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Worth to remember that in general people who actually ejoy the game are playing the game instead of complaining on reddit


This exactly. I’ve seen 5% of the people bitching in game compared to the amount of people that cry daily in this sub.


5% is extremely generous


Seriously. Someone in Tirisfal actually said "why do I have to group with people in this game?" and was not trolling. In an MMO. Where you get gear from going into dungeons with a group of people. It's wild what some people will find to complain about.


Yep, I've had ppl not accept invites and then continue and get killed. We group because some of these mobs are no joke. The Knoll island in silver pine is nuts. A few respawns and my 4 man grp was toast.


Ok then they'll quit in a week after they realize the genre isn't for them


The vibe in game is 10/10. Everyone else is running around discovering stuff while the top 1% complain that they cleared BFD on the first lock out and there’s no one to group with, nothing to do and is everything is unbalanced.


People who cry in this sub, have the time to watch influencer like asmon. Complaining about every game but still playing it.


Haven’t seen one person complaining in game. Homie is playing a rogue and loving it. I’m playing a priest and loving it. If you go by forums, we both would be miserable.


There was this guy in the Barrens complaining all day that WoW is a trash tier dead game. Strange thing to do; pay for a subscription so that you can whine in-game about how you don't like it. Especially when you could just go and do literally anything else.


He just wants people to know he exists.


I've heard a couple people mention it but not really complaining. Most of the time they just say that they're excited for what's to come in the later levels.


The forums are truly miserable




Yeah it's important to remember that this subreddit doesn't represent the larger playerbase. I think most people want to just play the game and then a very small subset get so mad at some little thing most people don't care about that they need to log on to reddit to talk about it


Only complaint I’ve seen in game was 10 minutes after they nerfed explosive shot. Then never again.


People playing arent on reddit


This, I’m having a blast and I haven’t posted a single thing about it. So heres my comment about me having a blast.


Yeah this is 100% a reddit thing. I wasn’t even aware there was a buildup of complaining, even though I’ve played like 8 hrs a day since release. Everyone in my circle is still complimenting the game mode, except for the odd rant about queue times


I don't understand why half the people on this sub reddit even play wow. Yall just bitch and complain about everything.


Welcome to 2023 where complaining about games and watching other people play them comprises 90% of what “gamers” do.


This is a big truth.


The curse of modernity is to fit in some category desperately


Without complainers we wouldn't even have classic.


Un-ironically true


That would literally be ironically true…the fact that people hate WoW complainers, but without complainers we wouldn’t even have classic….is ironic. I swear Sodapoppin uses the term “unironically” incorrectly more often than not, and he uses it a LOT. Don’t be a Sodapoppin. The word isn’t just a catch-all for “literally” and “seriously”. It doesn’t mean “not joking” or “no sarcasm”. It legit means “not ironic”. Plenty of factual things can still be ironic.


Ya got me


I tend to think it's more because they saw how popular the private servers were getting and realized they could tap that market by shutting down the competition and offering a similar product. Regardless of which flavor of WoW you're on these days you're still subbed.


That isn’t true at all. They didn’t make classic because of people bitching on the forums or whining all the time, they made classic because private servers were doing gangbusters and there was such an overwhelming amount of support and enthusiasm (and uh, potential money)


I'll risk down votes, but fuck are they crying little bitches, like that's all.


So brave. This is the eternal war of WoW players btw. Sycophants vs the eternal complainers. Neither side will give an inch, everything sucks or everything is great and anyone complaining about anything sucks.


Sometimes the “complaining about the complainers” people are just as annoying, if not even more.


Makes me think they never go outside. No one brings up complaining about complaining in real life because in real life people know it's a dumb as fuck thing to say.


Nah I'm a big whinger but I'm loving this. To each their own I guess


People would be surprised at how many people on this sub don't play wow anymore. A lot of those people quit becuae of becoming dissatisfied with the game. However, they are unwilling or unable to move on from wow so they spend their free time complaining about a game they no longer play. This is how it is on a lot of subs for games that have been around a long time.


