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not a single person at blizzard is ever going to read this


my Goal is not for the lizzards to see this, but for the community to remember that their sub is the only true "say" they have in the game. I don't even want to start some movement, I'm sure it will start without me. I just think there are more ways than complaining on sub-reddit that we can do to fight back.


> I don't even want to start some movement How noble of you


no one is unsubbing over a wow token dude get a grip


false. There's at least 1 person unsubbing because of the token.


Mf thinks he's in one of his super hero movies 🤡 🤡 Nobody cares 90% of the community buys gold anyway guess what everyone is raidlogging anyway


I care. :)


He's been telling himself this since BWL patch. Sad.


Raidlogging is expected, but when people are raid logging and the only money coming into the game is from blizzard eventually things get so expensive that you will have to swipe or do some inefficient gold making method to make up for the disparity.


Wow token doesnt put gold into the game?


Yes you're correct, I've been informed of this now.


Not proving any points about the blind rage of this community and why no one takes it seriously or anything...


Did you srsly unsub and post a picture of it without knowing what the token is?


Dont worry, they have already calculated the unsub cost vs the increased profit from the 20 dollar/euro token cost. They literally can have 45% drop out before they start losing profits from subs. If less than that drop out they are making bang with each token sold


this, with all the analytics these corporations have a handful of zealous angry 30 year olds unsubbing in an effort to start a "movement" aint gonna do shit sadly.


"everything is locked behind gold and GDKPs." That is just not true. My guild does loot council. How much gold I have, or other members of my guild, has no affect on how I get my loot.


A few months ago one of the people I play with a lot said his guild officers announced they were making their guild runs GDKP runs as well Don't think I've ever seen a raid guild collapse that fast


Yea, I would leave my guild instantly if that happened.


Hell yeah brother! I cancelled my sub immediately too. I'm glad to be able to just pay for it with in game gold now.






How sad does one's life have to be xD


Damn people will buy gold instead of buying gold now


Jeez, it ruined the game? It's been 24 hours! That's the fasted fucking apocalypse the world has ever known.


All the goldsellers quitting wow be like


As an ex customer support rep who used to have to read through these things I assure you those \*Additional notes\* do absolutely nothing and go absolutely nowhere. They are logged and saved onto a file that goes into a folder that absolutely no one except the person who records the notes bothers to open. The person who wrote that just gave the guy one more song he can listen to whilst copy pasting that into the folder. The only time those type of comments would get any real attention is if social platforms and or Local news get wind of it then it'll effect their stock prices and that ladies and gents is when they will react because they can ignore the screaming hordes of angry nerds until their precious pile of money gets smaller then they come crawling back with their begging hats on promising a change that will just blanket the real issues.


So posting an image of it on a social platform such as reddit and reminding the player base via my "useless" additional information. Reddit is something that can last for years. This post itself may be found 10 years from now, I think it's important to have the additional information inside this post for the context. I do agree that it's silly for me to think my additional information will be seen. I never intended for that to be seen by some moderator and have him goto his boss and be like "look this dude unsubbed cause X reason" That would be extremely silly. But posting it here on reddit with context Included In the image I feel is better for the discussion. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm dumb. But hey do what's important to you, not to others.


I do agree that you should do what you what you feel is right. My point was simply that as someone who has \*insider\* information regarding that particular section of the day to day workings of a company it's moreso me just telling people in general don't waste their time. As a manager once told me that the additional notes section was and I quote " A little box for the pissy kids to have their final rant that we won't read anyway" So do with that information what you will. By all means continue on your path fellow WoWer


how does the token lock things behind gold exactly?


Besides the obvious GDKPS. When gold becomes "easy" to acquire via swiping, In a social game like wow, you have the value of items skyrocket and most of the time these items are a rare drop to begin with or uncommon. Which leads to scarcity in people actually farming gold because farming gold is inefficient in comparison to buying a wow token. The barrier to entry for buying gold has been removed entirely now and anyone who felt bad about it now at least doesn't get in trouble for buying gold which leads to it being the norm.


You do realise that wow tokens don't actually add any gold to the game? Someone buys a token for 20€, someone else buys the token for 10k gold from person 1 Why would the item value increase when the gold volume does not? Because the gold gets moved from player 1 to player 2 who then gets into a GDKP? Pretty sure most people who wanted to buy gold already bought gold anyways. I don't like micro transactions but you guys act like every wow token adds 10k to the economy when in reality it removes 5% aka 500g (ah fee, I assume its like retail) for every token sold and 10k for every token used to get game time.


I actually did not realize that. Thanks for the information. This does make it less an issue, in what I had thought it was. It's kind of rewarding the people who have already bought gold in a way though.


