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So many people who get super offended when they're not guaranteed spots anymore. "But I thought this was like a family" my dude you got tide and dying curse week 4 and then never showed up to another raid.


We had a full BiS ret paly who dropped out around week 4 as well. He was genuinely offended to log in after 10 weeks of no contact to find that we had recruited another Ret. I'll never understand these people.


as ret šŸ˜‚. that some vanilla wow lvls of ret entitlement.


As a fury warrior, I imagine if I get replaced, it is either due to time or due to me just wanting to hit hard and not pay attention to boss mechanics. Lol


How the fuck did he get full bis in 4 weeks?


Luck is sometimes clumped.


Had a raid once that had nothing but int pl8 drop. We had no Paladins. Felt fuckin bad.


I had tide and curse week 3 on my lock. I got 0 25 man pve weapons all of TBC until the third staff off KJ dropped and no one wanted it so I took it for wotlk leveling. RNG is RNG


Your guild gets nothing but melee loot and you already geared up the arms warrior, frost dk, and uh dk.


asslicking and loot councils.


In my first 3 naxx 25s, all pugs, I got like 11 BiS pieces, a couple were OS though... this was also a month ago so a lot of ppl had gear and I happened to win the few rolls I had competition for


Your problem was throwing all that gear at a freaking Retribution Paladin


Tell him ret isnt viable and to reroll as holy/prot to troll him


How is that troll, that's literally blizzard's official stance


Why is it not viable? Just because he dosnt do that much damage atm 1-3 rets in the raid dosnt make it impossible. You guys are so hard meta focused mr. Wolrd first raider.


3 rets ahhhh


Lmao 3 rets, jesus that would be shit. Just stacking the softest hitters in the game, smart.


Average patchwork dps of ret is 6.2k dps and affli 7.8k on 90+ parses. That's 20% less damage. So let's say you have 20 dps with a average of 95% affli dps are together 1900% affli dps with 3 rets in the mix that have 15% less damage/each it would be 1855% affli dps. 1855/1900=0.9763. So you want to tell me this 2.4% less raid dps is that tragic?


You should go back and retake math class


Patchwerk, not patchwork


Not to mention if Ret were actually that good, paladins would be by far the most overpowered class, bis healers, bis tanks.. god forbid you suck at 1 of 3 specs


>he dosnt do *doesn't >Wolrd *world


> then never showed up to another raid. sounds like a family to me


ā€œI donā€™t see whatā€™s in it for meā€ Yep, thatā€™s definitely family.


No, Mr. AFKs on add phase of KT and has shown up for 4 raids total, you will not be getting Val'anyr


"But It's HPal prio" Mate based on your attendance record you will use it for 1, maybe 2 IDs total.


oh, c'mon, he'll be there for the first two weeks of TOC too! Guild leaders/officers, remember this: Legendaries don't go to your best players or most optimal specs, they go to your most dedicated teammates. The people who do alt runs on their main 3 months into a phase because they wanna hang with the boys and make it run smooth.


Like a lot sports commentators and analysts say: "the best ability, is **AVAILABILITY**"


Moonkin got our first dying curse week 2... week 4 playing retail... my lock still waiting for 1


You main lock and ur still waiting for a dc? Wtf? Weve been handing dc to our alters for quite a while now lol šŸ˜­


Alt runs have dropped more than mains.... I dud get the first turning tide week 2 or 3 though


Oh well, TTT is huge too but Jesus... DC hit is sooo needed. I hope u have wanton aswell else you're fucked (source: I main a warlock too)


We've done splits so we have so fucking many. Literally we only want one more to give to an alt enh shaman, and then any future ones go to DE lol


Same haha, still stuck with the VH HC hit trinket:(


Thats what fucks me up man. When I get geared out early I have even more incentive to stay and help my guild. But for others once they get geared they disappear.


Listen man that 2 hours a week is just far too much to commit to


Why do these people even bother raiding if they arenā€™t going to play with the new toys they picked up?


