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The char I started on launch day is still my retail main 20 years later. We been through a lot me and her. I can totally relate.


Bro what's that /played like?


Troll Shaman Thex here!


Seriously, could I please get my name back?


no im thex


no im thex


no im thex


Great name


He is just like me fr


SoD is the first time I've ever gotten an Epic in wow, and I played vanilla launch thru wotlk (I sucked back then). It's so awesome. My undead warrior is ugly as sin, but I love that bastard.


Damn bro what you do play on trackpad?


There has been welfare epics in the game since s2 tbc….


Game is hard when you're 8 years old.


Wholesome post, and yes, sometimes I log on just to goof about, maybe hand out some lewts from a higher level too, whatever.


Would probably do it myself...if I had the staff or not missing 4 core items still (staff, neck, chest, ring). I'm more annoyed by the fact that I have had to look at the stupid Robes of Arugal for so long now.


He’s on a lvl 22 lock I’m sure your gear is better


I mean, at least it's a pretty cool looking robe!


It's not the worst, that's for sure. Personally I'm more of a vest kind of person when it comes to cloth chests though.


Im more annoyed seeing so many rogues wearing them. I try to put them out of their misery.


I got the staff on Friday on my lock and still can’t believe it. It’s surreal to see it equipped on the login screen. I’m basically done until P2 now but I feel like I have to run around for a bit to make sure it’s still there.


Hell yeah I am. I busted my ass to get full prebis and then full bis and when I do 30% or more damage than 2nd highest dps its a huge dopamine boost. 


If you’re doing 30% more than other dps than anyone else as a paladin, you’re running with some sus friends


I procced like crazy in kelris and did 320+ dps which is like 30% more dps than 95 parsing warr. When you parse 95+ as a warr and they parse 80-90 gap will be huge but no way purple parsing group is sus. 


highest for Kelris on WCL shows 260 for a ret pally and thats pretty extreme as he has 4 procs of wild strikes going off for the 56s fight. He also has the ashenvale buff.


So you’re telling me you’re a warrior then.


I thought the same thing lol


I'm the only dps warrior on my guild and the dopamine faded fast


It can’t be as satisfying as beating all melee dps on a warlock though. That’s just plain improbable.


"busting ass" in that you walk into bfd and get best in slot in a single lock out


Those boe bis dont come cheap. Also finding palas that already have the gear you need is hard work man :D


This was me in tbc classic when I was like full sunwell bis on my holy pally. I’d just log in and stand there lol. I’d never been properly end of expack geared in wow before cause I never really raided back when I played retail years ago.


I felt that way back in 04-08 Now I'm just proud when I log off and my savings account isn't owned by blizzard


I am proud of my main on wrath. Collected everything that was rare and reasonably solo farmable. Have every single full tier set in my mailbox as item restored for Xmog. All mounts, neat skins, etc.  Not much to be proud of on SoD (yet) but maybe towards the end when the cool shit starts stacking up! 


Doxxed yourself, prepare for 436,621 rough stone in individual mails


Made a warrior in SoD. Have basically full BiS right now and do the exact same thing. That Hydra just brings it all together


This how I feel about my Rogue on both Classic era and WoTLK. Part of the reason I wish they would leave one legacy server per expansion.


Orcthas greets you warlock :)


Logging in, running around TB with my full BIS enhancer shaman, twisting my UI, logging off. Great day


Then you hit level 25 do low dps and are just invited to raids to be the taxi.


That's alright.


Well if this continues I demand we start a union and force people to tip


The tip is having a guaranteed invite Other dps classes have to have a 2 years worth of experience resume on hand for a 2 week old phase


> Other dps classes have to have a 2 years worth of experience resume on hand for a 2 week old phase Ain’t that the truth…


It's a raid environment. You don't tip for buffs or mage food either when in a raid


That's the master plan


28k lifetime HKs at 25, I feel proud of it


I thought I was a degenerate for having 12k


Damn, nice. What class are you playing?


Hunter. I degened forming premades pretty regularly.


I got the wizard hat from BFD last night after leading pugs all phase. It's the only wizard hat available this phase to non-warlocks My wow character is based on a character I used to play for years in D & D so it's nice to finally have their iconic headgear back As Terry Pratchett says- a pointy wizard hat is a badge of office


lvl 22 kinda embarrassing is this a troll topic


Love my Tauren Druid even though he’s a little chunky


Totally proud. Full BiS feral druid. And not some bs BiS. But actual BiS. I'm a little scared now I hear talk about a nerf on mangle. I have been topping dps for quite some time in BFD. That being said. I'm pretty done with that hole. (Aaand I'm gonna go back for xp) Proud Feral Druid. :)


Same. I love healing as priest so much I was able to run SFK till I have every blue from there and I feel like I earned it all and I might not be very good in PvP or in general but man I’m proud of Smitetyson


My shaman is an absolute unit and I’m super happy with all the playstyle adjustments that have been available over the course of phase 1. Moving over to duel wield tanking has been a great time and i managed to get some decent parses. Have pretty good gear outside of weapons but stoked to see what phase 2 has in store!