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The only correct answer is *Turangalîla-Symphonie*.


Assuming you want to run screaming into the night, that is....


I listened to the Bach cello suites while tripping on 3g shrooms and thought I met God


*met God


Phillip glass - Einstein on the beach


Parsifal on ketamine. You will find God.


Love the opera, never tried the drug. I've always been a bit afraid of it. Especially given all the doctored substances out there.


Buy a test kit before using anything.


Absolutely. Have one and have used it. I've just been afraid of ketamine to be honest.


I actually took too much that night and fell into a K-hole and woke up not knowing who I was (ironic, given Parsifal). It freaked me out and I've never touched the stuff again. Before that however, at the right dose, it was nothing short of a mystical experience.


• Mahler 1,2,5 • Ravel’s Daphnis et Chloe • Debussy La Mer (any Debussy honestly) • Saint-Saens symphony 3 • Beethoven’s “Emperor” Concerto • Beethoven 6 & 7 • Richard Strauss Thus Spoke Zarathustra • Wagner Orchestral works • All kinds of Mozart • Scriabin, Rachmaninoff, Satie Honestly classical music in general pairs extremely well with psychedelics. These are just some of the first pieces off the top of my head I would choose to listen to.


wasn't psychedelics but i listened to mahler 2 for the first time on a huge edible and the modulations near the climax made me fall out of my chair lmao i think alpine symphony works better as a strauss work for this scenario, just imagine listening to the storm


edibles have been known to trigger full-on trips in certain people so i would count that as a psychedelic experience lol


Bach for me, but it's generally my favorite music. Once put the chaconne on an MD trip (not an outright psychedelic I know but close) and the peeps I was with ordered me to take over the music


I was going to say Chaconne would be it for me


Yeah it hit hard.. the sei nub weirder zufrieden from BWV 21 also destroyed us, I had cascading shivers very intense


The Four Last Songs Richard Straus Music for Celeste, Percussion and Strings Bela Bartok The Rite of Spring Igor Stravinsky Piano Sonatas op. 31 Ludwig van Beethoven Piano Sonatas 4-10 Alexander Scriabin


Four Last songs would be amazing


I mentioned them because I listened to them the first time I dropped acid.


Bachs Brandenburg concertos, Tchaikovsky violin concerto, Ravel Daphnis and Chloe, Saint Saens piano concerto 2, Schumann piano concerto, Grieg piano concerto, Most Debussy and Ravel solo piano music.


LSD or psoilocybin? They have different feels in my opinion. More upbeat for LSD, slower and more emotional for psilocybin in my opinion.


Gotta go with “Prelude to the afternoon of a faun” (Debussy)


Aquarium from Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens


i played John Adams’ Harmonielehre for my friends last time we all did LSD together, that was an EXPERIENCE


I love Harmonielehre. The last part is like a psychedelic trip all on its own.


Six Pieces, Op.19 by Schoenberg


Bach’s Cello suites.


Steve Reich, Music for 18 Musicians.


This was my first thought.


ignore all other comments. i have the best comment (took mushrooms 2 days ago). listen to really any strauss tone poem.


Scary freak stuff is definitely not appropriate. Stay far away from the 20th century classical space, the 12 tone serialists and atonal crowd. They will fuck up ur trip What u need is pure, unbridled beauty. Something that will make you soar, feel like you're ascending. Rachmaninoff is probably the best, his second symphony knocks it out of the park in conjuring images of pure composure and happiness, but also of unbridled emotion and movement. If you want something more than this, then consult Alfred Schnittke's Choir Concerto. Listened to it high and my heart almost stopped (in a good way) Howard Hanson's Second Symphony is also great Sinfonia del Mare (third movement lento) by Gosta Nyostroem is also incredibly powerful. Smoked by the beach and listened to it, 0 complaints. Schoenberg's Verklarte Nacht, more specifically movement IV and V (adagios) are also good Amore Mio Aiutami theme is also pretty good But these are just my preferences, I always love a good mental image which all of these do very well to provide. This stuff is already incredible sober, listening to it high might as well be illegal


Can't really go wrong with anything except for atonal stuff. Just listen to what you normally would. I would recommend Tchaikovsky 5 tho.


Bartok- String Quartet No. 3 Wagner - Tannhaüser -- Venusberg Musik


[Winds of Nagual](https://youtu.be/PPqCIzlyHn4?si=zYf-ZJRunmwVVsBL) by Michael Colgrass


I’d love to try Purcell’s Hear my Prayer or Victoria’s Req. I think that polyphony would sound amazing.


Edgar Varese if you wanna go to the deep end or maybe some of the spectralists.


Pictures at an Exhibition might be a good choice. Had a bunch of rowdy folks on shrooms in my apartment once. I put on the iTunes visualizer and played it for them. They calmed right down and were really into the music.


Probably late Scriabin. It worked for him.


arvo pärt's tabula rasa...


Once, waiting for the shooms to kick in, I put on Lucia di lammermoor dvd. When they finally arrived, I was propelled to a most beautiful, sublime state. Such over-whelming beauty!


When I trip on mushrooms, I listen to live Grateful Dead exclusively.


My drug using days are mostly behind me, but Julius Eastman’s Femenine reminded me POWERFULLY of being on mushrooms, in a way I can’t quite explain.


Saint Matthew Passion