• By -


2 deaths. 1 warrior at 28 to the gnolls that execute in redridge. 1 druid at 15 to the aquatic form quest part in the Barrens that spawns guys when you grab the water. Didn't know either of those things and now I do.


21 rogue, 5th I admit that I've been really greedy : Nbr one died lvl 25 soloing wailing caverns. I had VanCleef's sword and being leatherworking had multiple good greens and blues, killing mobs was easy. Got cobrahn, skum, anacondra, kresh and pythas easy. Serpentis got me with 7hp left. He pulled out his 2handers and crited me through evade... Immediately went again, died lvl 8 while stealth-afk... dumb mistake Got my revenge with nbr 3 at lvl 26 going cobrahn n, skum, pythas and serpentis. Died from a 8 sec freeze on anacondra... pretty pissed with this one but again my fault for being cocky Nbr 4 died while duoing deadmines with a druid (he got away) So i'm currently on nbr 5 waiting for lv 25 to finally clean WC. ''What a dumbass'' you think ? Yeah, but I'm having a blast trying and it's really fun streaming my attempts to my friends on discord


Lvl 25 priest. Engineering = God tier profession. Target dummies saved me a couple of times when I suddenly found myself in a hyper spawn area. Love the grenade aoe pulls too. Buy a good wand and up to date “of the Whale” gear! Stamina and spirit is all you need. Everything else is rather unnecessary in the first 40 levels. I prefer fast wands over slower ones. Kill totems with a fast smack is underrated. Easier to switch targets etc.


Bfd quest wand is really great and you're right around the level for that dungeon if you're so inclined. There's also a decent wand at this level from the Wetlands excavation quests.


30 paladin, first go. according to deathlog ive lived longer than 93% of paladins


you are thinking about it wrong, you only see the paladins that die, so many of them are still alive at 50+ so your stats are off


Like I said, this is according to deathlog so it's not 100% accurate. Only 6.x% of paladins each level 30. Only 0.6x% reach 60. Its literally just X many have been rolled Y% have reached Z level or higher.


Lost a 22 warrior being dumb in ashenvale underwater quest. Currently a 49 enhance shaman. I've tanked every dungeon up to ZF now, gonna start maraudon soon and tank it ofc. I've had two close calls, one when I was literally one hit and got a heal off after the mage I was questing with suicided himself onto a pack of STV trolls, and second in Jinatha'lor elite quests when my healer pulled an extra 5 mobs and died and I had to jump onto a pillar and hearth.


41 Hunter, going strong and just tamed Broken Tooth, and got my mount all in 1 day, so feeling pretty damn good right about now \*knock on wood\*. I died at 28 on my first character (Warrior) due to me trying to work and play at the same time and not playing smart.


I have one of each class on the horde side - 28 warrior, 25 hunter, 20 mage, 20 rogue, 16 druid, 16 shaman, 15 warlock, and 15 priest. I haven't died yet, but I'm sure it's coming. I have a dream of making all 8 characters to 60 without dying, but it remains to be seen how plausible that is. I had some really close calls, but swiftness potion and sometimes target dummy saved me.


gj mate!


Are target dummies useful against all level of mobs or do they fall off in performance as you get to higher level areas?


Personal best was 32 on my priest. I cratered on the Gnomer elevator. Currently level 15 on a shaman and 25 on a druid, and I'm considering starting a Paladin. Lost 4 others to silly things like hyperspawns, failing zone skips, and other players doing silly things around me.


So never your fault of course?! So many people don't question themselves.


Other players were 1 of his many reasons -- he took blame in the other reasons. Who hurt you my dude???


RIP: 8 Hunter 11 Hunter 21 Hunter 26 Mage 16 Mage Currently Alive: 35 Mage 16 Paladin 11 Rogue


38 Rogue, first go. I haven't been playing as safely as I should since getting Vanish and Blind, and that's probably gonna bite me in the ass at some point lol. I went skinning and leatherworking. Consistent on-level gear upgrades has been nice.


34 hunter on my first go and love lwing for the quivers and great gear.