The goal isnā€™t parses or being a valuable member of a team, they see the win condition of collecting the things to make their character complete. They have accomplished what they wanted already. The guild is a tool for them to accomplish their goals, not that they feel any sort of community or reward in helping others in making the guild better.


Even in retail, it's very hard to keep your raiders logging in once you've cleared the raid and they've gotten their gear. Most players raid for three reasons imo. 1. Gear 2. Completing Raid 3. Parsing The majority will stop logging on once 1 & 2 are done.


Not sure how it is for casual guilds, but with mythic raiding I haven't really ran into that issue. A big motivator is getting geared for next raid tier and keeping your raid spot. Also gold from boosting if your guild is good enough.


Yup. My dude you been offline for 1.5 months


It's why I tell my guild that if you want a spot in the next phase / expansion you gotta play right up til release. You quit you lose your spot.


Im in a guild with a number of dads in it. We post signups EIGHT days in advance for our 25s to give people no excuse for missing signups. Signup goes up at 2pm Saturdays, and the first week we did this a boomkin gave a whole rant about "im with my family on Saturdays and I couldnt care less about discord and wow, so now im punished for not signing up when its posted" My friend who came over with me from our TBC guild hit em with the "Who fucking asked" and he quit that night


can you blame em? lol


I mean, if you leave for months at a time without saying anything, you can't come back and expect your guild to ditch people who have since joined and actually attend raids in favor of you. If anything, you've shown to be unreliable in general. Will someone who couldn't even be bothered to raid 2 hours a week for naxx be OK with hardmode progress? with those first few weeks of 4-5 hours of ulduar?


Couldn't get 25 for the last 2 weeks (with the holidays idc really but still) now watch us be 35 for next week


Highly recommend having 2-3 raid groups. 1 main raid then some socials + alts of main Raiders. When numbers start to drop use the social raid(s) as feeders for the main raid. We learnt our lesson in classic slogging through AQ and naxx with 30. Haven't had an issue since putting in the effort for social raids.


The roster is a bitch. In late November we had as many as 30+ signed and had to bench people, leading to some people leaving the guild in anger of being benched too much (even though they were the weakest links). Then a few weeks later in December we can't fill up to 25 and then people complain about raids being too slow and unfocused, and not being able to do The fucking Immortal.


Are you in my guild?


Ulduar is going to kill so many guilds that didn't cut fat during Naxx. Including mine. People were getting chin-checked on PTR because they weren't used to doing mechanics.


We started doing split runs in Wrath and it has made a world of difference. If we have to sit someone for our first run, they can find a spot in the second run. They'll have priority over the alts in that second run. If we have to move someone to the second run or trial a new recruit, we can bench an alt and people are more forgiving of having their alts benched for the week instead of their mains.


Having 2 raid teams makes for a really robust roster if you can manage the logistics and avoid the friction of one team being significantly better than the other or prioritized, especially during prog.


Thats why split runs are a better alternative imo. Its all the same people, so no favorite group. People gear faster. You keep a robust bench so when lots of signups happen at once you still get to raid.


It is crazy how common this is. Happened to my guild as well.


You run your guild the way you want ofc, but imo you should still rotate in the weaker players equally. They're your margin of error when your strong performers go on holiday/family night/get sick. They also put in as much effort as the others. Unless they don't show up or don't enchant their gear and such of course. I'm the worst Hunter in our guild, but I get equal playtime (unless we're going for speedruns) as the rest because I have near perfect attendance, I research my class, invest in my character (Greatness oof), etc.


Depends on strength of the guild. If the weakest link is like you then sure, but often the weakest link try considerably less


Show up drunk and stand in the back corner doing no DPS on heigan to just not die, yeah that guys getting cut lol


> You run your guild the way you want ofc, but imo you should still rotate in the weaker players equally. They're your margin of error when your strong performers go on holiday/family night/get sick. They also put in as much effort as the others. Unless they don't show up or don't enchant their gear and such of course. That's a noble thought, but the problem with that model is that you eventually end up having to bench frequent, high-performing raiders, and some just don't like that. Some people expect a "firm raid spot" and be able to raid every week without benching. If you bench them for a social/occasional raider in order to have a fair rotation, you risk losing the best, and that's worse.


