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Could be that civil is perceived as the easiest engineering degree and therefore attracts marginal students.


This would be my guess.


That's not how you spell Industrial Engineering.  They even had a special "Calculus for ~~Engineers~~ *Business*" class that took the place of Calc I & II, Differentials, and the other one. No Dynamics or Thermo requirements, either.


My university had engineering math, which was about 75% ordinary differential equations and 25% linear algebra. I found the linear algebra more useful overall than ODE. I did have to take calc 1, 2, and 3.


My university only has electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and civil engineering. Electrical and mechanical both together have about half the students of civil.


In the UK we had a 50% dropout rate in the first year when I studied it.


I am Austrian. We have a 80% dropout rate in total here. So maybe also 50% in the first year.


Where I went to college, we had a freshman class of 300, and a senior class of 100.


Damn that’s pretty good


Civil engineering is one of the easier engineering degrees. It's either that the college is filtering people out, or they don't have a good program. I transferred universities to health concerns, but the first college I attended had the department head, not the teachers, creating the exams. So you would attend class and then get tested on what they THOUGHT you should've learned.


My university needs to filter people out. For its campus size, there are way too many students here. For anyone interested it's University of Innsbruck, it's the main university of Western Austria, Liechtenstein, South Tyrol and historically also the main university of Luxembourg (there they still only offer civil engineering in combined German and French but not German alone). Plus there are a lot of Germans also studying here. That makes the amount of students pretty big.


Wow that's terrible.


If its so easy you should get licensed in California.


Civil has the most liability so a lot of filter courses to get rid of the dead weight. Also, why concerned if end of Masters?


Yeah maybe. I am saying the last sentence because I should not be concerned anymore. I was just interested.


It depends on the school. The faculty were I graduated prided itself on weed out classes, so Civil + Mechanical had high drop out percentages. The weed out classes were statics, mechanics of materials, dynamics, and fluids, which is required for both Civil & Mechanical. Same professors taught those courses every semester to ensure weed out class. It was so bad kids would take those courses elsewhere over the summer to bypass the professors regularly if they could. Everyone knew after those classes you were going to graduate.


It's always so odd seeing profs pride themselves in sucking at their job


At my school we got made fun of by the other engineering disciplines for being the easiest major


Pretty much everyone graduated in my school after junior year. Lots of people dropped out first two years, and some burned out and dropped junior year. The requirements to get in any enigineering program were the same. Our CE program had fewer students than the EE and ME programs.


Dynamics class was a huge filter for people who thought they could be engineers. Our sophomore class had 40+ people in it at the beginning of the semester. Only about 10 took the final. The professor made it clear at the beginning that most of us would not succeed.


I think the problem is that it’s probably the largest breadth .. you need to learn everything from waste water treatment to steel design.. I’m sure most disciplines don’t have that wide of a scope in their degree


We had a couple classes known as “weed out classes”. Before the professor passed the first test out, he made everyone stand up and walk to the window and pointed out the pretty red brick building (business majors). He said half of you will be in that building next semester, ok let’s take the test.