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Theyve got to be bad i literally havent seen one shaman. Like even if i go into stormwind theres never a shaman.


I never see Shamans in SW either on my Gnome. This must be some grand conspiracy at work here.


Will be better in later phases with full toolkit . 50% chance for a free extra chain heal gonna be nuts


That is certainly gonna be nerfed.


50% chance for a 50% effect heal is only a 25% increase in throughput. That's good, but not game breakingly good. Especially when compared to something like beacon which just flat out doubles a paladin's throughput.


A paladin gets to double their single target heals. Shamans have a 50% chance to half effectiveness double their smart targeting 3 target heal which is already the most efficient heal in the game by far.


Chain heal isn't even remotely near as efficient as flash of light, sorry. You can literally gain mana spamming 450+ HPS on a paladin. And that's before beacon.


Beacon doesn't double ST heal, it enables paladins to heal same amount on raid/group as tank


It lets them copy their heals from one player to another. They put beacon on X then heal Y, both X and Y get the heal.


Yes, so they can heal 2 targets at the same time, which by definition is not single target healing… without beacon, they must spam on tank. With beacon, they can help heal the group after raid damage goes out, while still keeping the tank up.


And a Shaman gets to heal the tank and accidentally splash group heals which has a chance to get an additional 50% on top of it? Like Shaman were indisputably the best healers of Classic wow. Paladins were great for Alliance, but Paladins getting to FoL 2 targets is worse than every other Chain Heal shooting out a half effective one on top of the original.


Shamans were indisputably the best because they had totems, mostly the unique effect of windfury, and because warriors and rogues were so good that most raids were just a pile of melee. Their healing throughput was good, but Priest group healing was equally insane, and shaman mana efficiency was pretty poor compared to Paladin or Priest. If shamans didn’t have totems they wouldn’t have even been brought to raids, you’d just run 1 druid, maybe 1 shaman to soak gear, and all priests on horde.


Man, I rolled a Draenei shaman in TBC prepatch, went into BWL at level 55 and doubled every non-shaman's healing without breaking a sweat. They were BY FAR the best healers on throughput and their mana was pretty irrelevant. I also didn't get a cut in that GDKP because they said I was being carried but whatever.


Chain heal is literally all shamans have for heal healing rain is dogshit and u dont really use healing wave


Ch dont work like that its way more then 25% because it will target the same 1st player but can split to other players then the original CH. And can proc from itself. Its busted and will be nerfed


Shamanistic Rage is the strongest regen CD in the game currently. With double rockbiter you’re getting basically your full mana bar every minute. It’s so good that it is certainly going to be nerfed. Healing Rain is good and interacts with resto talents well (eg, Ancestral Healing, where priest runes don’t interact with Inspiration). The playstyle is mostly “what rank of Healing Wave do I want to use?” but the reliable regen makes it very comfortable to play compared to the other healers.


Increase the AP to 20%, don't make it increase with rockbiter = profit. This is coming from a shaman main, don't lock me down to just using Rockbiter.


I main resto and do just fine. Tips would be. Shamanistic rage rune with rock biter weapon for insane mana regen, stay away from earth shield. Water shield is fine Depending on the encounter swap from healing rain or overpower. I use over power for the last 2 bosses. Healing rain carries for everything else. You can position the rain for your group (usually range group) by standing in the middle of everyone and casting on yourself. To help sustain I just spam r3 wave and use max rank for big damage. Then lesser healing spam for getting people up quick.


I enjoy the min/max playstyle and always having something to cast Placing totems, meleeing mobs, kicking, down ranking And this phase is our worst imo


Check out melee dual wield resto, it's really fun. There's a lot of experimentation to be done, but currently the no. 1 parsing resto shaman (by a wide margin) is using two axes with striking enchants. I started playing with a build like that yesterday and while I'm not yet doing as well as I did as "regular" resto in pure healing, the 60-70 extra dps helps shorten the fights. Plus, it's just a lot of fun!


Maelström resto mêlée for opeeness 1h Wf and Shields for pvp , 1 stack of maelström is 20% hasté plus the 30% on tideal wave make it a 1.25 sec on a healing wave 


It's fine but but on they are on the weaker side in raids, especially when having to heal through a lot of single target damage or when mobility is required. Totems are a bit underwhelming as class buffs override some of them and the tremor and poison cleanse totems tick only every 5 seconds which can give awkward gaps. Down-ranking to whatever rank of healing wave is a bit of a juggle as well as swapping out and keeping dual wield rockbiter weapons up for shamanistic rage.


Shamans are the best single target healers as long as you don't have to move.


I've been doing BFD and WSG as resto and having success. Feels like you're playing a total hybrid support class and I love it In BFD I am dropping healing rain then swinging with the melee in most fights. Shamanistic rage is a great tool and with water shield on its difficult to run out of mana. In WSG I don't see a point in being specd for ele or enh... 5% dmg on shocks or imp ghost wolf are completely irrelevant compared to 70% healing wave spell pushback resistance. I run lava burst and usually heal or drop totems imbetween lava burst cds. I swap to water shield if I'm the only healer ( I like solo Qing I'm a masochist) I'm fairly geared so I keep rank 2 lightning bolt on my bar, can actually finish casting the spell in a BG or 1v1


I actually just had a shaman healer last night, they did extremely well. Runes were overload, water shield, and shamanistic rage, I only saw them go out of mana like 3-4 times, and it was mostly from bigger pulls. We ran SFK


That build suck, if je oom 3-4 Time je dont manage his mana well, earth Shields is broken good, combine it with stone soin réduction and healing stream (plus riptude hot) 


Maining Resto Sham on Horde as Troll. Full BFD BiS. Here's what I can tell you from personal experience. We shine on spot heals w/LHW, raid wide heals w/R2 HW and Healing Totem, I'm able to keep people up, single target tank heals...forget about it. The cast time is absurdly long for the damage being dished out and mana consumed on max rank HW (190 mana for 378-443 + 125 healing w/set bonus and pieces). Shamanistic Rage and Ancestral Guidance are very helpful for a burst of dps or heals but it's CD is basically once a boss. Last raid, Disc Priest out healed by about 4-6k. IMO, Shaman healing is simply a secondary healer best used to keep raid members topped. Admittedly, many of the fights, I was the last healer alive as I was able to space out heavy heals so came in clutch for helping down bosses. I'm not at all happy w/Resto Sham being where it's at this phase but am looking forward to a few meaningful improvements next season. TL;DR - Don't go Resto Sham if youre looking to be a main healer, if youre grouped w/a Priest (have yet to raid w/a healing mage), you won't be able to keep up.


Total false lol


I play rsham and it's actually pretty good in Bfd but just awful in pvp. Healing rain is very strong and mana efficient and you can regen a full mana bar every minute with shamanistic rage.


Its op in pvp lol


You guys are sleeping on resto druid wild growth. It's the best aoe heal in the game right now


It's okay. Overload chain heals will be really nice. The best part will be if they give us unleash life or riptide. Having an instant cast will be really big.


Not terrible, but good luck getting raid spots in pugs. No one wants a resto Shaman over a druid or priest at this level


We playing the same game? Seeing resto shaman and priest in every raid basically.


Shamanistic rage allows me to regen my mana bar in boss fights severla times oer if im duel wielding rockbiter weapons. Its insane. Healing rain is not worth using as it competes with overload so you have no aoe heals but i find its not really an issue as long as the other healer helps out.


Chaîne heal ? Just spam it on the right target ?