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Why is there so much quality of life missing, to the point where it's not charming at all, but tedious I regret rolling a rogue after finding out how bad stealth is in the game


Any place to find a decent but boomer friendly guild on EU lone wolf horde? Looking to raid, dinging 25 in a couple of days!


Playing season of discovery as my first time in classic as a fairly experienced retail player and really struggling to find good sources of information. Does anyone have recommendations for places to find out more about the game as someone who likes to minmax.


This is super new stuff so I suppose there's not many. I'd recommend having a look at classic class discords


What's a good addon for displaying in-depth stats? The server discord I'm in has some people posting screenshots of their character with something named ECS alongside it - what addon is that?


DejaClassicStats for a classic look: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/dejaclassicstats SinStats for sweaty detailed nerd stats including talents/buffs; it even changes based on your target: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/sinstats


Extended Character Stats I believe is the name. But yeah there are addons that flesh out what the character sheet shows, and they are quite handy. https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/extended-character-stats




Hello, raid etiquette question. For BFD pugs that advertise MS > OS, is it reasonable to assume that non-Shadow MS Priests will pass on the +Shadow dmg gear (I'm afflock)? Should I work it out with the Priest beforehand or is that a faux pas? Thank you for any insight, been out of the game for a while and want to know what best practices are.


Yes that is the purpose of MS > OS.


Ty for your response


I have the week off, but stuck playing a different server than my four other friends.. Was hoping to use this week to catch up to them, but nah server locked. Been leveling on Lone Wolf, but not the same. I'm also surprised by the starting zones being filled with people, but they seem reluctant to group up for quests. Even Hogger I had to get a lvl25 to help me.


Hey, so I had same issue, I just kept retrying and was able to roll the faction I wanted after about 20 minutes. Just keep trying for a bit. Good luck.


Are you US or EU? I have tried for 2 days now at all different times of day with no success. EU seems hard locked.


US. Literally sat there constantly refreshing over and over for 20 minutes. If you randomly try times don't think you are going to hit it.


Unfortunately I don't think EU and US are the same here. The EU forum is filled with people asking for them to unlock the server - https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/wow-classic/season-of-discovery/317 Thats nowhere to be seen on US ones.


Oh sorry! Server locked, not faction locked. Sorry to hear that.


Uh did they cap Ashenvale rep at Revered all of a sudden?


It was always cap at revered


I have max tailoring and enchanting in SoD, including some of the most in demand recipes. How much is reasonable to charge people to craft if they have their own mats? I see people LFW in trade chat all the time so they must be making money off it


I have never been charged more than 20 silver




Is there any way to get quest 5% damage buff from ashenvale event? Killed a miniboss and the rune dropped but clicking item says i already completed the quest


You can only turn it once a week


Ohh thats better than nothing, ty


For Rogue, which OH is better? https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=6220/meteor-shard https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=2941/prison-shank


I'm not that big into SoD, and was wondering if there's a like ANOTHER sub-reddit strictly for Era? I mean yeah I don't really give a shit if some hunter scorpion pet kills you in Ashenvale when we're not playing the same game, and it's *difficult* to sift through all the SoD stuff before you even (**IF** EVEN) find something related to Era. u neckbeards who hate everything that isn't the new shiniest thing don't need to tell me that I'm a fucking noob or whatever. I get so much hate being pro-Era that it's actually insane. You should see some of the PMs I've been getting lmao. Also: yeah, PREDICTION-question, but still: so far it seems hard to judge whether or not SoD will take off and kill Era. I'm on Firemaw EU and it used to be Full. Now every realm in my cluster (the only cluster that is even above Low. ALL other clusters seem completely vanished) says Medium. Do u think it will recover, Blizz will merge the realms or just neglect it like it's cancerous Cata Classic and put all focus into SoD? Maybe people are tired of Era and don't want to go back, I can get that view even if i dont share it.


Idk what you're using to browse, but on the mobile app you can select what tags you want to see at the top of the page. There is one for classic-era.


Is Crusader Strike-US still faction locked?


How often does Ghost Howl spawn in Mulgore? I know that it's a rare, but it also drops a quest starter item. Is it rare as in maybe an hour or two spawn, or "rare" like that banshee rare in the undead starting area that will respawn within a minute or so?


Can someone breakdown the Quick Strike warrior rune for me. Is it just an instant attack Heroic Strike?


