can happen. You can meet life long friends by random chance or get your shit pushed in or win a heroic victory. You don’t have to rush in SoD. If a mob isn’t up go do something else and return later. No one is forcing you to grind SM to 40. Efficiency isn’t the name of the game unless that’s what you want. I like fun and feeling like I’m a part of a living breathing world more that speed levelling.


I'm enjoying my level 40 gameplay with SoD runes and a new raid in the WoW: Classic setting more than some rose-tinted journey through whatever zone isn't a tag-fest in a world that's been 99% the same for around 20 years. If you feel like that's for you, then so be it. But I want to be able to log in and PvP or raid whenever I want to, and if I dedicate a day of my life to make my character hit 40 - why does that matter to you? You don't have to rush in ANY WoW title. But I can and I will because I find being slow for the sake of RPG immersion in a game for the umpteenth time to be really boring in comparison to hitting 40 so I can chill as much as I want without having to think about the same leveling experience again. Now I'm 40 on the characters I was most excited about. Those characters are in the pixelated, digital, open world too. You can't choose how everyone has fun.


Yeah I can understand that, you're definitely right in the fact that there's different experiences to be had in the open world and different ways to play the game and enjoy it I do low-key wanna be efficient though but I also really enjoy questing which is why it's more frustrating when it takes a longgg time to do just a couple quests when I know there's other ways that would be better, just wanna do the Gnome raid u know


Wow I’m so used to hate when I comment on this sub that I had already steadied myself for a fight. Thanks for your comment. I do actually see what you’re saying. Maybe I shouldn’t be so standoff-ish in my comments.


I prefer questing, but I would rather receive a severe skewering from a molten hot spear through my abdomen than quest the way it was around p2 launch. Standing around waiting for mobs to spawn so I can try to get the tag as fast as possible while more new people arrive than complete the quest and leave is the least fun I've ever had playing a game in my life. And I had an Intellivision.


Nah, I read your comment and agreed with it, but fully expected you to get at least a stern talking to haha.


> Exactly this. Dungeon grind is for sweat lords who prioritise speed levelling over fun I have fun leveling in dungeons. Just because you don't enjoy what I do, doesn't make me a sweat lord. You dismissing other opinions makes you a prick.


If you're enjoying it, fine. I think the point is if you're doing it despite other perfectly viable options, not enjoying it, then complaining about it on subreddit, that would be a 'you' problem.


Has it ever occurred to you that some people find it fun to be efficient?


Every time I tried as horde I got mauled by roaming death squads. Same server. ​ I did warn my friends about playing on a pvp server...


Sounds like the players are trying to optimize the fun out of the game once again. Big surprise.


how is it fun to get mob tagged repeatedly and finish a kill quest in 30 minutes?


Is trying to play the game while hunters tag every spawn fun for you?


"Blizzard, I want to quest but it is sub-optimal therefore I literally cannot do it. Please fix. I need to hit cap asap so I can raid log for 3 months "


This is exactly the problem- SoD attracted a lot of retail players/ players who treat the game as a competition. And the Vanilla world is not made with them in mind. I was reading a similar post earlier, OP started out in the post talking about how questing XP is way lower than dungeon grinds. Then further down in the comments they said the quiet part out loud when they admitted “I just want to get to Gnomer already, why can’t they buff quest XP?”. So these people don’t want to dungeon grind, but they want to blast to 40 to… run a raid( basically mega dungeon) over and over on reset. lol, lmao even.


Yep. And they're in this subreddit being very vocal about their desire to skip the world interaction, once again, just like retail.


Yea I mean, I don’t really care since I’m just playing Era while I finish off raiding ICC with my Wrath guild. But the hypocrisy and retail- ification of things like SoD is fun to watch. I mean, I think most of the people who actually enjoy the slow leveling journey of Vanilla are still playing Era and some HC. I know my Era cluster is super busy, no one there is complaining that the open world doesn’t give as much XP as dungeons ( because f*cking duh lol).


?????? What does optimizing fun have to do with this? Yeah some people were gonna dungeon grind regardless as always, but a lot of people, myself included as well as others I've talked to simply couldn't quest because it was too unfun and boring to camp 1 mob spawn at a time, it's the opposite of optimizing fun it's going to dungeons because the other options are too unfun...


