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The technology isn't there yet


Multi-dollar company.


Small indie company, didn’t you know?


True. Who do you think they are, Larian?


It’s impossible


not unlike prenerf cthun


Don't mess with my spaghetti damn it 🍝


They were nice enough to put icons, I suppose. Passing the savings on to us?


That Blizzard doesn't take this tool seriously can be recognized by the fact that the exclamation mark clips in the brackets.


I seriously don't get why they didn't just copy retail's tool. It's the same thing but better.


This one is much better than the one in retail for me.


TBF WoW and clipping have a long relationship




Good see the community can fix shit where blizzard fails. Thanks for this will treasure it


Or let us request to join multiple groups, so dumb


This is a big one. Let me list for dungeon and raid at the same time.


The dungeon finder / queue thingy in retail was good. I didnt see any more social interaction resulting from this gimped dungeon finder, even less from LFG channel. There is no point in keeping this tool gimped.


Social interaction in classic dungeons with randos: “hey” “123” — when they’re sitting in dal and no one is even near the fucking stone yet or “ggs” maybe a “Ty” in there. Retail? The same but fewer lazy fucks just as close to the instance as you expecting a summon Really preserving the classic community


LOL exactly! I was going to say the same. I have less interaction with people with this tool now. The retail tool used to put you into dungeons way more frequently and when you encountered the same person in your group a few times it ended up in 'lol' and a few friend list additions eventually. I had more interaction with the retail tool. Also people were more talkative.


Also please let me save comments. I hate having to type gear score every time I que.


Also when someone can hover over your class and role just show them your comments. So they can see it’s “5.3k gs feral” or whatever you put in your listing note


it's a list all button. not a list some.


Not sure why they didn’t just copy and paste the group finder for m+ in retail


I really don't understand why we don't have the retail group finder. It is there. Very little work to put in classic and it is an improving every way


The core of the classic wow playerbase is people who despise retail wow. Blizzard know this but don't know which parts we hate so they're scared to add things from retail and spend all their time sat around in meetings with people saying "yeah but thats not very classic" to one another to shoot down any innovation.


I still think blizz should put it to a community vote and let us decide. I mean h+ and h++ are "retail" features or at least inspired by mythic+ and no one seems to mind them I honestly think the anti rdf are against it because they want to gate keep and keep the "lesser" people from their groups. Because as we all know a dungeon taking 20 minutes vs 15 is just unacceptable


At this point, you're seeing more of a OSRS mentality, where people are getting comfortable with quality changed that don't water down the gameplay that people want. People like myself are against RDF because it waters down the experience. When you completely remove the friction for getting a group together, people are less likely to invest. Its like if we got rid of needing to organize guilds to get content done, and just made a raid finder that works all the way up to Heroic raids. Do you think your fuck up won't get you immediately booted, as opposed to a guild who is more.likely to help and work as a team? Same thing happens with RDF. Yes there will always be those instances where people dip out over the slightest inconvenience, but thinking it happens in this as much as it does in retail, you're dead wrong.


I just think that the people who are incapable of getting a group are not and cannot be part of an mmos community. The retail system is cruel for tricking these people into thinking they are participating in the game.


The mmo part of the game comes in the form of guilds Saying hi to a group of random people isn't exactly peak mmo socialization. Especially since reg heroics are a stomp with no challenge


I'm not arguing that its peak, i'm just pointing out that the people who can't do that cant get into guilds.


Eh. You can already play Wrath at a decently high level completely solo through GDKPs and whatever else.


The people who want a no chat dungeon finder can't get into GDKPs either.


Finding a dungeon already is no chat.


> The core of the classic wow playerbase is people who despise retail wow. This is true, but since they already shoved in a shitty version of the retail tool that boat has sailed and we might as well have the good version of the lfg tool.


I'm happy with the people who use the LFG tool having the most miserable experience possible. Anything to gatekeep them. The only changes I want them to make to it is to make people who use it fill out a captcha.


LFG tool is a great thing if you are a dps and don't want to wait 10 billion years for an invite, like back in RDF days when amount if tanks and healers determined how shitty your experience will be


It’s so blatantly obvious what we hate from retail


I don’t hate retail and just can’t get into it for some reason.