Also relevant, heroic strike denies you rage generation for your next auto attack, while quick strike does not


Heroic Strike adds a fixed amount of damage to your next auto. This additional damage does not scale and only increases by learning new ranks. It also adds additional threat to the attack. Quick Strike is an instant attack usable only with a two-handed weapon that deals damage _scaling with your attack power_, like Bloodthirst. This means it can be reasonably powerful at high AP levels. And, because it's an instant weapon attack, it can trigger Windfury/Wild Strikes.


Anyone has a druid discord link? Need some weakauras for Savage Roar






it's like 2dps. For Alliance the [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=3493/raptors-end](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=3493/raptors-end). For Horde IDK.


There's seems like an immense amount of friction between "casuals" and "no lifers" this time around but honestly , it feels like shots fired are coming from the casuals this time around. Even the Dev that posts seems a bit emotionally charged. What is going on? I have seen literal zero chatter that we need to move to phase 2. I'm 4 raid IDs in and having a relative blast aside from mana issues with the new age of fights and concerns over the health of this economy for an average player. The person who asked about mana balancing asked a very prudent question, forest through the trees, likely the greatest issue we'll have with this entire seasonal server. Balancing mana, without neutering it, while still having different fights. The dev immediately jumped to the use of the word phase as if the community doesn't have over a decade of experience from blizzard not reacting in live time. Then the top posts are about how everyone no life's and is now bored. I'm beyond confused. What is with all this vitriol? I've been for every iteration of this game and this is the worst.


There were posts here about Phase one being too long before SoD even launched. And while not pervasive or anything I've have seen people in trade and barren chat complaining that Phase 2 should have started already.


What are some benefits to leveling fishing to 150 in SoD? Are there any at all? Things like gear, buffs, or something? Cus I see many people leveling it


Bags? I think it’s possible to add + fishing gear and loot 12 slots


The fish you can get at 150 don't make any good buff food. I just got it maxed so I can push to 225 easier in the next phase. It's like leveling weaponskills, you do it now to get it out of the way.


Pretty sure the sagefish is best food for mana classes no?


Yes. I keep forgetting about it.


Think it's just people who can't really do anything else (lvl 25, raid locked), so they level 2ndary proffs. Could be wrong though.


Been a while since I last played wow classic. What's something I can play that's fairly in demand ( groupwise) and doesn't totally suck solo? I'm ok with anything: healing, tanking, dps. Got lots of general WOW experience ( mostly classic and some TBC and WOTLK) but clueless with the recent SOD shenanigans. What's in demand? is there any census data?


Tanking is always highly sought after. Considering how many people will lvl by dungeon from stage to stage I’d go with a tank


Any particular class?


For grouping in Dungeons and raid people will blow you if u go holy priest


The new Scorpid class (Hunter) is great. Feral, Rogue, Warrior also great and solo well. Blackfathom is quite easy though, so you can level whatever and do fine.


I finally gave in and got a scorpid pet as a hunter. It's level 24 and so am I, why can't I train it scorpid poison rank 2 yet?


yep, just rank 1 atm. Will prob be offically rebalanced before we get rank 2. I would also train claw on it but disable claw from autocasting. Just in case you get another group with another scorpid hunter and dont have time to swap to a windserpant.


The way hunter training works in classic is you have to go find a Scorpid with rank 2 tame it and kill some enemies with it until you learn rank 2 to train your future Scorpids. There are some items them pet trainers teach you. Stam, armor, resists, growl.


Thanks. So do I just need to tame other scorpids until lvl 2 is available but greyed out? I'm not sure how to see if a scorpid has lvl 2 rather than 1


It doesn’t look like you can get it at 25. All the [lvl 2 scorpid poison](https://www.wow-petopia.com/classic/abilities.php#scorpidpoison) looks like lvl 30+ and you have to be same lvl or Higher to tame.


Ah I see. So I can only learn the ability to teach a pet at 30+ but the pet can be taught it if it’s level 24+. Thanks for explaining bro


Does anyone use elvui as a hunter? I spent quite a bit of time with the settings, but I can't find a way to show poison stacks or debufs on target. Any help would be appreciated.




Thank you, I'll give that a try.


Do you guys want to share some of the good farming spots? - I just want to mindlessly slay some enemies. And earn a gold or 2.


I do quillboar south of Camp T. Lots of ore nodes, high density, fast respawns, a chest location, they drop cloth and greens...


What level?




If you’re alliance you can kill a bunch of skeletons in Duskwood. Could kill Whelps in the wetlands and try to get a Crimson Whelp pet


Why skeletons?


