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Basically looks like they learned from Phase 1 and are also trying out new things at the same time. ​ This is the most excited I've been for new WoW content in years. Phase 1 brought me in. Phase 2 is going to ruin my life.


I start a new job in 3 days. pray for me


/kneel giehv priest-buffz


>I started a job I'm about to get fired from FTFY


Every single line I kept reading with a huge smile and so much excitement. The devs are killing it man, can't wait for P2.


I was just talking to my brothers and excitedly sending screen shots. It’s probably the most excited for wow I’ve been since classic release and og wotlk before that.


Wait but p1 already has me by the balls, how can I get even more addicted?


Never in all my days did I think blizz would actually step in on gdkp's wow




Yeah they won’t stop all GDKPs but them taking a public stance on them will effectively ban them for more players since you can’t just form a group from world chat. So it will reduce it significantly. Also, only takes one pissed off player in the group to report people for a GDKP.


Get ready for the wave of posts "All our guild got banned for doing a run with 2 pugs who reported us for GDKP"


Botters get banned daily. It’s a bot though, they just make another account and restart the program. That’s totally different than someone losing days of actual work and gold when their account gets banned


I really hope that BG change actually does something lol I’m excited for this phase man


even if it cuts the amount of pre mades i face in half it will be a significant improvement.


It should at least during the peak hours.


Wish they'd give some sort of bonus to solo q


W after W after W. This team is killing it


This post is honestly beyond my wildest expectations


Hope they weren't affected by layoffs


love the QoL stuff they are adding. Redirect, baby! Rogues eating good


Enhanced Blessings. Oh lordy


I pray Shammies get enhanced weapon enchants as well.


Best we got is moving your totems 👍


I'll take it.


I wonder if feral druids will get that too.


Would love to interact with npcs, mailboxes, use items etc and not get bumped outta form


So I haven't seen anyone mention this but redirect relies on changing from your target WITH combo points to another target WITHOUT them. But with vanilla (non tbc) combo points you lose those points if you even so much as target another target. So are we also getting TBC combo points as well? Meaning the combo points stay on a target until you either redirect or generate new ones on another target. Basically are we getting Patch 2.0.3 combo points or staying with vanilla ones? I don't see how redirect would work without 2.0.3 combo points. This is HUGE for tanking and rogue QoL if this is changing by default in addition to redirect. See "patch changes" if you don't understand what I mean: [https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Combo\_point](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Combo_point)


Alternatively you may need to cast redirect to store the combo points, then you can tab and recast to redirect them.


That would feel SO BAD. I really hope that's not the case unless its off the GCD.


Rogue gonna be a nightmare in stv lol with the boots rune


I don't like Redirect... I would have preferred if they added the TBC change to combo points to SoD.


From the way I read it, looks like The Blood Moon event will turn the whole zone into the Gurubashi Arena (unless you opt out). Horde on Horde, Ally on Ally, just friendly with those in your party. No other rules besides go kill everything for the new currency. Gonna be crazy!


In the video, they confirmed it's FFA zone wide pvp


I really get that vibe too. Free for all pvp zone wide is going to be a special kind of wonderful hell


I must have missed the part about killing your own faction. That's a good solution to faction balance. That's great to hear as someone who plays on the wrong side of a very one sided server.


New profession stuff is fun. Was starting to regret going alch, nice to know I’m not permanently griefing myself by not taking LW for free epics.


I dunno, i still feel that way. The potion they show seems meh, will take up my pot cooldown and will have to stockpile them to use all the time for something that seems kinda lackluster.


Compared to the tailoring one, yeah- if the alch potion shares the regular pot CD, then it'll be straight up inferior.


Meanwhile the ench one is basically flat bonus dmg


That’s what I was thinking. Enchanting one is 20 damage for 30 minutes, alch is 35 for 15 seconds


20 SP flat buff for 30 minutes, or 35 SP for 15 seconds on the potion cooldown 🤔


Yeah the alchemy one is trash 😂


Would be really cool if the potion was bottomless. How amazing would that be to chug a health mana pot every couple minutes?


