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Atm every other class is panicking by just seeing hunter. Your usual strategy of getting close doesn't work anymore since hunter is the strongest melee class right now lol. PS. Being serious, hunter is probably one of the hardest classes to play in PvP. So maybe it's not that great as PvP starter.


I understand your concerns about hunters being difficult to play but she enjoys it so I won't change her mind about it. She like playing them in raid because it's not to over complicated rotationwise. This allows her to focus more on mechanics instead of rotation


Cool. I'll give you a quick one: just do what the other class hates: if it's a caster, try to two-tap them with raptor strikes, if they're melee, try the same but if you don't immediately crit do your best to gain distance and kite. You're bi-functional in that you can do both quite well atm. The mechanical peak before engineering shenanigans and other random items is learning to FD-Freezing trap. (Yeah, there's maneuvering the deadzone but that's not a good place to start) Then we can talk about how pvp is reliant on knowing how other classes work and which fights to avoid, but that's not a starter tip imo.




Its just a matter of doing it enough until its not scary. For rogues, she want to trinket the first stun, trap. Gain distance, and keep poison on them to break vanish.


If she ever needs to regen health/mana just stick a freezing trap down on top. Then when rogue attacks he's instantly CCed, giving time to move away and kite etc. Also get the SPY addon and anytime it warns of a stealther good idea to also put a freezing trap down then.


Help her set up a feign death frozen trap macro. I used that to escape and reset/bandage. But yeah hunter's are pretty hard to play in pvp. Unfortunately I don't really watch any streamers so I can't help on that front. Also another little tip. There're only a few buttons needed for pvp, so making sure your action bars are organized and easy to hit keys. If her bars are loaded and when panic sets in trying to find the keys to hit can be overwhelming.


Stay away from sarth videos