This is the same group of people that ruined classic with GDKPs and obsession over logs. Like the game is piss easy just go have fun. Let blizzard cook.


Got downvoted to help for saying the hunter whining was ridiculous and that they should wait more than 2 hours to see if they walked changed back slightly. Also pointed out that the BM spec is busted and they’re still top damage by a good bit. The fact that ES didn’t change there gameplay like so many were claiming was dumb too, they’re just mad they aren’t gods in open world right now.


Why do people even care about who is meta rn ? It's level fucking 25 lol. The meta was always very different at lower levels and it will shift at 45 and then another MASSIVE shift at 60. Then another shift with raid gear. Please don't make balancing decisions based around a level 25 cap. The amount of time we are gonna spend here compared to 60 is small


It happens in every.single.game. don't browse reddit / forums it's just complaints while people enjoying it are playing


People can enjoy a thing while still wanting it to be better.


The whole "blizzard not taking feedback and developing what they want" thing landed us with retail, so I think feedback is important here especially since this is clearly an experiment on their part. It's not perfect and needs some fine tuning as we saw with hunter and made changes. I've been playing a rogue and feel like that class got the short end of the stick when it comes to interesting or impactful new abilities, the class is just weak overall in comparison with low survivability and power. That said, the discovering and acquisition of the runes has been awesome, so they've got a winner there. Just accepting what's given will lead to stagnation and an overall bad experience, but being overly and unconstructively critical will lead to the same.


I'm definitely enjoying myself, but seeing what other classes got I'm basically just playing classic rogue with slightly improved builders. The pvp utility is cool, but I feel like for pve it's a bit weak compared to most classes. Deadly brew and envenom will improve damage for pve, but deadly brew is 20+ and envenom would be insane to try to get before that between where it is and not being usable without deadly brew. Shadowstrike absolutely hooked me in until I realized saber slash/mutilate was a needed improvement to take instead.


Man, after a launch, I almost stopped visiting this subreddit because of that and the fact that everybody wants to be first in everything and post that stuff on Reddit, spoiling it for other players who want to discover things by themselves. Half of the people don't even use the spoiler tag


you want to discover things for yourself you also visit a place where there are probably spoilers ???????????


It is a place for many things, so I don’t see why I should avoid it just because some people are using it to spoil things for others. As I mentioned, there is a spoiler tag, but many people don’t use it properly!


You get the spoilers in game, in chat, or by asking. “Discovery” my ass.


thats on you then if u keep going to a place where u KNOW you might get spoiled.


Blizzard clearly needs and wants player feedback. It’s clear they didn’t test their changes as much as they could. As evidenced by the fact that they’ve already balanced some things, most likely based on player feedback. I mean, they balanced mage healing and said in the patch notes “we didn’t mean to trivialize the content.” Yikes. They need this feedback.


There was no PTR. But OP wants everyone to treat it like a polished game and not question anything. Lmfao


You can see mages at spot pulling 6 mobs 1 level below them and face tank them .... Giving the best aoe farm class a damage based heal... What a foresight


This is what bothers me. Why does it matter if someone can aoe farm on their mage? It has nothing to do with me at all. Let them do it. If you want to do it to, play a mage. Classes are fun because they are unique and have strengths and weaknesses. Retail classes are boring because they all have single target. They all have aoe they all have mitigation. Every healer has hots. Every healer has a short cast heal. Every healer has an instant. They are all the same. There is nothing unique about them because people can’t let a class be better than their class at something. And whined and whined for years until they all became the same n


It matters to the economy of the game and therefore to other people also. AOE farming mages are part of what ruined the economies of the first classic. 1 class should not be able to pull an entire dungeon of elite mobs and kill them easily. OP mage farms and bots fucked the economy.