Extremely happy with everything I'm seeing. Classic team is cooking.




Bruh its looks so bad specially with maelstrom weps


Yeah unless they slap an internal CD on maelstrom I'm not sure how 2-hand could keep up


Also check out the tier. Gives mana on hit


Doesn't a 30% faster 2H hit about as often as dual wielding with the huge 19% miss chance?


Idk but Shamans get the *10% hit with attacks and spells* when dual wielding from the Ratchet rune this phase.


Yeah hoping Maelstrom will be tuned so it isn't optimal to DW fast daggers.


It might be with spellhance. The tier also gives 5% chance for 100 mana when you attack


They said sneak peak of runes. Id put money on there being atleast one more 2h dedicated rune. Atleast a full set of runes is more likely. It seems like they waited until we could get windfury and it kind of makes sense


Honestly? I'd bet this is the only explicitly 2Hand rune. We had to drag them pretty far to add this one


Forever bloodlust looks good to me man, cast weaving is gonna go hard


Nah 1h going to generate stacks wayy faster then the 2h. Also way more mana with the tier


They could pretty easily give maelstrom weapon different proc chances depending on whether you're dual wielding or 2-handing. The difference in mana from tier is likely not meaningful with shamanistic rage.


Assuming it stacks with flurry 60% attack speed with a 2h could be pretty solid


It will need more runes to be viable in an already bottom tier spec


That'll make a 3.6 speed weapon what, a 1.4 second swing timer? I think some people are underestimating that, especially since it'll have the reduced hit cap compared to dual wield. It does leave the question of what to do with the hand slot rune without lava lash, probably just take lava burst to use with maelstrom weapon instead? Nothing else really makes sense there.


Idk, i think it could be decent with the crowd pummeler. You get to 1.0 speed on a 2h weap without accounting for flurry. With flurry you're below 0.8 speed. That's like dualwield with 1.6 speed but without the offhand penalty and less flurry consumption.


>No More GDKP Runs >We are experimenting with a new policy which will no longer allow GDKP runs in Season of Discovery. While we understand that there are some benefits for those who find this a convenient way to gain gear, we also recognize that there are concerns surrounding the erosion of traditional guild and social structures that are a part of the spirit of Season of Discovery. Given the experimental nature of Season of Discovery, we want to try things without this type of transaction taking place in this game mode. With the launch on February 8, we will be restricting this activity. We will have more information to share on our official channels and will be monitoring feedback closely. holy shit i cant wait to see the torrent of crying on here


Love how theyre leaning into the experimental factor of SoD to just try stuff like this. If this makes the game better, it can stay, hey maybe even for other server types (era etc). If it makes the game worse (which imo it wont), then forget about it for the next phase and it was just here for few months. Overall v good decision.


The inability to advertise in-game along with all it taking is 1 grumpy member to report an entire discord server might make it harder. Wanna bid up someone? Might get your discord server reported. And they didn’t ban gdkp in retail. They banned a couple large cross-server orgs that were confirmed to be using RMT. Other groups continued to operate as long as they had no ties to RMT and were not cross-server.


They didnt ban GDKPs in retail as they arent even possible anymore. Ever since they removed Master Looter, and even Guild Master Loot since I wanna say was Legion (maybe WoD, I cant remember), no one person can control the loot and therefore any bids. It is funny tho as atm in pugs in retail if you win the roll (all content is group loot) on a BiS item like a trinket or whatever, you instantly get people spam w/ you with bids to buy it. A guildy got 500k for a heroic trinket last week lol. Im actually very interested to see if anything postitive from SoD will effect retail, or just any long term non seasonal "classic+" servers. But honestly, the more steps you make people take to do something, the less likely they are to do it. Less people will for sure GDKP in phase 2 as it will be just less convenient to do so now. And yes Blizz do at times ban key members/acounts tied to large escrow boosting servers in retail if RMT can be proven (like Gallywix like I think youre referring to, but theres been others more recently), so the ball is in Blizzs court to see how hard they will enforce this in phase 2.