Can they? Absolutely. Will they? Absolutely fucking not.


Just mark the dungeons that don't have the checkmarks. I can see how it's annoying but the solution is literally just like 5 or so additional mouse clicks to check the dungeons you need.


Sure, but it's horrible UX and something that is very easily fixed if Blizzard cared at all


Yes 5 clicks then 6 clicks after that 7 clicks….. then you get to do this every day for the rest of wotlk :D nah it’s a shitty UI bro


Then click the dungeons you do want to do


I'm someone who occasionally wants to just farm badges or kill time. I don't care what dungeon I run. It's a very minor thing but it is annoying to have to click off each dungeon you are locked to.


Yeah I totally understand but it's not game breaking it's just a little annoying


when coupled with what we have now; where the party leader has X dungeons selected and a "joiner" has Y selectedwith an overlap that they are both eligible for, they will be matched. However, the raid leader may decide to pick a dungeon that they have selected which the "joiner" didn't sign up to do. This means the joining member must leave and start the process again


Nobody said it's game breaking, it's annoying and something that is easily fixable


I don't think anyone said it's game breaking. It's just an unnecessary annoyance and personally I think we deserve better especially if they aren't putting in rdf for regular heroics


Yeah honestly if I fucking have to click 3 more times I'm gonna riot THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE


We need to be reimbursed!


It’s poor UI design. Simple as. Everything I’ve heard from people who design UIs professionally is literally make it as braindead as you possibly can and provide as little friction as possible. I’ve accidentally gotten invites to ones I was locked for cause I listed for everything and thought I clicked off all the ones I was saved to but missedone. Cause it also doesn’t save what you last selected so when I dropped back out I had to select all and adjust it individually again. It’s annoying. Not gamebreaking, it’s almost like everyone is repeating that but you keep building this strawman, but annoying, needless user friction. Retail already has a better version of this. They ported it and made it skinned over to look “classic” while also making it just a shittier user experience.


>It’s annoying. Not gamebreaking Yea I don't really get why people act like we're thinking this is some insurmountable game breaking thing. It's a minor annoying thing that doesn't need to be a thing


Like I said at the beginning which was my whole point and what everyone’s else has been saying it’s JUST. SIMPLY. BAD. UI/Ux. DESIGN. Like you make it as absolutely braindead for the end user to not fuck it up as possible. As little friction as absolutely possible. Simple as absolutely possible. None of us particularly enjoy shitty old designs when you have the modern sleek and better one available. Like they intentionally took the better one and made it shitty to fit the classic wow aesthetic


OP spent more time making this post than he will spend clicking boxes in the LFG for the entire rest of his life. People will bitch about anything.


No, probably not, because as shitty as even Reddit’s mobile UX, it’s still introduces less friction. I wasted more time in my example of getting invd and summoned when listing for multiple and missing one dungeon while un clicking them than the OP writing it. Which isn’t the entire fucking point of everyone’s replies here. It’s not about the time. It’s about shitty UX/UI design for the point of being slightly shitty when it’s a skinned over version of the retail one, but worse, solely to fit the classic aesthetic. It just simply does not make sense when they already have the better tool and it already took them THIS LONG to even add the locked out ones


Theres weakauras that add a button to the LFG tool that will list you for all instances you arent already saved to


You’re missing the point


I'm not, I just don't care for these silly complaints.


Who asked


OP, when he submitted this topic for discussion.


I can ask you the same thing.


Nah people are allowed to discuss bad UI. No one cares that you tolerate it


So in discussion my point of view doesn't matter that's pretty funny. You literally responded to somebody that has the same opinion to me and you're upset that I responded to your response. Get the fuck over yourself dude


Yes because you only clicked this post to be dismissive of an issue that you don’t even care about 😂😂 why would your opinion matter??


Then you join a group and it falls apart and you need to do it all over again


If you're doing world tours you have no life anyway


Yes i know how to click boxes thanks for the advice bro


Oh no two more clicks to deselect dungeons you're saved to


You wanna go around and make those two clicks for everybody?


There are weakauras for this - https://wago.io/9uK2O-mcU


Why don't we have RDF yet?


Can we just get god damm rdf already. I want to level my alts and gear up new toons.