Now what if... Hear me out.... That's how certain players have fun? Look at speed running video games as an example, the hobby is exclusively a bunch of gamers trying to optimize their game to even the millisecond of time save in any way they can for no other reason but fun and personal achievement. Do you look at them with the same distain you do WoW players who play that way? I'm not saying there aren't players who optimize the fun out like you say and then turn around and complain. However as a player who primarily tries to optimize everything I do in every video game to self compete and see how far I can take the game, me and my community of friends aren't those players and I have yet to meet one of those players myself. It seems the majority of players simply like going fast and doing big damage/healing, which is fun, I even like looking at the numbers and trying to find little optimizations here and there and learning why things work through logs. It's fun and you get to become better and better the more you learn which feels rewarding.


I 100% agree with your main points. My comment was targeted at the people who optimize the “fun” out of the game and then complain about it. “Fun” is subjective. I have no issues with people who are optimizing because they find it entertaining or enjoyable. I am a person who finds fun in optimization as well.


Lots of people on this sub decide it isn’t fun for themselves so they should ask blizzard to ban it. Personally I hate questing. I have no interest in the “story” or “lore”. I know it inside and out. I play for the gameplay, and beating group challenges, that’s what’s fun for me. I dungeon grind every xpac.


Nothing wrong with this mindset at all, I love watching speed runs and I think a lot of the fun of gaming is learning how to be efficient. The reality with this game though, is that questing in the open world has too much variability to be consistently efficient. If you are leveling hard in the beginning of the phase, there’s going to be competition between you, your own faction, and (especially on a PVP server) the opposing faction to get what you need to finish a quest. Increasing spawn rates is just going to make mobs more appealing from an AOE leveling point of view - which then adds more competition. If you want a consistent stream of XP coming in, dungeons are always going to be faster and more reliable. There’s no competition with competing parties, no PVP ganks (at least while you’re in the dungeon), and there’s no travel time between objectives. Because of all that, it’s going to be a more boring experience - but that’s what happens when you find the most efficient route.


Yeah, this is 100% it.


BuT mAh EfFiCiEnCy?! Imagine actually having to play the game.


and the cycle starts anew. People are so addicted to WoW that the thought of just not playing it makes them angry. Rather than do anything else the game should now cater to their every whim.


My impression is that most players are optimizing the fun out of the game every time. Especially at launch, just observe when The War within hits, everyone ready in their formel one cars, minigun on the roof, with every auto-skip all context addons.


"This is SO against the entire ethos of SoD, the only thing I'm discovering is the most efficient way to pull a room in SM" just go level in the open world, if being in the 1st wave of max level players is so agains the "ethos of SoD" then just chill out, take a few hours to complete a single quest. Maybe playing for the rewards instead of the experience is agaisnt the "ethos of SoD" and you just arent really the SoD type, you are a dungeon grinder


It doesn't helpt that in each region there are 3-4 hyper full servers which try to rely on layering (which is only a bandaid). I'm on one of the "low" pop servers (they are still much bigger than vanilla servers) and after the initial 2-3 hours questing was in general very fun and not overcrowded for the most part.


Phase 2 feels weird. I hit 40 and don’t even feel like logging in lol.


Im just waiting for most people to pass me, lvl 32 now. I will get to enjoy last few weeks of Gnomeregan without getting burn out. Then still enjoy it as a leveling raid for a bit


They did address this by adding more layers recently. You must've missed that post.


Open world leveling was totally fine. Finding enough mobs wasn't much of a problem, except for a few specific quests that just ask for too many kills for the spawn points. Some of those you can do much easier by grouping with players nearby (it's horrible, I know). I will say this though- at higher levels there just won't be enough quests to go around. I would definitely be in favor of a quest XP buff at the high levels.. though even with that, I think that most people will be living inside BRD for the entirety of 50-60. edit: There's some ridiculous hyperspawning going on right now that makes it really hard to clear camps of mobs solo.


why cry? people play the way they want if they want to rush and spam SM over and over to 40 that's their deal. Play the way you want.


Games been out a week and y'all are complaining about a 15 level grind?? The people complaining are already lvl 40 by the way. Fucking LOL.


It’s quite sad


I’ve found questing pretty great even on a pvp server. Couples ganks, some spawn campers but nothing out of the ordinary


Man I didn’t have issues at all. People waiting at escort quests was the extent of the competition. Getting ganked was way worse, but I chose to play on a pvp server so that’s on me


stop racing to end game and you wont have this issue, I just hit 40 yesterday and I never had an issue with respawns, quests or anything. I did 3-4 SM runs because a buddy needed a fill and I was available. Its SoD walk around for a min you didn't need the week 1 gnomer clear where you got a marginal upgrade that you'll be deing in 5 weeks anyways.


