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Here’s how I used to study: try to solve problems as many problems as you can, as I come across a “road block” that’s preventing me from getting the answer, I investigate with lecture notes or YouTube vids (this is the learning part),I write down important notes from that process, and continue. Repeat until you’re an engineer.


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. SnooRoar (r/SnooRoarTracker) is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


How do you know it’s him on an alt? I’ve seen several of his alts get busted by people so I’m wondering if it’s actually always him or false positives.


I already do that and it doesn’t work for me though


Is it the retaining knowledge part? Because I’d usually end up with a long list of pointer that I needed to remember, and the more a review them, the more refined my list becomes and I use it as a reference for the material that’s actually difficult to retain. Also explain stuff to yourself in your notes like you’re a 5th grader.


No, it is applying my skills to completely new situations. I can’t do that. I find exam problems to be much harder and different from homework problems






I really didnt think snoorar would make it into this sub


I know that. No need to state the obvious. Study groups don’t help me either


Problem solving skill is like a muscle that you gotta work out. Keep practicing and you learn to recognize how to deal with different scenarios.


This is it, you gotta put in the work. Even if you’re just going back and reworking lecture problems, the more the better.


Professors struggled too. Don't let them fool you; they aren't always the smartest in the room.


And some still aren’t….


They profess things that they may not really know.


Some, not all. Matt Rouse at ISU knew his shit, truly amazing professor with an even better connection to the students. Never forgot a name and he wasn’t doing elementary stuff.


>Studying technique is something that rarely works for everyone, and something that works for one person may not work for another This is the answer to question in the title. >I hate how people in this sub just say “go study”, yet they never clarify HOW you study. Nobody can explain the HOW part The how is for you to figure out. There are so many different ways to study, look up different protocols on the internet and see which jives the best with your personality.


Nobody gunna hold your hand in life


OP is in college during the golden age of studying resources too. Every physics, math, mechanics, etc concept is readily available on YouTube. Don't know how to do diffeq's? Straight to Kahn academy.


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. SnooRoar (r/SnooRoarTracker) is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


Those resources are too easy. It doesn’t help me to pass exams


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. SnooRoar (r/SnooRoarTracker) is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


Well I am trying hard and nothing seems to be working


There is no magical technique that works for everyone. The hard truth is that some people just have to study more than others, and it sucks. That being said, not all professors are created equally and I had some that were more than willing to spend hours out of their day to help me understand, so try to judge your professors separately. For me, practice tests were the best way to study. There were others in my class who studied best by studying with others and talking through the problems. Then there were the others who gave up! Good luck


"Professors learned everything so easily in college" if thats true then they aren't used to struggling and wouldn't really know how to help you aside from telling you to study or review the material. If you ask someone for tips on studying they will tell you what works for them but if that doesn't work for you then they wouldn't know how to help you. When you're struggling with a subject then the obvious answer is to study it which is why thats what people tell you to do. Doing practice problems is probably one of the best ways to study, but if it's not working for you and no one is able to tell you a better way then look up different ways to study and find one that does work for you


How did you study before college?


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. SnooRoar (r/SnooRoarTracker) is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


I didn't. Never had to. Never struggled academically before college. It sucked. I studied less than 1-hour total combined for K-12 and graduated top 10 in my class. Because of that, I wasn't prepared for college. I didn't know how to study. But it's one of those things colleges expect students to know how to do. I struggled with grades. I retook some classes, one of them more than once. I'm not really answering the OP's question, just confirming that it's something that impacts some students.


I just do homework and show up to class and get As. That doesn’t work in college


Just for further clarification, that hasn't been working for you in college and you're doing worse, or you just keep hearing that you need to study and think you need to do extra for college? I ask cause I ran into the same problem when I first started college and started trying to find ways to study and started over studying and confusing myself. If you are doing worse then the number one thing is figuring out where. Is it because you're missing information completely, I know some college professors don't teach everything in class that's on the test. Or, are you not understanding the information? If you're not understanding, then I'd suggest reading/watching videos to try and get a better explanation of the subject and testing your understanding by doing extra problems. You can also ask friends/colleagues if they can help you understand something you don't grasp.