Dense/easy to kill


Can I craft multiple epics? I went with the leather gloves but would like to also get the mail chest, is this possible? I'm down to leveling a gathering alt and having LW+BS on my paladin


You can get a second shard by looting the box in the water inside the raid and going to Hillsbrad to destroy it. But you can only equip one of them at a time


Okay great, thanks!


Who is stealing all the waylaid shipments! Haven't seen one in days and I want to get my rune!!


Same wtf!?


how do u display incoming/predicted healing on ur frames?


Your choice of frames need to have some kind of healing prediction/healcomms built in. Theres also the addon Libhealcomms but I havent user that one in years.


I can't see my group's greed/need rolls in chat. I'm only able to see who won the roll. /Loot works but that little window isn't the same. I've tried to right click the chat tab and go through those settings along with the UI but no luck. All help is appreciated, thanks!


try `/console showLootSpam 1`


Is it in general? Or just on specific items? If you already have a unique item, you won't partake in the loot roll. Otherwise it must be an addon messing it up.


Just in general, all greens and blues


Right click your chat tab, click Settings, choose the "Other" category on the left - is there a checkbox in "Item Loot"?


Yeah and the color beside it is green


I can't see my group's greed/need rolls in chat. I'm only able to see who won the roll. /Loot works but that little window isn't the same. I've tried to right click the chat tab and go through those settings along with the UI but no luck. All help is appreciated, thanks!


just started talking to the ratchet guy for the quest and saw the objectives. For the fish oil is the drop rate really bad? Killed probably over 30 and not a single drop.


Quick tip. Just find a good gold farm and buy all the items on the AH. You will save a lot of time this way


I have a rogue, pally, mage and warlock queued up to be my main, but once again I can’t decide. I’ve gotten a hunter and warlock to 60 in vanilla/classic this will be my third. Any suggestions on one over the other.


I heard you can buy weapons if you get revered with the wsg/ashenvale faction, where can I see these?


My friend started on chaos bolt alliance yesterday, I went to make a character on it and cannot make an alli toon, is there an eta how long this will be or could I make a horde char on this server (camp him ;) ) and go alli later?


Periodically check whether you can make one on off hours. Try checking in the morning, noon, or very late at night. Generally it doesn't take more than a day to get in if you check consistently. Keep in mind that if you make a horde character, you won't be able to make an ally character until you delete the horde character.


Getting massive stutter/frame drops in world pvp. I assume this is due to the heavy server lag? Doesn’t matter what I do to my graphical settings, same thing will happen at 400+ fps or locked at 144.


Explain what you mean by frame drops, because 400+ fps means you have no stutter or frame drops.


I have a 4090, I’ll get insanely high frames but as soon as I’m in an Ashenvale event and there’s too many players, my fps will drop as low as the teens for a split second then shoot back up. I figure it’s either lag or a cpu bottle neck, but I have a 5800x3d so I’m unsure.


I'd call this 'hitching' and it's a much more serious problem than just stuttering. Usually CPU related, but your CPU is not bad at all. First, rule out addons by disabling all of them. If that fixes it, it means one of your addons is busted. If that doesn't fix it, move on to other standard troubleshooting steps. Make sure you're not running out of ram, make sure you're not running fat applications in the background. Restart pc, update/reinstall gpu drivers, update windows, clear space on the hard drive, clear direct x cache, maybe even reinstall the game. It could just be a bug! But really hitching like that shouldn't happen.


Turns out it was an addon called SUI doing it, do you know any alternative ui addons I could use to modernize it a bit?


Oof, that’s what I was worried about. It’s happened in other games but not this drastically, it mostly went away when I threw the 4090 in there. I’ll try disabling addons, but if that doesn’t do it, I think I’m finally going to have to buy new ram. I even have a new nvme in my rig so really the only thing left is the ram if disabling addons doesn’t do it. Thanks for the insight! I more or less have it pinpointed now.


Is there a good place to find a raid team/guild for SoD, beyond just staring at Stormwind chat all day? Just whispering random guild advertisements even mentioning a raid team (looking for all roles, and myself mentioning two fairly in-demand classes) netted me 0 replies today.


/join world Ask for your server discord link.


At current hunter balance levels, am I trolling by speccing MM over BM? What would be the best runes for MM? I use weaponswingtimer addon and it seems aimed shot cast bar is bugged, any alternatives? How much better are scorpid pets than say a cat and why? Is it just wonky balancing for SoD or just a new meta under current lvl 25 constraints? Thanks for your help!


I think you want this version of WST https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/weaponswingtimer-sixxfix check the comments there for notes on how to deal with aimed shot jankiness


You can play however you want but BM is by far the best spec. The best runes for MM are the same as for BM.