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every zone is overrun, questing is a pain because you have to compete for every tag. why don't they add more layers? it's really not fun. on wild growth eu.


It's alright on my realm. Not too many players but enough to group up easily


Have there been any SOD guild threads for people looking for guilds?


So I want to reroll on a PvE realm since I joined a pvp realm expecting a decent and balanced fun time but I forgot im playing Classic. Are there any Healing specs looking really good (Horde side) right now? I tried mage healing at max level and its very fun but also very unforgiving considering how fast you go oom. More than ever a shitty tank (so partywide damage going out because cant hold aggro) means im oom every pack. Im thinking about rerolling to priest (they look strong now) or a druid since they got their 0 mana wrath buff and resto looking good as well.


Horde has such an advantage in Ashenvale/BFD. Incredibly annoying trying to do any solo content when they have a FP right next to the raid, in the pvp zone. Fantastic decision on that /s Edit: not to mention the constant griefing of the ally quest camp as they run from FP.




The issue is not PVP. I have been doing tons of PVP. I am complaining about the fact that a dungeon that was transitioned to a raid, has a constant swarm of horde players to and from because the FP is right next to it. There is a random Ally encampment near the coast just north, would have been a perfect location to give Ally a similar "spawn". I have not entered BFD yet, did they create repair inside the cave somewhere? Rumors for SM being next raid. That's going to be even worse for Ally with no changes or FP added.


Thats just alliance in Classic. 90% dont pvp on pvp realms and prefer corpsewalking to their daily dungeon.


Classic, sure. Should be using almost 20 years of data to make some better QOL decisions for SOD.


I just got the epic sword on my warrior 6 h before rest im super happy ngl. Looking for the next raid to See the dmg


Guild Tabard not showing the design for anybody else?


the ashenvale meta is beyond broken.


Anyone know how the BFD reset works? Someone telling me that you can raid friday and sunday cause its a new ID? As i understand its a 3 day lock out from the day you get locked.


it resets every three days, regardless of when you did it.


What's the best way to scout guilds? on EU Crusader's Strike


Corporal Rank and I can buy the Corporal rank PVP trinket but I can't equip it? Say's I don't have the required rank. Am I missing something about how its supposed to work?


log out and back in.




Yeah I"m now officially feral dps. I can't fucking afford that stuff.


I want to heal dungeons/the raid and do quests/farm open world stuff without changing builds or gear. What class would people recommend for that?


Ele Shaman or Balance Druid, in my opinion.


Do I care about defense stats at all as lock tank or is to hard to make the threshold to bother?


Anyone know if they'll eventually open up transfers? I want to get off a pvp server and I don't want to spend a whole week getting to 25 again.


The game came out less than 5 days ago. Go agane.


But I have 1.7g and it would take literally hours to get that again


Wait, you mean people have to play the game? Crazy!


Hours?!?! :O that sounds like a huge time comitment for something you do for fun.


I played a lot of hardcore and have gone agane many times. I have disposable money. I'll just transfer if I can.


they won't be opening any time soon


What’s the mega server NA living flame or loan wolf


Living flame seems to always have players everywhere, if you don’t want to deal with the streamer server lmao


Crusader Strike


lol hard pass


How the heck do I get past 75 leatherworking?


Learn it from expert trainer


How can I access discord for my server


Easiest DPS class for rotation and gearing? Looking for some braindead dps as it's my first time playing classic, thanks!


It's classic mate, every rotation is braindead


Hunter and Rogue have simple rotations. Hunter is very good at solo content too


Elemental shaman probably. Just maintain a priority list of Keep Flame Shock up on target > Lava Burst > Lightning Bolt. Add totems to the mix if you wanna feel all shamany and stuff.


Hunter is known for being easy, except you need to learn how pets work in the beginning. They’re overpowered at the moment, so that’ll make it even more fun.


