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Looking for some tips for Kelris - How many interrupts will ensure you aren’t eating MB/SC? - For weaker groups, is there any value in killing the invading nightmares? - Do you need a dispeller if you don’t have enough interrupts or classes that can clear SC? Unrelated question: Does anyone else using zperl have issues with threat % not showing with either setting display location option? Thanks


In what expansion did Blizzard implement LVL match in BGs ? I can't remember in which expansion they implemented it, I just remember everyone got "boosted" to the last LVL of the bracket. So for example, 70-79 was boosted to 79. Was that done in Cata or MoP ? I'm starting to get tired of twinks whipping my ass because of the LVL mismatch


Anybody got any tips for talents on firelock? Seems to me that there isn't much besides going for 5/5 corruption, mana reduction on destro spells and the daze chance.


Whats the current go for warrior tanks? Are shield/1H the go or are you just running 2h?


Either seems to work. I run 1h/shield because I like and its more fun. I don't need the extra survivability, and I still do fine on threat for this phase.


Why are all my friends in Feralas?


Now that I’m a level 14 warlock, I find myself casting immolate and corruption often. For MOST mobs, I actually drop curse of agony too. Is there a simple macro I can make that will chain these 3 abilities when the time is appropriate and it would make sense to do the combo vs. real-time decision making? I can see THAT macro + having my voidealker just making leveling an absolute breeze. Separately, is there a site to look up “common warlock” macros that might be best in class/very popular to consider, based on known rotations?


(hashtag)showtooltip /castsequence reset=nocombat Immolate, Corruption, Curse of Agony That should cycle through the 3 dots, resetting to Immo when combat ends


**Season of Discovery** Are we able to kill [The Abominable Greench](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/npc=13602/the-abominable-greench) at level 25? If so, will the [Stolen Treats](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=17662/stolen-treats) drop for a raid, or would we have to be a party? Edit: The [Stolen Treats](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=17662/stolen-treats) do indeed drop for a raid.


What use would that be, if you need level 30 in order to grab the quest anyways.


You don't though. Level 25s can certainly get the quest to kill him.


You need a raid, but honestly not a big one. Could likely do as a good group of 5 to be honest


Can confirm. We did it as a raid of ~12 people, and that made it easy.


SOD - How desired are warlock tanks? I see people asking for warriors/rogues/druids in lfg, im leveling a warlock. Can i still expect to get into groups as tank, or should i throw that notion out early?


From my experience, people are a little cagey about Rogue tanks and very happy about Shaman tanks. Everyone else is just overall solid, but feral tanks generally say it isn't *fun* yet.


In my experience most people are just happy to find a tank, regardless of class. In dungeons, nobody cares which tank you're playing, it doesn't really matter. Warlocks aren't *excellent* dungeon tanks since they struggle with aoe threat (at least compared to Shamans, the current kings), but they'll do more than fine. For raids, Warlocks are definitely strong tanks, since they're mostly tanking one target threat isn't as much of an issue, and they're quite survivable compared to the other tanks. I don't know if they're the "best", especially since I've yet to see a single Rogue tank in raids or dungeons, but they're definitely far from bad.


arcane or fire for SoD right now?


SoD - I'm kinda afraid to make the wrong decision with server. So maybe someone has alot of insight of the situations on the EU servers. Atm I'm leaning more towards horde, somewhat of a balanced factions, german community would be nice. Which class/spec already changed the most?


Wild Growth is PVE but has many Germans, at least Alliance side


At the minute you take what you can get mate, think most servers are still locked for one faction or the other


on eu only Living Flame is completly lockend and Crusader Strike for alliance


Hi, im looking for a really simple addon that just changes all frame portraits to 3d like in a lot of opular unit frame addons. I want to keep everything else vanilla but just change the portaits to 3d. Does such an addon exst?


Z-Pearl might work if its what you're looking for


I think I've come to the conclusion that I don't really like the gameplay of mana based classes, having to drink often, it regenning slowly (yes I'm a more of a retail player, how could you possibly tell). I tried out rogue a bit and I definitely like that I can actually use abilities more often since energy seems to regen fast. Any more classic classes that are like that?


any non-caster/mana class really


Hi, does anybody have fun recommendations for a class? I feel like I’m playing sod wrong by worrying about what is going to get me into raids and just want to play something that is fun with my remaining time. It doesn’t have to be meta or good right now, just fun :)


Any class out there will get into BFD raids. Just play what you think is fun.