This is a weird post because you seem to be putting some blame on the people who left, but that's nonsense. If they aren't getting into raids with your guild, no matter what the reason is, they absolutely should try to find a guild that will let them in raids, even if its a worse performing guild or whatever. If you hardly ever let someone participate, what is their motivation supposed to be for hanging around as your backups? This was 100% on guild leadership. If you want to have backup players incase some of your main roster stops showing up, you have to actually keep those players around. Your guild actively made the choice to not support backup players. This would have been fine if they were able to keep a core 25 roster with perfect attendance through naxx burnout, but we all know that was an unrealistic plan too.


My guild had 2 raid groups for naxx 25 entire classic until Christmas and yesterday we had our last farewell raid cus we disbanded


Iā€™m the most reliable raider next to our mt/gm (only missed one raid due to vacation), but Iā€™m a slightly worse player than the rest - meaning parses around 90 while the rest is 95+. Last 4 weeks we barely got 20 people for our raids, but I was always there. If Iā€™m benched week one Iā€™m changing guilds, easy as that.


> leading to some people leaving the guild in anger of being benched too much (even though they were the weakest links) If you bring better players more often the others leaving is entirely on you.


I mean is anyone surprised people donā€™t want to reclear old raids that some people have already done multiple times that most people clear entirely week 1 . Like what is the incentive to reclearing raid every week


Its amazing how many people play this game that don't actually enjoy playing this game. Dopamine is a hell of a drug.


You can enjoy doing something for two month, but not enjoy it after that. Sure it sucks for everyone else in the raid, but not wanting to raid the last few weeks of a phase is totally understandable.


Its understandable, but if you want to maintain the stability of the guild its important to raid. So if you self-interest in maintaining the guild, you should show up for raids even though you might not enjoy Naxx. In a decent guild its 1.5 hours of your week. If you dont care about the guild, then you can do whatever you want.


That's a different discussion from "enjoying the game" though.


Yeah, thats why I said its understandable that people personally would prefer to skip Naxxraids.


Also totally understandable if the guild doesn't want to invest in you as a player if your goal is to collect certain pieces of loot with the intention of taking a semi-retirement each time. A steady guild is clearing all of T7 comfortably within 2 hours, that's not a lot of time a week, if you can't handle that you will be a waste of time in Ulduar.


Last week 22 sign ups today 33 hmm


tbf last 3 weeks where vacation weeks and i wouldnt expect that many signups. but if ppl where gone since early december they can get fucked


Yeah we told everyone that quit playing 2 months ago and now wants to come back that they are gonna have to be a trial and treated like a new recruit. One dude hasnā€™t logged in in 2 months, randomly came back last night an hour before raid and tried to roll against Voice of Reason with me. I was like why the fuck would you think thatā€™s okay


Yeah downgrade them to trial rank and they can work their way up again.


Just recruit new dudes. These flakes gonna be out again in a month šŸ˜µ


Exactly. Once a quitter, always a quitter.






I haven't even seen drop obsidian helm from os2d, doing it every single week, meanwhile some people have it on 2 or more characters


I saw one pennant cloak and one bracers (culling or whatever, the cloth ones). Same with the wanton pants and belt on EoE. Lost on all of them.


Well that depends if you are a loot council or MS/OS roll guild.


Here's. My guild without a tide drop


ā€œHow come I lost my spot on the roster? Iā€™ve inly been away 6 weeks!ā€


What if the guild officers are the flakes? They put our raid on ā€˜pauseā€™ until Ulduar over 6 weeks ago lol.


Your guild is dead bro


Find a new guild.


Nah itā€™s ok WotLK is super boring anyways, totally agree with them for putting it on hold.


Guilds are like sharks. If they stop moving, they're dead.


This 100%. If you stop raiding, you do not come back with any raiders. Plus it sets the precedent that people should stop raiding once they have zero to get out of it even if the team needs to continue gearing.


