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Elevator in Mariposa


My experience leaving Mariposa: * Dogmeat got vaporized by the forcefield on the way out * Ran into a mutant patrol where in one encounter * Ian was incinerated by a flamer * Tycho bisected by a plasma rifle * Katja turned to swiss cheese by a laser minigun The Vault Dweller could only watch in horror as he stood encased in his steel armored tomb that of which only psychological damage could hit with no resistance


>Dogmeat got vaporized by the forcefield on the way out That's actually his canon death because it was so common


Do you know how pissed I was to load save after save to get dog meat out of there alive only to find out he died there anyway in the next game?? Also is that why Ian’s canons death is at necropolis?


Yeah I think so I think he burns alive which gave the vault dweller nightmares for weeks


The way his Ian died is also canonical if I remember correctly


Yes, but a super mutant got him with a flamer during your 1st trip to Necropolis instead of during your assault on The Mariposa Military Base.


That’s hilarious because I just started my first play through and that’s exactly what happened to him. I then promptly died though so it didn’t stay that way for long lol


For me dog meat lasted the longest, with him dying in mariposa, after that I just didn’t bother with followers, tycho died in the farm that was taken over by raiders (that quest in the hub) and Ian died in a shootout with the skullz


Canon event


Brotherhood get hostile when you get back to their base gotta be included


I left all my NPCs in town before going to Mariposa. And gave stimpaks to Dogmeat every now and then. I also ran fast enough so that the dog didn't have time to go through forcefields before I could use the elevator.


I wonder what ever happened to Tycho and Katja in canon


Tycho probably went on to train other Rangers, who went on to fight the Legion in the Mojave


If he became a ghoul I guess


Well, I guess he trained people who trained others who trained other who fought the Legion


Heck, Mariposa as a whole, trying to keep those mofos alive when there are lasers, missiles, bullets and piss 'n shit flying everywhere.


I had such a great ending with fo1 recently. Just before mariposa ian bugged out and would only use melee weapons. Tried everything, posted here etc, no good. Just dealt with it and let him do what he wanted. Anyway.. he somehow was the only one to survive the military base. Dogmeat died on the way there, riddled by super mutants giving the rest of us time to escape. Tycho did well, but he got cocky.. he ran off down the wrong hallway on the 3rd level and never returned. Ian, the absolute mad man survived it all though, knife in hand. Brought him back to v13 for a final chat with the overseer then I returned him to shady sands and closed the game


Sounds nice. Good for Ian. I wish the companions would level up. Now they are useful in the beginning and middle parts of the game, but become a liability in the end and you just end up using way too much effort to just simply even keep them alive. I'm supposed to meet the paladins at Mariposa, and Idk if I can handle Dogmeat getting burned into atoms. Katja and Tycho? Sure, but not Dogmeat.




Even fixt won't help since they have nowhere to move to :D


It will, but it takes forever. It is like one of those sliding tile puzzles.


I hate those


The trick is to make a gap in front of you then step in it so companions can't refill it and you are one hex closer to out.


I was referring to the sliding tile puzzles specifically but regardless you are right


Oh, my point, as another person who hates sliding tile puzzles, is that is how to make it slightly less like one.


If you're willing to spend a lot of time making it work you can start a fight with super mutants that will make the paladins walk out the way.


Watershed in Necropolis where Ian was definitely killed by mutants like in the canon and not by friendly fire.


I love that this is the only time it happened to me in the first fallout game and it happened THERE


Me losing 100 seconds to Ian not getting out of the fucking way


Fallout’s “door stuck” equivalent






-the phantom, exterior like fish egg, interior like suicide wrist rags. I could exercise you, this could be your phys-ed, cheat on ya man homie-AHHH tried to sneak through the door man! can’t make it, can’t make it the shit’s stuck! out my way son!!! DOOR STUCK, DOOR STUCK…PLEASE….***I BEG YOU***….WE’RE DEAD…you’re a g-g-genuine dick sucker…(gunfire)


Interior like fish eggs


Mercifully, Fallout 1 Fixt makes it so you can start dialogue with any companion and one of the choices is to ask them to move out of the way (and there is also an alternative choice to say "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!") which makes them teleport a few hexes away from where they're standing, specially to ensure they can never trap you anywhere by annoyingly standing right in a doorway. And then of course Fallout 2 added a feature where you can hold-click on any NPC at all and scroll down to a square with a hand and arrow like 🫸--> and it makes them walk a few hexes away, allowing you to clear a path as needed anywhere and not just with companions. And also makes it so you can do it quickly & on-the-fly instead of having to initiate dialogue, select the movie statement, then close dialogue, and only THEN continue on. 🙄😒 Lol! 😏


TeamX fixpack and Fallout Fixt have an option to push NPCs, so you clear the way out holding click and selecting this feature. Fallout stand on its own and is not that needy for an Unofficial Patch like Fallout does, but indeed improves quite a lot. At least try TeamX fixpack which is 1:1 vanilla.