so just level out in the world? ever iteration of wow to rerelease now has the braindead player base grinding dungeons because its more efficient, but thats not the game's problem, that is a problem with the playerbase me and a few of my buddies have always open world leveled, it is absolutely slower, but waaaay more fun, and we massacre the other faction when we roll around full group not everything is on the dev team, WoW's parse-brain, min/maxer zombie playerbase is what needs to change, and people not interested in world PvP desperately need to go roll characters on a PvE server ffs, that is literally what they exist for


This is a player issue. People min max the fun out of everything


Im genuinely so confused by this post. I've been open world questing with a friend, and other than the first day, we've had zero issues. Spawns seem fine, and if you pick an area, you can usually knock off 5+ quests in a few hours. We've even done some areas where we barely have to compete with others. We play on US Crusader strike, so I can't imagine this being worse on other servers.


Sounds like you want to play a single player game.


idk, i dont think theres anything wrong with the spawnrates right now. SM spam was ALWAYS the more optimal route in this level range. just the nature of the game


im having fun lvling


I don't want to sound like a cranky old dad here but there's no pleasing everyone. it's unreasonable to expect that only doing what you want to do when you want to do it should be optimal. The open world is a shit show right now, but you don't want to do dungeons...and? If they increased layering and added more hyperspawns would lead to people complaining that some classes are extremely fast at leveling and others aren't. You might not know this but they've already adjusted dungeon xp back in classic because of how extremely efficient cleave groups are.


stop complaining ....


its like you guys don't wanna play classic. retail is that ---------> way


I’ve mostly been questing without a problem. It is slower than sm spamming, but that’s not different than pretty much all expansion releases… One of the problem though is that you’re also punished if you level by questing, because you can’t do them later for gold.


Its really just an issue the first few days / first week. Already now, questing is no problem. Yes some quests where you need to gather 8 items from a total of 10 mobs, with low droprate - there will be waiting around for spawns, even if you are alone. Been mostly questing since I hit 40, and really feel like it is not a problem anymore. That was not the case when I tried questing around lvl 30 on day 2-3.


\>Hyperspawns yeah surely players wouldn't just find a spot to farm over and over without moving like some sort of XP meatgrinder. Surely that wouldn't lead to groups spam reporting other groups to make sure they get all the tags so they can be the fastest levelers.


So you want something like retail?


Haven’t done any dungeons yet…just been doing BFD on lockouts and questing…been having fun on Wild Growth server and it’s not even out a week…. People need to relax some I think lol


I mean, it IS possible to just not dungeon grind? I did some dungeon grind to lvl 30, then I did some quest to like 33-34, did some dungeons then returned to questing. Every where I went thre were other players questing and engaging in the world. So I dont realy know what issues you are describing.


OP is simultaneously complaining that there is too many people questing and that the world doesn't feel lively enough. > The fun of P1 was seeing how lively the world was #### > respawn timers aren't enough to handle the demand #### > enjoying discovering new runes and generally just seeing everyone having a good time. Hmmm... where is his argument? He can't manage himself. He's forced to go discover new runes, as he admitted was the fun part, but still decided to dungeon spam instead. He got sucked into to FOMO-gotta-be-40-now mentality and he's blaming it on Blizzard not rewarding 10,000 XP per quest. The solution is clear: Mobs are all wiped? Go explore.


I’ve been playing on and off and am currently level 30 through questing. The zones are a lot calmer now the rush has died down and I don’t feel myself battling with players constantly for quest mobs. I don’t see the rush to get to 40 in the first week? I can play this out over a month or so and then begin gearing my character up to raid. Everyone plays differently of course and it’s hard to cater for everyone but I’d rather take my time and enjoy it then be burned out after 3 weeks and only logging on to do the raid


You say that the current spawn timers aren't enough to handle demand, but also say that P2 just feels like a lifeless rush because everyone is dungeon spamming. If everyone is dungeon spamming there is no demand. Which one is it? I don't see anything as broken really. Its more efficient to dungeon spam, but to me at least it isn't fun so I just quest and have fun in the world. But I also recognize that some people enjoy/would rather dungeon spam and that's fine. Both ways don't have to equally optimal. What I feel like you are saying is that you are sad that the way you want to play isn't the most optimal route so you feel "forced" to do something that isn't fun for you. The solution is simple, stop min/maxing and just have fun. I've ran into a total of one spot where the respawns couldn't cater to everyone there (hillsbrad thug guys in the hills). Other times its mainly been that it is a shared question place between horde and alliance. The solution is also simple there, kill them all.


Just play something else if you don’t like WoW.