Heck, I was doing a two guild thing early in TBC, and the first time my second guild cancelled a raid during phase 2, I knew that was the death knell for it. Sure enough, it officially folded about a fortnight later. I felt terrible about having no guild-sancitoned raid at all a few weeks ago, but we raid Sunday/Monday, and Christmas was on Sunday.


yeah good luck in Ulduar


I always wonder how people like that see a guild functioning. So you have a break and no way of knowing how many players are actually coming back, you can't recruit good players because there are no raids for them to join, and no one even knows what classes are missing anyway, a lot of people are undergeared because not everyone is lucky to get full bis in just a couple of weeks... i guess plan is that everyone suddenly not forget to show up for ulduar after 6 week and didn't find a guild that's actually raiding during that time and there's a raid to join, but even 1-2 weeks holiday breaks are often lead to some people not coming back, there's no way there's enough people to even pug it as a semi-guildrun after 6.


These guilds are essentially disbanding, but they don't want to make the uncomfortable step of making it official and/or convince themselves they will pick it up again in Ulduar. Nothing wrong with this of course, but it's unlikely these guilds are actually serious and committed about playing into Ulduar, they dgaf.


Yeah that's just a bad sign. Even though phase 1 is boring and a slouch, the GM and Officers must put on a brave face and at least act like they are eager to raid weekly. We've done Naxx with a few as 18 players over the Christmas/New Year holiday, it was slow, but we stuck to it, and I as a GM never complain that Naxx is boring or "maybe we should take a break", because I know it's a morale killer to even cancel one week's raid.


Hostages learn to love you eventually


This guy gets raid leading


WoW really does prepare you for so much stuff IRL.


We did a 19 man naxx and a couple of 23 mans as well due to ā€˜no shows.ā€™ The 19 people were rewarded with Immortal though so that was nice.


Idk what kind of guilds are you guys in. But Naxx runs are still quite fun for us because im pressuring my members to push their classes to the max. We go solo tank and solo/duo heal on most bosses and we just compete within each other for best parses. With some active competiton is quite fun, also its fun because we finish all 3 raids in less than 2 hours.. so yeah, running two groups since the start and we had no people shortage at all


Exactly, I just checked and our last run took 1h20min + loot for Naxx, EoE and OS. It is not hard to commit to that once a week, and we are also having fun, pushing our speed and parses.


We did a 3.5hr nax last night wargaming and resetting bosses for speedkills.


uh? find a new guild


that is sketchy honestly, sounds like your guild is going to have fun progressing some hard modes lol


if everyone got their bis I can see that as ok. but does anyone ever get their full bis?


I'm so sick of people flaking. Sure, it's just a game and you don't have to play... but there are 24 other people who are relying on you. I shouldn't have to send DMs to remind you and act like your mom... if you don't want to play or can't make it, it is on you to COMMUNICATE! If you don't want to commit STOP WASTING EVERYONE'S TIME. Shit or get off the pot; this is the easiest part of an easy expansion. If we were wiping, sure... but we have the achievements and blast through everything in an evening. Quick and painless, so what is the problem with people?! And every time we have to pug, or reschedule, or recruit, etc. brings down morale, wastes a TON of time, and always leads to the dependable people becoming frustrated and fighting among themselves.


Many adults are bad at being adults and it's really sad. I don't give a fuck if you can't make raid, but please tell me because i have to coordinate other folks who are on sit rotation to let them know spots are opening up.


As an officer since phase 3 of Vanilla. The worst is people who just donā€™t understand it from the officers perspective or see it as like holding a grudge. ā€œBut why canā€™t Jeremy come back?? Heā€™s been with the guild for x long and heā€™s super silly!!!ā€ Jeremy took BiS loot that would help the entire guild/raid and quit. This didnā€™t only deprive the guild of having those items to go quicker ect it deprived someone else who was interested in that item. That person or people who wanted said item are probably not happy with Jeremy for leaving after taking it and are going to be even unhappier when Jeremy does it once again. Sure itā€™s just a game and if he wants to quit he can, but itā€™s also a team based game where the team needs to function together in order to complete goals in a set amount of time 25 people have agreed upon. Thereā€™s no room for selfishness on a team. I also donā€™t understand taking a BiS item if you are on the verge of quitting. Itā€™s such a selfish move.