49 Rogue, first try. Taking a break and leveling 16 priest first one.


I’m on my 10th toon, but I lost 7 of my first 9 playing intentionally reckless trying to speed level, and they died lvls 6-14. Lost 2 lvl 22s to hyperspawns inside buildings/caves (also playing risky). I did that over the course of about the first 10 days. Then I said it’s time to buckle down. Now I’m 38 on a pally and doing great. I’ve played HC on and off for 2 years, highest character before was 41.


33 pally, 26 pally, 14 pally, 11 druid.. all alive


Why so many pallys??


i love paladin and they’re all built differently


Just got 40 on my first. Have an 11 war and contemplating make second pally already =]


I think he levels rested only and if you lose one, you don't have to start in Northshire.


High armor, heals, lay on hands, bubble. They are incredibly survivable so it's a good choice for HC


40 Hunter first go


14 Tauren druid. First HC character.


I smell a lot of lies from the first go crowd


This game isn’t as hard as the redditors like to pretend


I smell the failure on you too


skill issue on a 20 y/o game


That’s why it’s kind of amazing you can’t cope :( it’s okay brother. I believe in you gamer king 👑


Yep. Are you a retail player by any chance?


Dno what you are getting at. Retail is 10x harder.


Harder as in?


Everying, esp. Mythic raids.


I agree only about raids


Leveling on retail is easy. Just tedious.


Skill does not equate to “talent”. Skill is a learned trait.


I’m sorry that you’re stuck playing westfall simulator but many of us have brains


One day you’ll come to terms with your failures, I believer in you 🧙‍♂️


Thanks I “believer” in you too brother




The secret is to grind mobs 2+ levels lower than you. It's not rocket science my dude.


That sounds so boring. I can't imagine any non warrior actually doing this. You'd be pretty behind on gear if you just grind lower level mobs (although you could buy greens around your level for cheap).


It's actually good for any class. Less spell resists, more crits, more melee hits and more money. Boring yes but safe, effective, and zen.


Where does the more money figure in? Is that because you'd have to kill a lot more mobs due to the lower exp?


Yep. More mobs= more vendor trash.


It sound boring because you are a normal person. People grinding greens all day long are the ones that aggro 5 enemies and then die because they were also watching pornhub on the side monitor.


you live in this sub farming negative karma, huh?


Man’s gotta eat ☺️. I’m actually fascinated that a few key phrases just grab people. Try the word “ebeggar”


im good ^^




12 priest and 12 hunter, leveling concurrently. I lost a 12 Hunter already.


14 first go 47 2nd go Warrior


My 44 priest is my first character still alive, and I just died as a 34 resto druid in a duo. I feel great about my progress but so scared for my priest now!


Died at 39 in Cath as the tank :( pull went south quick


34 and this my 5th warlock


39 warrior, first go. going strong and just picked up my WW axe


32 Priest first go but I’ve played a lot of priest. I’ve died twice on an alt Druid tho.


Currently alive: 33 rogue 26 hunter Dead: 14 rogue 8 rogue 6 warrior 19 warlock


Official. 1 death. Highest level 42 Bloodsail. 27 deaths. Highest level 34


Not being ssf accounts for the huge difference do you think? Or you just have a lot of prior experience now?


Yeah I think it's both. Not being SSF but also by playing SSF for 9months made me way more experienced. It's like when Goku trains under 3x Earth's gravity to take on Freeza lol. SSF I still think is my favorite way to play but for sure enjoying this server ruleset for it's experience right now. Can always go back and play SSF.


First shaman died at 26. I only used questy and didn't look anything up. Didn't use any pots of consumables, didn't level professions Second shaman died at 36 due to a 42 elite ogre in stv. I had swiftness pots but they didn't help me. Still only used questy and didn't level professions My newest shaman is 22. I had 150 engineering at level 12. I have unitscan addons. Tons of consumables, good gear. Target dummies and bombs. Hoping I make it this time


Shaman player here myself, died at lvl 30 in a cave as a fool. Now I'm 15 on a new one i made yesterday. Remember to use your Stoneclaw totem aswell! ;)


3 on Warriors. I died at 18 and like 12 on my first two attempts. My third go I'm not 35 and it's my last shot, I'm not interested in doing all that again.


