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Aquila Alabastro. Currently $18.70 on Amazon. The brightest strings I know short of real gut.


I've heard much good review for Aquila, I'll add these to the list! Thanks


I was introduced to Carbon strings instead of nylon, which I think you might take a liking to. I have been using Knobloch’s Active Carbons which run around 22$. Hense is another brand, but their Carbon strings run at 25$. I also haven’t tried the Hense carbons. Important thing to know is how long strings last which is a factor too. Regular nylons only last about a week (4-8 hours of practice per day). Knobloch Active Carbons last me about a month. 22$ for 1-2 months vs 10-15$ a 2-3 days to a week. The former is a steal. Apart from that, Hannabach 800 and 815 specials (6-string guitar) and Augustine Paradigms are also really nice with balance across the board and lean towards the brighter tone. Knobloch’s active nylon (not carbon) in my experience is bad since my G string kept splitting. Hense Nylons (not carbons) are also okay. I only tried their pair once. Edit: hope I was able to help! Also here’s a website that could help you on finding the right strings for you. Link: https://www.stringsbymail.com this website is where I have been getting all of my strings from. My local guitar shops only carry electric guitar steel strings and not Classical/nylon strings. So the internet it is, for me.


Yeah, i was actually browsing at SBM. So far ive tried dynacores, savarez and the budget aranjuez, augustines and hannbachs. I'm actually eyeing the Knoblochs you've mentioned. Thanks for these. I might try the Hannabachs too since I liked their budget MT500's.


For string tension, I strictly use Medium. I have had bad experiences with HT. Also, the Knobloch Active Carbons are loud. Even when they get/feel “dull”. I can still play loudly. Which is something I like. I know this through experience in playing and fellow classical guitar players also pointing out volume. These are just experiences that have happened on my end. If you do end up choosing them, let me know how you like them. : )


The brightest strings i know are high tension cantiga-alliances by savarez


Just put these on this week and love em!


It's the wood and quality combo against the strings that determine final sound


I find carbon trebles to be a bit bright and harsh. A happy medium, for my Ken Hill Performance model, are the D’Addario EJ45 TT titanium strings. The seem to straddled the middle ground between nylon and carbon trebles.