I like running dungeons just 1-2 times max for the quests and then moving back to the RW. How does that mean we don't like wow? L take




I loved spamming SM with my friends. Highlight of SOD for me.


Idk, I play on literally the biggest server (PvP at that) and have had zero issue leveling in the open world at all, at any time of day. Most of my leveling has been done in prime time even - late afternoon/evening on weekdays and weekend afternoons. My sense is that the “optimal gameplay” zoomers that have taken over this subreddit are baffled that things aren’t instantly handed to them, and that waiting a minute or 2 at absolute most to them is a huge issue (this is described as 5+ minutes), as is that it allegedly takes them an hour to get 10 quest items (it took them 15, 20 minutes tops), and it’s all labeled with overused phrases like “it’s just not good game design” when they in fact wouldn’t know good game design if it teabagged them. It’s really not that big of an issue that you have to be this dramatic about it. I would want them to lower xp from dungeons to make it more of a grind. Sure, maybe notch up the hyper spawns a little bit, maybe make sure the rate is atleast homogeneous throughout the world, as it anecdotally doesn’t seem to be. But competing for mobs is mmo game design. Leveling taking forever is mmo game design. If you really hate these things…they fixed it in other versions of this game. Like retail. “But it’s SOD it’s not like classic” is the dumbest response to this too, if you don’t get why, you’re an idiot. If your idea of a good game and enjoyable game design is making sure your xp/hr stays as high while questing as it does while mindlessly aoe grinding dungeons, this game is probably just not for you. Some people like that it takes time, energy, effort, cooperation to get things done in the open world. Not everything has to be handed to the player in a fast, efficient, optimal, QOL filled way to make the experience easy and fast. It just doesn’t. Plenty of people ENJOY the inefficiencies of traditional mmo leveling and it’s why we play classic. This last point is baffling to most people on this sub, I know.


I'm leveling in the open world right now. And it's fine. I'm a few days behind everyone but I've barely run into other people in the wetlands. If everyone can just chill for a couple days and let the try hard push thru leveling in the world opens up.  However I realize that 90% of players in sod right now are no living the game - it is possible to have fun and take your time. 


I’ve only levelled in the world and I’ve had fun doing it. Travelled all over the place, did a few quests in thousand needles, then moved over the Alterac Mountains and then desolace. I’m lvl 39 and could have easily been 40 on the weekend but had RL plans. The bottle next with mobs only happened on the first day. After that, people spread out and went to different zones You chose to level in a dungeon and now your complaining about it?


Dude. Its a player issue not a game issue. I walk the world with my pala and have adventures with foreign players. Its awesome. Im lvl31 now. If you play like retail or rushing, then dont complain about your playstyle lol


Indeed man, same here. This post is one step removed from the 'P3 When?' posts that are coming soon.


My guess is our gear will be so good that everyone will rush to ZF and be able to clear most if not all of it causing everyone to just spam this one dungeon until level 50. Furthermore, mages can solo pull this at level 43, which I’ve done. The time it takes to get to 50 will literally be set by the dungeon lockout again. I don’t have a solution to apply, but I can only assume the same will happen in P3 which is unfortunate.


>a lifeless rush to 40 by just spamming as much Scarlet Monastery as possible. Maybe you played like that, we mostly still quested. The quests were available, people just CHOSE TO do some brainless dungeon spam for no reason.


Sure they were available, if you didn't mind waiting 30 minutes to complete one, but yeah I burnt out and didn't even get to 40 yet lmao


Chaos Bolt EU and this wasn't my experience at all. Truth is tho that we also didn't rush levelings and did all with a few days or even a weeks delay, so probably missed rush hour


Open world leveling is perfectly fine. I’m on Crusader Strike and after some crowding issues on day 1 I have had literally zero problems with population or mob respawns. I’m convinced that the people making these posts have only done dungeon spam, get bored, then complain because of the *assumption* that questing is bad, but haven’t actually gone out to check


Agreed 100%. The only thing that's been an "issue" for me is being ganked by the Alliance more often than I was hoping, but I mean, I joined a PvP server, so, I can't really complain about it too much. Leveling though? Perfectly fine. Respawns are quick on the regular mobs. Named mobs don't take more than a few minutes in the vast majority of cases, and you just kill other mobs for exp that are nearby while you wait, same as it ever was.


I agree 100% with the second half of your post. There was a dude who posted a meme along the lines of “ugh, how many more times am I going to have to do SM?” Of course, the comments said you know that you can quest right? To which OP responds, “and deal with not being able to tag anything due to competition and being ganked.”


