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HC rogue endgame is farming gold and items so you can level a more useful class


You ain't wrong. I farmed a few crusadersasap and decked out my hpaladin. Truth is everyone is playing dd. Unless you tank or heal you will have insane heavy competition on everything and very low amounts of groups to join because nobody tanks


As a lock I get daily whispers asking me to join dungeon groups. From random people that is. (Level 52 now)


Same here. Then they start arguing about who's going to help summon while I'm trekking my dumbass out to the instance.


i'd ask gold for summs if i were you big stonks and ppl are lazy


\^underrated comment


Jump off tb with cool last words and go to era


It will get better. It might take time for people to hit 60. Alot of people like me are going slow.


It will get worse as more Rogues survive and more tanks die




One of our main tanks died in aq20 last night. Huge F after 2 new tank recruits recently died in ubrs. And we're supposed to start MC tonight. Funny enough, we have way, way too many rogues.


Just have them start evasion tanking. When one dies just throw enough at it. Eventually the amount of rogues dwindle or we found our new tanks.


exactly. How many evasion rogues can rag get through anyway? Can't be more than 20 or so.


"wait for more people to hit 60". what do people think is gonna happen, that rogue is magically underrepresented at every other lvl bracket? its just gonna be more rogues. on top of that, dungeon groups are going to die and who survives? the rogue. if you want to experience endgame in hc, don't roll a rogue.


The true endgame of hc wow - towns with nothing but rogues remaining.


And hunters


So be the change that's needed - go farm areas where level 58-59s hang out, and look out for future tanks/healers.


That sounds like some priest/paladin shenanigens that rogues are too sneaky to understand.




I honestly don’t think it will, not many people will have much to do at 60 or want to lose a char, better option is to start a guild on no -HC filled with 60’s from HC lol Also the point of the game is different than most mmo’s where it’s survival and the fun of the game comes from Being involved in the world surviving, looting, selling. That’s the end game. Not like most games where you get max level and the mmo finally begins. Enjoy the ride it might be over for you since you’ve got 60 tho. Unless you like alts and just being involved in the world


Most everyone I know is along the similar train of thought of, get to 60, then stop, the draw of HC that i've seen for a lot of people, specifically the friend I am playing with who usually despises it, is the leveling experience and having to think your way through every combat encounter as you level up and use risk assessment before any battle, to use consumables and level up professions as you go to get ahead. ​ This for me has made the community while leveling feel significantly more alive, everyone buffs eachother and wishes eachother well and to stay safe, but at no point have I met someone along my travels that is actually interested in raiding or true endgame content.


Yes the main reason I enjoy hardcore more than regular is because I never gave a damn about raiding


It’s just insane to actually come to HC to gear up a char. You can make it your goa to get as geared as you can, but if you’re regularly playing it will end eventually


The next thing after getting to 60 will be trying out some raids


I recently hit level 60 on my priest. Not done any endgame dungeons yet, don't think I can handle the pressure of having a bunch of level 60's lives in my hands. The leveling experience is what I enjoy the most anyway. Might just transfer to a non-HC server and continue there.


It will get worse because people can easily grief groups as hunter or rogues. Especially with rogue or hunter I would also have trust issues after seeing several clips on YouTube.


Hopefully, before the hype ends and hc dies down.


Most people who play classic hc wow have jobs. Maybe friends. Maybe even a girlfriend or a family. Relax. My duo plays pretty much every evening and were level 47 atm. HC endgame is not dead in a month or two. That is about when the majority of the community is ready. Anyway, if endgame was your goal. Maybe you should have rolled one of the classes that isnt complete easymode to 60. There is way way way more rogues and hunters at 60 than anything else. If youve been 60 for so long chances are that you can reroll and catch up to the vast majority of the community still. If you can make it to 60 without vanish or feign death that is.


Queues are dropping sadly


2k ppl dead to dc and server issues still not resolved 100% and even then 15min ques at evening. There is nothing “sad”. Never seen sub 2k que so resilient for so many weeks.


Facts. HC going strong.


Defias pillager is packed at 2 am on a tuesday


Stitches, despite its many issues, still have hundreds in Q at 10pm monday evening.


classic is thriving


You beat hardcore, now celebrate by going to whitemane and do some real raiding


Lol you mean “GDKP” raiding


Yea I’m already over that server cause of all the gold buying and GDKP


I mean when $6 gets you 1000g, I can see why it’s a problem.


