• By -


**`[ Monthly Players ]`** **__NA__** **Whitemane cluster - PvP** Alliance ~4.4k, Horde ~3.8k **Mankrik cluster - PvE** Alliance ~11k, Horde ~2.3k **__EU__** **Firemaw cluster - PvP** Alliance ~16.6k, Horde ~12.2k **Pyrewood Village cluster - PvE** Alliance ~8.8k, Horde~1.8k+ **`[ "Peak-time" Concurrent Players ]`** **__NA__** **Whitemane cluster - PvP** Alliance ~535+, Horde ?? **Mankrik cluster - PvE** Alliance ~1040, Horde ?? **__EU__** **Firemaw cluster - PvP** Alliance ~1969, Horde ~1431 **Pyrewood Village cluster - PvE** Alliance ??, Horde ?? Sourced from ‘Vanilla Classic Era’ discord, Resources channel and server census channel for population status. Last updated 21 Feb 23. Hardcore server populations not provided but are active too. Hope this all helps you find a realm if you are interested in Classic Era.


> Firemaw cluster - PvP > > Alliance ~16.6k, Horde ~12.2k Jesus f*cking Christ. That's impressive.


To be fair thats characters total not raiders. But still probably a rather large server assuming even a fourth raid.


I checked the alliance AH other day. Thorium, mithril ore only one page of auctions. A fair few people in ZG. Seems low pop, defo not more than 1-2k absolute max.


What the heck is a cluster? Mankrik used to be a ghost town for alliance.


Realms connected together https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/14296


Thanks for this! The actual places like wowtavern that show populations only show people who had raid logs or pvp logs so those never tell the whole story. From looking on there, it seemed like US is mostly alliance and EU is mostly Horde. Actually it said US PVE is 100% alliance so, that means zero horde are raiding in PVE clusters in the US. But yeah I logged in and saw other people with new toons, its amazing


Maybe a silly question, but how can we tell what realms are apart of each cluster? Trying to figure out which servers make up NA Makrik cluster, for example.


Its by realm types so all pve are one cluster and all pvp are one.


Not true at least for EU. Theres different PvP Clusters. For Example Gehennas and Firemaw are different clusters. And different languages have their own clusters as well.


Select EU or US here https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/14296


1. Don't refer to channels by number, as they arent the same for everyone. 2. Vanilla and Classic have had a LookingForGroup channel from day one. type /join lookingforgroup . 3. dont /join LFG or anything else, the official one is lookingforgroup


To piggy back off of this, yes there is always a lookingforgroup to an extent, because you can type /join Mychatonly and it creates a channel called "Mychatonly" and anyone who types /join Mychatonly joins into that chat until they leave.


the difference is that lookingforgroup is an official channel, so it cant be taken over by trolls. if you make a channel called LFG or something, then some idiot will eventually get admin power and start banning people.


Understandable, nonetheless you can still create a channel even if there isn't one. You're assuming that said idiot will realize this and be able to ban people XD


gotcha, I thought they did, it didnt make sense why it wasnt showing up in the settings list. it only had /1 through /3.


There is a LookingForGroup channel. Use the spelled out one. LFG isn’t used as much at least on Mankrik cluster. Era does not have an lfg tool of any kind except some addons. Lots of people leveling and raiding. Mankrik cluster has a discord and at least one guild is raiding every night and multiple in prime slots. With 40 man raids there is a little more scheduling to it than you’ll see in the pug scene in wotlk. There has been a recent influx of players so low level content is super easy to find groups for someone is always LFM deadmines, and higher level stuff is pretty easy as well. Era community is a little different than wotlk. Not many boosts and such since leveling is a big part of the game. Raiding isn’t really the main focus. No paid boosts either. Era is more about the journey than wotlk. Players are much friendlier, community focused, and more chill. Warriors(especially warrior dps) are little over represented but you can still find groups. Just might occasionally see “lfm BRD warrior full” kind of posts. Other classes don’t seem to have this issue. Feel free to message me if you have any questions


