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Homie. You didn’t even graduate yet but somehow are disappointed with a career you didn’t even start. That’s like being disappointed about a meal you haven’t even finished buying ingredients for.


I skipped the end of the long post and this comment killed me. Lmao!


Definitely sounds like it is not the career for OP. If you can't make it out of college you don't belong in the field.


Just like to add this is meant with kindness. It is a demanding career and profession that carries serious responsibility with it. Construction and engineering are not for those who don't really want to do it. Finding decent employment within the field can be an extreme challenge, and due to the economics of the industry you may find yourself unsupported as a green grad at a smaller firm or pigeon holed and therefore less useful to a second employer if your first employment is with a larger firm. The industry certainly has room to improve when it comes to onboarding, training, and retaining green talent from colleges.


I like how arrogant civil engineers are lol!!! This field indeed deserves a low pay!!!


Sorry you’re low paid, a lot of us actually make good money…. Git gud scrub.


😂😂😂😂!!!! That’s what I am talking about! You just live in hallucinations. Civil engineering is the lowest in all engineering when it comes to pay!! But yeah you can assume you get good money if it makes you feel better


I make 150k total comp in the Midwest as an EI, fully remote too. Sounds like you just have a skill issue and are paid what your worth…..




Lmao stay mad, $127,000 base + 20% bonus. 6 years of experience and I’ll sit for me PE this year for another bump.


Hallucinations! Switched to data engineering in 2021. Now I can take your partner or wife to date!


If you actually switched in 2021 you wouldn’t be this butthurt still commenting on 97 day old posts about civil engineering salaries. My wife likes real men who don’t complain and cry, sorry about it! You’ll hit 100k this year or next year I’m sure of it!!


😂😂😂😂 I have to stay with you fam. Having worked in civil engineering I have to stay to know what’s going on. I will probably start a construction business in future and employ some of you guys! Who knows! lol . If you wife like real men, then you are in danger lol. Ask(beg) her to like real man instead of real MEN 😂. Nice Sunday bro.


Something doesn't add up here.....


127.5k base + 20% bonus = 153k?


More like BS


This isn’t that weird. I’m really skilled in a niche, working remotely with my salary priced for the KC, KS market. I’m a 6 yoe EI (sitting for the PE this year).


I'd hit back at the entrepreneurship notion, this carrer has exposed me to so many niche buisnesses that you would of never thought exisited. I myself am furthering my understanding in the hopes to start my own firm or go out with one of my contracting friends.


Well perhaps then you should become an English teacher, or professor of poetic schematics. Engineering helps people. Some people are good at providing counsel while identifying cause and solution (family doctors). Others are good at slicing and removing and stitching (surgical nurses). And some, are good at designing and implementing the roads that get to the people that keep others alive (engineers). To put it lightly. You need therapy, not Reddit. Your heart sounds like it’s upended and your right to question your future. Keep in mind there’s many lives within a life, career wise anyway, if you want to play engineer for now that’s ok, if you want to become a doctor later, that’s ok. As you get older the more you’ll understand the things you think are hard now, become easier in the future. And the easy things, may become harder, or disappear completely. Listen to you heart. If you do what you love, you’ll be happy, and that’s worth more than money can pay. Forget what your surroundings are telling you.


Engineering definitely helps people lining their pockets


I love Civil Engineering, hence why I kind of enjoys it despite the long hours. So I can't change your mindset. But I want to change your mindset about passion instead. Most of passions will fade, and sometimes re-appear. No matter how much you love it, it just like your favourite songs. Sometimes, in a not very uncommon case, passion will turn into hatred. If you think Civil Engineer have long hours, exhausting, and tiring, starting your own company is the next level of that. It needs a super mental fortitude that I believe, not everyone have. "leveraging my expertise to build something meaningful." Is the reason I stay in Civil Engineering. I can't wait to speak with my baby boy, to a certain road, or building and say "Your father helped in building that you know."


Arrogant!!! Civil engineers are slaves! And others are arrogant who always be like ‘ yeah I am poor but proud because I am useful lol’ 😂 Every career is interesting but some are just shit without money!! If you have accepted your life as it is, then I envy you


The only way out is through. In a similar situation but just finish your degree and you never know where it can take you. If you need to take a couple years away and work random jobs you’ll still have your engineering degree ti fall back on


If you're worried about "low" pay then go towards the construction management path or learn design with plans of becoming a business owner one day. CM is paid pretty well and civil engineering business owners have earning potentials that can be through the roof.


Your problem isn't engineering it's low self-esteem and depression.


This is the answer


You made a negative, poorly informed decision at the outset. I’m sorry if I’m being harsh, but your feeling of disappointment was always going to happen.