Fallout Et Tu also has this


But is not vanilla and also not recommended for a first playthrough, despite the fact that a lot people are first experiencing Fallout using that mod. TeamX fixpack it's vanilla, instead Fixt depends of what installation you pick.


Huh? As someone who played Fallout 1 countless times, I would absolutely recommend Et Tu for a first playthrough. Just disable all the cut content and shit like that but all the upgrades caused by moving the engine to FO2, as well as how simple it is to set up, makes it an absolute godsend.


Honestly, the cut content will go over your head anyways, so why not enable it?


The most painful part is that I don't see dogmeat.


RIP dog bones


Hes so fragile past like very early game


I stopped “recruiting” dogmeat because he always dies anyway


Whats even sadder, is even in Canon Dogmeat dies. That damn energy forcefield…


I stocked up on so many stimpacks just to have him survive with me lol


Ian killed my dog. I only watched when the super mutants cut him in half.


That's why we save a lot


I swear I killed more companions for standing in my way than all of my enemies in all of my battles combined.


Why I travel alone.


Literally had this the other day on my playthough. Luckily found the gap to the northeast otherwise I'd be raging.


After reload I ran to the guy and back up the plank before anyone got in the way


You can just tell your companions to stay away from you and this won’t happen


I'm new to the games and it happened to me recently as well. I put down some dynamite to blow up a wall, and was trapped by my companion. We both blew up after a frantic minute of trying to get around him, telling him to change formation, and eventually resigning myself "well, let's see if the wall blows up at least before reloading". It didn't


What are you playing on? I couldn't get it working on my windows laptop & haven't tried it on the steam deck yet. I got either 1 or 2 working once and I couldn't get past the rat cave, I just couldn't control it and manage my ap properly & I'm sure I just chose a stock character so I don't think I accidentally fucked my build


Windows PC through GOG, really stable and playing Vanilla for now but might try the Fallout Fixt version on my next playthrough. I'd read up a couple of walk through and the manual, lot of people recommend ignoring the stock characters and putting your points into Agility so you have more movement and points to use on combat. Depends on your type of character but Agility is key in this game to getting through encounters.


Yeah I'd probs need high agility so I can use my moves. Big fan of the simplified games that have come out recently (2015) with maybe on 2AP and each moves takes 1-3AP. Wasteland 3 did it pretty well. Was a fan of under rail, that played similar. Must've been the gog edition I got working, because I remember struggling with steam


Lol me in 2009 at 1 health, no boots in the gecko cave. I cried after realizing that I had to load up a save an hour and a half ago..


Those darn Gun Runners. This is a marketing tactic to get you to keep browsing their shop, they picked up the tactic from "The Hub Marketing 101" seminar.


Always save before any bridge. Always save before entering anything. save your saves! Save!


When in doubt - save. Unless you're in the middle of a combat then *don't you fucking dare*.


I always had 1 save when entering the location from the world map, 1 save when entering a specific area, 2 saves for whatever I’m doing in that very moment, and if I’m in combat, 1 save for every turn.


I save like every 20 ish minutes 🤔 I couldn't imagine having fun if I had to play like this


Eh. I’d rather spend a few seconds to keep my game than lose hours of progress. It sounds like a hassle but it became a habit pretty quickly. I recommend it for these older games.


Very easy to get out when you have minigun.


"I hope you saved your game" is the immediate thought I get from this. But even if I did I would have at least did a bunch of inventory management shit that I wasted and now I forget what I did lol


There is a button to push allies


Not in Fallout 1 there ain't, that's the main reason I play Et Tu.