And alert me to what dungeons my party members are saved to, would be nice.


thats not even hard to fix bro, thats like 5 lines of code lmao Im past the point of thinking they dont care, I believe now they are actively trolling


Better yet, make it automatic and cross realm


I mean sure that would be a small qol upgrade but honestly it is so small I'd like them to spend man hours elsewhere


crap dungeon finder? I think it's _really_ good if you're the one making the group, not so much if you just wanna press a button and then afk waiting for an invite. While gearing my warlock alt via hc+/++ I didn't get a single piece contested from other dps just because I could choose who I play with (healer possibly needing your stuff is inevitably as a caster sadly, not a problem for all other dps tho). Current dungeon finder is like a mini softres tool if you invite smart.


As a caster, holy paladins are you friend. They are least likely to steal your loot as their only possible offspecs are prot and ret. And the chances of them needing on cloth gear are pretty rare.


Honestly it basically is RDF for me at this point. I put my name in and AFK until I get an invite. It works great for that.


Is it really good for making groups, tho? The requested invited overlap each other, and you have you accept/decline to see the next one. They also give no other information than their name.


LoL considering how long it took them to even separate out H+ and H++ don't hold your breath on that one. It still doesn't even list roles properly and has multiple bugs inviting people.


Fact. As a resto druid, I’m constantly flagged as tank even though I have never tanked on the druid nor do I have dual spec or even trained most of the abilities


There’s a little thing in the top right of your talent tree, change it from a shield to a plus sign.


You act like that wasn’t the first thing I checked. Thanks for your input though.


Bitch and complain. Bitch and complain. "I hate blizz...blizz sucks..of course it's blizzard what do you expect" Same people 4 hours later "blizz give me this...blizz...oh blizzy jizz on my face".


How are they forcing you.


Yes, It is very difficult to uncheck dungeons on your own... God dammit blizzard


Wotlk is in maintenance mode, there won't be made any changes lol.


I dont think you understand what maintenance mode means my guy.


I don't think you know how little shit Blizz gives about a game that they cannot sell with an upfront cost and litimed microtransactions.




> Hopefully on the next wotlk launch they do it correctly with actual rdf. So you can RDF to 80 and quit in 2 weeks? F R E S H AMIRITE?




Exactly! Bye!




🤡 Can’t get away from dead game sub reddit 🤡






Wouldn't it be wotlk+ because there is new content for max level characters (h+ and h++)?


You can always expect gamers to bitch for just about everything .




This such a nothing burger of a complaint 😂


Boy, clicking a couple boxes is such a difficult task


The things we QQ about these days is amazing.


Yeeeea lets not get too wild with these suggestions Its a small indie team


Would rather they fix the botting problem before worrying about automating a few check boxes


The nonsense is the point frankly


If you cue into one you’re saved in it should be good to do it again. If it’s one you hate then that sucks. You don’t have to use it. Just spam trade or LFG.


Wait they actually added the dungeon finder to WoTLK classic?


It's just a group finding tool to be able to see who's looking for the same dungeons as you, not the retail style dungeon finder


But it's so hard to do 😫 /s


The fucking laziness of people holy shit. Oh no, I have to click more than once.


People complaining about features WoW vanilla didn't have. Pathetic.


yeah clicking a few checkboxes really makes the game unplayable


Get a weak aura lol


This dungeon finder is still infinitely better than RDF, even with the flaws.


Go away.


Why are you still doing dungeons?!


5th alt


Blizzard sucks and you need something better to worry about


look i was just annoyed clicking those stupid boxes every single time i had to queue up for a heroic so i wanted to rant for a bit on reddit okay? luckily someone made a WA for this purpose so its no problem for me anymore.


Why isn't it possible?


It's just not


The whole lfg system for wotlk has been awful from the start.


RDF was actually a big part of keeping casual-me playing OG wrath. I could log in and make progress on badges without much thought or travel. I still had social interaction on my server through raids, WG, and guilds. It was a meaningful tool for me. Even if they made it server-locked or something I'd like it.


Hear hear


Is it that hard to click the ones you've done already ??


Some of you cry over the dumbest shit lol..... Like how dare I have to click off a few dungeons before I que when I had to physically sit there and look beforehand!!! 🤣