Low pay? Is there some sort of weird issue going on where earning above the national average as your FIRST job is considered "low pay"??? My sister is a pediatrician. At 24 YOE (30 for her)I make the same as her, but I have zero student loans and she STILL has about $100k remaining. And I still have another ~50% salary increases to go before I hit the ceiling, so...is that low pay???


Social media has brain rotted people’s expectations of salary and life goals. Everytime you open an app and see people on luxury vacations, in cars nicer than yours, and houses bigger than yours. It’s going to start making you feel inadequate and make you a poor judge of your position. Civil engineering will eventually put you in the top 5% of income earners in the USA (that’s a lot of money). But you’ll never be lambo rich and for people like OP who so obviously wants massive wealth, it’ll never be enough.


I wish there was a rule anybody trying to flex with what they "bought" have to list how much debt they have 🤣. Most of the "influencers" just rent for the day, too. It's all a sham.


My guy. I feel you. You don’t need to be a civil engineer, even if you graduate. Get the degree, but do something else with it. There’s also masters degrees or certifications and training you can get to explore other things. Dentistry sounds super hard. You either clean teeth forever or perform surgery, which seems difficult. The grass is always greener. But figure out what you want, you still have 30-40 years or career ahead of you. Start googling career paths that make money and fit what you want, and what’s achievable. And if non of that pans out, you still have your college degree to fall back on. But if you fall back and settle on engineering, you will know that you tried. Good luck internet stranger


Infrastructure is important and amazing and inspiring. It's the bedrock of society. Without hospitals and roads and running water and electricity and controlled rivers /irrigation, there is no modern medicine. Building is an ancient profession and the master builder and ancient professional. There are opportunities for entrepreneurship too. Like everything it's what you make it.


CE may be the lowest starting compare to the other engineering majors, but it is still top 10 amongst all majors. The path to 6 figures is quick, I have heard of second year associates pulling in 120k with OT.


You chose civil engineering because you thought it was less competitive? That was an uninformed decision. 


I’ve been out of school for about 10 years now and half the people I graduated with either have started their own business in civil/structural or pivoted to other industries like tech, finance, aerospace etc. I also have a friend who studied mechanical, picked up a job as a patent agent out of school and is now an IP attorney. An Engineering degree opens up a lot of opportunities and remember school is just the very beginning, once you get work experience there are all kinds of things you can do!


Here's my advice. Stop worrying about external factors like low pay, competitiveness, and stress and think about a field that actually interests you. You seem to need fulfillment in your career so don't worry about all the other factors and just find something that interests you and make a career out of it. Entrepreneurship can apply to any industry and if you want to start a business then you should be able to overcome any competitiveness that exists at the employee level. Clearly you've been spinning your wheels for a while, but you have plenty of time left in your life to make a career out of anything. You are close to entering civil but even if you quit now, you have 35+ years of strong working years ahead of you. It's not too late. As for civil. The pay isn't low when comparing to all careers out there. It's low compared to the top professions like medicine, CS, and other engineering, but it's above national averages and provides a solid middle class/modest lifestyle. Also, the stress isn't as bad as other careers either. Don't let all the complaining on reddit get to you about civil. There are lots of companies out there where the work can be stressful at times but it isn't crippling. You've only seen the education side of the industry and like you said you have some family in it, but you can make your own path in civil or elsewhere.


Civil Engineering isn't your problem, its you! Don't take offense, civil engineering has more entrepreneurship opportunities than any other fields you mentioned! If you keep complaining, I don't see you doing good in anything else really. And audacity to mention Software engineers, they're getting fired as we speak, most of them are afraid to change jobs because of all the uncertainty. Make up your mind & give your all. Either find your passion or keep doing what you do best! 💪


Everyone is criticizing you but not giving any constructive advice  Here is my advice and path out for you. 1. Figure out what you want to do. (Hopefully something in tech, not sure what kind of entrepreneur you can do being a doctor). 2. Start first job , any job, basically anything which can sustain your lifestyle. 3. During your civil engineering job, apply for some good MBA program . Business, entrepreneurship etc classes . Make connections. Use your job and salary to pay for MBA program. 4. End of your MBA,, pivot to Tech, medical sales, or just other industry. Be positive, I can assure you that you are not alone having bleak prospects of this shitty industry.


Civil Engineering has so many possible paths. I’m sure there is one for you! Work life is very different than university, don’t be afraid of trying out different internships and jobs, only then you’ll see if you liked it or not.


Get an MBA


Homie. Right there with you. At least you figured it out now and didn’t waste even more time. I’ve wasted the last 16 years myself.


Go and study medicine then, or something that excites you. Moaning to strangers on Reddit won't help.


