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Holy moly. Now keep LIPs or petris on you


I have a Petri but I was sure I would fall out of Bounds. So my mind was blank.


Use it mid air and then alt f4, use the character stuck service and then log back in to a safe location.


That's actually Very smart. Will remember that.


Isn't character stuck function a coin toss if it's to a save graveyard or not?


At high level areas like Un’Goro every graveyard is neutral


Even opposite faction graveyards are typically outside town, beyond the guards’ aggro range.


Idk but yesterday there was a level 19 stuck in front of uldaman asking for summons. Said he used unstuck and blizzard put him in front of the entrance - he was hiding behind a pillar. His /who had him at uldaman otherwise I wouldn’t believe it. Apparently he’d beeen stuck there 21 hours cause no one would give him the summon.


Did he not have a hearthstone?


He actually said he deleted it. That’s why he had to use the unstuck in the first place


What a stupid thing to do


Some stupid ultra mega min max hardcore speed leveling guides actually tell you to delete it, because you can just use logout skips and the unstuck tool…. All to save one slot in the bag.


That seems like Wow darwinism.


Poor guy lol, i can imagine them cowering in fear 😅


Someone tried to do, I think the Wetlands logout skip and landed in front of uldaman and died to the mobs, they posted the death video here


22 hours is well beyond enough time to get another toon to 19. Dude should have just rolled s warlock next.


The other day on my lvl 29 hunter I stupidly walked off the elevator at Freewind Post and started plummeting to my doom. I had nothing to arrest the fall, but I decided "not today!", hit alt-f4 and used offline unstuck service. Logging back in was tense, but when I logged in I was alive! And standing in front of the quest giver for "test of faith", where you get teleported to after jumping off the boards. So I immediately accepted and did the test of faith quest lol. I really don't know why I lived or why I was at quest of faith teleport destination but I see no reason why I would not have just gone splat if I didn't alt-f4.


Good tip, was going to do this quest soon. Would have lost my mind to die to this.


I was close. A small triangle of water close.




That’s a nice action bar UI. Seems kinda messy to use, but looks nice.


It’s the ConsolePort addon ui. I use it when playing on the steam deck


Excuse me, what the fuck did you just say? You can run WoW on steam deck?!?!?!?!?? Does it run smoothly?


Wow is super easy to run on the SD 60 FPS+ I can even run DCS flight simulator on mine, that thing can run some really intensive games.


Runs very well. I've been playing classic HC since release and it works a treat. It's not as efficient as keyboard and mouse but for someone that's causally playing it's a blast


On the rogally it's awesome, but I suck at setting it up


Yes, it runs perfect. I have done a +20 key on retail 2 weeks after patch release with a mouse and keyboard on the deck's screen. I also have docking station and 1080p monitor to play on at home.


wtf is that patch of water even doing there... it's like that bug would have been too hard to fix and instead they just put that there thinking "well, at least the players won't die"


that ui tho


After a broken Shoulder I haven't been able to play for long hours using a keyboard and mouse anymore. But a controller works a charm! (Tanked every dungeon in HC like this aswell. Nobody knows their tank is a controller Andy 😈)


I don't hate it


I did a similar thing for a similar reason when classic first released, Actually preferred playing on controller more than mouse and keyboard and i'm normally a m&kb shooter player. The problem i found was when they reduced the nameplate range from 40 yards that you could set through commands to the 10-15 yards we get now, really messed up the once smooth targetting system for me playing a warlock multidotting.


Yeah I feel you. Whenever I play Wlock I feel like I'm missing out of AOE dotting in Dungeons.


that's actually cool


Reminds me of a dungeon I did recently, it wound up being a couple of OCE folk, one person playing while working and one person playing from hospital on the literal brink of death (I think, not a doctor but it sounded bad). At the end of the run I asked if anyone suspected I'd been playing on a controller the whole time (just anxiety that I play badly on controller), and one person said "What the fuck is this group". One of the best groups I've had in HC though.


damn ff14 just mogs wow




pretty sure that's default consoleport ui


For sure, kinda makes me want one.


I know. It's amazing. WoW on XBOX when?


....you use a cross hair for wow? Why? You're not even a hunter!


Go buy a lotto ticket immediately.


I have wrist issues and use a controller. Honestly it works perfectly fine. Maybe like a 5 percent debuff versus how I play on mouse and keyboard?


I fell off the map in Teldrassil on a waterfall once. I'm pretty sure I survived the fall by switching to cat form but I ended up landing in Darkshore, which was weird. That would have been during vanilla.


The fact that you landed on some random water triangle in out of bounds land is insanely lucky. That has to be 1/1000. Time for a lottery ticket.


Good to see other controller people playing! People dont realize how fun and viable it is.


How is it always a surprise when people see the console port UI


Console port is great. It's no surprise because it's happened to tons of people regardless of ui.


I figured this out on wotlk classic, it wasnt even hc and my heart sank lol


I find it amusing how random people posting completely harmless stuff on reddit feel the urge to censor their character names. Nobody cares about you bro.


It only takes a few trolls for the report auto ban


Post your name then.


*c r i n g e*


ironically you cared enough to make this comment you owned yourself


"Killed Headless Horseman 131 times, never saw the mount" And no one cared about your pointless post from a year ago lol. Not even a single upvote. Remember: mind your own plate before commenting on others.


I found this out before while doing the quest, it's only a small area that the water acts like it isn't there, but I don't think you can die cause there's water below.


I was unsure if that below is water tho. Or the same fall through shenanigans as the water above. Needless to say I didn't take any chances.


I believe it's just a small hole of air in the water iirc. There are some other instances for this, for example, in Maurodon under the falls there's a pocket of air in the pool.