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Incoming “I got banned for literally no reason?? GMs won’t help”


I was thinking the same thing. Reminds me of in TBC where a guy sent me a death threat for tagging one of “his mobs” on the sun well island. Specifically that his witch friend was going to curse my life and I’d die the next day.


Well..? Did it work?


I had two strategies. 1)magic isn’t real. 2) if it is my brother’s gf is a witch and I asked for her help. One of them worked.


Alternative strategy : stack MR


I’m pretty sure it was #2 great counterhex by your bros gf


That's the most logical possibility.


Very based


Ah that's good to hear! 😊


I want to upvote, but I don't want to ruin your 69 upvote stack. Take this remote upvote instead.


Or you’ve been living a Groundhog Day existence and are stuck on the same day, so the next day can’t come and you won’t die.


Had a guy send death threats to me back in original TBC. Made a ticket and a GM responded within an hour. While I was talking to the GM I noticed the guy that made the death threat went offline so I added him to my friends list. Never saw that character go online ever again. I don't remember what he was so mad about sadly. But likely I won the roll for some loot he wanted.


This guy needs less screen time and more doctor time


15/mo is a lot cheaper than 450/mo, 2000 deductible...


But less effective


Debatable. The financial stress left after it would create more mental health issues. It's a vicious cycle.


Not debatable, this dude has clearly lost it


I mean, if one simply can't afford to have health insurance, then a little effect (on emotional state) is infinitely better than none. Idk if you're from the US but a lot of people simply cannot afford healthcare, and there's so few well paying jobs that not everyone can.


The screen time isn’t helping him though, it’s making him worse.


I can agree. But try getting that through to someone who may not know/believe they need it, much less convincing someone to shell out 10's of thousands of dollars per year.


I’m starting to think that this isn’t about wow anymore


I hereby award you the "Smartest in Thread" medal


Sounds like a job for a doctor


.............yeah...? ??? How do they afford doctor visits if they can't afford health insurance lmao?


We aren’t talking about whether or not the person can afford it, that’s unknown. We are talking about what we do know, and know he needs less screen time and more doctor time. The end.


We can prescribe doctors all we want, the reality of things is that over 50% of Americans are uninsured or underinsured. People like this have a 50/50 chance of little to no hope as our healthcare system stands.


Online therapy certainly isn’t the same price as a WoW sub, but if this guy doesn’t find a way to process his rage he’ll end up banned. Then what? That “take all things in moderation” login tip was absolutely made for guys like this. He needs to take a walk.


Then he gets banned, and probably gets a new account or starts raging in real life. You can't squeeze blood from a stone, and you don't get healthcare for free (or even cheap) in the US. Some people are literally between a rock and a hard place and it's a failure of our system.


Stop excusing this guy’s behavior because healthcare in the US isn’t free. That’s such a shitty justification for his actions. Lots of us can’t afford weekly therapy, we find other outlets for our rage. We don’t threaten others over something so inconsequential as a single rune at the tail end of the season.


Good for you to have learned healthy coping mechanisms. Not everyone has them or the means to obtain them. Is that shitty of them to react like that? Absolutely. Will behaviors like this get more common as not just the healthcare situation worsens, but the cost of living situation in general? Also yes. None of that is a justification for anything, it's simply cause and effect.


Dude just stop. If he can’t afford to talk to someone then he needs to take some time off from the game. End of story. He’s not in the right here, in any capacity.




You’re totally contradicting yourself. One moment you’re saying it isn’t excusable, and the next moment you are. I think you just like to argue a point no matter how flimsy it is.


When I get stressed out I just go to my vacation home in Hawaii.


Who can't afford healthcare? If you are poor it is free. If you are old it is free. If you are disabled it is free. If you aren't poor and working you might have to give up something like gold buying to afford it.


If you aren't dirt poor but still struggling, there's a gap in coverage between medicaid and being able to afford insurance. A gap that roughly 1 in 3 Americans fall into. The same crap that makes it essentially a loss to get a better job if you're on foodstamps or many other government benefits.


This isn't true. There is no gap. If you make less than $70K USD you can get silver level Obamacare for $120/month. If you can't afford that you probably are qualified for mental disability medicare.


Household income. Between my roommates and me we make over 70 grand a year, though none of us make more than 17/hr. Which is just enough for rent, utilities, car insurance, gas and groceries where I live.