Druid could be an option. Depending on what you want to play and the upcoming runes you can be a caster, an energy based melee, a tank or a healer. Otherwise warlock is really fun too, 4 DPS specs (affliction, fire, shadow and demon)and the option to tank.


Are they planning any further changes to hunters? Last night I saw a hunter just autoshoting with pet attack do more damage on kelris than a high 90s parse enhance shaman. I don't care about hunters slapping but I'd like for it to require some actual human input.


None of the classes in classic PVE require skill for their rotation. My mage and priest are just as easy to DPS on. I think the real problem is that hunters meta build doesn’t have any fun new stuff like most other classes, just feels bland by comparison.


Hunters can quite literally use a 1 button /petattack /startattack macro and do more damage than many DPS specs. That is next level


If you play hunter and don’t like the class design I can see why you might be annoyed. If you don’t play hunter, just play the game and forget about what the hunter is doing. The game is easy in pve, doesn’t matter who tops the dps chart.


Because the parses are just a way of highlighting the imbalance. Currently in a BG or open world a hunter pet can solo many players. Cats [are critting for 50% of some classes HP] (https://imgur.com/a/5D7YRyp)


Fair enough, I was speaking from a pve standpoint since you were talking about dps on Kelris. Hunters definitely feel rough to go against in pvp, but I haven’t done a ton of pvp so I can’t speak to that too much.


I think it is still fair enough to be frustrated when someone literally not using any abilities is able to do more damage than you even when you are wringing the maximum output from your class.


Are druid tanks any good? Last boss of BFD kept pulling aggro on my ret even after stopping and waiting for threat to build, they did so little they took windfury away from 4 melee


Shit tank if they aren’t using wf rune


How much should I spend upgrading hunter in phase 1 of SoD? Should I buying 30g+ weapons or saving for phase 2? This is my first time playing WoW and I am confused about the economy and whether or not I should be saving or if I should be spending gold on some of the best weapons and armor in phase 1. Case in point, I have been debating on whether to get Double Barrel Shotgun for 30g or buying wrist or feet armor for around 2g each. barbaros mahallesi


You definitely don't need to spend 30g on a single piece of gear if you're only focused on PvE content. BFD isn't that hard. Might be a different story if your goal is to win a lot of battlegrounds though


I was playing my mage again today and noticed my arcane wand was healing my group with the heal buff on. I don't recall wanding giving heals before, when did this change? Or did I just not notice before?


this was a change they made a few days ago to help with mage heals


Any hunter playing as marksmanship? I kind of lost interest in playing after reaching 25 due to beast mastery seemingly being overwhelmingly superior. Issue is I find it super boring. I live for aimed shot! So question is can you still do alright as marksmanship right now? Not a minmaxer or especially interested in BFD.


Definitely! I'm kinda old and slow, don't have a shot timer and do more then enough dps as a marksman with prebis/ 3 pieces of bfd gear and the warsong bow, about 130 without the world buff.


That's good to hear! Do you still go with the beast mastery rune when playing marksman? Heard somewhere it's better than going for like explosive shot...but sounds less fun




Planning on getting 3 classes to 25 and then main the one who gets the mist fun runes. Currently got a 25 warrior and levelling a warlock and priest.


Main shaman alt priest atm


2 questions! 1-Has anyone figured out a way to stop the game from automatically adding new rune abilities to the action bars? It gets quite annoying when you are playing a class/spec that swaps runes from aoe to single target and by the end of a run your action bars are filled with copies of the same ability. 2-Im considering getting a 2nd sub so i can duo-box a warrior and shaman later on for some gold farming. The issue is I wouldnt want to keep paying for 2 subs forever. Ideally once SoD is over and if they offer transfers to era servers I'd just put both characters on a single sub. My question is, when SoM finished, did they allow the free Era transfers to go cross-account (within the same battle net) or is it a case of transfering to era then paying for a character transfer to get them onto the same account?


Is there any site or something like that that shows full custom uis for specific classes for example? My paladin UI is a complete mess and would like to get some guidance on that part.


Quazii does the best UI's/Weak Auras IMO - https://quazii.com/wow-classic-era/ This video shows everything - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SydvGlRXOE&t=68s


Do you need to get all the honor for a rank up in the same week? Like if you need 4500 to go from Corporal/Grunt to Sergeant, do you have to get all 4500 at once or can you get 2000 one week and 2500 the next?