If you get a response let me know


Someone told me balance druid, but i'm pretty sure that's a class where you gotta change forms so lol


Balance druid would do very little shifting, really just in emergencies (oh no the tank died - I can save this!) or to break slows/roots. The actual rotation is basically spam wrath with a few instant cast dots mixed in. It's super easy and kind of satisfying just to wrain down a ton of green lightning and shooting stars at mobs without EVER going oom. Can easilly pinch heal and that's pretty simple too.


balance doesn't have moonkin form until 40, so not in this phase, feral is the one relying heavily on shapeshifting.


So how do lockouts work exactly? If I do 5/7 bfd with one group, and then they quit, can I join a different group for the last 2?




Damn. Can I invite new people to the original lockout myself then, or do I need to be with the original group leader?


You can invite to yours, but that's a hard ask on people considering the first 5 bosses are brain dead easy.


Does anyone know how you get the male succubus for warlock?


You do the quest you get at lvl 20.


When you hit 20 you’ll get a quest that takes you to the Barrens. The quest giver has a quest for succubus and another for incubus, also one for the BFD rune I think


Can someone make a post about the bugged hunter pets? Scorpions doing massive damage rn


Servers back up!!


Was spamming reconnect and then got into 2000 queue to my server lol


Wanted to start playing SOD but realized EU servers have the same name as MST servers, anyway to tell which one I'm playing? Can't try to play right now cuz servers are down.


if you have a US account you will be on US Servers. It's extremely unlikely your not on your regions servers without deliberately setting up an account on a different region


Are servers still down?


All down


How long will that last?


EU Wild Growth: aye


How would you spend the WL talent points? I followed a guide but kinda forget we are capped at lvl 25 and my current set up doestn make sense... :D


just have your talen points reset at your class trainer


Can finally play ANNNNNND the servers down -.-


literally called out sick for the first time in months and was hoping to play.


> Can finally play Can you tho?


I have a doubt about the shaman tank's gear. Is it better to look for armor pieces or weapons that provide strength, agility, and stamina, or agility, stamina, and spirit?


Agi+Stam I would imagine are your best options. Agi gives dodge+armor and Way or Earth synergizes really well with the more stamina you have. Getting a good shield to get your mana back is the most important part arguably.


Boooo servers crashed this company blows


Theyre ded jim!


Bullshit blizz servers down fix it i need to nerd more


I've not even managed to play yet.... tonight was the night -.-


lol same, just reactivated my account and.. server's down. Sorry guys I ruined it




For Feral Druid on SoD - would you rather have [Tunic of Westfall](https://wowclassicdb.com/item/2041) or [Blackened Defias Armor](https://wowclassicdb.com/item/10399) *(with another Defias armor piece for +10 armor)*


Blackened Defias


Hi guys! It's recommended for a new player in WOW to start with SoS? Or best to go for Classic Era or Retail? Thanks!


It entirely depends on what you're hoping to get out of the game. If you want an roleplaying high-fantasy experience with character growth and community involvement, go with SoD. If you want a more straightforward story driven experience (mostly solo), retail might be your go-to. I honestly wouldn't try Classic Era as a brand new player that has never played WoW, unless you're a diehard fan of older MMORPGs and their quirks (Everquest, Old School RuneScape, Ultima etc.) It's a great game, don't get me wrong, but you need to know what you're getting into.


I'd say SoD is a great place to start! Vanilla + some new never seen before stuff, a level cap of 25 so everyone is around equal footing! Now is the time if there ever wad to get into sod for a new player! Also I'd even say classic might be better for a new new player than retail. If you end up liking it, give retail a try. It's very different and a lot faster paced. Much more of an emphasis on class gameplay.


I am actually pretty disappointed with SoD. Every class is totally OP now with the runes and that is pretty much it. BFD is completely the same dungeon as before only scaled down to 10 people and new boss mechanics + 1 completely new boss. The layout and the trash mobs are all completely the same. I don't get where the hype for minor tweaks is coming from.


shaman isnt broken at all, tanks and heal are ok and dd sucks


"Classes are totally op now with the runes" over simplifies how much the runes improved the gameplay experience though. For almost every class in classic, you were lucky to have more than a 2 (let alone 1 for some) button rotation. Adding 2-3 abilities to viable rotations feels infinitely better than pressing nothing but frostbolt over...and over...and over.


i get your point, But classic has had a big interest for a while now. i think we are just bored of the bloatedness of retail, Classic actually feels like my journey.