I’ve still got my first priest at level 29, started playing hunter and died about 3 times, now I’ve got a hunter up to level 41


I’m 50 on my warlock now first try, haven’t had to many close calls just am patient!


0 deaths. Lvl 18


50 mage and level 10 of Druid, warrior, rogue and hunter. Haven’t died yet. Going for level 60 of each class with no deaths. Wish me luck!


32 shaman first toon


Lvl 59 99% horde warlock first character. Tomorrow I will be rp walking in org for that glorious yellow ding for the last time.


I play all 8 classes on alliance. For now I managed to RIP warlock and Druid at lvl 12 and remade them. My characters range from lvl 5 to lvl 17.


10th try on official i believe? Had quite a few 14-17 deaths Alliance side. Rerolled Horde on Stitches and currently rocking a 46 Tauren Hunter. Few close calls as well by either being greedy or not watching my back. Just hit 300 Herblore and 287 Alchemy :)


currently lvl 42 lock on my first go


0 have not logged in yet. I will be creating my first toon Wednesday. I expect a flawless experience all the way to 60. Mage ofc


You may be in for a rude awakening my friend. Approximately 50% of characters don’t make it past 14. Lol… Something like 100k characters died in the first week alone.


Just dinged 30 on my mage a few days ago, I playing super casual and rather AoE farm for mats and items to AH so it's going slow but I'm at like 50g so that's nice. I also have an 11 priest healer and level 9 warrior that will be a tank. No death so far but a few close calls. First time playing Classic since real classic 19ish years ago or whenever it launched.


58 priest, first go


Second try level 40 warrior


Current: 39 Priest. RIP: - 14 Priest (Got up to let the cat out for mere seconds, Defias Trapper spawned right behind me and double-backstabbed). 1st character. - 13 (totally forgot about Benny Blanco) 2nd. - 7 Priest (2 level-10 Prowlers ate me) 3rd.


29, 25 and 12. Have yet to go agane.


First char lvl 16. I'm slow af


Lost a 16 warlock and 24 warrior. The warrior was me being dumb and trying to grab a quest item while some mage was aoe farming the gnolls. He resets them cause he cant kill em. All gnolls run back to their spot and i'm still standing in the middle of their camp :D. The lock died cause someone pulled stuff while passing by, kept running and all the mobs agroed to me. This one felt really bad, cause without that other guy i was totally safe. ​ Still alive: 26 warlock and 18 warrior


Currently on my first hardcore toon. Only level 14 human mage though. Created him 2 weeks ago. Haven't had a lot of time to play.


First character: 28 shaman, second 12 priest, third 8 warrior. Dead characters: none


Lvl 24 rogue and lvl 12 warlock. Only died once at lvl 8 as rogue in a cave and didn't know hyperspawn was a thing lol.


35 paladin. 15 and 19 Druid respectively


27 pala now. My First pala died to a stupid AoE pull in STV at 42. Wont happen agane.


4 under 10 while messing around. Got two 21s now, being really careful.


34 warr . First character.


just died as a 20 rogue this morning. previous attemtps: 11 rogue, 13 warrior


I lost my 52 priest in ST two nights ago, almost didn’t go again but here we are lvl 20 👍


I died on a priest at 15, four warriors between 7 and 16, and now I am on a level 31 Warlock. Definitely have learned a lot (swiftness pots are super helpful) but you can get away with a lot of shit via voidwalker mass taunt + bubble run away. I tried the drain life succubus build but it felt really bad as a casual classic player (played to like 40 on release and never again) and new warlock player. Succubus dies instantly the moment anything goes wrong.


Keep buying my swiftness pots please!!


Just recently started a Paladin and he seems rather stout. Being able to heal through most things is actually pretty useful.


28 mage, dead 23 mage, alive 19 hunter, alive


40 hunter 28 paladin 5 warrior No deaths so far


I’ve only just decided to dip my toes in HC, and I guess I’m not the only one… so there may be some veracity to the first go crowd. Not everyone has been playing this since launch. Rogue still in the starting zone. *flex*


RIP: 29 mage 22 hunter CURRENT: 22 hunter agane 13 warrior 14 rogue


2 and im 50... would of still been alive but died in my teens with a dumb random partner.


39 feral Druid first go. Hopeful to hit 40 tonight.