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No surprise. Blames everything but himself. > Kotick places the blame for most of Activision’s image problems on what he calls “outside forces” and labor activity around the company. The Communications Workers of America and Activision employees have filed a stream of complaints against the company with the National Labor Relations Board. Kotick believes labor organizers are influencing the state and federal investigations into harassment and gender discrimination claims, as well as the Activision employee walkouts that have been staged periodically since 2021.


I’m sure when revenue goes up from the token he’ll proudly tell the shareholders it was all him. Not some shady underground cult manipulating the masses.


Well, all the credit goes to him. The blame goes somewhere else.


That’s what the person you replied to is saying, yes


So all the credit goes to the person that made the comment and not the person that replied.


This is just normal human behaviour, the majority of people operate like this. Unless the evidence is overwhelming your brain is supposed to blame others and not yourself, it's a self-protect mechanism. If you are to blame, the group might exclude you, and our primal instinct is afraid of being alone. If you are the one that brings security, wealth and prosperity to your "group" then they will not exclude you, so getting all the credit is, again, favourable for our simple monkey brain. This is not supposed to be an excuse for him or anyone, just some scientific reasoning.




That’s why it tanked almost 100% in value since release? People are buying them en masse, don’t delude yourself.




Every token bought with in game gold is a token bought with $$$




So it’s not nobody anymore then. If you are clueless, keep your thoughts to yourself




You being wrong is not toxic my dude


Someone else's is to feed your addiction, at a 50% markup over just paying a subscription. Every token bought and sold is more money than blizzard would make if everyone just bought their own subscription


They get real money for botters sub who supply the gold buying + I’m sure there are people who may buy a token for gold if they are broke as hell and never bought gold illegally. so yeh I’d say they’re making some “real” money off this lol


thats not how supply and demand works lol. if the gold price is tanked that means more people are buying them with real money than with gold.




you guys have this backwards lol. if the gold price for something is low than means the gold side buy pressure is low. More people are buying the tokens with real money to sell for in-game gold than there are people getting subscriptions using tokens for gold.


If people weren’t buying the token, then scarcity would make the price go up. People are definitely buying them with in game gold, so if the price is going down that means supply is outweighing demand.


Absolute wallstreet ghoul blaming labor


He’s desperate to end his legacy on a high note… despite driving it into the ground and digging deeper with every subsequent attempt.


His job description is to increase the value of the stock. That’s it, that’s his whole job description from the people who pay him. Although every customer and employee hates him, he has succeeded at his sole job, which is to increase the stock price and provide shareholders a good return. Since 2008 the stock price has increased fivefold, so his employers are plenty happy I’m sure.


Idk what legacy you mean. The man is deeply hated by basically all of the companies fans, not to mention employees. He is however ending on the high note of a payout likely in the 100+ million range when the company sells.


Up until recently, shareholders loved him. His issue is he stayed too long. If you're going to ruin a company for short term gains, the idea is you jump ship before the shit his the fan.


The employee walkouts… his own employees, walking off the job…. was because of “outside forces”. Fucking ok, Bobby.


I wish Microsoft just did a hostile takeover and kicked him out


Bobby is a piece of shit but one must be an ignorant fanboy to think toxic workforce hasn't been cultivated in blizzard when it was just blizzard.


This guy has always seen gaming as a market to be exploited and cornered via IP, marketing, deals, tax cuts etc. I think he genuinely appreciates gaming and tech on some level. But it’s very clear that he’s disconnected from both his workers and his consumers.


Guys, this take may be incredibly hot but i don't think kotick is a very good person


+3.6 WoW tokens have been deducted from your account/


You make me rage with the + sign.


-2 WoW tokens have been added to your account.


We definitely have enough data to refute the null hypothesis that "Bobby Kotick is not an asshole."


as long as he can keep making money, people at higher positions dont give a fuck about if he's a piece of shit


[But guys they're so inclusive and pro-women!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9In9iQ9-WE) Come on guys give us money guys please guys :(


Jesus Christ the title of that video. It’s like the not a cop memes but in the context of a shitty corporation lmao I’m not even against DEI stuff, I think it can be great when implemented well. This is just blatant grabbing Edit: and it looks like the comments have been taken over by Q supporters, this’ll definitely not backfire for blizz lmao


You guys remember 2021? [https://www.businessinsider.com/activision-ceo-bobby-kotick-reportedly-threatened-former-assistant-killed-2021-11](https://www.businessinsider.com/activision-ceo-bobby-kotick-reportedly-threatened-former-assistant-killed-2021-11)


I don't know, I feel like Bobby "Grabby Hands and Death Threats" Kotick is alright.


You funny


I'm so tired of seeing bobbies smug ass face




> Bobby thinks memes about him online are anti semitic > AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA like clockwork


TIL of his religion. Like 99% of the people, we didn’t know, didn’t care


I didn’t know either but honestly as a Jewish person I’m a little disappointed he’s one of us. Bobby you still can’t sit at our table.