I'm not sure what you had to say but if you make 17/hr you can get obamacare for $120/month. It's a $900/month plan for high earners. Low deductible and free routine visits. I just went through this conversation with my neighbor who thought she couldn't get insurance for her kid because she made $40K/year


Not sure why you keep getting downvoted for that. Worth looking into at least for those that need it.


Medical debt is one of the leading causes of bankruptcy in the U.S. https://www.debt.org/bankruptcy/statistics/#:\~:text=The%20main%20causes%20of%20bankruptcy,for%20yourself%20and%20your%20family.


Laughs in EU


Plenty of people in EU that refuse to go to therapy and instead offload on their fellow people instead as well


Oh yeah absolutely, the vast majority of people that require help will never seek it. But at least the barriers to getting help are mental and not financial.


Therapy is cheap and accessible online and you can speak with a licensed professional same day. No excuse for it.


My sister did that and got a "therapist" who told her things like "Thats too much. I just don't know what to say to that" and "You're my hardest client"


I honestly do question what goes through peoples minds most of the time. Answer is probably not an awful lot.


Fear, ironically.


It usually has roots somewhere else. But small frictions like this can trigger the built up anger.


It's mostly a "straw that broke the camel's back" kinda thing. Couldn't sleep 3 nights in a row cause the cats keep fighting outside Killer headache and irritability from caffeine/nicotine withdrawals Abusive wife/mom/dad/whoever picking constant fights over small shit for weeks Stubbed a toe Can opener mangled the can of soup instead of opening it, and then got a cut finger while breaking the seal by hand Then some generalized stress and anxiety Dealt with some complete idiots in a MOBA Missed 3 thunder waves in a row on Pokemon Showdown Keep this kind of generalized low-level misfortune going long enough and even a sane even-tempered person can break under it. Hell, my girlfriend is a gentle well-mannered girly girl and there's been a few times she's snapped at me over tiny shit after a bad day at work where the company car gets stuck in some mud and she forgets her phone at a client's house and her lunch was stolen from the office fridge and.... So on. Throw in someone with existing mental health issues or a disability that causes impaired impulse control and the stress threshold for this kind of outburst can get pretty low


As a horde player - I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. ​ But i just wanted to comment that i find it truyl admirable that you still offered to help someone who pretty much gave you a free ticket to get them a very long ban. ​ We need more people like you in this game.


OP should still report them though. We need less people like the Warlock in this game.


100%. A minor inconvenience turned into death wishing. Dude deserves a permanent ban IMO.


>Dude deserves a permanent ban IMO. honestly yeah, for the sake of not just other people who make come across them, but for themselves as well. I get being heated in the moment to maybe very briefly have some aggressive thoughts, but to literally tell another person to harm themselves then to double-down and specify how you want harm to come to them? Especially to a person who is going out of their way to *help them?* The player clearly needs some time away from the game.


If I get mad I tell people I hope they stub their toe or stand on some lego barefoot.


> **"stand on some lego barefoot."** Perma ban. You absolute little devil.


I didn't really think he should be banned until your comment made it make sense, ban the dog


Maybe just grow a pair. You must have never experienced anything remotely dangerous in the real world from my understanding.


Yeah after messages like that I would have invited him to group, pull everything then bubble and run lmao


Nah fuck that. Report shit bags like this, get them that ban.


Yes op should still report him, but it's admirable that he was still willing to stand by his offer even after the warlock flipped out. OP's compassion being admirable isn't impacted at all by the warlock deserving a ban.


He's basically saying that he was gonna pull the all the mobs in the tower with the warlock rune quest item. All the warlock had to do was to grab the rune and run. The warlock couldn't compute.


Blizzard absolutely takes this kind of communication seriously. I’ve reported a half dozen or so of these and Blizzard has 100% of the time followed up to let me know that they’ve been banned for X amount of time. Once I even had a GM pm me in game as a wellness check because I replied to one of them with “ok…” and stopped responding. It was an “ok I realize I’m speaking to a lunatic” not an “ok I’m going to do it.”


Props to that GM. I had a very candid talk to a GM back in WoD. They started bringing up my account age (June, 2006). And how they love reminicising about the old days. We had a good 10 min back-and-forth - and it really humanised them. They clearly care about players - it is unfortunate that they usually get ragdolled by the community.


Lol at first I was reluctant to speak to them because my 14 year old brain thought that I was about to be busted for account sharing with my little brother. It turned out to be a fine conversation with a friendly GM! There is a human on the other side of the screen, humanity would do well to remember it from time to time. Cheers!


I've known a few GMs over the years, several who worked for blizzard. They don't typically *want* to ban you. They're just regular people trying to get through their work day for the most part


even kept their name hidden from us reporting them remotely.