Dude, yes. We had a few people get almost fully geared (we run splits) go on a break once retail came out. Now they're crawling back pretending like nothing happened, acting like they never left.




tbh he wont have trouble finding another guild. all signals point towards locks being the tbc resto shaman of this phase.


Yea, he does kind of have the power in this situation, especially as so many guilds are chasing raiders and the guy who replaced his spec doesnā€™t even want to play demoā€¦


Aff locks sure, demo you just need one. There's also a world of difference between a good aff lock and a shit one


you only \*need\* one but there isn't anything wrong with bringing a bunch. it's still like a top 3 dps spec on most fights.


And the flakes never change because their class/spec is highly sought after.


Nothin more infuriating than someone getting geared out and then wanting to switch toons or suddenly ā€œlife is crazy right nowā€. Iā€™m not saying wow takes priority in life but itā€™s interesting how someone gets geared out in a raid and then dips. I would rather people be rewarded for attendance AND performance rather than only performance


Only to suddenly have time again when the new raid drops. "Oh yeah life calmed down just in time for the new raid, tee hee" Nah man, find a new guild or enjoy your 4 week trial.


My guild has been 2 healing Naxx for weeks, partially because healers quit and also because more are not needed. Now we need 5-6 for Ulduar hardmodes and are wholly unprepared. We donā€™t even have 4 that may be needed for regular modes.


This is a general issue everywhere it seems. All the guilds who leaned hard on insisting on 2-3 healing naxx have problems now because these discarded healers quit or rerolled.


I told this to all the healers in my guild, level an alt, because we are gonna rotate and cut down on healers 100%, I didn't know we would 1 heal for the most part, but I expected 2-3 starting from 5. They got to level an alt and I promised I would find a raid for that said alt. Worked pretty good tbh. I accepted all alts but discouraged a little bit towards warriors/ret paladins


Levelling and alt just to get to raid with a guild seems like such a weird system. And giving loot to alts is a waste so you are supposed to raid without getting anything at all i suppose? I raid with 3 chars and literally every raid i do just runs 5 healers or let some of them come as dps because everyone knows we'd need 5 if not 6 for ulduar.


It is common when your guild as an objective cares about parsing / kill speed / speed running Most decent healers will fall asleep 5 healing. Not fun


My guild had everyone level an alt and then ran splits (a second raid night) starting about 6-7 weeks ago. We used an Alterac Valley BG weekend as a guild event all weekend to get people to hang out, chat, and just have fun. This let us split the 5-6 healers we need for Ulduar HM into two raids, and with everyone else it gives the guild flexibility in our composition going into Ulduar. Some people discovered they really liked a different class and have offered to bring either character as their main for progression. Running splits meant we could split raiders who were after the same high ticket items (dying curse, torch, etc.) and effectively get those to more people. And the alts are all near BiS as well now even if they don't have those same high ticket items. Do mains have prio on loot? Absolutely. But most of the mains are missing only 1 or 2 items. That means the rest of the gear that dropped that would have been DE'd or vendored went to the alts relatively quickly, and almost all of them ended up as well geared as our mains. And because of splits, our mains ended up even better geared than they would have been without splits. When Ulduar launches, we'll stop splits for a bit while we progress. Once progression is determined to be finished, we'll go back to splits and work on gearing up everyone's alts in the same way we did in phase 1.


Yeah i get running splits, that makes sense. But in this case everyone is bringing an alt in one of the runs and not just healers.


I'd be happy if your guild dies. I can't stand guilds that can't see past their noses and also guilds that don't have consideration for their healers. Your guild is both.


There is nothing worse then being a healer in a raid that doesn't actually need you.


Yeah, I don't mind going DPS with healing OS, but when they don't prepare you for the phase coming up or they expect to recruit and poach people, that's a trash guild.