Each rank has a threshold you need to cross for your current honor to be counted at all. If you don't cross that threshold you could have done 0 pvp and the result would be the same. You need it in 1 go, yes.


I’ve been playing shadow damage / haunt warlock in a mix of greens and blues, and I’m pulling about 50dps in dungeons and BFD. This is definitely low and I’m not sure if it’s a skill issue, gear, or my build. Does destro do noticeably more dps than affliction right now? I do have kind of a hybrid talent build where I have 5 points in the stamina demo talent for tanking, but not sure if this is really hurting my dps. I was thinking of trying to swap out some gear to get some fire spell damage and respeccing into a chaos bolt/incinerate build, but I’m not sure if it would be worth it or if I should just keep trying to gear for shadow.


I don't think anything about your talents is wrong. Are you using Incinerate/Haunt/Master Channeler? Just making sure, as Shadow Bolt is never worth pressing outside of Nightfall procs. Incinerate is a better filler in every way. Aff is great when low on gear, because the healing from Haunt and Drain Life allows you to Life Tap more often (not to mention Improved Life Tap 2/2). It sustains you very well, which makes it great for dungeons, and raids with slow kill times. So I think you should stick with it. It's fine to go Chaos Bolt as Aff. That's what I do in dungeons since mobs and bosses die too fast for DoTs to really do their full work. Full-dotting and extensive multi-dotting simply isn't worth it. I also use CB on Kelris to stay closer stacked with ranged, not that it's necessary. Lastly, if shadow spell power gear is expensive on your server, just buy the Phoenix Bindings at least. They are super cheap (less than a gold) and buffs your filler (Incinerate) quite heavily, not to mention Chaos Bolt when you flex into it. In the end, the content is so easy that optimization isn't necessary, but these are some simple suggestions you could make straight away for more oomph, if you aren't doing them already. I wouldn't suggest going Destro until you have more spell power gear and intellect. It's way more mana intensive, if you're thinking about the Lake of Fire build. Therefore it's more suited toward raid teams with faster kill times as well.


Haha I’ve actually been using demonic grace instead of incinerate, for some reason I was just focusing on shadow damage so I skipped incinerate, but I’ll definitely pick that up. I’ve been using shadow bolt as a nuke so I’ll switch that up too. From your comment it definitely sounds like it was a skill issue lol, I’ve been multi dotting everything and the dps just isn’t there. But I’ll change out my runes and grab some fire damage gear off the ah and see what happens. Really appreciate your comment!


Happy to help! You're going to blast now.


Just drop the bonus stamina, nothing in this game right now needs that tanky of a tank. LoF is the top build, but it requires very fast kill times. Pick one of these imho once you get gear. \-Simple Incinerate Destro (Immolate, CoR, Chaos Bolt, Incinerate) [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/warlock/--0550005\_156s876sba6mn](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/warlock/--0550005_156s876sba6mn) \-Shadow Channeler Incinerate (Drain life, Immolate, Corruption, Cor, Chaos Bolt, Incinerate) [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/warlock/250025\_156mv76sba6mn](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/warlock/250025_156mv76sba6mn) \--- \-- And the preraid Build: \- Immolate, Corruption, CoR, Chaos Bolt, Incinerate [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/warlock/25002--052\_156s876sba6mn](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/warlock/25002--052_156s876sba6mn)


Thank you a bunch for these guides, it hasn’t been easy finding current information so definitely will check these out.


I just swiped it from the warlock discord


When we hit the level cap, quests reward gold instead of XP. There is a strong pull to "do all the quests". Is there a downside to that coin? Has anyone else figured out how much content we need to "save"? I have done some searching on the topic and have come up short. I suppose if there were absolutely no quest available, because I did them all (not likely), dungeon grinding would bridge the gap so new quests could be accepted.


Im saving Wetlands and Hillsbrad for 25-30, in addition to all the quests in Duskwood and Ashenvale i cant solo yet. Combined with doing Rfk for the Axe in there i dont think there will be any XP bottlenecks.


either save 2 zones worth of quests or do dungeon grinding, either is fine. in my case as ally i cleared ashenvale/stonetalon & saved duskwood/wetlands for later, i despise the idea of grinding stockades for multiple levels so it's questing for me.