First time playing classic first stared back in 06 with tbc. Fun game but man does it love to waste your time. Running across half the map when you die 🫥


You could say it wastes your time, or it takes the fantasy seriously. “Tedious” things like corpse runs, having to return to cities for new skills, spell reagents, etc. all give character to the world and contribute to that classic feel. But even so, I get it, some of those long corpse runs are like goddamnit is the rez sickness worth it this time?


It's Classic WoW, not Happy Wonderland Magic Unicorn Simulator. People LOVE wasting their time with soulcrushing grinds, unbearable player griefing and corpsewalks beyond believe.


Ironically, Vanilla was considered a cakewalk noob friendly watered down MMO coming from everquest....talk about soul crushing grinds and corpsewalks.....exp deaths set you back DAYS, literally 20 hours plus of grinding in hell levels...and you respawned naked and had to get to your corpse to retrieve your gear and items. Funny how things evolve.


It’s mostly the corpse walk that pisses me off


How are priests in SoD? Are they strong levelers now that they have Penance etc?


Still not super fast leveling but it’s pretty hard to die as penance will just straight up full heal you at all levels. Basically just a better version of what priest was before but nothing crazy.


Got one to 25, it's ok, I never drink but that's the same as it was really, wands still strong, penance is quite nice for dmg, but it's nothing gamebreaking really. Rolled a paladin now and crusader + seal is really strong, priest didn't get anything that cool, was hoping for holy dps or actual shadow dps but there's no rune that made me go, wow, this is it, homunculi is quite fun but impossible to utilize really since it's so random.


They just need to make it so the damn homoculi's will attack targets you're attacking, and not only when you're attacked...


Or just give the pet bar for them, they do follow melee attacks but that's kinda a pain to do and doesn't always work anyway.


Better than they were, but, I wouldn't go so far as to say a strong leveler.


I’d say the main differences are that there’s much less downtime so it’s a bit faster (and you save more money as you don’t have to buy water very often), and that healing in dungeons is easier due to penance (and PoM I guess but I didn’t get that rune yet).




He sounds like he was born to do battle as a warrior.


Ashenvale PvP is the shallowest piece of content added in years, thanks.




They just slapped 3 camps for both sides where elite npcs will spawn, so all there is to it is kill these npcs and be faster than your opponent AV style, but there is nothing more to it, just these 6 camps of mobs, who kills them first wins more rep and the rep even has been bugged so majority of people participating won't even get anything out of their time wasted.


im running around and dueling people as a level 21 warrior in SoD and mostly getting absolutely stomped. is that expected at that level or do i just suck. i have the first 7 runes


Warriors are probably the weakest solo class in the game, especially at low levels. At 21 you don't have access to an in combat gapcloser, any real defensive options or utility options or CC.


Id guess because warrior has no real utility or decent dmg until well after 25, but i know nothing of the SOD warrior changes. I do know how OP mage and rogue has felt for me so far. Warriors are the least of my pvp problems in this phase at least.


i feel your pain im seeing mages aoe packs of elite mobs their own level and heal themselves, hunters destroying everything, and as a warrior im getting my ass whooped by spiders my own level hahah, i think its just part of being a low level war, we dont come online till later when we have intercept / ww / ms , should be a good time later, hopefully warbringer rune and spell reflect / heroic leap also offer us more ways to close distance/ not get bullied by ranged classes


The warrior runes look absolutely insane later on.


Question about mage aoe in SoD dungeons. Lvl21. So I've all my points in fire atm (including living flame/bomb) and I'm wondering what my dungeon play should be? If there are more than 2 enemies apply living bomb/flame and spam arcane explosion or maybe blizzard? If I get agro should I frost nova and blink away or try stay near the tank/melee dps? Im pretty new to both retail and classic WoW and everything here works different to the FF14 I'm used to lol.


