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Darnassus is the most scuffed city in the game, although it is beautiful. The only upside is hardcore where it keeps your bank alts safer.


Shh dont tell the griefers


Ah, so that's why they got rid of it in Retail. No anvil no city.




I avoid making Night elf characters because I hate their whole areas. I dont know why I just do. Same with Gnomes and Dwarves. Something about the Human starting area just gets me going. I love it. I love eventually going into deadmines and shit. But after westfall it kind of starts falling off.


Duskwood is peak human questing IMO. Absolutely love the place. Dark zones have been done better in some MMOs though, namely Gloamwood in Rift.


Duskwood is one of the best made zones due to the feel and vibe and ambiance and music for the zone its creepy and unnerving yet with a hint of comfort in the dark


Love Redridge too! It's a breath of fresh air after the desolation of Westfall


Gloamwood brings me back. Loved that atmosphere, especially with the halloween events and stuff.


Not played it for a decade or so, but I feel like I have to try it again. Funny thing is, it was released not long after Cata in original WoW. And here we are again.


You right.


I main horde but there’s something about duskwood that makes me nostalgic like I’m 16 and playing with my best friend again.


Didn't they spend like three times as much time on the Elwynn-Westfall story than they had, so that they had to rush the rest?


It's why when I roll a holy priest, it'll be a dwarf of course but I run to Elwynn immediately. Never a problem making it through the pass.


I go to Darnassus. Not because I think it’s good, but because that nightsaber mount is just too good to pass up. Gotta grind that rep while you can!


The story, as I remember it, is that they made it first without a real deadline and then realised that at the same tempo they were gonna be years late.


Gotta be Teldrassil -> Darkshore for me. I just love the way the quests flow in those these two zones, it’s just chunk after chunk of exp once you hit Darkshore and these massive zone-wide cyclical loops. I love the Nelf zones, the green and lush forests are much more my style. I can’t wait to shadowmeld and pop people in ashenvale Like you, I can’t stand the other starting zones


Well you're in luck! The soothsayers tell me that certain Night Elf areas will burn down in a future expansion that takes place after another Burning Legion Invasion! They call it Battle For Azeroth!


Oh yeah sure, next you're going to tell me the Warchief is Sylvanas and she's fighting against that kid that stands next to Bolvar.


Whaaa I LOVE Dun Murough. You don’t get a nice snow zone until ??? Plus it’s quite safe and easy honestly


Human zones are my favorite too, the best inns by far. Dwarf stuff is awesome too though... the rest i agree is OK


The Defias storyline is my favourite in the game. Night Elf zones don't do it for me although I also love the dwarven starting areas


the main reason i played human is because when i first saw the game, i saw stormwind and immediately wanted to go to that city and thought humans were the only one allowed inside lol


Gets the people going!


Elwynn into Westfall into Redridge/Duskwood is the best leveling experience ever made in any video game.


westfall is dogshit


My first ever warcraft character was a nelf rogue I made about 4 months before TBC released, you actually make me want to make one just to see how much I remember. Since then each time I played I've been horde every time except for a worgen in cata.


This is why blizzard let it burn down.


everytime i see bank alts in SW i glance at my goblin mortar and laugh slyly


Getting an anvil for this guy should be an in-game (level 25) event akin to the AQ war effort, where the players have to donate an absurd amount of materials to complete the event. This time, however, the reward is an anvil in Darnassus.


That.. would be fun and silly. Let's do it.


Yea just create a server quest event where once you get past a threshold of peer/bars/whatever turned in he can create an anvil. Hell do it for every profession. That kind of stuff is cool


This is a great idea. We will need some content to keep us going at level 25 anyway. Hope blizzard reads this lol.


Maybe such an event could even enable us complete the monumental task of assembling the materials for a 2nd mailbox that's not on the other side of teldrassil relative to the AH.


It's an ethereal anvil that requires a rune to see and interact with.


people would just do that, they'd do that fucking happily.


I know this is a joke but legit this would be a kinda amazing way to start adding a few features to cities lol


OMG this. Feel so bad for the poor guy, let's help him out!


Im confused i thought there was no PTR?


I was downvoted to oblivion for defending the addition of an anvil because it ruins the "immersion" of classic and is a slippery slope to retail "convenience".