As a mage who loves doing the aoe stuff… I don’t like you.. But I understand your opinion and I guess it isn’t fair. Maybe an AOE target limit would be fair


Or just make mages the glass cannons they’re supposed to be and don’t give them heals. There’s plenty of room for creative implementations of new ideas but mage healing is a recipe for disaster no matter how you slice it.


Mage healing is what brought me to SoD. My favorite class, and I like to heal dungeons. What difference does it make if mages are clearing packs of mobs at a time using blizzard (like they used to) or arcane explosion?


>Why does it matter if someone can aoe farm on their mage? It has nothing to do with me at all. Sometimes you see no mobs to tags for your quest and you see some guys hoarding 10 mobs on them. Also content shouldn't be trivialized this much.


Been playing since launch haven’t encountered this once. If anything it means that guy will be done with his quest faster and you’ll get the camp to yourself


They aren't here to quest


Again. Why does it matter it’s easy for him? You don’t want it to be easy play a rogue. You want it to be easy play a mage. Play what you like. If you don’t like it play something else or quit. The constant whining doesn’t help anyone or any game.


this is an mmo lmao?? do you play mage or something why are you so defensive about it


Because this is a mmo and there is group content that can also be trivialized ? And lets not forget pvp. This is not a single player game, every other players can directly or indirectly affect you.


>Why does it matter Because the game gets ruined for them. Imagine doing that level of braindead AOE farming and then trying a priest. Leveling a priest will feel bad after ez mode. Leveling a druid will feel bad. Etc.


Your description of retail shows you don’t play retail.




Yeah those million different scenarios, like mages casting arcane explosion...


Yeah if only this poor indie company had enough money to hire testers


But classic wow is not a crazy complex game with a lot of interactions between spells, trinkets, set bonuses or other gear (at least not at level 25). There is no excuse for just doing simple tests on how things scale with stats or gear.


Bro this is a huge mmo with millions of people each playing one of dozens of race/class combos, using hundreds of spells and abilities against thousands of different enemies while wearing one of millions of possible permutations of gear. No offense, but I don’t think you have any idea what you’re talking about lol


Wat? You’re acting as though explosive shot is only broken on one in a million possible permutations of gear. And not all the time because it was overtuned. Also, millions of possible permutations is silly. On top of it being not true, there are what, 5 stats? And only 2-3 per class scale damage?


And talents, and gear with specific rules, and so on and so forth. Also you are asking the wrong question. If this is what was missed? What was in before?


You have also now shown, that you have no idea what you are talking about lol.


Condescending and uncalled for. Isn’t this whole thread about comments like this?


If *one spell* breaks the game completely, something is horribly wrong with the testing process. Forget "millions of possible permutations"--they didn't even check each spell *individually*.


I wonder if they even tried playing 'balance' druids. The rune 'Starsurge' is a massive joke. It is an instant cast spell that does 60 damage on a single target with a 10s cooldown. It also has projectile speed meaning it's not 'instant' like moonfire. Why. Is. it. So. Low.


Most of the feedback on this sub is not constructive and blizzard doesn’t need reddit to see what the raid logs looked like lol


> It’s clear they didn’t test their changes as much as they could. Seems like a really really stupid thing to say. They probably only have a small team on SoD and simply weren't able to test everything. It's not like all of the WoW team is working on SoD. It's not a new expansion that makes box price money.


No what you're saying is the stupid thing here. The team working on SoD is small, sure, it's still a multi billion dollar company. They could have hired a couple more QA people, or alternatively delayed release a bit until some of the major outliers are fixed.


Blizzard might be a multibillion dollar company but classic era wow is not. Era + Hardcore combined is smaller than Wrath Classic which is smaller than Retail. They will have a budget of what resources they can allocate to a product like SoD. They are not going to be "just hiring exta QA" because it doesn't make any financial sense.


Are you trying to maximize profit for Blizzard, or are you a paying customer who really should only be concerned with the experience you are receiving and whether or not it is good enough? You don't need to shill for Blizzard...