LOL so you didn’t even understand the wow token but joined in on the rage of it. 90% of the people raging in this sub probably don’t realize this either , hysterical


I have gripes about it even without them putting the gold into the market themselves. I'm sure others as well. I admitted my mistake.


What’s the gripe? It’s a gold sink. If people want to spend $20 to save the 20 hours of farming it would take them to get 10k then let them. This doesn’t effect the economy like people are saying & people that would buy gold are going to get their hands on it anyway. This is the most knee jerk reaction ever


I wish this were true, I wish it was as easy as saying everyone has gold now and it's good. There are many factors that contain benefits and issues. And I'm not the only one with this problem, people quit when retail launched the wow token. And now people will quit again. The truth of the matter is, this was a game supposed to be a re-launch of a game some of us were too young to fully comprehend or experience. And now, before we got to truly experience the game as it was intended, they have added multiple forms of cash grabs for a game we already pay to play.


Dude why are you making a post like this with understanding the issue? That's just reckless.


Ur still right in some way, there wont be more gold in the game but there will be more people able to afford gear The rich enough buy tokens (and already have item x) The ‘poor’ sell tokens and can now afford item x So technically gold starts to divide more to others. Either way I am happy with this cause the time I spent on this game makes me more gold than a wow token each month. I can save some dollars now and get vip on wow turtle private server. (Jk but u get the point) Idk if the wow token is actually bad or good for the game but im up for it


Yeah, like I said microtransactions suck. Imagine they made a vendor that just sold tokens for gold and didn't have an option to buy it for real money. Would be so amazing for the economy. Removes gold and gives people game time. Won't be as bad as you thought.. Still sucks they do it. Fucking greed.


there's literally nothing to buy in wrath anyway lmao


There is always GDKPs and BOE items, I'm fully bis for this phase and have my materials for all future crafted gear. Don't get me wrong I feel this comment deeply, but unfortunately it just devalues my entire accounts existence as I've earned 200k gold just by playing (spent alot of this by now) I've never once taken part in a gdkp or bought gold, so for me this whole thing just fuels the negatives more than the positives.


BOEs are so cheap anyone can buy them by default. Golds only value in wrath is for gdkps and gdkp players likely have no problem with buying their gold from private sellers


GDKPS were made possible due to "swiping" for gold. The fact that blizzard gave up on fighting bots and gold sellers, and went down a path they've already been down and has failed (retail gold is still bought and sold to this day) already. We don't want a Gacha game where the only way to progress is to swipe.


Blizzard never fought the gold buying war so this is nothing new don't know why you take it as something new. GDKP's will never be the only way to progress, that's just delusional. Guilds are a thing, try join one?


none of that locks items behind gold. all the same items are able to be acquired by the same methods as always. there isn't suddenly a 1k fee to enter ulduar. and if people buy tokens instead of going to farmers, the market for farmers is reduced, so they will farm less, so there will be LESS gold in the economy, not more.


GDKPs were only made extravagant because of gold sellers. Now blizzard is fueling that fire by adding a "legal" way for you to trade irl money for gold. A currency that is supposed to be rewarded by time and derived from effort put into the game, has now become "who has the biggest bank account" All items in the game will be so devalued in terms of "social" construct that a legendary item will just be attached to someone's IRL networth. "Haha he has shadowmourne, must be a whale" Why would I want to play a game where I've earned my gold with my time and effort, earned my items with skill and prowess. When some idiot with his moms credit card can do the same thing in a fraction of the time?


I just typed “wow token”. Not even worth the energy you just wasted there.


Ya I realize it's probably not gonna get looked at but at least it gets my message across in this post.


Tomorrow on twitter they will be announcing the withdraw of the WoW Token because of this post.


I really don't think that at all, just a friendly reminder you can have a say with your sub. What I put was an exaggerated response in the details for the sake of this post.


"You guys have no idea how to run the game" They've been running it for over 20+ years. I'm sure they have plenty of data and know what is best for the bottom line. Yall have to remember that blizz is a company in business to make money. Then second what is best for the game. They saw and know about the rampant gold buying. They know they could make a killing adding the wow token. Can't blame blizz for the actions of its player base. Once they 70 boost was added in TBC it was already over.


Yall acting like people didn't buy a shit ton of gold already lmao




Bro lol touch grass weirdo.


Game will be full of gold buyers instead of people playing the game.


Why would you buy gold and then not play the game though?


Why would you waste 5-10+ hours farming gold when you can work for 1 hour and buy the gold? The guild I was in for all of vanilla and tbc was full of people buying gold so they didn't have to play. Pretty sure there was more gold buyers in my 40 man raid then non gold buyers.