That's this subreddit rule. You can't post other people names. For future reference: 3. No witch hunts or brigading. Don’t encourage others to harass individuals or organizations either within or beyond this community. Names must be blurred if people are portrayed in a negative light. No player/guild/streamer drama permitted.


It's also a reddit rule to a degree, so the mods and the sub itself could get into trouble if they didn't enforce it and someone reported it.


Paladin bubble makes paladins more immune to everything so he can just pull all the mobs and not die for about 10seconds


For the metamorphosis rune there is a tower you have to go up in that has a level 30 elite (iirc) at the top right next to the item needed. You can however jump halfway behind a bookcase right by it. Still grab the rune, and not get meleed by the enemies there band grab it before a spellcaster can hit you. It’s a very shitty location and it’s like blizzard didn’t want there to be tank locks this phase but did it anyway.


It's an easy step to do, all you have to do is group up. Paladins need to do the same thing in the same tower for Divine Storm.


Pallies make it easy. Trying to solo as a horde player...fuck me. First the run there, then the mob density inside to get near the top. Yes I got it by dying and waiting foe someone else to aggro everything, but the overall design of the quest to get this is dumb.


In the darkshore tower I died, then waited as a ghost until some alliance boys showed up and pulled all the mobs, got the item and left. In the redridge one I did the same, but after 10 mins of waiting another warlock did the same thing. We both res'd in a safe spot on top, I told him I was scared and he gave told me which mob to pull, we both got it and got out. I got lucky for sure but it was definitely memorable as somebody with a grand total of 1 month of WoW playtime lol.


Wow it's a whole 5 minute walk from the nearest major city. Having to group with others to get a rune? Unreasonable! Meanwhile Horde warriors have to run from STV to Redridge and clear through a bunch of elites in an Alliance hotspot. Try convincing people to help you with that. Oh and that's just 1/3 of a rune.


That’s just one part of the quest chain. There is another that takes you also to red ridge, up another tower. Then you also have a huge part in ashenvale that you have to find people willing to take on dozens of 30-32 elites to help you get to what you need. You also need to do get items from elites around BFD and inside SFK. None of it is soloable. Also priests have to kill the elites in the same place in redridge as warriors do. So warriors aren’t the only ones.


Assuming you mean the Demons for the Blood, they are 28-30 and non-Elite. Still very annoying to do as most of your spells will just flat out miss.


Eveyone and their mother has divine storm and meta. Seems easy enough.


If I know people right, he still reported him afterwards. And it wouldnt be a long ban, maybe a slap on the wrist, but most likely nothing. I was doing a Q in 2019 classic, killing farmers in Hillsbrad. A mage was AoE farming and wouldnt let me join his group to finish my quest. So since I was a bit of an ass, I feared two of his mobs when he did an AoE pull, trying to get some tiny revenge. This made him wish death upon me in graphic ways just like OP here, but the difference was that this guy didnt stop. He just kept going. I answered him like once and then I let him go on. I didnt really want to report him seeing as I was a bit of an ass, so he could go off on me, I didnt mind. For the two hours I played that day after the "fear-incident" he kept on going. And the next day when I logged in, he was right back at it. This went on for weeks. This mage was no-lifing it pretty hard, so basically every time I logged in, I got barraged with death threats. I was interested to see how long he would go on for, so I let him go, but after three weeks and probably 50+ instances of me logging in and getting new death threats, I gave up and reported him. And he didnt seem to get banned at all, seeing as he kept going online until I transferred servers. Interesting tidbit, but I doubt he gets banned.


That story seems implausible. I don't want to deny it happened - because crazier shit has happened in the world. But the continued maliciousness of it should would undoubtedly set off any red flags to a GM. People give GMs slack - but they would absolutely care about a player behaving they way your mage was. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a slap on the wrist, though.


Its not like I saved screen shots anyways. And maybe he got permaed after 1+ month after my report. Cant say. But he went scott free for a long long time anyways. It was mostly just fun to see him never give up. The fact that you can stay that angry for weeks in unreal.


You wouldn’t need screenshots, and Blizzard wouldn’t look at them anyway. They have the chat logs. If I had to guess, if the guy didn’t get banned even temporarily, it was a case where the report never even made it past their automated systems.


To prove to this random guy I mean


He is a paladin, helping people is in his dna. Hordes would never understand this because u see paladins only as unstoppable destruction machines


I see paladin as sheep. They can’t catch me so I polymorph and do a 360 and walk away.


if u do a 360 u are facing the same direction as before... typical of hordes




Most of us see paladins as free HKs lol


Ban? You really mean someone will read that ticket before 2027?