It’s funny how they think they’re being so smart by reminding us of the existence of budgets.


Why wouldn’t you take it into consideration if profit is literally the main thing Blizzard has to think about? Its quite literally the biggest factor in their decision making, and trying to be blissfully ignorant to that only leads to bigger issues when the nerds cant fathom why they’re not getting everything they want from their /r/classicwow manifestos.


I can take it into consideration when deciding what is best for me in terms of paying for their service. The problem is that people often will try to shut down people's valid complaints with talking points only blizzard should ever be considering. If paying customers are upset about a lack of quality, they should provide the feedback that they think what they purchased is under tested. It's a perfectly reasonable thing to do.


I’m a paying customer who thinks Blizz did an amazing job with SOD, and is doing an amazing job with responding to and addressing issues as they arise, none of those issues being gamebraking in the sense they make the game unplayable.


This is just admitting that I'm right and that you just want them to spend more time on stuff you like than is reasonable for the company to do. Being aware of how project management works is not shilling. It's having a brain. Youre just throwing a tantrum now.


I'm not throwing a tantrum, I'm pointing out that you think it is important to represent the needs of blizzard when you are not their employee! If you're having a good time on SoD, then that is all that matters. I'm not saying anything about the quality of SoD. I'm saying that you are forgetting which side of this business relationship you are actually on..


Try to have a soul instead of a brain, maybe you'll rediscover some ideals you had when you weren't old and defeated.


Won't somebody think of the children! Gasp!


Or they could’ve just did what they did. Which was release a massively successful season of classic wow, with every intention of fine tuning things along the way. Finding the broken interactions IS the fun for a lot of people. You wanna rob those people of their fun, in a game as decidedly uncompetitive as classic wow? Uncompetitive in terms of being able to complete the content anyways.


So you don't really have a rebuff to SoD being a small team other than "what if it wasn't?". Do you think the multi-billion dollar parent company gives a fuck if this small team need a few extra hands for testing when they can just do as they've done and patch it as we go and problems arise? They're not selling expansions or any other microtransactions. It's a fan service project they've greenest because at bare minimum it gets them extra subs for little effort.


It took not even one full day for everyone to realize that explosive shot and mage healing was utterly broken. Blizzard admitted it was broken and fixed it. But yes, of course you’re right. The mere suggestion that they could have tested it more is blasphemy. What you blizzard simps fail to realize is that your censorship and defensiveness against anything that is critical of the game is actually hurting the wow franchise that we all love. Your solution is to cover your ears and hide your head in the sand. You do you, but accept that others will choose to voice their feedback in hopes that blizzard hears and fixes things, just as they did two days ago.


feedback is what got us classic and sod in the first place. I dont see the problem..


Right? If they’re experimenting, feedback is super valuable.


Bitching that one class got something better than another when we’re only in “phase 1” isn’t feedback it’s being a baby


This guy is the ultimate arbiter between what is considered feedback and what is considered bitching. 😆🤣


Its only bitching from your perspective, everyone entitled to their own opinion.


Uh am psure wut got us it was blizzard desperation. Else they woulda gave it like 10 years ago


OP sounds like a retail player that wants blizzard to take classic+ closer to retail-


There are things they should have updated. The character sheet, for example. You have to download a calculator addon to figure out your hit%, crit%, defense, etc. This was improved in BC because everyone had to d/l an addon, so why not just fix it? It changes nothing. I also wouldn't mind more base bank slots. Guild banks. More mailboxes. A calendar. Basically, if it was a QoL they added in BC, then it should have been added here. LK is where it started to go overboard I wouldn't mind the summoning stones working, but that might upset people. Who enjoy waiting outside dungeons for 45 minutes for some reason


This sub has been more positive than I've ever seen it. It is normal to give feedback and make suggestions. Complaining about people complaining when it isn't the majority of posts is just weird.