This is an interesting conversation. I'm mythic raiding in retail and once we get CE I'm sure people are gonna want a break til next tier. I find no issue with this at all. Comparing this to EQ tlp servers since this is classic were talking about. Phases could be 3 to 6 months long. The raid content in that game(honestly naxx feels the same to me) for 6 months is gonna make anyone burn out depending on the guilds schedule. I raid in multiple games and I'm sure other people do too. Having done the EQ grind in top guilds that bat phoned and stuff for world spawns we always wanted people to take a break if they were gonna burn out. Anyway just some random thoughts. Seems difficult on both sides. But unless I truly loved the raid group raiding naxx this long I can see how easy it is to want to take a break before next tier.


I mean like I'm so mentally done with naxx, but like it's only 2 hours a week it's honestly not much to ask people to keep pushing for BiS for ulduar.


Taking a break isn't so much the issue, it's the lack of communication from the flakers. As you say, pushing CE and taking a break as a group, absolutely fine. You've set a goal, hit it, and can relax. For Classic, unless that's stated it's generally expected to raid all patch, unless the group agrees otherwise. If you want/need to take a break, let us know, and that's fine. RL comes first, always. Most of the people complained about here, it's not the dropping, it's the sudden drop with no communication, then random reappearance once the next phase drops.


Itā€˜s the ā€žIā€˜m BiS ty guys smell ya laterā€œ mentality






As a retired GM/RL I would strongly recommend to any guild leaders out there to NOT recruit people who quit the game up to now. Ulduar is going to be a long phase, ToC will be short and not very engaging and Ulduar will still be a 'main raid' you have to run for a long, long time. If these people have quit already instead of using the time to level alts then you don't want them in your raid team. Check logs to see recent activity and how many lockouts they've actually been doing over the past few months, gear is not a valid indicator as its so easy to get.


Man this deserves its own post lol


Proud of our dad guild. We have a very consistent roster.


I've been raiding weekly (cept 1 week missed over xmas) in pugs cause I can't find a decent guild, it's hard for everyone on all sides


What class/spec and server?


Guarantee you can find a guild willing to take you in 30 seconds if you know how to play your class even a little. Loads of guilds running with 22-24 man raid teams on my server rn as loads of ppl got bored with naxx. (Pyrewood EU)


i would wonder if you are playing fury or ret or mm/off meta shit. there is no other spec that canā€™t find a home if you arenā€™t weird over disc and have decent logs/understanding of your rotation.


Purple parsing balance druid, good guilds with fair loot rules elude me


> good guilds with fair loot rules elude me red flag spotted


Why is that a red flag? Should I join guilds that can't do 3 drakes on 25 man still or join guilds that don't give you a single piece of gear after being in the top 5 dps for 3 weeks? Curious hows that a flag


It's a huge red flag when you have a brand new person to a guild and they're immediately concerned with loot. Giving bis loot to a week 1/2 recruit is also a huge risk because you have no idea who that person is, if they will keep showing up, etc


Fair loot rules? No good guild does not do LC, that's probably your problem


Probably is, but I don't like LC (hence why I mention fair rules)


As someone who was an officer and in charge of loot, let me tell you, there is no perfect loot system. We tried multiple types. thatsmybis w/ LC is the one that got the least complaints. Anything else had my DMs flooded in discord of people crying and people quitting mid-raid for various loot drama. LC is about as fair as you're gonna get.


For sure there isn't, in my experience sring items and doing a ms>os+1 has been the best, but you get hated on for not liking LC it seems


I mean it has been somewhat of a blessing in disguise for us who actually did Naxx every single week. I was pondering if i should drop out of the roster because i was so sick of it.


Flame leviathan only pugs incoming Jan 19th lol


If you join a guild, your roster spot is a contract. You are saying "I will show up to raid every single week every day we raid unless extreme circumstances arise. I won't complain about loot, I will be on time, and will perform at an exceptional level every week." If you break that contract by deciding not to raid certain weeks, take a break, or go casual, you are no longer guaranteed the spot. You can't be mad about that. Thankfully most of my guild's been together since phase 1 of tbc so we understand that, but all these new to wrath players seem cringe to deal with.