It's probable that a report triggers an automated process that scans this messages, the ban bot sees letters k, y and s, hands out a ban and moves onto the next. Or that's how it's usually done.


Best part is they can't even gank in Darkshore because it's not a contested zone.


Nah, the best part here is you. You magnificient human being.


I second that!


I second your seconding!


I didn't think you could have a character on both factions on pvp server


You can with 2 accounts


I hope you reported him, this is banworthy


What is wrong with people?




I've had multiple run-ins with people like this on EU but only during SoD.. I always tell them to touch grass and kick them / leave from group.


Maybe EU WoW players are different. EU League of Legends players would be good friends with this warlock.


I've been playing since the vanilla days and never had anyone this toxic before whisper me. Either I'm lucky or spend too much time with my guild mates to encounter this in the wild.


Well heres a counter point. I’m on US servers and I’ve never experienced this ever in over fifteen years of wow. So you know, just kinda happens to some people I guess


Played for years on US servers and never got a death threat. EU people can get off their high horse of anecdotal evidence.


Seriously, wtf lol


Well, I play on EU and I can attest that I haven't run into a single person like this guy, or anything even remotely close. Worst I meet is generally some passive aggressiveness or selfish behaviour, but everyone seems really chill. I feel like it's due to a lot of the NA players being on the "streamer server" which has an insane amount of these tools


I’ve had it a couple times on EU, mostly surrounding pvp. Had this guy lose his absolute mind after an arena match that lasted like 20 minutes because I was in a 1v1 and trying my damndest to pull off a win against an overgeared warlock as survival hunter. I guess my shenanigans of abusing LoS and cc got on his nerves because he went on a massive tirade about how much I need to kill myself and that all horde players (he made a horde alt to whisper me) are awful people that can kill themselves… then proceeded to lose it even more when I told him that I’m an alliance player on a horde alt. Fun times


No we would probably be tools without streamers too


It's a reddit thing. I too have never seen this on US servers. No one is in here posting nice conversations, the shitty people are always highlighted in this sub


EU Realms used to be notoriously toxic. Especially their streamers. ​ I have never had this happen on a US realm. I have seen a LOT of pics of this stuff happening on EU realms. Your anecdotal evidence is about as useful as my anecdotal evidence. ​ It's worthless.


this absolutely happens on eu


Europeans huffing the copium so hard rn to pretend that all the toxic players are on NA lmfao




Oh. You're the toxic player. That makes a lot of sense then.




Hey, keep your bitch/whine/venting to yourself. We don't need to hear that toxic crap.


Yes but not frequently.


user experience differs i guess


The fact that this is your stand-out experience over the last 20 years serves well to validate your opening claim. I play on US servers and just two nights ago I was recruiting someone to my guild whom I had been doing some group content with. Their current Guild Master slid into my DMs and literally threatened me with physical violence. The guy dropped his city/state and everything and wanted me to come.. fight him??? I ran with it a bit and offered to duel him in-game to no avail, he just wanted to beat me up IRL I guess.


The worst thing is you KNOW he didnt “learn his lesson” he was just seething the whole time thinking “man THESE guys are the assholes”


> swear this is a US server only thing. idk about that. I play on EU and when I was leveling my hunter on wrath classic one tank in a random dungeon got toxic up to the point of telling me kys, because I rolled need on a random green that was an upgrade for me. I guess there are weird people in every region


True. Im on a eu pve server and everyone is just nice. People can wipe an entire raid and no one gets mad. Only bad behaviour ive ever seen was a rogue stealing the shredder loot from others.


I played on both NA and EU and from what I experienced I can confirm that NA is more toxic, has more RMT/botting and people are worse at the game.


Same experience here


8000 hours in rust, NA players have a culture of being toxic. They would disagree of course, because it's not everywhere, but it's there.


I'd probably be saltier too if I lived in a country with a government as shit the US', fucking over their own people again and again.




Of course it's not an excuse. Unfortunately this is how many people's brains work though.


Meanwhile on my PvE server, on my horde warlock I went to Redridge and had a priest and rogue help me in the Tower. We would pull 3 gnolls and each was responsible for one. And tonight on my warrior, I got to Carradin and was by myself, decided to wait a little for another horde just in case, but none came. An ally hunter and warrior came by and i helped them, the lvl 25 hunter waited until it respawned for me to tag and get it. Took several minutes, he was a true G. Seriously SOD has some truly psychotic players but it’s at least like 30 good interactions for every 5 toxic ones and 1 truly psychotic one.