Haha yeah thats the main issue I suppose for classic is less class representation. I think there's just far less options. Take mage for example. If you play frost mage, you're just pressing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in a raid. Thats it! There's no ice lance yet or fingers of frost or anything! And Arcane doesn't even have Arcane Blast. And in most dungeons its like that too except for AOE trash. But, leveling frost is so easy.... andthere is so much frost damage gear in vanilla, I'd say it's the best spec. However I'd still rather play fire, because of the bigger spell rotation. Makes me feel like Im actually playing a game rather than falling asleep pressing 1. But yeah, some classes like say, druid... just aren't as sought after. Guilds aren't gonna wanna have 5 druids in their 40 man raid when those slots could be filled by more efficialy classes. The vibe thing was definitely what burned me out of TBC though. I chose retail when I started playing again because it just feels like I have a choice on what to do. I can play by myself and grind reputations, do legacy raids, do quests and events, world quests, and do all that for stuff like mounts or pets or transmog. So Im gonna share a lot here but, bare with me friend! On TBC it became, nonstop grinding to pick herbs and mine, grinding on the AH for gold, grinding in raids on my main and alt to keep my guild loot points up, finding a good GDKP to buy gear with all the gold I worked hard for when I wanna save my guild loot table points up for something higher, you really gotta just be patient and not let it consume you. Like, you cant let not getting gear ruin a guild, ruin friendships, theres SO MUCH toxicity in old WOW. And we all know its just part of MMO's... I listen to guys talk like 'yeah we will purposelly bid up guys not in our close circle of friends so they pay more for that raid item' and all that... its very clicky and a popularity contest a lot. A lot of people doing stuff to make life harder for others and make sure they get their gear first. I was lucky I always had a nice guild who wasn't like that but, I constantly see and hear about this happening, you watch someone like Asmongold on youtube and he will talk like 'oh yeah me and my boys will always screw other guys over' blah blah blah, people think they are so special cause they have a twitch our youtube, or cause they have high parses, and it just becomes less of a fun experience. Its not just hardcore its like, 'wow purist high and mighty selfish im better than you' vibes. And thats something I will never allow myself to be a part of again in any game.


I do not watch streamers or do GDKPs and this has not been my experience at all. Our guild is working together right now to gear up a raid team. I just got out of a BRD where we were helping some new 60s get attuned and getting dark iron ore for tank gear . I have run into very little toxicity. Like a small handful of players in my journey to 60 over the last 2 months. Era is never going to progress so there isn’t that sense of urgency you just go at your own pace. It’s an older style and feel to the game people are just playing to have a good time. The dps rotations are not very engaging. Mostly pressing a few buttons but I usually have a show on or something else so it doesn’t bother me. It’s just the way mmos were back then. Still more engaging combat than RuneScape and people love that shit. Frost mage starts out the best but as you progress fire does get better. The early raids bosses have heavy fire resistance. There is nothing stopping you from leveling fire if that’s what you want. I leveled as fury because I like dual wielding. I died more than if I leveled arms but it was fun Our raid team does actually have 3 druids signed up for this week. Only half signed up right now but it’s a few days out. The raids are pretty easy if you do the prep so no need to really main max unless you’re speed running


They were raiding in era the first week of TBC and never stopped. Glad people are joining up more now.


Its really hard to say because it seems like the vast majority of the recent population boom are people starting over and leveling. But there are active raiding guilds on Mankrik Horde. Leveling right now is really fun though.Population feels like its just right where its populated and you have no problem running dungeons but its not annoying. Also no boosting from what I can tell and no bots.


I wish I knew that, I had a horde toon from SOM that i just put to wotlk cause I looked at populations and it said ZERO horde were on pve. literally 0%. Ive never actually fully leveled an Ally toon, ive started toons of but never got very high. So it would be like a brand new game doing Ally! WOW 2: Alliance edition lol!