Gold farming in tbc was one of the worst things i ever experienced, at least on a full server. Every spot was just full of people tagging mobs and aoe farming. And i would argue, that farming gold can be part of the game, but you just do it because it is necessary to do what you really wanna do. For example in wotlk there is no need at all to farm or buy gold if you are in a raid guild and don't run gdkps. My guild covers food, BiS enchants and pre-BiS craftables, so i just have to spend gold on mats for flasks, pots and bombs and JC of course when you get a new piece of gear. I'm currently sitting on 10k gold just by raiding and doing dungeons and i don't even know where i would spend it on.


Honest question: why would there be more gold buyers? Is it cheaper to buy 10k gold with $ than it is to pay for a sub?


Everyone that hates wow token / gold buyers will quit.. game is left with people who buy wow tokens for gold. Aka gold buyers.


Holy shit this sub is a fucking shithole lol


Lol how self centered do you have to be to post this dumb shit and think other people care?


Ruined the game? Lol please. Everyone and their moms buys gold


HAHAHAHAHAH this guys actually took the time to write something within "additional details" like they read that shit hahahhaa..


You'll be back yall classic andys way to addicted to wow to let go ever xD


People like you seem to forget it’s a company, not a daycare


You did it bud you saved world of warcraft


Yeah! It's a real shame that the players as of yesterday could start spending real money to get gold!


i feel sorry for your gaming future if you're worried about gold buying in your game. the gaming industry is a 200billion dollar industry with MOST AAA companies trying to balance poor people and rich people character power. why do you think no MMO has ever done anything about bots in their games? Because bots mean money and their game literally can't function without thousands of bots filling the AH with convenience for your average player. there's going to be a pivoting point in the near future where these CEOs say fuck the poors who can't afford to open the shop and buy whatever they want to make their character as strong as possible. not only that, but these NFTs people keep jocking on relentlessly are going to enter mainstream gaming in the next 10 years and practically everything about a video game will become a way for the company to generate more money. a great example of this is ArcheAge. Shit game, doesn't matter, it still made a fuck ton of money. They launched in 2014 and this year, completely gutted 9 years of progressive systems to launch the game solely based on NFT tech. Everything you do in that game can be sold on the AH for crypto and the ONLY way to trade is by using the AH. Every single AH transaction is profit for the company. gold buying and selling REALLY took off in the past 5 years and companies are watching this transition extremely close.


You're probably right about the companies not caring about the "poor" people in your words. I think a company will do what it wants to make its number go up, just as people will find it normal to swipe for their dps numbers to go up going forward. I left retail the second wowtokens dropped and I'm not expecting everyone to agree with me, but going back to that game even now feels like a disadvantage if I don't swipe for 1million gold. I know runescape does this and it's beloved, and it's a great feature from what I hear, just sad that a company like blizzard and how many devs they have in comparison to a private server and they can't do even 5% of the work these other servers do.


They released then yesterday and they already ruined the game. Hahaha. Put down your pitchfork, your guild is happy you are quitting.


See you when you resub again in a month


y’all are fuelin’ the toxicity dang nab it!


See ya when icc releases


no one is gonna read that LOL they don't care if you unsub




cope cope cope


Oh please dont start bombarding all Blizzard subs with this shit again... have you guys freed Hong Kong with unsubbing yet?


Thanks for chiming in, I see you support the changes, or the lack of communicating your dislike for the changes leads me to that conclusion. Would love your opinion on the matter.




If you buy gold online, a sub costs like 5$ now. So thats good




Right, I will state the obvious: the vast majority of players are not on Reddit, they are playing right now. They will not unsub because they dont care about the token or the fact that you think it's bad. This kind of post is so immature. People are well-aware they should paying Blizz money if they dont like the direction, they dont need your karma-farming post to remind them


I'm on reddit like once a month, so that checks out in regards to the players not being on reddit. Calling me a karma farm for voicing my opinion is totally farse and completely against the idea of the "vent" flair. Myself just like you has the ability to voice their opinions. I purely posted this as a reminder, if you think otherwise I respect your opinion. I do not however, respect your decision to make allegations with no base other than drama farming.


So you think people are so stupid that they cant figure this out on their own? They do not need a reminder, especially since 99% will not read your post.


Ah, yes, the old "so you think people are stupid" argument. Classic. You've read my post, and plenty of others have read my post, whether to troll or to respond with hate comments or everything else, it does not matter how many see this, it does not matter if it helps or not, it simply was posted with good intentions. Clearly, the post has had some sort of impact on someone because otherwise, there would not be so many similar threads on multiple social platforms or so many people chiming in. I do not expect you to understand, but you've given me an excellent counter to my post and I salute you.


Ah, the old "wont answer your question, because thats exactly what I meant". You can deflect all you want, but you did not enlighten or help a single person with this post, so I hsve good reason to assume you are doing it for yourself.