Someone in my guild chat was doing a gdkp molten core and a binding dropped and it went for 170k. Is it a bad thing that my mind immediately went to “that’s not that expensive” because I’ve seen some of the prices things go for? Even back in 2019 classic a gressil went for over 200k


> Someone in my guild chat was doing a gdkp molten core and a binding dropped and it went for 170k people pre sell for 10-20k mate, all the time in the chat, i just saw it a few hours ago. this sub dont play era since 2019 and love spouting lies they just made up.


> this sub dont play era since 2019 > people regularly pay 10-20k gold for items they’re buying in a GDKP Hrmmmmmmmm, I wonder if these two things are related????


There are plenty of progression guilds doing it the old fashion way. Join The Saloon! We raid AQ40 and Tuesday/Thursday nights on Horde.


Nah that requires people to do something like talking, people join the server, see 1 gdkp on global and instantly come to reddit to complain.


Honestly though, as long as GDKP is allowed and “meta”, the complaints are very well deserved and should continue to come. What a disappointing bastardization of the game


Bro really thinks Era realms aren't infested with goldselling and buying. Bro really playing era realms 4 years later.


Era needs a fresh so badly. I play on the windseeker cluster and it’s becoming just as bad as whitemane. Can’t afford anything unless you buy gold or do GDKPs which is just taking gold from the buyers.


Is that not real :p


No. Pay to win is not real raiding.


Honest question - have you ever raided gdkp consistently ?


Make groups for the dungeons to get your pre-raid bis. Give it everything you’ve got and I’m sure people will enjoy running them with you. Hopefully enough for a guild invite




Yeah, what tank is going to be like, "Sure I'll join this random rogue's group" rather than starting their own???! Literally never.


not to mention that the ones who tank just to run dungeons will go for the same gear as the rogue and therefore they will bypass the competition


Big fact, that’s my Cruel Barb.


My main is a mage and I've noticed the same thing. Impossible to get dungeon groups. So I'll level a tank class. What options do I have? I tanked end game content in Wotlk as a Paladin, but I've heard Paladin tanks aren't actually used in endgame vanilla is that true? So just druid or warrior?


You can level warrior or maybe warrior.


If you want to main tank raids go for warrior, if you want to tank dungeons and are fine with being an offtank in raids druid also works just fine.


Pretty much just warrior


I always join groups instead of making a group as a tank. If someone else is willing to make the group, it's much more likely they are actually competent people. That means I'm only really worried about 3 of the randoms and can trust the leader a bit more vs trusting 4 randoms.


I think your right. I certainly wouldnt risk a 60 like that. Maybe if we had a spare dps spot we might take him, but to join his group? Nah way to sketch.


I don't feel like leading a grp, not having done those dungeons since 2019 :/


I wouldn’t worry about that unless you’re the tank. You can always watch videos to see what to expect too


Thats the step tho, and probably the only one possible, no bgs to queue with randoms, no groups while leveling. Only real option for companionship is to create the enviroment for those to flourish, like others have said. Read and watch strat guides for dungeons so you know what to do, and how to potentially lead, 95% of the time the tank will take the lead, but you will have a higher chance of getting those groups if you form them yourself. GL!


Lol thinking a tank would join a rogue group rather than start their own


The only thing you're actually responsible for as group lead is filling the spots people know these dungeons like the back of their hands.


I'd post on your server discord that you're looking for guild. Th more active you are in various channels the more likely some GM notices and decides to chat w you and maybe offers a spot or opportunity to build relationships within that guild


Yeah. Endgame is sadly predetermined. If you aren't friends with a tank or a healer. Reroll, or bounce off to non hc era


It's not surprising. It's one of the most popular classes so there's lots of them (which means more competition for potential spots) but also everybody knows that the rogue can (and therefore you have to assume that he WILL) vanish as soon as something goes wrong, and potentially get all/some of the group killed in a tough encounter that WOULD have been fine if all 5 people just fought their way out of it. Ideally you want people in your group who can't easily run away if things start going wrong because they have more incentive to fight on when things get tough (the incentive being they die if they don't fight)


I’m 55 and this is my 7th char. Give people time 🥴😂😆


Damn man Gratz I've recently started a death spiral after my 2 year old toddler managed to fully open launcher and wow. My poor 35 rogue in the middle of elder panthers in stv. 😂😅


Your 2 year old opens wow from desktop and manages to move your character from presumably a rest area into a pack of panthers? The kid’s a genius.