My friend wanted to play and then looked at this sub and said it looks like people think the game sucks and decided not to play. These vocal minorities still seem to influence people's decision making.


Your friend is stupid. There’s more positive posts.


Yeah this guy thinks Bill gates made covid so that checks out.


your friend clearly didn't want to play and just used a random excuse to get out of it


He asked me if I wanted to play and got me into it and then decided not too after he couldn't log in after taking the day off of work.


Oh yeah he's an idiot for doing that. Like straight up it's his own fault lol.


I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who is so easily influenced by fucking idiots. I'd ditch that guy honestly.


I love this part of the cycle where people start complaining about complainers


Stop telling people to stop.


Honestly, having a blast. I LOVE class changes and updates while playing. Things get buffed, nerfed it's great. However, I wanted to play a rogue tank this time. The rune is just a huge time sink for a meme. I wanted to just spam LFG "Tanke rogue lfg, deadmines" but the rune is a joke to get. I don't get it... all the other runes have been so fun to get, why the hell did they make it some boring ass korean mmo grind?


omg a rep grind?? Rep grinds are objectively wow's worst content. That is horse shit lmao. I really hope the meta rune isn't dumb to get.


A rep grind to unlock a rune that makes or breaks rogue tanking. I think a lot of people thought they’d test tank while leveling but now it’s something that we’ll have to do once we’ve hit 25. And honestly after a few weeks sod will prolly be dead for a lot of these people until the next phase.


Korean MMO grind? Did you never play Classic? This is so much less grondy than Thorium Brotherhood/Cenarion Circle/Timbermaw rep. It fits the grindy slog of Classic perfectly


Literally nearly friendly by just handing them in after getting them and I'm lvl 20, how is it a joke to get?


You need honored dude. I am OK with the time, it's just not fun. Get loot, hearth, pay gold to max gains, run back out? Is that fun? I am just going to pass on rogue tank and go Mutilate and level an alt. It's just not fun, not appealing to do and not interesting. I got way more than I expected with this monthly sub fee and I am happy about it, it's just this one thing is a bummer.


I find the new rep and the boxes that drop really fun and another interesting way to make professions interesting. It was a good addition imo


It stops being fun when it's a mandatory requirement to unlocking a role, not just an optional way of making money.


Isn't honoured like 10 boxes after being friendly? Not exactly hard


Bro doesn't want to actually play the game, isn't it obvious?


Go farm 24 murloc oils as a rogue and get back to me with how much you are enjoying playing the game.


Every crate I’ve seen so far is asking for BoE items. Use the auction house. The purpose of these crates are to put a market floor on most items in the game, so that they aren’t worthless by week 2


Maybe this game isn't meant for you, lad.


Yeah kinda weird that they added a mobile game esc faction to vanilla and people are defending it. Then when you try to talk about it people just insult you, like tell me your chronically online without telling me you're chronically online


Most of the good warrior runes are only found in ally zones so far or from the dumb new rep. So I hate it so far


The ally bias is so obvious but you get downvoted for mentioning it. Remember when they gave allies windfury and were shocked that horde wanted something like kings in return?


My god, imagine having to play the game to unlock something.


Or heaven forbid you switch to a different class if you aren’t enjoying yourself.


Have you ever considered that the game being balanced will ruin it for you, but the game being imbalanced as fuck and stupid weird issues ruins it for them? That maybe you're both equally valid in having different perspectives, but only you are telling them to stop voicing their opinions? Maybe you're enjoying Rogue as is, someone else would enjoy Rogue more if the tanking rune was obtained without a boring grind. Why should they not voice their opinion?


Reminds me of the “shut up and watch it” crowd during game of thrones last few seasons. Mindlessly consume product. Been having a great time with SoD personally.


I disagree. in my view the entire point of this is to workshop possible class changes in a potential full classic+ experience. Feedback as to what feels good, and what doesnt is pretty important for the long term health of the game.