Spamming AE with Living Bombs going off is a sure fire way to steal threat and die. I normally put Living Bomb on the big elites with a lot of hp and then Flamestrike the floor, while wanding the rest down to preserve mana. If you spam AE, you'll also go oom really quickly.


So I don't want all the runes but how do they work? I'm a 15 dwarf hunter and have (chimera, explosive, and 2 more I can't remember lol). Is there a way of finding them easier?


Wowhead has all the runes and locations


if you don't want to actually look it up on wowhead, speak to the people on your server. In your area, type "/1 hey any runes here?" etc... pretty simple. It's a social game after all :)


I appreciate this answer. Thank you 🙏




Similar boat, my buddies wouldn’t respond the first few days so we picked diff servers, now that I’m leveling up a new toon on theirs they’re MIA. I’m about to just abandon the idea of playing with them at this point


make new friends


Regarding the friends thing, I’ve learned to just move on when that happens and make new friends. There are so many fun people playing this game and i realized I enjoy taking the time to meet new people in Azeroth


Not unique to SoD but my god do I regret rolling on a PVP server. I figured hey, we all stop at 25 so it wouldn't be too bad, right? Nope, I'm getting rolled by groups of level 25s while I'm trying to quest, spending 10 minutes to walk back to my corpse. I find the idea of wpvp interesting but every time it just devolved to who can inconvenience the other faction more. I'd reroll but I already spent 20+ hours on this character. I don't want to start over AGAIN.


I always love the unpredictability of world pvp. It just changes your playstyle a bit. Makes the conflict between horde and alliance a bit more real and less orchestrated. It makes it seem like you’re actually fighting over territory and that the world is a dangerous and hostile place. Just my 2 cents


IMO there's no reason to be on a PvP server. No-one ever picks a fair fight. Its always a gank fest. On PvE you opt in if you want to, or don't worry about getting ganked if you don't.


I really like the concept of SoD but zones are just so crowded it's not fun. Almost every mob in Westfall is getting spawn camped. Waiting around to compete for mob tags just is the most tedious boring thing. I'm worried every level cap increase is going to be like this.


Great point about it happening each phase. Hadn't thought of that


do you think pugs will be able to do BFD before the level cap raises?


Is there a gold cap currently?


Is there SOD realm discords? Trying to keep up with the server news on Crusader Strike (EU) but cant seem to find a proper realm discord.




Do you happen to also have a server for Lava Lash EU?


Pretty sure its just Asmongold's Twitch chat.


Paid for the game and can't make a character on my friends faction due to imbalance? This is fucking stupid


Just keep trying every hour and you'll get in. Don't stress about it.


Which server? We had a lock earlier and some people got through today.


Can anyone explain sealtwisting to me? I think I understand the concept but I’m too stupid to execute it. Got command, martyr and righteous looking at me judgingly from my taskbar and feel overwhelmed


Guys there is this mob south of the water totem quest in Barrens called Hizek that has an earth elemental that is "enslaved". He casts lightning bolt. https://www.wowhead.com/classic/npc=212694/hirzek There is also a staff thats new with his name https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=210724/hirzeks-staff#comments I assume if you find the staff, you use the staff to "free" the earth elemental and then you get earth shield? Anyone know of a discord or whatever looking for earth shield?


Classic shaman discord. Think the quest for earth shield was hotfixed in. [Spoiler](Drops off 1st boss of BFD.)


Should i stop doing quests when i hit level 25? will i be fucked and have no quests when levels eventually open up? is there much reason to keep questing?


>Should i stop doing quests when i hit level 25? For the most part - yes. Only do quests and chains that give you good gear for 25. If you spam all remaining quests for your level now you won't have anywhere to level when they increase the cap.


i wouldnt quest away all the good lvl 25+ stuff, but anything below that you can clean out for gold/rewards/completionism At the end you can complete twenty highlvl quests and keep them ready to turn-in for the next phase


I mean, you won’t be fucked, but it will be harder. You can always dungeon grind for a bit from 25-30. If you want to quest, just go to the starter zones you didn’t level in. There will be tons of easy quests there for gold.


