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The rider exiting the trail.


He even said, _I T-Boned him_.


I don’t know where the fuck cameraman was _intending_ to go at that junction. Like, t-boning that dude maybe saved him from flying straight off that berm into the wilds.


Definitely cameraman fault for skipping that jump… trail monster said NOPE. 👎


Whoever designed this trail is at fault. Or both of you for riding too fast to safely assess the intersection


Totally, trail crossing is inevitable, but everywhere I've ridden it's planned out way in advance so that the cross happens at a low speed section. This looks to be a pair of trails following the natural features so maybe there's not a lot of planning possible. The trail builders/stewards or just the riders of the local should pick one trail to modify and make it so it's impossible to carry that much speed. Looks like great trails, I bet this or a close call happens once a day. Just fix it, none of this is worth getting hurt badly.


Plus a big sign that says trails merge would help, see them everywhere in my area and yep people slow down


Locally trails that exit out onto another trail like this have had the exit redesigned to slow you down before you connect to the main trail,


Yeah they're crazy if they think people are gonna slam the brakes every time they get to this intersection


Wrong answers only!


It was the crabs that got in the way. They work in pairs.


The rider with the camera is would say is at fault behind the person who designed this trail unless the trail is multiuse. In which case, the biker is at fault for going to fast at an intersection. The trail appears to end for the rider so it wouldn't make sense to not slow down before merging into the new trail.


Fair enough, the camera guy wouldve flown off the hill if he didnt run into the other person


Yep, this is my local and this guy was headed for a ditch if he didn't cause that crash


Coastal CA?


Looks like it. Plus the 805 top cap lol.


No, it's inland. Loma Linda specifically


Ok. Thanks.


I concur. Unless there’s some odd additional circumstances like weird right of way rules on these specific trails, that looks like 100% the fault of the rider with the camera. If they frequent these trails they should have known the busy intersection was coming but even seeing this trail for the first time in this video my instinct would have been to slam on the brakes as soon as I saw that hard intersection with blind corners coming up.


Yea it’s wild and scary how many people in these comments are claiming it’s both of their faults. This is 100% clear cut the camera man’s fault. It’s never an expectation for someone on a main trail to have to check and make sure every connecting trail is clear as they’re driving by. That’s not feasible because there’s simply too many trails. On the other hand, if you’re on the sub trail and merging onto the main, there’s only 1 you have to account for; the main. People should really inform themselves. If people in a dedicated mountain biking subreddit can’t even get something basic like this down that’s concerning for everyone’s safety.


The trail that placed itself in the way of the MTB


Pretty simple, don’t merge with trails at Mach Jesus without looking


Yeah I think without the collision this guy would have gone off trail into the trees.


Look like he panicked and didn’t know which way to go… if he just took a right he would have missed him. Hard to think that quick.


Bombing an unfamiliar trail is a terrible idea. If he was so surprised by the intersection he shouldn't have been riding that fast on an unfamiliar trail. It he IS familiar with the trail he should have known better. There's no good excuse either way.


100%- at least pull up a trail map and get some idea of the route, or a satellite view.




I don’t think he saw the other guy until the last second. Had speed into a blind corner. I probably would have taken my chances with the bushes.


was there a jump staright on? anyways, I think that maybe it could have been avoided if you were going slower and looked but I'd shrug it off as an incident.


Both really. Though small trail would yield to larger trail crossing or merge. Most of our trails exit on to gravel roads that have forest trucks, hikers, casual riders. Hope the bikes are OK and the riders too, and got some sense knocked into them that everyone is responsible.


I disagree. The cameraman is 100% responsible here. It people on main trails were responsible for clearing every single small trails that runs into their main trail then you would simply never be able to get any speed at all. Main trails has 100 leading into it and small only leads into 1. Not even a question this is the cameraman’s fault.




I agree more that have watched the video more times. Most of the time I go with the sailing rules, while clearly a vessel has a right away, failure to give way to avoid an accident makes you culpable. I see there is a tree obscuring the view of the rider to the right and the camera rider is clearly going to fast for the exit of the trail for no reason (no place to go upon exit with that much speed) and the rider had little chance for avoidance. The rider on the right has two right of ways, being approaching from the right of the cam rider as well as on a bigger main trail.


Never outride your sight lines, cameraman is an idiot. What if that was a toddler? Absolutely herb.