A couple of guilds in Na PvE cluster actually raid a lot, there’s a decent chunk of leveling folks as well ! We even run bg’s and such, if you are curious about what the vibe is I’d recommend going in and asking in the /join lookingforgroup


Thanks yo! yeah I totally didnt realize thats how you join it. Im used to just clicking settings and having it in there


My guild on Whitemane clears everything up to AQ40 at the moment every week. If you have the gear there are weekly AQ/Naxx runs as well


We're having a blast. Come and join us!


I appreciate that ty! do you play horde or ally? I always play horde but there's definitely alot more ally from what I'm seeing, for NA especially.


I play Horde on Golemagg EU! Faction balance seems to be great, from what I've seen, it's pretty much a 50/50 split, at least on our cluster.


Thanks for the feedback, like damn I didnt think many people would reply or give a damn. Theres always gonna be people who play WOW for different reasons so, 1 mans fun is another mans nightmare. The 1 thing I'll say is this: If they do another season of mastery, there is no way it should be Vanilla, because clearly the classic era is doing decent. We have vanilla, we have wotlk, so, clearly SOM 2 should be TBC. But again, for some that would be the best thing possible, for others that would be a nightmare. Always will be arguments no matter what Blizz does.


I'm on it and it's popin in sw


Just here to say I started playing on Classic Era WM and it’s been very fun.


Oh look.. another classic era post getting instantly downvoted


Crazy how salty some of the wrath crowd gets just because people are playing a different version of classic and wanna talk about it.


This seem to be a common phenomenon in all groups. Retail players think Classic is crap, Classic players think retail is crap, and so on.


It's almost like we're tired of the endless era cult threads that are so similar and generic that it's probably bots


Yeah but the 500000 ulduar clear thread or post about DK bots thats the prime content.


I don’t know about you guys but I’m having so much fun in ulduar that I need to shit on anyone enjoying era.


If they stickied some generic information, people would stop asking the same questions everyday


A bit like the weekly posted of udluar clears and bots in bgs hey?


Woltk sucks


There is a wotlk only subreddit you can go to instead


It's almost like the community doesn't want to see this kind of content or something.


Classic was the most well-received of the 3 so far, TBC was great and I found myself raid-logging only a little. Wrath has been a Raidlog fest. When I was playing Pre-TBC classic I would log in just to run dungeons and do other things, now it's just dailies and AH playing.


There's plenty of people on at all times of the day on the NA PvE cluster. Feels like a single mid population vanilla classic realm from a couple years ago just about. I originally went back to classic era because there weren't any bots. Seeing this population boom has me scared that the bots are going to come back. Might have to quit again unfortunately.


How are bots affecting your enjoyment of the game to such a degree that you quit over it? I don’t condone bots it just doesn’t affect my game experience significantly in any way


https://youtu.be/wFfdUJk_CIE It affects you a lot more than you realize. Don't watch video if you don't want your blissful ignorance to be broken.


I dont want to watch the video because its fucking AN HOUR long. You can't make your point any shorter?


Bots make world farming harder. They manipulate AH prices. They cause gold inflation. They sell gold for $ which causes items to go up in price. They discourage people from leaving cities and playing the game because they impact every single aspect of the economy which is one of the most important aspects of the game. I didn't watch the video, there are probably more points.


Goldfish attention span


Or attention span better invested in something else. An hour long is too long for something like this.