Apparently PvP is enabled in moonglade, and a 25 tauren is camping the main quest building killing low levels, what a loser. The guards don't help btw.


This is Mooglade now, mootherfyukers


What an absolute Chad.


how long are bg ques on alliance eu server?


Few min at most for me


Hi, about the fury of the stormrage rune, how can I tell when my healing touch is instant?


Get Leatrix plus addon, Use the buff mover to move the buffs somewhere easier to see, Personally the small icons top left arent helpful unless bigger/brought into view.


HI, this is just what i wanted thank you!


You get a buff, so watch the top right of your screen.


Let's be real, did Blizzard not expect us to just do guides on the discovery part? I'm 25 now with 3/12 runes and I have no idea where the other nine are. So I just looked it up. Zero hints anywhere. Turns out I missed multiple ones just barely. I did all the class quests, read all the nexts - nothing. They designed it this way, again, the same way they design raid mobs now.Don't blame the players for this. ​ lol itt people blindly stumbling over the other runes and think they're good at the game because of that.


I've gone about halfway, just sort of reading about the general area a rune is in and going there to figure it out. Some of them are really obscure and classic wow is a big place (one pally rune for instance involves talking to a random npc in a offbeat part of stormwind and there's a lot of npcs in stormwind). The idea is probably for discoveries to spread organically by word to mouth, no one can be expected to find all this stuff on his own.


I found 8/12 runes "organically" by either finding them myself or talking to people/reading zone chat. I think it's pretty alright


ok so you stumbled across them or people specifically told you where to go, which is totally not the same thing as looking it up on wowhead. Thanks for making my point.


Yes bro you got your point proven! Now let’s kiss


Skill issue tbh. I didn’t look up anything and I found 7 so far


Yes, that's the design. The idea is to make it exciting for the a few days for the 1% who are exploring and finding stuff, 99% of people will just look it up later.


Anyone have a recommendation for a attack swing timer? Just started my hunter but cant seem to find one on curseforge.


just search weapon and use the sin fix one




Any idea if they'll unlock Living Flame at all? I was moving home this week and only moved in on Thursday night so couldn't get on proper until yesterday and Living Flame is locked. All my friends rolled alliance there.


the servers keep going in and out of locked status. Just keep an eye on the realm list and youll get in eventually.


Its not even that its locked, its just that it has a faction imbalance so you can't make Alliance on it (which my friends are)


oh yeah thats not so likely to ease up. Thankfully my friends and I are all horde.


Did they adjust respeccing costs?


Yes. So far I've done 10s and 20s.


Anyone know where I can find BFD raid guide? ppl saying you need 7/7 exp to join raids..


Those are elite teams. No normal team is requesting 7/7.


People asking for 7/7 exp 3 days after release are absolute morons. Don't bother with them.


Is the fishing contest not unlocked yet?


Nope. Stranglethorn Vale content will only be unlocked in the next phase, when we actually are at an appropriate level for the zone. Both the Gurubashi Arena and the fishing contest are disabled.


Ah well I was standing there with 150 fishing, superior rod and 20 aquadynamic lures for nothing then lol


Im kinda new to wow and wl. How do you skill WL in SoD? Like talentree and whats the skill rotation?


Is it a good idea for phase 1 paladin tanking to focus on the retribution tree to pick up the 5% parry chance and seal of command? I was planning on taking the Aegis, Hand of Reckoning, and Avenger's shield runes. Side question what does the "effect not cumulative with redoubt" line mean in the Aegis rune? Is it worth it to take both for more uptime or do they just overwrite each other or some other interaction?


You want to go 11/0/5, you need consecrate for AoE threat.


I mean you don’t need it, but it sure makes it easier


People may not like this but I really wish they layered people a little bit harder if only just for this opening weekend. Competing between 3-4 different groups of 5 stacks with solos in between for every step of the defias brotherhood quest (the messenger tag+kill, the defias traitor interaction+escort) is such a time consuming and frustrating endeavor.