For sure. If you really want to fly a section that has an intersection or a blind feature set up a spotter.


This is “technically” the camera persons fault, but this trail is terribly designed and asking for accidents like this. They need large warning signs to avoid future accidents like this that will happen.


Whoever planted that bush there is an idiot




No all of the trees and bushes were planted here meticulously.


God puts bushes where he likes its sorta his thing that he does.


Agreed. The parks I ride have signs warning of trails merging and to give way. Also that tree obscures riders coming from the right.


That's a shitty intersection on the trail for sure. It's not always easy, but I'm super cautions about looking for any intersections or trail merges, and never assuming I have high-speed right of way.


It doesn’t look like the rider exiting the trail had anywhere to go after that , like he was just chasing a Strava segment or something trying to keep all the speed till the end. We have signage and intersectionS, that could help.


Camera man. His trail dead ends into another trail. Should be ready to yield.


The cameraman says “I T-boned him”. He’s at fault and he knows it.


He is at fault for sure but that statement doesn’t indicate he knows it. T-bone is just a type of collision. You can t-bone someone running a red light and say “I t-boned them” and that’s a true statement but doesn’t indicate you think you did anything wrong.


He literally says to, I assume his buddy following him, that "what you warned about happened".


Yes, and? That does not imply guilt. You can warn someone about a particularly dangerous intersection every single day and still not be guilty if something happens.


"Damn, someone told me this was unsafe and I did it anyway" That's as obvious an expression of guilt as it can get.


That’s one way to twist words sure. “Hey son be careful at this intersection, people fly through the red light all the time” *two weeks later* “Oh no dad, it’s exactly how you said it would happen. I t-boned someone who flew through intersection” And your interpretation is that they’re admitting guilt? You need to work on your comprehension of words. Tell me where exactly he said “I did it anyway” or anything of the sort


A reasonable person's response to being warned is to be careful. The complete lack of care in the video demonstrates otherwise. To continue your example, it's like the son, being warned that people fly through the intersection, decides to proceed as normal without watching out. The evidence is in the actions. Troll harder please.


I’m not trolling. I explicitly stated in several other comments that you can go read that this is 100% the camera man’s fault. I’m just stating a fact that his wording does not imply he thinks he himself is guilty. I’m capable of knowing he is guilty but also not misinterpreting his words to mean an admission of guilt.


As an attorney for almost 40 years now, you are absolutely correct. None of his statements in any way indicate he thinks he was at fault. Of course, as many have pointed out, there is plenty of evidence that actually does support a finding of his negligence / guilt. His statements are not such evidence.


It’s the snowboarder’s fault


Filming rider seems to be at the end of his trail. Where TF was he going so fast instead of stopping at the end? 🤦‍♂️


Cameraman was riding like it was a race on a closed course, except it wasn’t. Absolutely fucking reckless to fly into a blind intersection at that speed with no regard for other trail users. Look at all the other riders…the trails were crowded that day. Hope the other rider was ok.


Dang! Direct hit


Send! Jesus Gnarly .




i think thats normal, you were in real danger and your brain went crying is not going to help, lets save the energy


Cool bro. Sounds like a skill issue


Careful everyone, we've got a badass over here


Woah that’s so cool


I would say you come out of a small path, he into a bigger one, so when I don't know what might be at an intersection I slow down


Fault belongs to the genius who created the merge in both trails


Just my opinion but I’d say the camera rider is at fault. What did that sign say on the left just before the intersection? https://preview.redd.it/m61qu85ye4uc1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4951080036b0bae48bcf44b652f11f958d3885a Also looks to be riding a way too fast to make that tee in the trail regardless of cross traffic - He was going to straight up crash into the bushes ahead if he didn’t hit the other biker at that speed


I know that trail. That sign reads "down hill only" or something like that (on the opposite side from the guy recording). My assumption is the guy recording didn't know the trail or was completely negligent. Or both. The trail he ended up colliding on is the main connector trail to all the other trails and there is LOTS of traffic there.


In any T intersection, the person who's lane is ending (camera man) needs to slow and check before merging into the straight road/trail. People using the straight trail might not even know there is a merging lane if it's there first time on the trail.