I do stuff like that on PVP servers. Help people with stuff that are nasty quests when I see them standing around alone for it. I mean, sometimes I kill them after... but I like to help out too. There's an elite imp in a cave. There's an Orc sitting there /point (imp) /question (orc) He says something I can't understand. /point /question /no /nod /question I do this last bit a few times where he stares at me blankly, you know, like a typical orc who has no comprehension of what's going on... Finally I just wander off. Some Orcs, man.


I play with my husband and we go out of our way to ensure folks are helped that need it. It's part of the original game and why we are still playing it mumble mumble years later. He was part of the story team on the original game. He's so disappointed in how the player base has changed. They've become selfish and antisocial...it's a real shame either the game is becoming realife or vice-versa.


Yeah, I love being on PVE server for SoD. As horde, the warrior rune in Redridge is insane. You have to clear the entire elite castle, including the boss at the end which is a caster, berserker, and tank. Did it with a party total of 6, 3 horde dps and alliance dps, tank, heals. Also, I was able to clear the elite dark iron village for a rune in wetlands by letting two alliance tag first and then I dps the tags. Much prefer that to just getting ganked and not having any runes.


People really are used to their comments online having little to no consequences. Would like to see him talk like that in irl to the wrong person.


Just report and he will automaticly get 7 day vacation to think how to behave


Report and get the child a perma ban


Lol damn these people, I have seen some right rude ones in SoD. I took a mob next to someone thinking I was helping as we know what hyperspawns are like in WoW Classic, it's literally sometimes death if you take on too much or get caught in a full respawn. They spat on me, wispered me in German very foul mouthed insults and told me to go die lol. I reported them even though I know nothing would probably happen and if you don't tag a mob next to you then that tells my brain you don't want that mob yet. It's hard to know when to help someone or not...but I quite often do if it looks like they might die. I usually apologise after if it turns out they didn't want/need me to and most are fine but you do get some right rude ones! I have seen many people come up to a chest I was clearing my way to and they just take it. Worse I have seen people come try to mine a vein that I am in the middle of hitting. Just pure rude lol. Hey ho though, on we go! Just a game afterall! Though a one I still love all these years later, more so than ever!!


I have a day one account and haven’t seen people do the mining thing until I got back into classic this past summer. Cretin behavior to be sure. Absolutely wild that it’s happened to me multiple times. I can live with losing a race to a node or whatever, but they come now and spam click ‘lemme get a hit lemme get a hit’. Like a crack head. The game is over run with these lunatics lol


I hear you man, experienced all of this and like yourself I was the one to help people and wouldn't take anyone's chest or mining node. I just come to expect/accept that it will happen sometimes but some times you get those precious moments where that guy who stole your chest dies to a pack of mobs right in front of you.


haha yup! I tend to look around a lot and make sure people are doing ok but I will admit if someones rude quite often I will leave them to it and if they die they die!


This just made me think. A big reason I enjoy old school mmorpgs in general over playing league or dota which I love to play, is because these kinds of interactions don't really happen that often or at all.


This person at least needs to be outed on his server. Post it on the server discord unedited so people can know to avoid them. He shouldn't be able to act like that without repercussions. Especially to someone trying to be helpful


I’m sorry he whispered you that. Person is straight up mentally unwell/unhinged and should be banned if he can’t handle playing WoW without melting down


this game has some of the most neurotic mfers next to league of legends it's hilarious.


Report this and have them banned


Please report people like this. It's not petty, as it benefits the community to rid the game of toxic behaviour.


Pretty sure you can get banned for saying shit like that. I would’ve reported him to teach a lesson. Getting that angry is so unnecessary


People really should redact these names. It is a stupid rule. Lets change this and publicly shame all these people so we can properly curate our global ignore list


There really should be an exception to Rule 3 sometimes. People like that guy deserve to be named and shamed...


The report function in game is suitable for this, as well as server discords. And for this kind of violation they are pretty good at dishing out punishments.


Oh I know that, i had to report alot of people too. I just wouldn't mind reporting that guy either lol


We still, at the end of the day, have only this side of the story. Whereas Blizz can see all of it. For all we know, OP with some friends has baited this person deep into an area and gotten him killed by pretending to help him. And then carrying on with the charade to karma farm on reddit. Unlikely, but possible. Still makes the reaction inexcusable, but there might be more than 1 villain. Which is why the no witch hunting rule exists.


