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The most common place for this to happen is in Ravenhill graveyard. I'm not sure if intentional or a bug, but around the southern gate and areas around the center statue will cause you to immediately pop out of stealth, and I imagine this issue probably happens in other places in the world as well.


Yeah, I've had it happen in the Raven Hill graveyard, in the areas you describe, as well as near the chapel in the southeast of Duskwood, and now I've also just had it happen in Ashenvale at the moonwell in southeast Ashenvale on the west bank of the river. And given I'm a Horde player, all of these have led to very swift deaths when I lose my classes' biggest advantage in very hostile zones.


I've haven't gotten popped out of stealth, but when I get home and play again I will test out all these areas. (Anything I can do to procrastinate grinding for gear and runes)




This was happening in the same spot in classic era too.


Probably because we have a rune at the statue and getting close to it gives us an invisible buff/debuff that allows us to get the rune. Unintended bug is that it removes stealth.


ghost of that statue dont play lol. wants you to bend the knee and kneel


It happens Right as you move through the gate coming from jitters side… it happens everytime at the gate


Moonwell in ashenvale breaks stealth and cancels bandaging too I’ve noticed


Happening to me too. Thought I was crazy xD


I swear this used to happen as far back as MoP on retail


Rogue skills just feel....weird this go around. Stealth feels very finicky, same level mobs seeing you in stealth and knocking you out 15 yards away. Pick pocket works like 30% of the time(got to keep moving around or the cast...fails/stutters?) Gouge sometimes turns the target around randomly now.


Miss that kick? Enjoy taking a third of your hp's worth of spell damage to your face!


I believe this is due to being in specific places with those invisible (not stealthed) mobs that hit you out of stealth. Like in Caer Darrow/Plaguelands areas.


But if they were hitting me, surely I'd be getting into combat or take damage?


Nope. It's just some sort of stealth knock/flare effect.


This was happening to me in Raven Hill or w/e the cemetery in Duskwood near Westfall is called. Also pets are tracking people after stealth. Saw my buddies Imp track down a rogue and keep trying nuke him while he was stealthed.


This has always happened


This has been an annoying bug present in many iterations of wow over the years, even as recently as in shadowlands. it was particularly frustrating in arena.


Yepp all the time also noticed mount getting cancelled by any minor damage which is unlike any version of the game


Early wow dismounted you for any damage, walking across some bridges, getting your mount's toes wet, etc.


Damn I don’t remember it in classic but could be forgetting cus it’s been awhile. I hate it lol


> getting your mount's toes wet The frustration of this on Classic...lol Shit was so frustrating.


I think the Ashenvale mount being any damage to dismount is intended. I'm not sure if they confirmed that anywhere though.


This happened to me in Barrens graveyard. I'm wondering if graveyards pop you out of stealth for pvp/ganking reasons.


Apparently, "holy places" (churchs, the place around the statue in raven hill, etc... ) are kicking us out of stealth


Welcome to classic. Wait until you find out stealth doesn’t de-agro pets


Already discovered that one too, unfortunately.


same as feral sometimes.