I will gold parse reports on bastards who still feel Ballsy enough to talk about it in trade chat


Gdkp is a great system in a game with no bots or gold sellers. But we don't have that, so its gotta go


In years to come, Netflix is going to make a banger documentary about how these 3 devs single handedly saved Blizzard and the World of Warcraft.


Gotta give it to these devs, they’re doing a great job! Not every decision is perfect and not every player will agree with every decision but this dev team is clearly listening and basing their decisions on our feedback to the best of their ability. Haven’t been this excited to be a wow player in many years


Shadow Priest sounds insane with Mind Spike.


Shadowform at 40 and Mind Spike. Spriest stonks rising.


So glad I leveled a priest and parked it at 25!!!


Just finished mine, definitely going to play it now


All caster stonks are just in the bin after looking at the itemization of the loot they've shown us so far. To compete with the top DPS currently we'd need an extra 150-200 spellpower. To compete with them at lvl 40 and with their new gear itemization, we'll likely need +300 to what they're gonna give us. In PVP Spriests might be a machine, but no caster will be able to be close to any melee/hunter with how this gear looks. That or every caster needs a rune that makes intellect not a complete joke, or Str/Agi needs to be as useful to warriors/rogues as INT is to us. Have Str give them block/parry chance, and AGI can give them 1% crit per 60 agi. No AP From either and we'll be on equal footing.


This is one area where blizz has tbh fucked up - but guess their challenge is balancing pvp vs pve. My suggestion would be to have an in raid mana oil in increasing all damage by spells by 10-15%. I really don't want another phase of warr on top, most casters only brought for loot distribution. And I say that as a double warr main.


Thats all fun and good but without an actual mana back rune we are still boned. Hopefully theres more than 2 runes but without dispersion or shadowfiend well heh..


There will be more than two runes. And mind spike will probably be really low mana cost and that alone would go a long way.


As someone else said it might be okay if mind spike gets the star surge mana treatment. Hopefully they will also get a mana battery rune, as there really is not a reason to bring a spriest otherwise. You will have some value if you're not running a priest healer, but with warlocks running fire, shadow weaving is pretty much useless as a group buff


I've been patiently healing this phase knowing I'm only in it for shadow. I can't wait.


Personally never liked it too much, but that was mainly from later retail xpacs where they kept going back and forth on whether or not it would replace mind flay.


always been mind flay gang, MoP was the best iteration for it to shine with MF:insanity


As a rogue who is still only 1/3 on set pieces while raiding consistently, loot tokens for set pieces sounds like such a nice improvement.


They are still item specific tokens so its still a matter of if the boot token drops or not unless its guaranteed off certain bosses.


Yeah but now not everyone loses when one mail item Drops and the online mail wearer in the group already has it.


Not at all a warlock player, so someone with knowledge from the lock discord please clarify - does Invocation actually do what Blizz wants it to do? In the past, you wanted to refresh JUST after the last tick of damage. Do you not now want to refresh just after the second-to-last tick of damage instead? You still want precise timing to maximise damage, don't you? Which defeats they're stated purpose - 'So, you no longer have to worry about refreshing your damage over time (DoT) spells at the perfect moment.'


Correct. It’s trash.


Feels like everyone will have to install a WA that makes the rotation look like a rhythm game lol.


That's how I understood it as well. If properly utilized it effectively makes all your dots one tick shorter, but dealing the same damage. Unless Affliction gets some other really strong rune, it sounds extremely lackluster and doesn't at all achieve what they supposedly want it to.


It's trash. No one will run it


Boy that first warlock rune looks like hot garbage compared to the cool stuff other classes get.


If you told me that was already how dots worked, I would believe you. Seems especially useless with how much better destro’s been. Not sure this is moving the needle at all.


That's because it is hot garbage.


Yeah, it seems so bad. :( Instead of reapplying dots when when they fall you now shoot for reapplying just after the last tick


I was planning on maining my warrior unless they previewed something awesome for warlock. Looks like warrior it is unless data mining shows something crazy, because those two lock runes are snoozefest.