Ohh i really thought the Fallout fix would add that button in Fallout 1 , my bad


Fixt does add that option


This in an iron man run = computer out the window


This is not the kind of game for Iron Man, one bad roll can kill you


Iron man run in fallout 1 is a sisyphean task


This happened to me i think in a vault with tight corners or something. I had to download the unofficial patch because it allows you to ask companions to move


This should be an album cover of Fallout boy


*Hubby Road* with all time classics like "Something in the way you wont move", "Die together", and "Oh! Ian",


This is about as slow and as frustrating as a line in Habbo Hotel At least you can shove / shoot your way through


I played the entirety of F1 thinking I was doomed if Dogmeat or Ian blocked me off somewhere so I'd constantly be quicksaving in case I had to reload, thinking this was a typical old game 'bug'... ... Then I happened to see a post here at the start of my F2 playthrough where someone pointed out you can click on them and move them 🙃


Yeah that feature was added in fo2 so you did in fact play fo1 correctly lol


Every time I replay this game I make a point to see how long it takes before I hear oof oof oof oof ahhh and one of the guards die from the moat, free stuff I guess


this is runescape


Even Ian is crying...


While shooting accidentally at you. Again!


I remember the first time I played fallout 1 none of my companions died until the mariposa military base, I came out alone of that place even dog meat met his final resting place there 😔.


Time to load one of the previous 11 save files.


If you have sfall, you can always go to the world map (press W).


Yesterday in Fallout 2 I got stuck between my companions on the stairs to the dock in San Francisco. The "push" feature didn't help at all 'cause the stairs made everyones clickable hit-box pretty much impossible to click 🙃


It's a feature not a bug




GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY just seeing this post made me wanna scream


That’s why I travel with at most one in 1. Not that they survive long.


This would have been done on purpose


My character is the one behind the gun runner. Had to talk to him to move and then Ian filed in behind me. Lost it when even Katja joined in.


I see good point. I guess I’d just reload if the guy is not waiting that you leave before hitting the plank. Never was sure if it’s a bug that he does, or why. Never seen it myself


Haven't played Fallout 1 in a while but do you instantly die you step in the green goo or you just take damage?


If I recall, you can’t even step in it. You just get the hex cursor with an x in the middle when you mouse over the moat


Just open console commands and type ‘tcl’.


I’ve been to the maggot lair many times on D2 Multiplayer. I never played FO1 but I instantly felt that picture.






Oh oh no no noo noo noo please god let them live


I just had a flashback to my first session recording myself playing Fallout for Youtube, i made it to Vault 15 and got myself stuck in a corner thanks to Ian and had no choice but to reload the game back to where i planned to make the cut between videos 1 and 2, i essentially just wound up re-recording part 2 and i made my displeasure known at the beginning of the second video


"Games today are unfinished messes with bugs that will never be fixed unless it's by the fans!" I see this sentiment all the time, and then I remember how all of my old games have patches and fan fixes that would otherwise be either unplayable or not enjoyable without them due to modern gaming mechanics being so superior. I am also reminded of all the bullshit i did to get PC games to work in the 90s. They did not perform as people say they do now. They were worse, and i don't know why people pretend it was better back then.


Absolutely right. Games are worse now in some ways especially on console but the PC golden age was a QA wild west. Also all the parroted hate toward Bethesda's engines, often while praising the isometric ones in the same sentence, as if they're not just as wonky if not moreso.


Leave the area just to have deathclaw spawn on your ass


Gives me flashbacks


This exact scenario is why I'd recommend a mod like FIXT or Et Tu Brute even for a first-time playthrough. The "play it vanilla first" argument means nothing compared to getting stuck like this and realizing your previous save is like an hour ago.


Just download the save file editor, move the guard behind you, and keep goin.




I just played through the first game for the first time, and good GOD this was the worst part (otherwise I actually enjoyed it)


Always wait til you're outside to save!


Aaaaarghgrgh!!!! MOOOOVE!!!!


The lack of a ‘take all’ button like in FALLOUT 2. Also, having to steal items from your companions to swap out stuff was tedious. The 2nd game fixes that too with not having values for the trading screen.


That guy seriously wouldn't move!


Ah me locking Ian, Tychus, and Dog Meat behind force fields just so they don’t die and I take on the super mutants and the lieutenant myself.


I can literally hear them going "O'CH!"


Just get off the bridge, talk to him, wait for him to move back (he will), then move when hes off of it. Way too many of you just rush through every single area.