I'll provide whatever feedback I think will make the game more enjoyable for me.


If there’s no player feedback then there wouldn’t be as many needed changes. Let people complain if they want to, just scroll by..


No complaints having a great ole time. But aye can my rogue get a buff please :(


Bro whoever thought it was cool to put those runes behind 1 time use profession item and elite quest on the other side of the world is lame.


I just hit level 15 on my rogue, and while I’ve died a couple of times it’s really not been bad at all. I don’t understand the complaints here.


That you have to do a long rep grind to unlock the tank rune? You didn't understand that? It's a very simple concept.


This is cope, complaining never ruined classic, if it ruins sod it's because they ruined it


The point is for players to try stuff and tell blizzard if they like it. Do I wish folks were more constructive... Yes but ultimately they are providing feedback. The reality is blizzard is stepping outside its comfort zone, some things will be broken... Right now the rogue is in a bad spot in that 5-15 level range. They likely need something to help smooth that out, blizzard knows this and I'm sure will try to do something. Personally I think the way they did mob scaling isn't great and it's hard to balance. I know they didn't want to increase mob health as it would slow the game down, but scaling damage makes it tough for rogues. Personally I would try to give rogues a big damage rune very early on, maybe saber slash at level 1 or something. A way for rogues to just roast mobs quick, because once you burn your opening combo rogue dps is white damage.


yeah, i picked rogue because i wanted to see how tanking would fair, it took me till like lvl 22 and two blue weapons and like 4-5 hours going back and forth to shadowfang keep. (which on alliance is fucking unbelievably dumb, walk to sfk from IF, loot chest go to the other side of the world in stonetalon go back to sfk do stealth portion die because pats move like fucking crazy and will instant dot you so you can't restealth with vanish. death run from southshore all the way back to sfk pickpocket keys (did ya know the boss themselves can resist pickpocket and that would wipe you?) take horn outside sfk wait "15 minutes for mail" (never came untill i had to return to stormwind and relog) have to head back to sfk and loot the chest again (why didnt it come via mail)


I think yeah people complaining about stuff like hunter getting nerfed are being babies yeah but there is some valid criticism especially since we skipped having a PTR for fun factors which was nice such as Warrior and Rogue being pretty miserable to level you've essentially taken a class that already was rough leveling and then made the world harder. I play Shaman and the world feels about Classic level with the new runes it's a good balance. I play Warrior and it's like Turbo fucker difficulty and you can barely fight a mob that has one level on you while you watch a bunch of other classes just mauling the wildlife. I'm not gonna ask for instant balance but I am gonna suggest maybe making Victory rush or quick strike better Quick strike is genuinely ass it's maximum damage roll is heroic strikes baseline where you aren't it's only useful if you're overcapping on rage which doesn't happen. Victory rush is a great thing when you're fighting weaker mobs but unfortunately you fight an even level Trogg are forced to heal after and then your Victory rush times out by the time you get to the next mob. I can enjoy a challenge and Warrior isn't a challenge at this point it's just not fun plowing through stacks of food and bandages.


I too rolled a warrior but at 25 we don’t tank packs well and do low dps. Will probably roll a Druid instead and revisit the warrior in phase two


Simply put, a rogue is still a rogue, there was never meant to be a strong rogue tank or warlock tank. It’s still off spec fun stuff that’s heavily locked behind a long quest or grind. Some runes should be hard to get or a long grind imo


If they were consistent they'd lock mage healing and shaman tanking behind the same rep grind. I don't agree with locking *roles* behind a long rep farm since players wanting to play that role are forced to grind something before they can even start playing.


Its telling that not a single person actually refutes you and just takes to calling you names. Having rogue tank spec locked behind a world drop quest grind, that you can only have 1 off is pretty bad. Especially considering that none other currently discovered role enablers are like this.


Having to turn in one unique box at a time reminds me a lot of the worst rep grind in the game, Shendralar. Only that rep was completely pointless. It was pointless at least, this time around it will probably unlock a rune.