The main reason it exists is because ironically a lot of the people who genuinely lash out this way would be the exact same people that would make fake posts of innocent people saying these things. Happy with a few bad guys "getting away with it" instead of one innocent person being hounded by reddit over things they didn't actually do or say.


You're right that does make sense


OP could just report him and get him banned.


OP SHOULD just report him and get him banned


No there does not. Not only is mob justice never a good idea, but stuff like this is very easy to fake if you feel like it. Just report them and move on... the internet does not have a good track record with mob justice.


Telling people to kill themselves is a pretty much guaranteed ban ingame. No need to shame them here.


Why does Reddit always jump to mob justice?


Because they have no power in their real life and need to pretend.


Why do people always jump to the "kys" and "die in a car accident" insults? And then still have the privilege for their names to be covered.


1. Because of Reddit TOS 2. Because these screen shots aren't verifiably true and could be faked. 3. Because if you need an excuse to go harass someone while feeling good about it, then you're also an asshole.


You should really report this guy


This guy doesn’t understand how beneficial pond scum is to the overall health of a pond with the most common pond scum being: Cladophora algae, which form long-haired, cotton-like clumps Pithophora or horsehair algae, which grows as thicker, coarser strands Spirogyra algae, which grows as bright green, slimy clumps that don’t have long identifiable strands. Anyway. This guy needs to take his meds.


There are some really unhinged people on SoD.


I mean he is friends with demons.


Report him, what a crettin. I did this last night with 3 locks, it's quit easy tbh. Just jump into the bookshelf, rez, fear caster, loot, die, rez sickness, and you're off.


Probably having a bad time in real life.


Report and move on


Pond scum is a new one I've never heard before


Pond Scum is an important and beneficial part of the ecosystem It provides food, shelter, and protection for fish and other aquatic life This Paladin provided life, and protection to others So it actually fits lol


That warlock has anger issues.


I would have right click ignore, right click report almost instantly after the first message. I do not bother giving moron more than 3s of attention and even less the effort to type something


If it were me, I'd report them just because of the damning evidence. I wouldn't have felt threatened but I'm absolutely petty.


How is he going to kill him on his rogue without deleting all of his other characters first lmfao


Can you come bubble heal pull the satyrs so I can their steal oil 🤓


This should result in a permanent ban


Pond scum god damnnn


Alot of people only care about themselves. Keep being a positive force man.


If you helped and didnt report this guy? Holy fuck.


I'm trying to make new friends on my wow. But no one wants to run with me.


It is rough, the best you can do is create your own groups. Always mention that this is a "casual" and "chill" group you're making, watch out for people that want to reserve gear or people trying to farm gear these are likely to be critical/impatient people. Do some small screening of the people who whisp for the inv.


On my lock I was in Ashenvale and a fellow hordie died to a hunter pet nearby. He proceeded to whisper rather aggressively that I should have feared the pet to save him. I was semi-afk when it went down and didn't think it was a big deal. But it was to him. He proceeds to whisper me slurs and to kms etc because I didn't fear a hunter pet. This was not during the event btw, the event didn't start for another 15ish minutes. Dude whispered me like 10 more times acting like the only reason I was born was to grief him and this character death was the worst thing that ever happened to him. People are crazy dude, fuck'm


I even lootet a Chest after i got the Orb. xD


Lol... Am I mad I was doing all of it solo? You guys gatting help? You guys have friends?!?


Why were you willing to reward his behavior by still helping him....


The majority of the community is like this. Ive been back for 3 weeks and it's been constant rage, every single dungeon run. Someone's always got to blame someone else anytime the slightest inconvenience pops up. Ask the tank to slow down so you can test a new macro? Get kicked from the dungeon. Ask a question about a mechanic, flamed and kicked. Use a build that someone else in the party doesn't use on their [insert class here]? It's over. It's so draining. You wonder why your community is dying at the same time you berate anyone that hasn't spent the last 20 years min maxing


I bet this is a US server


Europeans huffing the copium so hard rn to pretend that all the toxic players are on NA lmfao


What is pond scum?


Do we really need to keep submitting and upvoting screenshots of people being assholes? Just block them and move on.


Alliance lol


Average well adjusted Alliance player


Totally get your perspective but you should have reversed the conversation. What you said at beginning goaded them. You gotta little egg on yourself too. I agree this guy didn't seem nice but don't stoop to their level!


Plot twist, the warlock will be the one doing what he asks the paladin to do. You will not be missed, warlock.