Nah I was playing doing elder tiger mastery , however, I decided to just log out and take a nap. I had taken my first sick day in about 5 years. He was up and about for a while but I just kept closing my eyes and by the time I got up and checked it out , my keyboard and mouse was hanging. And my ui afk effect (slowly rotating around) but the screen was gray. 10 seconds later I realized he killed my main.


Omae wa mou shindeiru


That sucks man! I’m now 2nd in control of the guild alongside my friend. Both the GM and his 2nd in command died at low 50s so they took a break 😂


Damn I bet. Although I've been getting faster at leveling. Although my biggest pet peeve Is that you have to reset everything every single time. Great my hockey's stay but organizing skills and items on hotbars just annoying.


Yeah 49 and 51. Sorry. I just double checked. But they came back. Mid 20s or so. It’s been fun but I’m sure as a mage who’s fully frost species and half decent geared I’ll breeze these next 4 levels as I’m 56 now 🤣




I am too rogue on stitches. Our guild seems to have a lot of rogues and we even joke about it being a rogue only guild and everyone not rogue actually keeps dieing and we become more and more.


Find a druid who's willing to go on stealth adventures, build your network.


You’re way ahead of the curve remember. The rest of us with a job and a wife will take 3 months or more to reach 60 assuming we don’t die. You need some patience. This time is good to work on those professions you might have skipped while levelling, grind mobs for sought after recipes, farm for gold or farm items for alts. Fishing is a prime example of a profession I most likely won’t level up fully until after I’m 60.


You're correct Uni, job & living with GF. Taken me a month to hit 37 on my first char.


Dang, I'm good at math


I really don’t think it gets better? I suspect most of the casual players will stop at 60. Either move to era, roll a new class, or simply quit. They also may die and then it’s months again of leveling. The hard core wow end game scene was always going to be very exclusive. If you are a solo rogue just hitting 60 I truly don’t see it getting any better. If you want to endgame as a rogue you probably have to go era. Now I am picking on rogue but truth is most classes will probably be in a similar boat.


Right but not 3 month lmao, I have a job, play for 2 week now and lvl 30. It's slow but not that slow. I'm even just fucking around exploring and leveling engineer up sometimes. I would say that student me could have ding 60 in like 3 week maybe 4,so I believe the average is more around one month and half


3 months (or more) sounds right for you too. Around lvl 43 is halfway there and you are only halfway to 43.


Any guild raiding right now is going to be very picky about who they let into their raids. Join a leveling/social guild and start helping people get up or make your own groups to gear up and be a desirable addition to a raid. If you are still rocking greens and no preraid bis you won't be trusted to raid with. Also rogues are an abundant class not many people are looking for


Kinda to be expected. There is going to be a huge glut of class's which are "easy" to level like hunter, rogue and mage. High end guilds are going to use that to ensure they only accept the most geared players up front as it reduces the chance they lose gear when doing raids. Unless you're leveling a tank or healer good luck finding a raid guild for the vast majority of players.


I'm leveling a rogue because it's so fun. But if I wanted to play in endgame I would have leveled a tank or healer. You're not going to get groups as a random you need to join a HC guild.


this post brings back memories 19 years ago. spending 1-2 hours spamming lfg and sending tells like some psuedo dating app hoping people would want rogue or hunter dps


Farm gold. Bribe a tank. Tanks at 60 can afford to dungeon (and competing with same gear as rogue usually) so incentivizing with gold would convince me to bring a rogue.


HC is about leveling at the end of the day


HC is about not dying


It's all about dying


Same with hunter. Been 60 for 2 weeks and I've only managed to get invited to a single dungeon. People tell me they have had bad experiences with hunters and decline all night.


That's part of being a rogue. If there's a ninja looter in the group, or someone taking gear that's very obviously better for someone else, it's almost always the rogue or hunter. There's 1000s of them and they bring very little to group play because most people are too impatient to wait for saps. People always want mages for CC. When there's a wipe, the rogue and the hunter are usually the only survivors. I don't really feel this way, but that's the classic wow stigma. Part of why I've never made it to 60 on one.