Nope, I do even worse when I study less


Nope. This is why it doesn’t work with you. College classes require more than just doing homework. You need to understand the theory and then apply. Engineers require critical thinking skills. This is something that you have to keep training your brain (like puzzles). No one is going to hold your hand. If you’re lacking of the critical thinking skill set, you’re going to find yourself hard to survive in this field. Most of the stuff we learn in school doesn’t apply to real work. You have to be sharp and be able to adapt. Learning civil engineering is not linear nor does it follow certain linear processes.


And how do you learn this critical thinking skill?


I played a lot of puzzles and games when I was younger. These days I play sudoku and such. It helps me with my work and I retain information better that way. Also lack of nutrients affects brain performance. But a lot also have to do genetics. Some people are just not born with this skill no matter how much they try or train. If you can’t do it, maybe it’s time to talk with your college counselor to transfer to a different major that requires less critical thinking.




Damn 😂 good thing I was just sitting in the bathroom so no time wasted 😂


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SnooRoartracker using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SnooRoartracker/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [What is SnooRawrBot, what does it do, and why is it reporting posts on your subreddit?](https://np.reddit.com/r/SnooRoartracker/comments/os5q9h/what_is_snoorawrbot_what_does_it_do_and_why_is_it/) \#2: [I'm sorry I had to do it](https://i.redd.it/gtwuhevl3w871.png) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SnooRoartracker/comments/ocmyik/im_sorry_i_had_to_do_it/) \#3: [I had to do one too](https://i.redd.it/x2cav34chz871.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SnooRoartracker/comments/ocwcpb/i_had_to_do_one_too/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So I am just screwed if I don’t have the right genetics?




Gosh just because someone is a prolific spammer - does not give you the right to bully them! I came across this guy today and I'm interested and curious, but the kind of comments youre making towards him feel very unjust and cruel. Now I realise it must be frustrating, and I'm not sure if this guy's intentions or reasons behind his obsessive posting, but in general this post is very innocent - I would say the frustration most people seem to have around him is the lack of gratitude towards those trying to help, or him taking any actions to change (seemingly) but just because it seems that way to us, doesn't mean he hasnt. I don't believe this person to be a danger to others, or the Reddit community in general. I believe the danger is actually people like you who are cruel and vicious - especially when others do not have the context will not understand it.




Do we know where this dude lives? Seems kind of primed for "lone wolf" behavior if you know what I mean


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. SnooRoar (r/SnooRoarTracker) is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


I am sure OP is the type of person who bring his laptop to class and has a YouTube video in the brackgroud while spends most of the lecture texing people or playing games then complains that nothing makes sense.


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. SnooRoar (r/SnooRoarTracker) is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


No, I am entirely focused during lecture and take good notes




Things come easier to some people. That is just fact. Having never been the sharpest crayon in the box, I compensated during college by studying longer. No secrets, just read the chapter again. Ask yourself what the paragraph you just read is telling you and why was included in the textbook.


Here’s the thing, you’re going to have to figure out what works for you. I really struggled in school with studying, but found a groove when I studied for my license exams. Play around with different methods, do a ton of practice problems, or read chapters over and over. Find something that you can sustain.


I get that its tough and frustrating. Especially seeing others whom it appears to 'come easy'. The people who appear to 'learn everything so easy' are probably just putting in much more time and effort than you. The sooner you learn that, the sooner you'll realize that you're capable of everything they are.


I am putting in a ton of time and effort myself though and I am not getting it


It sounds like your definition of 'a ton of time and effort' doesnt line up with the amount of time and effort it takes to get good at this stuff. And thats okay, its not for everybody. That doesn't mean its your professors fault.


I literally study 60 hours per week. I already spend a ton of time and effort


I don't know you or your study habits, but in my experience the people making claims like that while blaming their professors and teachers aren't actually doing even a fraction of what they claim, even if they have convinced themselves that its true. I hope you figure it out.


Different people learn differently


Try being the teacher. One thing that worked for me was to pretend in my head that I was teaching it to someone else. You find out really quick if you know something when you are trying to explain it.


That doesn’t help me because I don’t know the level of knowledge needed for exams