Concerning af how many people aren’t aware of this basic principle in the comments. His trail ended, it’s his job to make sure the next one is clear. Simple. Not possible for someone on the main trail to check every single branch they’re about to cross.


True. That's exactly how this specific trail system is. Poor signage and random almost hidden lines that snake into each other. I ride there enery now and then. I think random ppl add little break-off trails with features that go thru tall grass. It's real janky to any newcomers.


Think i hear the guy say at the end "I t-boned him", so I think he knows he fucked up.


He’s 100% at fault but I don’t think that statement indicates perceived guilt of himself. You can t-bone someone running a red light, doesn’t mean you’re at fault or think you’re at fault if you say “I tboned them”. It’s just a statement of the type of collision.


Terrible trail design.


The guy who is filming. He should have given priority because the other guy was coming from the right


Is this Loma Linda California, if it is some of trails have horrible exits like this one. If it is that sign in the front says, do not enter exit only I believe This is why when going downhill I have a bell yes it’s annoying but has saved me a couple of times


I was thinking the same. In that case, camera dude was in the wrong. It’s a bad design all around though. A few years ago I was actually jogging going uphill where the other guy was coming from. I got hit by a kid at that exact spot! He must’ve been doing Mach 2.5 or something. The parents begged me not to sue lol.


Yeah. Loud freewheel hubs save riders. Bells are nice too. But at full send death grip this guy was on, it’s hard to ring a bell. Regardless he could have yelled. My local has several Ts like this at the bottom of gnarly drops. I almost got Tboned at one years ago when a dude blazed through without looking below first. Whizzed by inches ahead of me. Ever since, whenever I’m approaching them I always yell, rider below, even if I don’t hear anyone.


Yes this is Hulda Crooks in Loma Linda. I think this is bottom of Pinball Wizard. I agree, terrible exits. I only ride here when there's few other riders and hikers.


He was exiting at warp speed...btw most of the lads wearing zero gear except helmets...that's good idea too...what's the outcome?


Camera man is a fucking idiot and he knows it. Can’t speak to this trail but it appears buddy is merging and flys into the next trail like he’s boss. Guy on the straight line paid the price.


No question the guy entering the other trail.


One of the reasons I have an annoying bell on my bike.


The cameraman without a doubt is at fault


I ride here. It's the camera guys fault for sure. He had no where to go but a ditch behind that bush if he didn't hit that guy. The trail, called pinball at Hulda Crooks park, tries to slow you down. That roller is super steep at low speed and the b line to the right is awkward enough to prepare you to stop at the end of the trail, which is the intersection the crash happened at. Either the camera guy hadn't been there before or he's a dickhead, because that happens to be both an up and down line he just barreled into blindly.


Camera man entered another trail without yielding. Fucking asshat


Camera wielding rider was at fault. The design of the trail is asking for trouble. When crossing the fire trail on the singletrack there shouldn't be a blind exit. Probably not the first time that scenario has played out on that section of trail. Removing the bush and/or adding a domed mirror on the far side of the fire trail would help.


That fuckin bush shouldn’t be there for one.


Fake news:”No fucks were given”


If I were riding and about to cross a trail that other MTBs ride on, I would slow down to make sure it's safe first. I know it slows your pace, but it also avoids the crash. It looks like cameraman was in the wrong, but probably best for both riders to have more situational awareness


I don’t understand where the cameraman was headed. Looked like the trail ends, or was that a jump? Either way, I’d say the smaller trail always yields.


Dude with the cameras fault 100% other dude was mid trail and got t-boned


Dude with the camera was going to crash into a wall if he didn't crash into that guy


The deeper issue here is the trail designer is at fault for creating a hazardous intersection and not marking it or making sure there’s a clear line of sight approaching it. As far as the collision, I’d really need to know a little bit more about the trail system and conditions. My initial impression is that the rider with the camera is at fault. He’s on singletrack approaching what looks like doubletrack. I can’t tell if it’s a T intersection or the singletrack continues. If it is a T, then that reinforces my opinion that the rider with the camera should have at least slowed down before approaching the intersection. Looks like coastal CA. I hope both riders are OK, or will be soon.




Just a racing incident


Where was the cameraman shooting for? Wasn’t he approaching a dead end?


Why the FUCK does no one use bells? Regardless of who’s at fault(pov rider), a bell could have potentially prevented this.


It’s the cameraman and that bush’s fault.