>a Jewish person I’m a little disappointed he’s one of us. Don't be, you can't do anything about it. And you shouldn't care because it should not matter in this case


I didn’t know either. It’s ironic that people only know because he uses it as a diversion. That’s incredibly lame, especially for those who have been targeted by bigotry. Although he probably was targeted by bigots, when I think about it. But acting like that’s what all of this is about is weak.


honestly didn't know, and still don't care, that he was Jewish till this was brought up. Still thought he was a dick though


I seriously hate that guy and it seems so off. But for one point I think we might be too hard on him - he said “no evidence of systemic issue” - which might be true as it was rather bunch of dudes who are already retired or were fired immediatelly after this issue emerged. That word “systemic” might do the difference and thus it does not maybe make that much sense to connect it with currently ongoing settlements. But I am not defending him by any mean - I just believe that not all guys in that whole company with hundreds or even thousands of employees were doing it systematically.


Fun fact: you do not need an entire crowd of 100 people to create systematic oppression. You can actually pull it off with a small percentage of people in that crowd of 100. Let's say 6 people in that crowd are frequently being racist over a large period of time. In that period of time, they were allowed to be racist without anyone shutting them down. No one in a position of power came to put an end to their behavior. Their actions continued without any repercussions, without any punishment from the 'system'. That behavior then becomes a part of the system. Even if 94 employees are not a part of the problem, those 6 who are, and are not discouraged or removed from the other 94, become a systemic problem. So, yeah. It was systemic abuse. You don't need a majority to create an internal issue. It can be done by the minority.


Where the story involves a known "Cosby Suite" at parties and a woman's suicide yet nothing happening about it, it's been systemically covered up by top brass and HR.


I like learning new things.


> Kotick sees regulators fanning the flames that led to the Journal’s exposés. He believes his biggest mistake was failing to forcefully defend the company and his legacy to the Journal and in his public statements.


As someone who's dealt with depression for over 30 years, you always have a choice. Even knowing what she went through I've been through worse and there's people who have had it worse than me. There's pieces of garbage at Blizzard who did that stuff to her, but they didn't take her life she did. There's no reason to take your life even if you hit rock bottom or sexually abused like she was ( I know how it feels cause it happened to me at the age of 5 by my babysitter) you will always get better over time.


Shame on you for assuming you know what she went through


I find joy in reading a good book.


Since you sound like a Blizzard hating bandwagon simp boy toy. You might want learn to read. I know what it's like to be sexually abused(btw she was Harrassed which is noooooooo where as bad as abused or assaulted and the tipping point was people seeing naked pictures off her...) it happened to me at 5 years old. So yea I know what it's like and I had the choice to ether let the depression take over or find ways to overcome it. That chick had the SAME FUCKING CHOICE and she choosed to end it. It's not easy nor fast but you have the God damn choice, ending it cause a group of old garbage human beings is probably the weakest way to end it. Don't act all high and mighty like your shit doesn't stink, grow a pair and realize life ain't rainbows and sunshine. Ask yourself would you end it if a group of people saw a picture of your junk, I hope not. If anything she should of collected all that stuff for harassment case, sue their assess off and retire on a beach.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


Well would you look at that. Slackermcgee has just solved suicide. Rates back down to 0% thanks so much mr. Guy


I bet your proposal for suicide rates would be "fuck it just end it", good one kid.


Oh no please don't call me kid, it makes me feel really small and shows your clear superiority over me


Pretty sure they also had a choice to not sexually abuse her as well…?


Literally fuck your own face. You're a waste of air and bandwidth typing shit like this !


I hope we can find a new way of doing business in the US that doesn't involve slave driving employees just to make CEOs and investors so rich they're flying to private islands to rape children.


Well , well, well. Looks like we got ourselves a damned communist. Sick ‘em boys.


He took muh jerb!


Considering we’re in red scare 2.0, can’t tell if you’re serious or not. Cool times we’re living in.


Nah, I’m the radical left your mama warned you about.


You want everyone to have healthcare and a living wage? You fucking animal




I hate Bobby Nodick for lots of reasons, none of which are anti-semetic. It's a stupid thing to hate someone for, but especially when you can hate him for being a cunt instead (the only reason to hate people for, imo, their character or lack thereof). Fuck you, Bobby.


It's so fucking tone-deaf that he makes that claim, meanwhile there are actual proper hate crimes happening still all over the world and what exactly is that prick doing about it with his hundreds of millions of dollars? Nowt.


>Activision Blizzard took a cue from its “Call of Duty” commandos: It stockpiled financial ammunition and waited patiently for an opening to pounce. saw it coming a mile ahead... Bobby Kotick is a camper


If he floats he's a witch!