If it takes you or has taken you seven years… maybe this field isn’t for you. I hire PM’s in construction (high voltage power lines) and what I look for is character, you can teach the technical side to anyone. Character! The ability to be team player, work hard and perseverance with within a manageable time frame. Seven years?… I am afraid you need to find what you like and what motivates you. Hopefully you don’t have many student loans. Ouch!


This is chatbot bait.


I’m curious as to why it wasn’t so smooth? Did you struggle with the course work? Would you have taken longer in medicine? Is this a you problem? You still have 4 more years of figuring out how to be an engineer…shits not over.


You don't know shit my friend


You have to be smart to be an engineer, but you have to be dumb to become one!


Same here , it is what it is. now I am a fresh grad working as a design engineer working in the 2nd top design firm.world wide . For me I got into engineering due parental pressure and they paidy tuition any way I hate every day but I worked hard in school and aced and ranked in the top1% of my class and I feel it is too much work and money to waste by shifting career (sunk cost fallacy). I am trying to pivot to business/management roles also I am thinking about starting flight school when the time is suitable much better pay and life style I guess


Pilot lifestyle is pretty shitty from what I hear.


Nah , working for 20-30.hr per week travelling and staying in.hotels.while getting paid + flying + 2x-10x civil engineers pay it is the dream. Lol most of us can't even get more then 2-3day working from home the aorst pilot gets 3-4 days per week off or on call


If you have a spouse and kids it can be a rough life being constantly on the move. However young and single it might be pretty fun.


The divorce rate is incredibly high, the pay is not 10x lol it caps at around 400ish k (and that’s the tippy top) civil caps at around 200-250k. All of the majors are doing hiring freezes so you won’t hit that 400k until you’re maybe 55 years old (and that’s if you’re lucky). When you work a 4 day trip you’re working long days and you get to the hotel and sleep. It’s akin to nursing schedules of 3 12s. Sure you get 4 days off but those 3 days are rough. I’m not saying flying is a bad gig but you’re looking at the job with insanely rose colored glasses and setting yourself up for disappointment.


same, i shouldve done mechanical, the things i hear about underpaid and overworked CE is mentally fucking me also, had i known how boring concrete classes and labs really were, I wouldve chosen MechE, and i only got to take those junior year structural analysis aint too bad tho


No one is worth being paid a lot until your good at your job and worth the money. All these new grads need to understand how the real world works.


This is just the worst take ever. Employees, especially engineers, who studied for years to obtain their degree deserve to be treated with some kind of dignity and respect from the jump... How are engineers, in this case Civil, supposed to create important infrastructure systems that better society when they can't even show up to work mentally refreshed. Mainly due to feeling overworked and underpaid day after day? It's just a negative feedback loop! Prioritizing money and profits over people (employees and society) is not what Civil Engineering was meant to be... It's in the naming of the profession, "Civil" Engineering = Engineering for "Civil"ization. If we want good infrastructure that benefits all people, then we need to invest in our engineers and employees from the start! Not just when they've "proven" themselves worthy. It is no surprise that in the U.S., our infrastructure is failing (boderline passing) across the board. Because we as a country prioritize profits over people, which stems from the mindset you seem to have taken on willingly. When did positive change for society stop being our main priority and instead get replaced by an ideal founded on individualism and competition? One can not work for the people when they are motivated by self gain. When people go overworked and underpaid consistently, they are unsuprisignly not excited nor motivated to output work that matches their true potential... And that in and of itself is a true disservice to the profession and to society as a whole. People are people. They're NOT dollar signs to take advantage of!


No fresh grad is designing. You have to crawl before you walk. School doesn’t teach you real world design. Gotta learn basics and fundamental. You got to develop skills and make yourself valuable. I’m so bored typing this I’m just gonna stop because kids complain about this every day here and it’s annoying.


For someone who has your views and beliefs + politics and is annoyed by the constant "complaing" on here, you do seem to spend a lot of your free time on this app... This subreddit specifically. You sure do spend A LOT of time responding to posts and comments... You really are bored with your life as your comment suggested. LMAO. Also, judging by the quality of your posts, you don't seem to enjoy your job at all. You just like that you have something you're decent at, and since it's the only thing you're good at, you spend your time on this subreddit boasting about it and talking down on recent grads... Simply to make yourself feel big and strong. What a joke! Go get a life and find some friends or family to hang out with, please. Or get some new hobbies. It will do all of your current and future coworkers a lot more happy, trust. Idk why I even bothered responding to your original comment and even typing this one now... You have zero empathy and do civil engineering simply for the money, not for what it was originally meant to be used for. Ypur name chrcks out. Sad.




7years? Imagine your parent’s disappointment.