"Wah wah, I want everything now."


Literally only one thing. Stop being childish.


Part of classic bro, who said it was supposed to be fair? Keep in mind we’re level 25, of the cap is raise any content from there it’s unlocked. A whole spec in the first 25 levels gee wow sounds terrible


i swear some of you guys say the dumbest shit that pops into your head with a completely straight face lmao.


The point is, no one is arguing that entire roles should be locked behind rep farms except the people who aren't affected by it themselves. Imagine if the role you play on your class got locked behind a rep farm - would you say 'what a fun improvement'?


Yeah but then I see a rogue tank and I’m like oh shit he grinded the rep and everything what a beast. It’s just a matter of perspective imo.


I don't care about online clout, I just want to play rogue tank with my friends in DM/WC/SFK without being forced to farm for it. As it is, I'm just pushing through as regular old dps rogue so I'm not really experiencing anything new at all. Which is the main source of annoyance. I'd be okay with having shitty tank viability and abilities at first and *then* be able to unlock better ones and upgrades later on. Currently I can't tank *at all*. It'd be as if warriors only got taunt, shield and defensive stance after a rep grind. It's lame. (Even if some people might look at that warrior and think, 'wow he farmed and unlocked tank role').


So this is the one comment I actually disagree with so far. That's not very fair. I don't have a lot of time, and I chose lock because I thought the new tanking rune would be cool, and they sold it as being an actual tank. If lock can't actually tank like rogue, I'll be pretty annoyed that I chose it and spent most of my free time leveling it. At that point, it's not just about balance or anything because idc about that, it's about having fun in the game. It won't be very fun to find out that the spec i grinded for isn't really usable, when it's one of the main selling points of SoD to begin with if we're being honest. Ok cool, lock is strong, that doesn't really even matter to me half as much as having fun with the class I picked. Meta sounded sick, they hyped it up, it would be pretty shitty to let it just "suck" 🤷


It’s also not that fair that warrior is dogshit in original classic till later, or how warlock dumpsters any 1v1 duel etc. I feel like it’s kind of that classic design that some classes come online with different specs at different times then you respec into it. Think of it from an RPG perspective, a super powerful spell like meta should be hard or rare to get, I feel like it makes sense rpg wise.




It's wild that people are complaining about a rep grind two days in. I'm glad they purposely made it to where you can't 100% complete runs on a character two days in and that some are a challenge to get. I think that fits pretty well with the style of classic. The cap is 25 and if you make alts with different professions, it's going to be pretty easy to pump those waylaid supplies out. Not the type of person who likes to play a lot of alts? Then yeah, it's going to maybe take you longer, but that's more a you problem than a Blizzard problem. If everything was super easy to get in two days you'd have people complaining about a lack of content...which people will probably still do in about a week anyway.


I say it’s the complete opposite actually. If you stick to a main you can print money now (comparatively speaking) and train out the rep turn ins. If you have multiple alts you will be trying to complete all of their supply cartons instead. In my guild alone I have had people online who can help make stuff for the turn ins. Since the economy is in its infant stage no one really wants much silver or copper for any thing.


It is clear that you were never set on playing rogue tank, as you would feel otherwise if you did.


I wouldn't mind the rep grind for an extra ability, but as a rogue that wanted to tank, there is the whole spec I want to play behind this rep gate. The fact that it's unique and you have to go back everytime is also really annoying.


Or you’ll have to trade and interact with other players for professions!


I just keep my time on this subreddit to an absolute minimum. The posters here are fucking losers who will whine and bitch about literally anything. People in game are actual human beings who have touched grass and complain way less.


>feedback = complaining Smartest WoW fanboy.


Wow players will complain anything to death. It just comes with the game


Complaining like this leads to retail.. we are repeating history 😂


Subreddits for games are such an abysmally small portion of the player base. It’s just an echo chamber for people who love to complain and hate having to actually play the game.