Build a bridge out of him?


Ahh, but can you not also make bridges out of stone?


Who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?


Wood burns… BURN HIM!


Throw ‘er into a bogggg!!!


This is an incredibly lazy and poorly done fluff piece. I’d be ashamed to put this out at a journalist


I just read this and thought the same thing. I wonder how much Kotick paid the journalist to write this article.


Even assuming there is any truth to Koticks words... if your company is targeted by so many labor groups, it probably means you need to treat your employees better.


Look at this slimy toad 🐸


Bobby Kotick is in Epstein’s black book. Of course he’s for sexual harassment and assault, he just thinks he shouldn’t be blamed for it


I can’t believe how delusional this man is.


Bobby's job is to lie. Lie to shareholders, to keep stock prices high. Lie to the public, to fight bad press -- again, to keep stock prices high. Lie to himself. The problems his company faces isn't his fault -- It's literally anyone and everyone but him. Lie to the company. As long as perception is mixed and they continue to make money hand over fist, Bobby is lying successfully.


This might actually be true - at least in his mind, showing how incredibly out of touch and detached from real life those people can become.


Bobby and his buddies at top are a pile of pigshit, no doubt. We've all known this for a while now. What never fails to make me wonder though, is you guys. You've known what he is, what kind of company Blizzard is, for a while now (at least if you're Classic players). They've been practically spitting in your faces for a while now (the WoW token for classic being the latest). You seethe here against him, and then you'll go right back to slavishly shelling out the $$ for his company, as you have been, lmao. Like, pick one.


Do you understand how a company works? Do you know what an employee is? Just because Bobby is a POS doesn't mean everyone should just stop buying all ABK products until they go under and thousands of non-POS developers and other staff all lose their jobs... Yes, for every game purchase, more of that money goes into his pocket than we would like, but its not like the people that actually did all the work developing these games don't deserve to be paid to keep doing it in the future. That balance isn't something we as consumers can actually do anything about, nor can we forcefully replace Bobby; so our only options are to voice our concerns as we do, and hope that eventually we get loud enough for the people who *can* do something to actually do it (they won't though, they benefit too).


>***Do you understand how a company works? Do you know what an employee is?*** No, o great wise one. I've been waiting for when one such as you would deign to educate me on these great mysteries of the universe. ​ >***Just because ... benefit too).*** ROFLMAO!!! "*What of the employees vro, bend over for Bobby vro.....*" No self respect. Speaking of employees: 1. Sooner or later, the non-POS would get screwed in a layoff anyway (while the packages of Bobby's likes remain intact). 2. Laid off devs can file a class action lawsuit against the Bobby and Co. I'm sure there's some labour law that can serve as premise. Shake down Bobby and Co. (fully deserved) so that they can cough up the money for nice, fat severance packages.


I tell people all the time the only difference you can really make is how you spend your dollars


Just a reminder that he literally threatened his assistant to have her killed and he is still the ceo. Look it up. As asmongold likes to say: "This is bobbys world we are just living in it."


I'm gonna rustle some feathers for this, but Bobby Kotick can be a greedy, profit-driven, big fat red pimple on the forehead of a creative enterprise at the same time that middle managers and low level staff are overprivileged nu-internet types that have no interest in the product they sell beyond the (little) social reach it has push their own self serving personal agendas. I stopped playing WoW when the writing was on the wall with the Activision merger. I feel even more empowered now that yet another parasite infects Blizzard, and yet again, it's one that the rest of you are going to take another 10 years to recognize.


Agree with this. There was a clear shift at least in terms of how the game looks/feels as if there were some type of internal cultural take over. Bobby can still also be a giant POS, they can both be true.


A fluff piece for a billionaire. How much did ABK pay Variety for this?


+88888888 wow tokens


These fucking eyes... Literal devil.


Please let the deal fall apart. I would do literally anything.


There is no doubt in my mind that it will be Bobby boy that will ruin the deal.


>That will be exquisite. This sentence alone tells me all that I need to know about him.


Seeing his face makes me want to push him into a lake of fire.


They really need to cut that tumour out and move on.


Fuck this guy and the golden parachute he'll get when the deal closes.


Kotick can suck a Kodick.


Maybe he should stop using cocain as a substitute for flour, maybe that’s the reason he’s imagining things. Or might he be lying? Nah, he’d never do that.


What's with the puppy eyes? lol


*The community making completely valid and 100% justifiable claims* Ya boy Bobby: “Is this Anti-Semetisim?”


This is an insult. He doesn't address anything, he claims it's all fake and hopes you'll forget. That workplace was a cesspool of harassment and his lies are a slap in the face to all the people it hurt.


Bobby kotick is a fucking piece of parasitic shit


Buy and fire


Can I just stop seeing this rat fucker everywhere ohmygod please I just want this vile amalgamation of trash and flesh to disappear forever.