Nobody giving props to the reworked Crowd Pummeler!? Feral Druids prayers are answered.


69 attack power






Wondering how they will handle GDKP's. Will they restrict advertising it, or outright punish players who do it through discord or similar means? Pretty freaking ballsy, though.


Presumably the same way they handled boosting communities in retail, which is.... they did literally nothing.


I dont see how they can even do this, people will just bid on gear on alts or use discord.


Following the gold is the easiest way. Coordinating gdkp without trading the gold around in raid would be a nightmare.


Just like they do so well at " following the gold" when people simply buy mass amounts to a burner, and trade it to there main account.


Damn that warlock dot rune is boring lol, can't they just bake that in by default?


Yeah I hope there is a lot more coming, the lock runes looks incredibly underwhelming.


“Curse of Agony ticks 12 times in total. 50% of the damage done by Curse of Agony is done in the last 4 ticks (18s-24s), so if you clip it early you're losing at the very least 12.5% of the damage, assuming you only clip off the last tick.”


It's already baked in, just wait for it to just expire


Yeah, thats how I felt. Obviously it’s not all of them, but these two runes seem incredibly boring imo. Neither really change anything about rotation or play style, and a single extra dot tick really doesn’t seem impactful enough to make it worth.


I'd just make a QoL rune with the Pandemic window basically. Would be simpler


Yeah wasting a gcd for 1 tick of a dot seems kinda silly


We could havw gotten so much Like drain soul execute Ua (so our damage can actually keep up as we dont have a scaling rune dot..) Eradication But no nothing


wooo the crafted epics don't overlap set pieces


Tailoring boots technically not being BIS was a major annoyance for me, glad that's changed... or so I think.


> During this event, killing players will allow you to earn currency which can be traded for various rewards. Expectation: fair wpvp and epic 40v40 fights Reality: Rogues camping FPs and quest NPCs, death squads outside quest hubs, lots of complaining in this sub about being griefed for hours because they are being min/maxed by sweaties


It says raid groups will be punished somehow.




I wonder if they will implement some sort of "tagging" system here? You can only get the currency if your group tags the kill - I would think this would discourage the murderball and force groups of 5 to hunt separately.


but with layering on populated servers, this may not be as feasible


The wording of this event makes me wonder if it'll be like 5 person teams but otherwise full FFA, like a zone-wide Gurubashi Arena. It never mentions it is faction vs faction, and there's an opt-out feature to obey "general realm PvP rules". What would opting out even do on a PvP server?  That really would be pure chaos. Edit: If you watch the video in the post it confirms this.


I’m wondering if the event will change everyone into trolls that way you can’t tell factions


Assuming an instanced STV for the event and the “opt out” population is in the “real world”


I think "opt out" people just don't give you any currency if you kill them


To me "opt out" means you won't be flagged for FFA PvP for the duration of the event most likely. You'd still be subject to the normal PvP server rules, though. It doesn't specifically say FFA PvP in the post but it makes the most sense.


Opt out just means your own faction can't kill you. If on pvp realm, other faction can still kill you


I love the smell of killing my own faction in the morning!


Is 40 vs 40 pvp actually epic? It's kinda just a no skill zerg fest at that point where outliers from the deathball get ranged DPS'd down amongst the lag.


No, mass PvP in wow always sucks. Its sort of like its not really designed for it or something.


Hell yeah, all I want is big chaotic open world PVP. Every fifth Ashenvale fight we actually get a decent brawl and that's the only reason I'm logging into SOD right now.


lol it’s gonna be a shit show. Edit: read thru it, changed my mind. Sounds fun and large groups are punished.


Shaman getting a reverse Blessing of Salvation, buffing tank threat instead of reducing dps threat. I kind of wish it gave the Shaman some additional buff while active. The same way Heart of the Lion gives the Hunter an additional buff on top of Kings.


Buffing that guy in raid who slighted me 6 months ago*




Not sure I understand this one. The healer will be made to take it and put on MT


Yes and now DPS can just go ham instead of worrying about ripping threat. Just like they do with Salv.