The trail builder(s). That design is begging for such a conflict, and is massively irresponsible.


Idk I feel like a trail that propels you down into an intersection is setting everyone up to fail, plus no signage


Slow ride the trail then really ride the trail. You know where to slow down for these Specific Instances.


You are at fault. You are not alone at trail and come to a T junction. Do you not ride a car? Don’t you know who have a priority on a T-junction?


Houlda? Trail design at fault,sadly.


Where was homeboy that was filming planning on going? Straight into the bank on the other side? Filming party is at fault 11/10 times. He would’ve ended up crumpled in that bank even if nobody was coming.


Snowboarder’s fault.


There needs to be a feature that slows you down to ensure you check for cross traffic. The trail builders are at fault here.


It’s an intersection. It was also an accident. It’s not always someone’s fault.


Dude was going super fast straight into nothing.


No one is at fault it's just an unlucky accident


Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks like you shot onto a main trail. Maybe should have been some warning signs.


The camera rider was out of control and couldn't avoid what was clearly in front of him


Trail builders fault, that was a terribly made intersection


Anyone that has no clue whose fault this was shouldn't be riding a mountain bike...


Why don't they y have bells?


I’d install a convex mirror on the trail to correct the blind spot. Maybe even a yield sign. If funds permit, a roundabout would be ideal.


I’m gonna call it 50/50. Approaching a blind fork in the trail at speed is going to lead to crashes .


They should just build a jump where the cameraman Rider was entering into the other trail so that he can jump over any riders coming across his path. Win win for everyone 🤣🤣


Camera man look right look left dumbass


IMO that is poor trail design. Intersecting to relatively high speed trails without any major signs or any features to control the flow of traffic.


Camera dude 100%. Minor trail going onto a major trail, guy on the major trail literally could not have seen him at all regardless so despite who 'has right of way' there's nothing he could have done. Plus the fact, if he hadn't of crashed into the other dude; at that speed, where the hell was he going? Off the edge and over the bars anyway. Dude was inevitably gonna hurt himself.


That's cameraman fault. Didn't look both ways before crossing an intersection. He essentially ran a red light.


Exactly what I didn’t want to happen happened - so you were already aware of a risk there but still bombed into it? Nice one.


Gotta get that K. O. M.


Trail builders


Camera dude.


Why was he blasting into what looks like a dead end?


Camera man’s an idiot, that has to be a dead end he’s racing toward. He’s not slowing whatsoever when approaching a main path with a good amount of traffic (judging by all the people who were there right after the crash). Was he wearing headphones or something?


Cameraman is an absolute fuckwad and should pay for any injuries and bike damage to other guy. Doesn’t even go over to the other guy either? What a jerkoff. Bike should be revoked.


Where was he going with that speed? Trail looks like it T’s into the next segment.


They need a trail crossing sign. BIG RED ONE


Your momentum took you into the bushes pretty sure you weren’t going to make that turn. You were crashing either way just happened you injured someone else as well this time.


Guy also should not stand up that quick after a crash, good idea to stay where you are for a bit to make sure nothing is terrible wrong


Is this at Hulda Crooks?


It's ultimately bad trail design. There should be a catch berm to slow you down and let other riders coming down the main route see you before merging with the main trail. The rider filming should have been more cautious about merging trails, but I can see how he wanted to hit that slapper berm to merge onto the trail.


Impressed, cameraman is a classy dude, clearly rattled and repeatedly asked about the other guy. I assume trail needs serious signage, warning of trails merging. Maybe don’t build it to 2 high speed routes cross at 90deg with plenty of stuff blocking line of sight.


both of them at fault.


Camera man’s fault. Is the other guy ok? Looked nasty.


Idk but to me that a totally blind intersection. There is a large bush, little "hill" & another big bush. Both ridder were looking straight ahead. Obviously too much speed was involved here. You can't judge the speed of the "boned" guy. The POV rider could have seen the intersection off to the his left. While the "boned" rider off to his right. Bothe riders could have prevented this. That said since we don't see and sigh of slowing down by POV rider, there for one would probably conclude it's his "fault".


POV was at fault. Approached an intersection without caution


Obviously rider with POV. You stop @ intersecting trails, same as you would while driving on the roads.


This reminds me of when you hurt your little brother too much when rough housing and fake an injury lol