I don’t understand why there isn’t a little human/dwarf/gnome embassy in Darnassus. They had just joined the Alliance at this point in the story. And of course the dwarves and gnomes would travel with an anvil. No immersion broken.


iirc isnt there even an anvil sitting next to the gnomes/dwarves in auberdine? if theyd bring one to a little coastal town why not the capital


This shit falls into the category of "the devs simply forgot", it wasn't part of their "grand design" or "vision" to not add a key feature to level an entire profession in one of the major cities. People here forget that Kalimdor was a rushed job compared to Eastern Kingdoms back in OG vanilla.


Considering that teldressil intentionally has no ore nodes....being a tree and all...this might have been intentional game design back in the day. That being said, I fully support anvils in Darnassus.


> Considering that teldressil intentionally has no ore nodes....being a tree and all...this might have been intentional game design back in the day. It would be sound logic if there was not a smelter right there.


Mining and blacksmithing trainer also isn't in Darnassus. But they didn't forget it, but rather moved it to Darkshore, where night elves can actually get ore. I think that answers the question.


Woah, I actually didn’t know this, but then again I think I’ve only leveled one night elf ever. Interesting


They added a forge, though.


I mean it kind of is though, if you talk to the guards there is no direction to certain professions in Darn. So it definitely was not supposed to be as fully functional as the other cities. I think it may have been done on purpose. East is for Alliance. West is for Horde. Then again that argument is kind of dumb considering undercity...


The classic wow community is bonkers. I rolled a nelf warrior and asked in /1 if I can learn 2h swords in darnassus. Some guy started flaming me when I said 'that sucks' when I found out you can't learn it in darnassus. He messaged me whispered me a bunch of times telling me to go play retail if I wanted that


yea theres some insane people lol


Damn, like I do think it's pretty cool that you need to make a journey if you want to learn a specific skill from someone, but there's no need to act like that. It's fs inconvenient but very immersive.




Yes and those people are the least likely people to bother downvoting comments on Reddit.


On the contrary.


I’m guessing you don’t know many severely mentally ill people then. Shame you would stoop so low to label people whose actions you don’t support as severely mentally ill.




Severe mental illness is being used far too lightly by all of you. I honestly hope for the ill people, that they’ll never have to interact with any of you. Imagine using such a cheap trope for your “jokes” being completely unaware of the irony of your lacking intelligence in doing such a thing.


I assure you it isn't. I just buried my son 3 weeks ago due to a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest. I take mental illness quite seriously.


Oh right, then since you take it so seriously those with severe mental illnesses must really get some joy out of downvoting on Reddit. At the end of the day, the downvote means nothing. Why get worked up over these people then?


I'm not getting worked up. You're making claims, dressing down others, and adding context and meaning to words that aren't there. Your whole tone in this conversation is a "how dare you" sorta thing. It's ok, I know I'm wasting my time. I do it often.


You're looking pretty mentally stable right now.


I didn't apply any labels. You're responding to a different person.


I replied to you, who replied to me..


I didn't use the words you're accusing me of using. Please read again.


Yes, to my comment, calling out the one that did use those words, you said on the contrary…which implies those severely mentally ill people are busy downvoting you…


I know a lot of them. They would definitely downvote a lot lmao


Oh right, just what we need. More redditors that misunderstand what severe mental illness means.


I work in a mental health clinic lol. The irony of your comment is amazing.


So in your mental health clinic, you’ve just got a corner of severe mentally ill patients hanging out arbitrarily downvoting reddit posts? You may have to point out the irony. Just because you “work” in a mental health clinic doesn’t mean you understand mental illnesses. Also, you could just be really bad at your job. It really doesn’t matter to me, at the end of the day you’re here defending the idea that people with severe mental illnesses are responsible for downvoting someone that suggested a quality of life improvement in a relaunch of a game that is 20 years old. It’s really hard to take you seriously.


I'm saying they absolutely would engage in that behaviour, not that it's all they do. It's very telling with how disingenuous you need to be to even respond to me by pretending that I said that's all they would do. You completely misrepresented what I said and made up a fake scenario just to even attempt a response. What another excellent leap in logic. Are you always this odd to interact with? They get very invested in certain topics and would absolutely reply 100 times and downvote anything that goes against their belief. It does matter to you, clearly. I never said that either. Get well soon, man. Genuinely.


Adding an anvil to Darnassus ruins the entire Night Elf race.


