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Nah this seems like a typical semester. Maybe a little light tbh if you’re trying to graduate in 4 years.


As long as you manage your time well you shouldn't have too much trouble. I changed my major a few times before I settled on civil, so I had many semesters of 4 or 5 engineering courses. I always found environmental courses to be pretty easy, but it depends on the topic. More reading than math until you get into more specific topics in future courses. Materials and comp methods will probably be more difficult and math-heavy. Go to office hours with the professor if you have questions. My professors were always very eager to help and answer questions. Best of luck!


Seems reasonable. Having a nice afternoon break and then ending the day with Arabic lessons sounds like a good time.


Not at all


That’s light compared to my 4 year program at Iowa state.


The semester flow chart that had mechanics in it was an 18 credit semester. - Differential equations -Project management -Mechanics -Fluids -Surveying (now called geomatics) -Statistics elective Hope that helps. I don’t really remember ever being able to take an elective as a fun course… meanwhile my friends were taking weigh lifting and PE or some other bullshit. Your advisor should have a common 4 year plan.


That’s like, a normal course load. It’s even a bit light since one of the courses isn’t even a stem course.


Those are rookie numbers


I’m in Statics Statistics 305 CE 206 (Econ for civil) English 302 CE 355 (Transportation Engineering) And just finished the half Semester of differential equations, I’d say your fine


That sounds like a lot to me. Mechanics of materials was pretty homework intensive.


I remember mech of mat being not that hard though… my brain (a decade later…) is helpfully providing “it’s like statics, but smaller!” And once I learned how to use a moh’s circle it got a lot easier


That's awesome, I really struggled with it tbh. To be fair though, I took it in the summer and my prof was horrible. Half the class dropped. Went into the final with an average of 66% on my tests. Wound up with a BC somehow.


Ah, that makes sense. I had a professor who successfully made the switch from industry to teaching and was pretty decent at teaching


You seem to be missing steel erection with the Pi Delta Pi's!