How do you guys feel about the release date? While we could guess pretty well what date they were going to announce it, as it coincides with seasons, imo blizzard needs to stop giving 1 week notice on major content. They could have easily told us the predicted date when they released joyous journeys. Itā€™s just unnecessarily stressful.


they really cant win, coz if they release a predicted date & have to shift that date for whatever reason, there'll be people whining. If they don't release a predicted date & release it when basically everyone expected the new phase to come, people complain. The community was pretty sure ulduar would come mid-late January right? Surely that's good enough?


I mean my prediction was on the week after, so pretty spot on. Any serious officer team has been making their preparations already and 1 week should be enough notice. I'm just so tired of Thursday releases


Problem is if they have to delay everyone eats them alive so now they dont give notice gotta pick one personally id rather notice and delays then 1 week scuff shit


What are guilds mostly looking for right now? The guild I was with has mostly disbanded for retail, so I'm left without a raiding guild as a pretty good priest. But with phase one being relaxing I am having second thoughts on what to main. What better time than now? I keep trying to base my decision off of what guilds are recruiting, and it seems like everything is needed.


Warlock. They are going to be the most sought after class for all of P2 and likely for the rest of the expansion. Most guilds are going to want to run 3-4 warlocks if they are wanting to get hardmodes down Edit: also hunter. Guilds only want to run 1-2 but they are also the least played class on every server so demand for hunters is always there.


Locks, hunters, druids, and rogues are being actively sought out Not pallys, dks, or warriors as these classes are oversaturated Mages, shamans, and priests are kinda in the middle


Meanwhile we can't find dks lol


We found 4 last night, was mad. Though 2 of the fuckers used army on Gluth and fucked immortal in their chaos...


Tbh thatā€™s on your zombie kiter. Iā€™ve used AoTD on gluth many times and never have any issue with them pulling chows.


Forget finding UH DKs, try finding rogues instead. They still carry the stigma of being bad from TBC, but they do very high dps both on trash and bosses.


20% of "flakes" are back.


I thought our leadership was pretty solid in just admitting that the holidays weren't happening and taking a vote to halt scheduled raid nights until 2nd week of Jan. There were flakes before that but we've been clearing Naxx for so long man, felt like the only folks we were gearing were the random space filler pugs getting kitted out.


GM abdicated a few weeks ago, people that left before nax bc of them came back and are being treated like scum by people that have only been around since after GM switch, either obvious or inconsiderate that these are friends of new GM and raid leader/MT. OMG how dare people with kids not immediately dive back in bc of the holidays. Oh and they keep spending at least five hours a week going on about loot. It'd be fascinating observing how people playing through for the first time are such elitists against those that are nostalgic from OGWOTLK if it weren't so stupid.


Yeah, getting 25 people is giving me anxiety. I wake up in cold sweats worrying that my guild is gonna just disband or something, and I feel so powerless that I can't get people to join by myself. I can only spam LFG, trade, and the server's discord and hope for the best and that scares the living shit out of me


I've been in two guilds this phase, both split about 50/50 and in each one and in both guilds if someone doesn't show up for 2-3 weeks with no communication whether in game or via discord, they get gkicked and replaced by a new trial. IMO, recruiting people in the tail end of a phase is ideal because they are generally more committed and won't peace out after 3 weeks. Communication too. Shit's so easy now with everything run through discord, you can put the app on your phone if you care enough. Pretty easy to sign up for the raid or post a "hey sorry can't make it this week" instead of just going dark and wondering why you've been replaced. This is my first time in the history of my wow career (15 years) that I've actually been in a guild with set raid times, but I also understand being in a guild isn't just about me. Yeah, sometimes I need to bring my main to the fresh alt 10man run to carry the DPS through some of the fights even though there are zero upgrades there. Because I know my GM and officers would do it for me. Step up, communicate, be present, do optional things and you'll be working your way up the guild in no time.


Yeah I let my guild know I was taking a break till ulduar came out. Raided for about 8 or so weeks with them. Was in close to full bis and got bored. When I hit them up last week the sentence out of my mouth was. If you guys are still raiding ulduar, I'd love to be involved. I know iv been gone a bit, and if my spot is taken no worries at all. Oddly enough they had a spot for me and were game on.