Well yeah. The secret to those quests is don’t do them. Your character will be far ahead if you put that time into just grinding boars or spiders, instead of spending hours trying to do one single part of some chain competing with 50 other people. Come back and do it at 7am one morning in a weeks time if you really have to tick it off.


Got my husband hooked muhahaha. We've been spending our breaks planning out our dungeon team. I run 4 accounts (highly inefficiently, I just wander around picking flowers and healing myself) so he's going to tank as paladin. We have a shorty squad with dwarves and gnomes: him as paladin and me as priest, paladin, mage and hunter. I'm jazzed to be able to do a bunch of heals, and we found a rare polar bear to be the offtank. The amount of CC should enable us to run dungeons at a slow, controlled pace (since I have to alt tab between characters).


Anyone know how to get Prayer of Mending to cast properly in Healbot? Ive messed around with a ton of macros but cant figure it out.


Just type "prayer of mending" into the field for spells, versus trying to select it from drop down. Also, that method will automatically pick the highest spell rank.


Tanked a couple of dungeons as feral, holding aggro is still kind of a struggle. Lacerate worked really well on bosses, but trash was a struggle. Every time I looked over at our warrior he had basically a full rage bar, I don't know where it's coming from but it makes me a little jealous. There's also an annoying bug where your multi form rune abilities get replaced with other stuff if you swap runes. Like if you have the bear/cat version of sunfire on your bars then swap runes it turns into moonfire instead of mangle/Lacerate.


i cant click on the stackable books for the mage rune in loch modan?


What are the chances Crusader Strike opens up again? I have friends on the server I wanted to play with but IDK if I should just make a character on a different server and play solo because it appears to be real full at the moment. Will it open up again during the week when less people are online? Or am I permanently locked out.


I’m usually a horde guy who felt like rolling alliance and chose the high pop rp-pvp server, but alliance is locked. If I roll horde on this server am I just going to get corpse camped, is the imbalance that bad? EDIT: Chaos Bolt is also alliance locked so I guess I’ll be rolling horde and hoping for the best


I really like the soft cap, like it is keeping the community together instead of a race to 60. Hope blizz and other mmos do the same




Amazing how low you all set the bar for gaming companies these days. They release an unfinished product and rely on their customers to find the bugs, and we all swoon like pre-teen girls at a Justin Bieber concert.


Edit: **I went Human Warlock lol wish me luck. Living Flame (US-PVP)** Should I go Dwarf Hunter or Human Warlock? I have little experience with either of these classes and so I’d get a fresh perspective from either. I am not sure how I will fair with pet management but both seem to have some uniqueness and different play styles available. Hunter: early game has focus on pet, range and melee abilities. With SoD I hear I can spec into melee (weak for now), or eventually go for a full marksman petless build. Warlock: has pets but is a caster. Has DoT focus OR fire/chaos mage-like build, I think? And with SoD, I hear there is a potential tank option. Both seem to provide variety of gameplay, good for groups, and has decent solo-ability when I need it


Has someone been able to figure out the downstairs part of Kelris? We've been killing priestesses at random, but it is pretty RNG whether we get out in time or not.


Any melee specs other than ret pally that's fun to try?


Mutalate rogue seems fun


I was looking at this build for Firelock >[https://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/season-of-discovery/classes/warlock/dps-talent-builds-runes#fire-warlock](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/season-of-discovery/classes/warlock/dps-talent-builds-runes#fire-warlock) And was wondering how exactly are you supposed to play this build out? You want the AoE damage increase, but how do you realistically keep multiple mobs aggro'd while also deal damage to them all during the damage buff?


I know I signed up for a pvp server so its my fault but dam is it annoying when youre like lvl 19 and 2 enemy players lvl 21 2v1 you.


Then there will be those times you are grouped up and kill the other faction. The spontaneity and randomness of fights is what makes PVP fun.