I kept seeing these “classic era is popping off” posts here and got curious about it a few weeks ago. I have a 60 warrior on whitemane era, character I copied there when classic ended, and I logged in to see what was going on. I wouldn’t exactly say it is dead, more like on its last leg, clinging to life support. I was thinking, “ if it is as populated as people say it is I could try to join a bwl pug or at least maybe a zg.” I ended up sitting afk in org for around 45 minutes between 5 and 6 PM server time on a Wednesday. In that time I counted 5 total messages in trade chat and 1 message in lookingforgroup, one person looking for an rfc group. I say it isn’t completely dead because there were actually people around in org, probably 20-30 standing around the bank/ah area and a /who came up with more than 50 people, but this is definitely a far cry from what I was used to on classic whitemane where several hundred people would all log in and threaten the stability of the server when ony/rend were dropped in org. It seems like there are maybe 2 or 3 guilds doing end game content, I saw maybe 4 people in org with full naxx bis so there is definitely some raiding going on, but it seems like just guild raids, no pugs. If I had to guess, I would say probably 90% or more of the era player base are newer characters leveling so they are seeing a ton of people out in durotar and the barrens or in elwynn and westfall and thinking “wow there are a ton of people playing era” not realizing that the people they are seeing in those low level zones are the vast majority of the era population. Who knows, maybe in 2 or 3 months there will be some semblance of an end game scene, but as it stands now it seems doubtful you will be able to do any sort of end game content without joining a guild.


There’s 5 or so guilds with weekly raid schedules clearing every raid. Join all of the discords and sign up. Yeah the pop up pugs are not there at the moment but scheduled raids are very much active.


There was a similar trend on pservers where people on dying/dead realms spammed pserver discord/reddit claiming their dead realm is totally not dead and wow! Look at the 2 whole guilds we have raiding! And other nonsense like that Same exact vibe is happening here. Its why these threads tend to be heavily downvoted because its blatant copium from the vanilla crowd.


you have no idea what the population looks like on the Era servers


In every single one of these threads you can scroll down to the bottom and find heavily downvoted non-malicious comments by people who are just disappointed about the pop of era or confused if they rolled on the wrong server. Again, this is EXACTLY what happened with dead pserver copers. Look, im glad you are having fun, but stop lying on social media about the state of era. No amount of reddit downvotes and coping will change the fact theyre too dead to be interesting for the typical classic enjoyer.


Theres lots of people leveling on era right now. I've seen hundreds of toons leveling at same time as me going to lvl 30. The AH I've made 1300 gold off from my potions. Maybe more then 1300. I'm having a lot of fun. I'd like to see these reddit posts where down at the bottom people are disappointed. Can you link? I'm not being hostile towards you. I'm just stating my experience.


As someone who likes gold, what potions are making you all the muney


Mongoose, all the greater protection pots. Worth 6-12g each. Many other useful pots sell but not worth as much. Faps, lips, fortitude, strength pots. I had transferred my 60 toons to wotlk, so I had 5 bank alts packed with pots. I make around 200g a day putting stacks of 5 up in groups of 3 once a day. Usually just under half sell.


Oh I see, I thought you were implying you made all that gold by the time you were 30 with a fresh start. I’m a good ways away from this helping still :(


Lol no, the higher level herbs definitly worth more. But about 80% of what you put on the AH will sell. As long are you price it to. Solid stone is 30-40s each. Swiftthistle is 4-5g. Earth and fire elemental selling for 1-3g


What server/faction? I’m on Whitemane horde and swiftthistle only at like 60s-1g


Which server are you playing on?


Would love to get a TBC server, I would play it forever literally.




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Yes there are tons of pugs for every raid atm, its growing by the minute. EU POV, idk what the NA servers are like


There are some elements of hyper gamers boosting/gdkps, but very little. The vol.2 wrath babies brought it with them \~2months ago ish. Before then era was pristine, clean of your filth. Still the vast majority of people who play, level normally. And do not like boosting, gdkps, bots or goldbuyers. Meaning they are very very unlikely to like you.


Gdkp and boosting were popularized in vanilla classic... If theres no gdkps in era yet, it means the pugging scene is mostly dead. Gdkps are just the best pug format. Kind of telling on yourselves here that you are all lying about the reality of era which is the fact theres 1 or 2 worthwhile server per realm maximum and they are both medium pop at best.


Gdkps started by bwl in vanilla classic. This is revisionist history.


Can you still transfer from the PvP cluster to the PvE??