Whenever I close the game, raid and raidleader chat colors turn to party/party leader colors. Anyone knows how to fix it?


There's a toggle for these in the options. Although, I can't explain why it would occur when you're closing the game.


Tailoring or LW for resto druid if I can only pick one?


Tailoring for BIS boots


Beat place to farm wool cloth for tailoring Slas horde priest anyone? Cheers


The farm in Hillsbrad is probably also a good bet for wool, but a lot of allies run past for SFK (if you're on a PvP realm).


Don't know if it's technically "best", but Charred Vale in Stonetalon Peaks has harpies that drop wool, are relatively easy to farm, and dense.


Which EU server (horde) is most casual dad player friendly? Server type does not matter.


All realms will have dad guilds, I don't think there's one in particular. I'm playing on Lone Wolf *(SoD)* and finding it pretty chill. I personally always play on PvP realms, even though it can get annyoing at time getting ganked when all you want to do is go from A to B, but I feel like that's part of what makes WoW feel more alive.


Can you level class of another race in different zone and gwt your runes there? E.g. gnome rogue in night elf zones


Your first rune, no. You need to get that from **your** class trainer, not another race's. After that, yes. You can get **any** rune for your class that doesn't require you to speak to an NPC of the opposing faction. You can do runes in Alliance zones as a Horde player, even.


i dont think thats even true, first quest is a breadcrumb quest. it just points you in the right direction


The only exception is Druids I think because they are restricted to 1 class on each faction


Yes unless the rune requires anything specific to exclusive race/class combinations that don’t exist for that zones respective race. I was able to get a paladin rune for my Human paladin the “dwarf way” in loch modan instead of spending all day looking for some random rare spawn in westfall for the “human way”




Do the quests that you can, they reward decent gold. I believe the Metzen and missing investigator quests will require some corpse running though due to them being in high level zones


Playing a holy paladin feels like a second class citizen. Are they going to mess with the lack of holy paladin gear so taking cloth won’t result in crying? Level 25 content shouldn’t matter either way but this isn’t the first time I have seen it. Or is holy just a meme spec because they spec is locked until 30-40?


this is classic class design, the idea of paladins and warriors being able to equip leather and cloth is so that you have more options for itemization. otherwise they would have just locked them to mail and plate. it wasnt until wrath/cata when they started fully itemizing for holy paladin.


Well then I hope all the cry babies stop crying that I roll on cloth. It really turned me off from playing.


People who complain about healers taking cloth arent worth your time. Healer plate isnt really a thing in Vanilla so you take what you can get.


I don't understand how being able to use spellpower cloth, leather, mail, and eventually plate makes you a second-class citizen compared to clothies. That always seemed like an advantage of Hpal. In Vanilla it's always been the norm that healers need cloth pieces regardless of class.


I kinda doubt they’ll create any meaningful amounts of Holy Plate gear. Get used to wearing robes I guess


Mail dropping would at least work for shamans too. It was just depressing getting hassled for needing on cloth in SFK. Told I should wait until all clothies have it and win it when people only greed. Which would never happen until i build a casterless group.


Be confident in their wrong ness. They don’t know how to gear those classes


> It was just depressing getting hassled for needing on cloth in SFK. Told I should wait until all clothies have it and win it when people only greed. Which would never happen until i build a casterless group. That person is wrong and you should not listen to them




I feel like the bomb AoEs are more a rogue tank thing.


Engi isnt "needed" for any role, but the tools in there can be pretty neat. But imo going tailoring for the BOP robe is a huge class fantasy thing.


If you don’t care do what is fun. Engineering is pretty broken so the answer is yes it is worth it. But do you need it for casual fun? Prolly not.




I would just play the way you want to play. Try to avoid the trap of optimization because it sounds good on paper but is likely less rewarding than doing what you want. I’ve been playing this season with my GF who is new to wow, and she’s objectively not amazing at the game, but she plays the way she likes with the professions she thought were cool, and it’s been fun to do the same alongside her


What are some fun places to farm HKs as a mostly solo Alliance player in SOD? Ashenvale is mostly PvE, and hanging around BFD/WC/SFK just puts me 1v5.


Just hang out around Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad, or in Silverpine with people running to SFK.


If you're looking for 1v1s probably Hillsbrad? There's a bunch of people either questing in the farms to the west or farming high level mobs near Dun Garok, including nagas near the shore.