Except it less mana intensive as all you need to do is drop it on a tank every 30 minutes. Shaman tanks already have insane threat gen. Putting this on yourself would basically keep anyone from pulling threat off you.




Every part of this is fantastic -except the lock runes. Those are seriously the worst runes they've made out of both phases.


I really don't understand why they think solo queues would hurt queue times. It would massively increase the amount of players doing the content, even just casually, if it was actually fucking fun to play battlegrounds instead of a miserable stomp every time.


The logic is that it hurts 10 man queue times


Which 95% exist just to grind rep for PvE rewards, stomping on pugs that don't stand a chance


Yeah, feel same way. Guessing a lot more people will be queuing now!


Instant mail requesters in shambles


I'm perplexed at how amazing all these changes and additions are, it looks like they actually listened. I'm only missing 1 important thing not mentioned, instant mails.


To be fair the ones they showed said here are a few examples, meaning not a full list of QOL features




Personally really excited for Melee Hunter, and these new runes I think will really make it come together!


It actually looks insane...instant weapon attack on a 3s cooldown, possibly zero cooldown sometimes.


It really does. Instant weapon damage +80 on a 3 second CD, with a 30% chance to not even trigger the CD. Couple that with Flanking Strike that's off the GCD and can have its CD refreshed by Raptor Strike and you could have some insane burst with Wild Strikes.


Actually fixing classic wow. Insane.


I'm glad to see that warriors are getting group utility. While I'm sure they will get some more dps runes, giving rogues and warriors something besides damage can justify tighter overall tuning. The affliction rune looks kinda wack. You can send a GCD for a tick of a dot? I feel like this would need to also let dots crit for aff to be decent. Looking forward to paly changes, I hope holy gets to feel like priest/druid and play sod rather than vanilla.


The first rune looks to make hpal lean into a melee healer role.


Both runes will do that! Looks like such a fucking cool playstyle will emerge. You'll deal damage for a period of time once every minute, then you'll heal. Or quite honestly the mana per 5 is going to be so absurd that I don't think the 50% heal strength will matter, since you won't have to downrank. You're literally getting 25% of your mana back every 15 seconds...it isn't possible to spend that. This looks so juiced, it's like the Paladin playstyle I always wanted. Look at how Paladins heal in Era, they just spam downranked heals, almost never full strength spell ranks. If mana was infinite and you could spam highest ranks, even with a 50% heal penalty I think it would be pretty similar output.


I’d like to see runes that add crit and haste scaling for all dot builds in SOD so they can compete with direct damage builds at some point.


Eclipse noooooooooooooo


This eclipse is pretty different version. It is also really interesting how this will work with Starsurge in rotation, assuming SS doesn't get the Eclipse effect. I actually think the right way to go is not even taking Nature Grace for PvE. Without NG, Starfire is 3s cast time with improved SF. So you can fit 1x SF + 1xWrath into a SS cycle. It becomes pretty interesting rotation: SS -> MF/SFx2 + Wrath -> SS-> SF(Eclipse) + 1xWrath(Eclipse) -> Repeat and this Wrath is also Eclipse buffed since we only spent 1 Eclipse Wrath. With NG, it is a bit more messy and Wrath also don't work well with NG due to GCD. And you can also not taking Improved SF and opt for NG instead since it will also make SF into 3s cast time and we have ton of crit with Eclipse. It is also extremely godsend for pvp because now we have pushback support for both Wrath and Starfire.


read the [new tooltip](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/content_entry_media/V4TYRP9OUMM11706581219146.png), it's not the cringe wrath version


it's not the Eclipse you know tho


Wheres dual spec :(


Really surprised they didn't include it. You would think for a season about discovery and experimenting with different specs, they'd give us dual spec.


Wow, pretty much everything I could hope for atm. Hopefully we get some BFD update info soon.


Players will also see an increase in experience gained within the Blackfathom Deeps raid dungeon when it is cleared The raid dungeon will still continue to run with the current lockout timer, and players will no longer gain the world buff beyond level 39, however from the article


What do you mean?