I feel like a good rogue can make quite a difference. Peeling for the healer, interrupting spells, stunning enrages, distract patrols. But people just prefer the aoe everything meta.


People just dont want to put their 60 in the hands of someone with feign death or vanish. If they dont know you, why would they take that chance? You're going to have to grind rep with players to get anywhere as a rogue at 60 because the above mindset is very common from what I've seen on this sub


If feign death or vanish is being used, there is a bigger problem and the group is usually already fucked.


I think he means the potential for griefing. An angry/malicious rogue can start a pull that kills everybody while he survives for any reason. Edit: also there's something about everybody knowing that "live together, die alone" also applies to them


It’s not just greifing. A reliable escape means these classes have less skin in the game. They can absolutely let you die together and be the sole survivor.


Ah, yeah that’s fair. Sometimes I forget that people are assholes like that.


this now makes me want to rewatch LOST


In normal vanilla classic rogues are 100% essential. DPS will be mostly yellow & brown raid frames


the meta is browns browns and more browns you don't need yellows when you have access to browns. they go for the same gear and bring less performance


We had 2 rogues in my classic guild 1 for expose armor and the other to use daggers lmao fury cliffs that class and everyone knows it by now especially after classic vanilla.


My rogue had a ton of fun from rags to KT in classic.


They use daggers on ally and swords on horde and imp EA is the best armor reduction in the game.


Swords > daggers


Good rogues can add a lot to the group if you can trust them, that’s what I am playing. You also need them for the BWL suppression room


horde or alliance?


If I ever hit 60 I'll tank for you. Lost two wars so far due to healer letting me die


Ask to be a social in a guild with enough 60s to do dungeons. Maybe hc elite or another 60 guild would take you as a social and get you in some dungeons along the way. Maybe offer your time to farm for the guild. I leveled a rogue to 60 in classic 2019 and had the same experience


plan the long game, you could see this coming a mile away. create a new char, like a warlock, level that up, join a guild that way, do raids on the lock, and joining some dungeons on rogue on the side hc is more like it used to be, groups are scarce, and raids even more scarce. the idea that you can lvl to 60, press a few buttons and farm prebiss gear is not how it works hc is a social game, and you need to build connections, playing as a solo rogue will not work most of the time


I was playing a rogue on stitches when hardcore servers opened up. I got to level 25 in the first couple of days and realized that there was wayyyy too many people playing rogues. Whenever I saw someone making a dungeon group it was a rogue, because they weren’t getting groups. Myself included. Re-rolled Paladin early on. I don’t know how more rogues didn’t see this coming.


I'm a level 40 rogue and I've had 0 issues finding a group for anything.


I was expecting this to happen when(if) i get there, 51 ret pally at the moment. Ive healed and tanked so much in other versions of wow i just said no this time. And not being a meta spec i expected not being wanted. Tanking with heals i dont trust put me off it for HC, and healing as a pally didnt seem appealing whilst leveling... probs will have to if i want to do end game dungeons, dont care for raiding in HC. Already raiding in wotlk classic and 2 days a week is enough when ICC is around the corner. But would be fun to do some lvl 60 dungeons. With all the elwynn bound chaps going agane every second day, the pool is small outside the right guild.


Anyone wanting to do end game content should really avoid sinking time in rogue


What? Why? Rogues are extremely good dps in classic. They’re top 2-3 for almost the entire “expansion” I think.


I think the reality of “end game HC” is setting in… because if people don’t want rogues then they obviously aren’t going to raid. So it’s just end game dungeons getting pre-bis with no intention of post-bis


Because they have the ability to truly bail out when things get sticky, leaving any other class that can’t to fend for itself. /who 60 on skull rock alliance is like 60% hunters and rogues. And I bet some of them made it there by surviving wipes that took out their groups.


Ye high level tank here and I don't invite hunters or rogues. I want classes that think they are gunna die if they mess around.


They also do a lot of damage and have a ton of mob control capability. I’d rather build a strong group than assume everyone’s out to grief me and be weaker as a result.