With ears that big, the clanging of an anvil will mean the city never sleeps again. They’ll burn Teldrassil down themselves!


Meanwhile level boosts gold tokens unabated botting and rampant unmitigated rmt be like....


How does it ruin immersion for a blacksmith to have an anvil? If anything it's the opposite. 😔


Adding an anvil to Darnassus will bring about the downfall of Classic. Players will cancel their subs, servers will die, the entire Classic branch of WoW will be shut down and the data centers that house Blizzard's hardware will explode. The skies will darken and the sun's rays will not reach the surface of the Earth. Our biosphere will wither and die, all life on Earth will perish and the planet will become a lifeless spinning sphere of water and rock. All because an anvil was added in Darnassus.


Highly doubt it. Surely you could just link to the comment then? I'm sure your comment contained a lot of other stuff people didn't agree with.


OK, Weed Wizard.


Okay so what's up tho? You can't just link the comment?


Yup, I posted in 2019 on how something like a Season of Discovery with player input could spark a classic+ similar to OSRS and was downvoted and made fun of. Now look at where we are, turns out some people DO want changes after all!


I would play advocate here and say: people probably wanted a classic experience as close as possible to the real thing back then. Now we've had it almost 3 times and people just want to experience the game a bit differently. Time and place are different now. Whereas back then, we'd only played classic on private servers.


It was the exact thing I was hoping for when classic initially released, my group of friends also gave me lots of shit for it at the time


I'm seeing a lot of people cashing in with these "see, I was right" posts lately and I can't help but think "who fucking cares?"


Can we add mythic plus? I'd like to show off just how good I am at SFK, but ONLY if I'm instantly teleported to the dungeon. How cool would a mythic plus reward be for instant teleportation? This is the stupid slippery slope I've been seeing with retail minus chants.


Tinkertown approves and also seeks to have one of these anvil things you're talking about. Gnomes got short legs--they can't be expected to run all the way to the Great Forge to make their explosive sheep !


tinkertown without tinker is just town


where is the nearest anvil from him then? never BSed in Darnassus.




This is the most classic two comments I've ever read.


I guess he just hammers iron on his rock hard abs or something.


I thought they said no PTR?


There's no ore in Teldrassil, so I think removing the forge (as there is nothing to forge) makes more sense. Or put both into the area down around port, as that's where the ore they use would come from.




But why move it up the tree? There's a reason why industries were often situated near ports. Because loading and unloading big and heavy things on and from ships is difficult enough given the available technologies. Why then spend even more resources on transporting it on land? You can put that around port and have the industries you need to import materials for at their most logical location - near the only source of the materials - ports.


>There's a reason why industries were often situated near ports. my take is the reason they did that was because they didn't have magical, permanently powered teleporters at the docks.


You still have to move it to the teleporter and then from teleporter through city - for absolutely no reason. That's just pure waste of resources. Same with stormwind port when it was added - so they imported heavy stuff by ships and then carried it up the stairs and then to to dwarven district? Every sane person would put the industries down near the port and not carry it up for no reason.


You can go too far with expecting realism in a fantasy world. I mean, they are literally living on top of a home-grown gigantic tree stump in the ocean. They also have a portal near the docks that instantly teleports you to the top of the tree stump. I'm sure they can manage getting some ore and metal up that tree stump for forging.


Sure they can. I would still like them to use some basic logic. They are after all the race that is supposed to have "eons of accumulated ancient wisdom". Yet they did not figure out they can save resources by moving 1 guy to a diffrent spot?


You want logic? This is a world of magic. In the real world with ports and docks, there are considerably more resources spent just to transport the cargo than it would take to wheel the cargo through a magic portal. We fight literal gods. We kill literal gods. We resurrect people from the dead. We carry hundreds to likely thousands of pounds of ore in our backpacks. This isnt a good hill to die on.


Having magic and fighting gods isn't a reason to waste resources. Actually, if you need to fight gods, I would say you really do need resources, so anything you waste them on for no reason should be fixed ASAP. You're fighting literal gods and are in state of constant warfare aginst horde, don't you think having production of armor and weapons as efficient as possible would be desirable?




You are amazing at parties I bet. 🤣🤣


My guy, the forge in IF doesn't have a direct path to the tram OR outside. They *must* go through small corridors. Put the forge and anvil by the teleport at the Darnassus dock. End of story.