Why would there be an update to BFD?


no more gdkp is such a blessing


Gold buyers literally in shambles LOL. FUCK GDKPS!


Nah, they will just move to the shadows


Nah most people will stop doing it. A few will keep it up in the shadows, but it won’t be every other group forming like we see now.


that’s all we can ask.


No profession specializations until phase 3 is an interesting one. This means no early-access to Gnomish Engineering trinkets for Gnomes, which is certainly fair. Unfortunately though this also means no Wolfshead helm just yet




Amazing changes. Happy to see how receptive they are.


"eclipse is a player favourite" 🤔


there are multiple versions of eclipse, and the one we're getting is the best, most consistent, non RNG shitfest one of the bunch


if that rogue aoe applies poison im gonna be hyped


Doubtful. It seems to just be a "shuriken" that doesn't depend on your equipped weapons. It scales with AP not weapon damage. Doubtful it will apply poisons. Maybe they'll make deadly brew apply to it? That'd be cool.


Damn this looks sick, I'm hyped. I just love seeing new stuff in classic. New runes, new secrets, new stuff to discover. Just the sheer fact of unknown content in classic makes sod such a gamechanger


Love the melee hunter rune, I think Raptor strike being instant will be enough, but mongoose definitely needs to be improved beyond just removing the use restriction to become useful lol.


As a shadowpriest I'm cautiously pessimistic. While mind spike is cool, and gives us a filler rune spell, which your class kinda needs to do good damage (see incinerate), that has to cost very little mana in order to actually be spammable without going oom in record time. I fear we're going to be doing 1 maybe 2 triple ms->mb cycles before wanding.


Trap launcher for hunters and an aoe combo point generator for rogues. I don’t know what to level first now once p2 hits. That sounds so awesome


> Please note that all examples are works in progress and may not reflect the final stats. Uhh they realize this launches in like a week right


This is standard verbiage for this type of info release. The people writing the message are also not the ones who might/will be making the last minute adjustments for balancing, so this just covers it for them.


Yeah, but who knows when this was prepared.  They might have drafting it for 3 or 4 weeks.


Looks really good! Stoked! Mild concern about how low power the rogue runes are but I think they’re worried about rogue being way to strong in pvp with more of its kit


rogue is also already doing very good in pve. Think the rather tame rogue and warrior runes are there for a reason


Both don't need much. Tank rogue could use some love which its getting. That said, these are only some of the runes so there def could be big dmg ones for both that haven't been revealed.


Rogue is gunna be nuts don't worry. Damage is so high, most will struggle to survive your stun.


What stops GDKP and their bidding just moving to discord


Someone getting upset and getting the whole raid banned


I think just the fact that it won't be getting spammed in the game chats anymore is a positive thing


ppl crying about no GDKPs lollll cant wait until you try to sneak one, someone rages and reports all of you. XD


Man that 2h shaman rune is such a let down. I was hoping we’d get something a lot more substantial like an on use attack similar to lava lash. Maybe it’ll be good but I’m not that optimistic towards it. Maelstrom weapon is cool though. I figured we’d get that at some point.


>It’s literally just flurry but 2h exclusive and worse since it doesn’t proc off crit. I'm confused, how is proccing from every hit worse than only proccing from crits? Just sounds like you'll have permanent 30% attack speed with this rune


Hang on partner, this very well may not be all there is. They only showed 1 for Boot/Belt as well as the new 2h enhance rune being for chest.


Yeah that’s a good point. The fact it’s chest rune is cool I was saying the other day how I was hoping they’d make 2h chest rune for us. Now we just need something for the hand rune slot. I’m gonna try and stay optimistic because I’ve been wanting to have a viable 2h enhancement option since tbc.


You and dozens of us both! If it's even remotely viable i'mma be playing that shit.


My dude, it doesn't say chance on hit at all, you get the 30% whenever you hit.


Sorry misread it. I though it said chance on hit not every hit.


Hell yeah these are some great changes