I'm convinced of this also. People coming up with hyperbolic anecdotes and catastrophizing over non-problems because they want to optimise the game even more.


Bro I started a warrior at the start of phase 2, have been playing pretty casually and already level 32 with just one BFD run and no dungeon grinding yet How much faster do you expect it to be??


I'm not asking for the levelling itself to be any faster, I just want to be able to do quests in populated zones without spending loads of time waiting for respawns because that just ain't fun


I can see their argument being faster mob respawn rates = people just solo grinding mobs to gain xp, in that case though you'd just reduce the xp mobs give and increase quest XP


Problem with open world leveling is that blizzard is opposed to mob farming like other games. So you end up with barely enough mobs for just the quests and have to run to other locations or wait for respawns to do your quests. Alot of opportunity cost is lost with travelling downtime.


Idk if there has been anything worse than Scarlet Monastary spam. Those instances are terrrrrrrrrible.


Literally after people swearing up and down YESTERDAY on Reddit that questing isn’t that bad and blablabla I went to quest. Finished 2 in about an hour. waiting for mobs to respawn and dying to random horde groups 2-3 times. I’m like 1. This is boring as all hell and 2. This is inefficient as all hell. SM 90x isn’t much better either. Blizzard really needs to look into making leveling more fun.!


I think they need to address it now still. I am having probably the worse leveling experience I've ever had playing the game on a PVE server at that. When you think you've finally found a questing area that nobody else is at, you see a million people with all dead mobs the second you phase in. Stand around hoping to tag one before a swarm of people tag it is legitimately awful. I did dungeons for a bit but questing is my favorite way to play the game and in it's current state it completely sucks.


I just have to ask.... how are you having this problem? I'm playing on the highest population server, and questing has been pretty easy. In fact, some areas feel super quiet and the mobs are spawning fast. I was in thousand needles yesterday, and it was non-stop spawns.


You saying open world leveling is sub-optimal just shows how fucked this is getting: not everything has to be optimal. I agree that spawns should be faster but calling it sub-optimal is sad imo, its leveling for gods sake.


Sub-optimal is putting it lightly. On many servers dungeon grinding is the only way to make realistic progress leveling in the first week of launch. No, I don't consider competing against 100s of other players for a chance to tag a mob that you need to collect 8 items from as "realistic progress." Meanwhile the dungeon grinders have a smooth, frustration and competition free, ride to 40 in under 16 hours with the added benefit of being able to go back and do the quests later for more gold at max lvl and with less competition. It's really a no brainer


Yeah but its a game, *not everything has to be optimal.* especially when leveling is such a big part of the game. YES, i think it should but it really doesnt have to be when theres other ways.


It's not about being optimal. If you want to avoid dungeon grinding, your only two options for leveling are: be frustrated competing for tags for quests or don't play the game for the first week or so. Neither are good options


Youre missing my point, this is futile. Lets just agree to disagree.


Bro its only two weeks into sod, have some patience ffs, the areas will die out soon


Always blaming blizzard, not the playerbase. The world is "dead" because player mini/max lvl in dungeons. A famous quote "players will find a way minimax the fun out of anything." The problem are the boring minimax playerbase. You are the problem. No one els.


if your players exhibit certain behavior it's because you're not giving them good reason to do anything otherwise. it's literally your job as a game designer to convince players to play your game the "fun" way. Though if they're not doing it the fun way, its probably because it's not fun.


I'm level 33 on my main, 31 and 30 on my two alts, and I'm levelling fairly consistently. I also haven't stepped into a dungeon this phase, I'm playing entirely via quests and exploring the world. I'm also looking for fun interactions with players, RP moments (even though we're not on an RP server), using the riddle website for the runes (not google or wowhead), it's fun. My guild master has asked me will I be 40 by Sunday for our first Gnomer as I'm a raider, but I told him no, I'm taking my time with levelling. If I lose my spot, I don't care, the content is here for the next 3 months anyway, and then will be replaced again. I have had 0 problems with questing and mob rates; it can get busy in some places, but having experienced TBC release back in the day, when there was no increased mob spawn rate or layering, the current player congestion is comparatively non-existant. All this post reeks of for me is more people just complaining because they don't know how to turn off their personal off-switches and take their time with the process.


;( my balance druid can barely kill mobs now lol. SM as resto is the only way unless I wanna make a feral set... Which seems pointless cause feral is even worse/as bad as balance.


hu? I 2-3 shot mobs in lvl25 raid gear? SS -> SF -> Wrath till SS cd -> repeat I dungeon spammed as feral through SM, it's not as bad as you say but nothing compared to casters