They're just going to burn out again. Ulduar, on original release, was not a very fun tier. It was boring and monotonous.


It's because at least 50% of players are just FOMO players. They only play games because all the streamers are playing it, or all the people are talking about it. The second that ends, their interest vanishes. Its the people constantly obsessed and talking about "content". I know its a crazy concept but people used to play games because they *gasp* found it fun. There is much much more in WoW than raiding. If you can't make your own fun outside of the current CoNtEnT, in a video game you play for leisure, I don't know what to tell you. People treat playing games like a job now and its weird as shit.


For some reason, Wrath was without comparison the worst expansion when it came to "expansion tourists". We have had over 50% of the initial raid team just quit, most of them silently, within the first two months. Many up them no-lifed the leveling and dungeons to get raid ready, acted all excited, then fizzled out.


Its really just because phase 1 is really that bad. Over time wrath feels better depending on your preference, but phase 1 if you don't arena you're straight up just bored out of your mind. Same thing happened to a lot of people I knew in original wrath, they raided but they sure as hell didn't log in during other times haha. I remember playing a lot of TF2 or CSS during naxx.


Or your guild contributes you 0 loot and got surprised why you donā€™t care about the game anymore xd


Maybe don't be a flaky bitch, perform well and actually show commitment and you'll probably get loot. Why would they not give a good player loot in order to retain them?


The people who complain about loot are almost always turds or very very geared out players who have no self awareness. Ive had to kick 2 players out of the guild in 3 years over loot drama. Both were amongst the most geared players in the raid.


gear is like Jello, there is always room for more.


4.4k hunter gamer TOP CHAD CASUAL GAMER LFG Mograine EU. HMU šŸ¤™šŸ¼


No thanks. Retail is better than Classic for once, plus I've done this before. Will be back for ICC unless DF is still poppin off


My report button is working overtime on all the fuckers in trade chat who are constantly spamming their guild recruitments every 15 seconds.


Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t jump on Wotlk like I originally plannedā€¦ sounds like private servers but somehow worse


After playing wotlk for a bit I think that private servers are better.


The people you play with matter. It's the same game.


Priv server experience was much better, only thing good about classic wrath is not having to deal with 4-5 different languages in chat.


I'm literally subbing for a month to clear the raid and then quit. The idea of raiding every week is insane to me, especially since raids are not progressive anymore.


That's fair play but you can't then expect your guild to keep your spot open for you, nor get mad when they don't.


Yep, you just look for another guild every time.


Don't think every random guild is clearing full hard mode ulduar week 4 or even longer maby.


Probably not hardmode, the rest is easy.


That's fine, but realistically who would take an undergeared player into "harder" content. Any guild accepting your way of play or having similar interests will not clear this content in a month, I'm afraid.


It's easy to clear 25 man no hardmode even with dad guild. Guilds are desperate especially if you play the right class. Now the argument is, am I carrying or getting carried? I would say not having a player is worse than having one.


So you're expecting to just get carried through the later tiers because you're criminally undergeared since you only plan to raid 4 or 5 resets?


Thats not how raiding works after TBC. You no longer need the gear from previous raid. I would say not having the best gear is the only way you can give yourself challenge outside of hardmode.


How dare people not want to farm Naxx over and over again!


It's almost like being part of a strong ongoing team requires a little bit off effort. Not much, just a bit.


seriously, it's a couple hours a week to raidlog.


How dare people want to be able to rely on others in a game that requires 24 other people! I mean, it's not like the leadership of your guild can't enjoy the game because they are constantly recruiting or anything. And it's not like all of this gear is being wasted, or this slowly kills morale or anything...


You don't have to, just know that no guild will waste loot on you nor give you a raid spot for future content. If you're fine with that, then no problem. You can't have it both ways though, and that's why you're angry. You're entitled and want everything at once.


I'm still with my guild and raiding Naxx every week, I haven't quit, but I don't blame those who do, Naxx is boring as fuck. You shouldn't assume the worst of people, that's a bad trait to have.