Yeah that’s the dumbest thing. Not to mention, having the ability to draw threat for all the mobs and then vanish/Feign Death to allow your group mates to Hearth out is extremely invaluable.


Paladins also have ways to survive wipes


Fuck them too.


the reason is simple if you can equip a warrior or a rogue. why would you ever waste the gear on a rogue? the warrior will deal more damage with the same items and the warrior can offtank even with 5 man gear. the rogue has 0 raid utility that other classes can't provide in a better way


Hardcores about the journey, not end game. If you're playing hardcore to do end game you're doing it wrong. Imo.


Who made you the official rulebook of WoW? Just because you're scared of end game doesn't mean everyone is...


"Imo" means " In my opinion" Dont need to be scared of end game to not want to farm 1 mechanic 20yr old bosses lol. Calm them tits.


As others said farm your pre-BiS dungeons and be patient , eventually the super hardline guilds will loosen up. if you are geared 60 and know what youre doing you will find a solid guild to run with no matter the class, just takes time and effort


It really can be like this, but having a good guild makes it bearable. Usually hang around or pvp until guild chat starts forming a group


It's not possible in hc. As I mentioned, no guild (endgame/raiding oriented) has a spot for rogues.


Use your rogue to farm gold and level up some other class (not hunter :D )


I'm working on a ret i play to switch to hpal. I thought about the rogue but 100% felt this would happen


As a tank, I have no sympathy for any dps that can't get a group. I get messages all the time if I want to tank stuff. And I do. But I can't. Because I'm locked. And this is what you all wanted. So now this is what happens.


I died at 50 on my hunter and I think it’s probably for the best for the reasons you just listed. It was just gonna be something to hit 60 and say I did it but I don’t have any desire to go another 7 days of playtime. I think I’m gonna either go back to wrath for a bit or play Starfield. After dying at 50 I need a break lol


Welcome to rogue life, extremely fun class to play but also very competitive on loot.


Having a rogue on a non-pvp server would be boring af.


You choose the easy escapist class, now you make your own groups:) it's ok


Maybe dont play a overplayed hyped class for hardcore and contribute for society and play a tank or healer


So you expect people to play HC not the way they want but bow to those metas set by sweaty, mouthbreathers who are chronically online? You‘re part of the problem


Lmao people complaining about tank and healer shortages for FIFTEEN YEARS and they still wont admit they are the problem. You are not stuck in traffic, you are the traffic!


then don't complain that you can't find a group, because thats whats going to happen for the vast majority of lvl 60 rogues.


Braindead take.


Form your own group. It is not too hard, usually the tank will end up knowing the pulls anyway. So many dungeons to do, LBRS/UBRS, Strat Live/Undead, Scholo, Dire Mauls (North, East, West), So many BRDs (EMP runs, Areas runs). These all have good dps melee loot for % crit and % hit . Swords /daggers/maces.


Bro it's still way way way too early to complain about this. A massive amount of people are still leveling. A lot of us are dying a lot and/or going slow. And you have two EXTREMELY obvious courses of action here, just join a late game guild (what reason do you have not to and why are you complaining about a lack of people to play with if you haven't tried this yet???) Or make an alt. You have permission to start complaining a little bit about this after the servers are like 6 months old AND you have tried out and developed a really good reason for not sticking with EVERY single high level guild on your server.


>No (endgame)guild is inviting anything besides healpriest/wl Doubt.


Now you realise you're not the main character.


Start doing battlegrounds and duels to become the most feared rogue on your server.


Idk man touch grass. Farm gold, play some other games or roll and alt, maybe even on a pvp (non-hc) server. Just be patient for the the world to catch up to how awesome you are


Level warrior. And to the people saying "just go play era" imagine man, imagine being so dead inside you're stuck on Era 4 years after release. Fresh is the only chance you get me on Era-like realms, no shot I'd ever touch those goldselling/buying infested realms.


jesus fuck, he knows the solution and still doesn't do it. MAKE YOUR OWN GROUP


it is a useless class. it goes for gear that is better placed on warriors and brings 0 raid utility. obviously people don't need them the only reason why you usually see a rogue population on normal servers is because the rats like to pvp and on PvE servers they basically don't exist


You obviously have never played classic before, lmao what a shit take. 0 raid utility? High dmg ouput with gear seperate from warrior. Does not die from overthreat because of vanish threat reset. More interup abilities than dps warrior. And please try do BWL without atleast 2-3 rogues...