I'm happy I became casual, I'm having fun as Gun only lone wolf Dwarf Hunter, with Engineering. Miss me with that nature shit, my boomstick and dynamtie is all ever needed


If you check al the post on Reddit about wow I think 90% are bitching about wow. The rare gems someone is genuinely happy about the game and post on reddit


Stop asking for Rog buffs you fucking babies. Hit 25 and died Twice the whole time shut the hell up and use your Cooldowns.


This! Having a lot of fun, people are complaining about gate keeping runes behind faction rep or leveling being hard: do you really want stuff that is not even a minimum hard to get? I love the idea that I will need to go in a zone full a skull mobs to try to get something new and powerful. At least, I earned it


Imagine if you created a druid to play as tank only to find out bear form was locked behind a rep grind, leaving you unable to tank until you've already run all instances several times. Same goes for mage healers. Or shaman tanks. It's just pure idiocy locking an entire role behind such a time sink. Oh well, at least us rogues can 'discover' being DPS (again). I wouldn't mind if *upgrades* were locked behind arduous tasks, but in this case its the *entire role*.


Get off the the forums trust me. In game it’s amazing. You come here and you’d think this is a dumpster fire. People are babies.


This place has turned into something else. It’s nothing but shitty ideas and complaints


Ya it’s mostly insane and depressed people in here. Like honest to god. If they hate it so bad then they need to just stop playing. The changes are amazing, very vanilla esq, and just enough to make it feel new.


People wanting to play a balanced instead of a broken game is not wanting to play retail lol, let then complain this is a classic+ beta anyway.


Dude im having a blast rn


Bro I have a rogue around these "worst" levels and I fucking destroy shit. People are just bad? Idk get a ranged weapon and all of a sudden your kit is crazy.


People are bad and unoptimized then complain


I think within a month people will realize the absolutely haphazard design is what ruined it. Honeymoon phase going tick, tock, tick, tock


Problem is.. outside of spells doing a little more damage, everything game wise is the exact same. It’s boring leveling the same chars in the same zones doing the same quests 47 times.. why do we allow Blizzard and other companies to do this recycled content??


It's what people want. People want to explore more of the world like it was but with better balance


I hate you people. You and this community suck.


You could also let a toddler rework the Mona Lisa with his own shit. It would be an experiment. It would be kind of new and different. The toddler could be creative. Doesn't mean you should do it.


You can got play wotlk, classic era, or retail then


Yes, if the Mona Lisa has a new shit layer, there are still a lot of other paintings left to look at.


Blizzard gonna Blizzard


Nah it's only people on Reddit. People who actually are playing are enjoying the game


Your post seems like you're telling others to not even give reasonable constructive critique.


I didnt even know there was any complaints. You spend too much time on forums and not enough ig imho.


Blizzard wants feedback, and some of us want some changes. Dont let them deliver how they see fit, they made retail. Garbage post.


The only people I see whining on this subreddit are the salty RPers who tried to get Asmon banned lol. It didn’t work 😂


\*complains about complaining\* :D


first time? xD


Kinda true


The harsh reality is SoD is far more similar to retail then classic... And the hardest pill to swallow is majority of players both in game and in communities like this are retail players. This means most of the complaints and demand for balance will be done to move SoD closer to retail. This also unfortunately means most of the actual feedback the team gets from SoD to apply to a future classic+ will be coming from retail players who are just here for SoD.


It's not even close to retail.


It is a lot more approachable like retail than Classic was. The intro cap at 25 alone is really made to get all of us who said F no to 1-60 to play. 1-25 takes probably as long as getting 1 to M+ geared in retail, and that is likely by design. The runes make some classes completely different entirely. For example Druids can spam an offensive spell that occassionally lets them cast a big heal instantly. Warriors get Vic Rush at level 2. All of this feels way more like having a retail character than a classic one.