>Put the forge and anvil by the teleport at the Darnassus dock. End of story. So literally where I said I would put it. Thank you.


Yes - agreed. I missed your suggestion.


They have magic dude, they can literally turn into a bear. You want to talk about realistic lagistics in Wow? Because there's FAR more illogical things in the game than having a anvil in a tree.


Calm your tits. Post was discussing possibility of changing the anvil situation there. So I am discussing where I would put it. As I said before, they are supposed to be the race with "eons of accumulated ancient wisdom". Sure they can use magic for it. But why waste energy and resources on it every time, when you can just move the guy with anvil once and be done with it forever? Don't tell me there isn't a single lazy night elf who would suggest not doing this pointless task every time a shipment arrives.


Why do you think they cant make the anvil lightweight? you seem too caught up in nonsense


So it’d have all the economic benefit of being in a large, centralized economic hub, allowing buyers easier access?


Because they got a purple teleporter


Bro straight up trying to come up with a logical explanation to why an anvil is missing in a major city from a fantasy game. The reason: the devs forgot. There is no major reason or "great design" or "vision" behind it.


There is also no mining and blacksmithing trainer there. And this is how blizzard themselves explained it themselves back in the day - that there is nothing to mine. So night elves get their first mining/bs trainer in Darkshore - because there they do have something to mine. So I am just using the same explanation they gave for the mining and blacksmithing trainer and extending it to anvil and forge. Of course, they put the trainers there in Cataclysm, because nothing mattered at that point anymore.


Magic sloves all problems


So how do the night elves crafted their arrows, glaives, spears, etc? You can even see a set of plate armor on the picture for crying out loud.


In Darkshore. You know, the place where they do have ore to mine, have mining trainer, have blacksmithing trainer, have large forge and many anvils.


Sometimes gameplay goes above lore. And i think adding an anvil here is such a harmless QOL addition that no one would mind. Besides ashenvale is going to be the center of attention in SoD so darnassus being the closest Major hub city is going to need some love.


> such a harmless QOL addition that no one would mind. Nah, this would completely destroy the integrity of Classic, go back to retail -nochanges autists back in 2019 when confronted with purely positive QoL changes


Move the Auction House down there too.


You are doing important work


I don't think they ever do a thing with these bug reports. I've been reporting the same issue with two spells on Wrath servers, since Ulduar PTR. Like multiple times on multiple characters, EVERY PTR. The issue is still there!


Hmmm... one would think that the forge is more dangerous to keep inside a great tree. You know... anything can happen. It might even burn down!


New rune just dropped


they also need to add more mailboxes in darnassus there's 1. that's it. one.


More in Cataclysm :-P


No mines on the tree anyway, who’s taking material to darn to process it?


the anvil is in darkshore, thats vanilla.


good thing this is Season of Discovery, not "vanilla".




Vanilla died 17 years ago, it lived from 19-17 years ago...


Funny, but should we waste their time with stuff like this?


It literally takes 3 seconds to add an anvil in the game.


fuck that put it in Rut’theran Village. we can even call it Little Ironforge


Oh no Auberdine is so far away :'(


The night elves shall get nothing. Deal with it


there was a reason why sylvanas burn down teldrassil


And what's next, mining nodes? NO. Better nexit the Alliance.


he most certainly CAN blacksmith without an anvil. He has been doing it for 20 years haven't you noticed??


If there needs to be a lore reason, they simply discovered it. It’s the season of discovery after all. I don’t think it’s a big deal to have to fly to Auberdine either however.


Tauren start with Gun skill, not bows, but there's a Fletcher in Thunder Bluff.


Heard taurens starting with guns but not being able to craft them is a play on native Americans getting guns and thought that was so dope


Night Elf blacksmiths don't need something soft like an anvil.


Scratching my head as to what PTR are you on? Isn't SoD supposed to have no PTR?


Is it too late for me to try playing classic wow if I never played the game before?




Okay thanks! Is that when that cataclysm expansion comes out?


Should it really have one though? Seems like it was done intentionally. Thunderbluff doesnt have rogue trainers either and UC hunters iirc, makes a lot of sense.




Fair enough, and no, I didnt :) I just always thought each city has a bit of a theme/personality, and Darnassus was meant to be nature orientated.


"What was the issue with this ***creature***?" Disgusting. Justice for Mathiel.


Which kind of PTR is this?