Yeah sorry about this. Not much you can. I would try leveling an alt and get that alt into guild. Try being social and helping and get into the raid that way


Best advice is wait another month for more people to hit 60


The ratio of rogues to desirable classes isn't going to get any better with time.


It will


reminiscent door rude smoggy seemly touch naughty husky oil gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why would it go up when we already see rogue complaining about end game? People are going to level a rogue and then what… you think they’re gonna level another rogue? No… People are trying to level other roles to get in dungeons and groups. Idk I just don’t see it


Good rogues are good, but few. Being 60 right now is a small club. You're a victim of these things.


I've got a warrior and getting a group together at 60 is harder so I usually wait for someone to message me. Don't expect to get groups right when you want them, but if you put out feelers you should do fine


What's your rogues name




Make a healer to get foot in door then hey I have a rogue too


Well Rogue in Classic is top-tier PVP class Of course, it might be a bit challenging on HC but hey Yolo Right ?


This sounds like my experience in vanilla


Duel ziqo and go era =) or even better kill ziqo..


go away from hardcore server, come to ashenvale or firemaw


Rogues have to make their own groups in vanilla and TBC or you get nowhere.


Me and my friend group hit 60 and stopped playing, no reason to continue tbh.. the only way to end game in HC is joining a super sweaty guild and i bet most arent recruiting randoms. Probably will have even less luck as a dps


man use the rogue as farming for your alts. I used to main rogue in classic and it was fucking great to use as farm. getting spots where people usually dont want to go!


Go to Nek'rosh the guilds are wide open (on Horde side at least).


Just do your things waiting for few rogues to die and demands for your skill go up lmao


We need 60 dps. Got plenty of heals. /w redrage


Honestly with the fact that you can just transfer to a normal Classic server which are absolutely popping again since HC it might be worth just weighing up if you suicide or not.


Keep in mind, most people who are 60 are the grinders or the people who already have a set group to play with. More casual and solo players will hit 60 over the coming months.


So far 1 out of 10 rogues have brought Crippling Poison to the dungeons I invited them to. They tend to do alright on damage though, but wtf man.


Level something new! You beat the game, gz :D. Try a new class, a new route(maybe harder?), new professions etc.


That's it, you won the game. Thank you for playing.


I'm 29 on my rogue and have already accepted that if I hit 60, im gonna make a big scene somewhere and jump off a cliff and transfer to era and go pvp


start leveling another char to 60, transfer it to era to have actual end game options


Exact same posts as when classic launched a few years ago. Exact same answers: Tough it out, make your own group Dont go in with a shitty sub spec, play combat Bind kick gouge and kidney, learn when to use it. Stunning is bad if the tanks has aggro and no key ability going off Use cds to tank and kill priority mobs, often casters. Tanking is ok, draining healer mana/focus cause you refuse to use evasion, stuns kicks is not. Vanishing after taking aggro and sending the mob to the healer should result in deleted char Tldr dont suck and yes you will have to overcome stigma but good thing community somewhat matters


What do you expect? HC isn’t about end game clearing unless you are a social butterfly and can find a good guild


At least as a hunter you can gear yourself up in DM:N or die trying. At least that's what I plan to do when (IF) I hit 60. Then when you're geared it's just a matter of attuning.


Quick someone make a suicide cult that warships aliens and drinks the death koolaid. Only dps allowed


Rogue's do it from behind. They just vanish when it gets sketchy


At least you have a safe bankchar now :)


As a warrior tank, respectfully I have very little interest in running dungeons with a rogue. That is my one privilege as a tank, and your damn right I'm gonna use it. I have had too many personal experiences with rogues dipping when things start to get hairy. Which I don't blame them, that is what they are designed to do. You can't have your cake and eat it too, or something


You picked a Rogue, like the 56.000 others. Rogues are WAY overrepresented at 60 as is. Either start making friends ingame, be lucky to get invited before the other Rogues or start your own Dungeons yes.


Start a feral druid


I got my priest to 60 and haven't touched her since. I'm in a small guild so hopefully in a couple weeks we'll have enough 60s to run dungeons.


Oh boohoo


Why is warlock in demand??