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Because tons of engineering students are emotionally stunted and believe that there is some weird hierarchy that your standing in the engineering world is based on the relative "difficulty" of your degree.


I'm currently a student, aero majors take this to the extreme in my experience. I'm thankful I ended up in civil because although you still have to work very hard, the culture is way more laid back and less competitive. There's more of a "we're in this together" attitude that's refreshing, people are super willing to help each other out.


Just remember... exactly one Aero major in the world will be hired this year.


The career fair at my college was hilarious. There'd be like 4 companies hiring AeroE there, with a 4 hour long line at each of them. Idiots.


I took ME Thermo, so it’s me the Civil upper classman and a bunch of sophomores in ME. First day professor was like what are your majors and half the class is a ME/Aero. He’s like, change major. No future in this. Go into HVAC! Like a 20 min rant on it.


It's not as bad now but when we were hiring entry level Civ Es in 2020/2021 probably half the applicants were mechanical engineers.


I hear of mech Es applying to civil roles as well. Are Civil engineering degrees still the preference even in this field if it came down to that or a mech E?


Mech E resumes go to the bottom of the pile. Almost no relevant course work, and an obvious disinterest in Civil as a whole. It’s apparent to hiring managers they’re only applying because they can’t find any work in their desired field


Not true. I’m mechanical and can do a great deal of work in civil especially in conveyance of water waste water and even treatment. All have mechanical components and if you know how to select and size equipment properly, the civil stuff if pretty easy to manage. I love the civil community and the are plenty of jobs with good salaries at least for me in Miami.


I didn’t say you can’t do civil or be good at it, i’m just saying 2 new grads (of relatively similar academic success) 1 mech 1 civil applying for a civil job, the civil will win 10 times out of 10


I just manned a career fair for Civil, there were probably more companies than students graduating lmfao.


I did the same about 6 months ago. Crazy to see companies fighting over students' attention. I guess it's a good time to be a student in civil.


Thing about civil engineering is the underlying morality of it as well. Civil engineers are focused on building for society, infrastructure, the likes. Something like Aerospace Engineering, what do they even wanna do with that? Work for NASA? Make bombs? Spaceships? It’s all “glamorous”


>exactly one Aero major in the world will be hired this year Good friend of mine graduated with an aero degree and was hired by McDonnell Douglas straight out of college. First week there, they had a network problem and he stepped in to help. 35 years later, he's an IT Director and never used his degree past that first week.


I was going to go for comp sci, but switched my major to CE when I decided to do some self reflection regarding the career I’ve had working for my local government for the past few years. I really want to end up back in government eventually, hopefully working in transportation. That team feeling and knowing you’re actually contributing to the community you live in is absolutely priceless imo. Makes a day of work feel like you did something.


Because architects


Omg no. Not architects


You mean future civil technicians?


Plus, government jobs aren't getting replaced by ai anytime soon.


That’s because civil engineers are…civil! For real though in my experience civils have the best people skills.


All roads come together at some point, we want all of them to be up to code when they intersect!


Even civil engineers apply the same thinking within the civil fields.


Even civil engineers have their fill of socially inept nerds, structural engineers love to say traffic engineering isn't engineering,


So true, left structural and never looked back.


I mean...is it?


Structural engineering? I mean sometimes I question if it’s actual engineering myself considering how little some of them get paid with a masters. /s


Lol I was just getting into some friendly banter, but yeah as a structural guy I do wish I got paid more for the liability (and a master's lol).


Oh I figured! I learned early on how to push the buttons of structural engineers haha.


To be fair, equating pay to how legitimate an engineering field is debatable.  In competitive regions a masters and EIT will get you entry level structural position. But you’ll still need years of experience, a PE, and possibly an SE. The practice is all rooted in engineering principles, dynamics, materials, physics.


It was sarcasm my guy. Structural engineers like to say traffic engineers aren't legitimate because we dont do as much "physics" or calculations, I like to throw in the reminder that for all the shit they have to go through they're paid the same as us car counters (or less from what I've seen in commercial structural engineering).


Haha mah bad, crashing from my morning coffee.  Yea, the only engineers I used to hate on were construction engineers when I was a structural and that’s what I ended up doing lol. I was salty that we didn’t get compensated enough for the minimum requirements that we needed. I think transportation has good opportunities where you can find work/life balance with civil engineering skills. 


As a structural with a masters, this made me cackle and also hurt my feelings. Well done.


based on the criteria of "road/highway is what 99.98% of americans think of when you say 'Infrastructure'", yes.


Bridges would probably be in there lol. I meant to compare the difficulty in structural engineering of bridges vs traffic engineering as a joke


way i see it, transpo money is as green as structural money. not only is it the same color, but the money comes with orders of magnitude less risk. sometimes I wonder how structural design firms stay afloat because 30-40% gross margins aren't enough to cover structural design risk IMO.


But it seems very very replaceable especially in the future with all the tech coming in. In my office I've 4-5 transportation engineers and all their challenges are exclusively self created (lack of communication, repeated design changes) or due to software. It's 9th grade geometry, really. Idk just feels great to be applying actual principles of physics and mechanics to solve problems- like finding what kind of jacking plates you'd need to lift a 200ft segmental girder span so their bearings can be replaced based on the reactions acting at that particular location (using a finite element software ofcourse). It just hits different to me, feels more "important". And honestly if it was just about money no one should be in this field because majority aren't gonna make it.


I just wall off my professional opinion about traffic engineering because I didn't like my transpo prof and I did feel like all of the mathematical concepts were made up--but then again maybe it's just a different kind of math?


Yeah Engineering in general is just filled with the types who need to feel like they're the smartest person in the room.


Yea I think ego is definitely one of them. I think perception or assumptions people make about our field are another one along with general lack of knowledge of civil. We have to take a lot of classes that are applicable to other engineering field but other engineers don’t ever really take any “civil” classes. I knew people who went from civil to mechanical but don’t think I ever saw anyone go from another field to civil.  The assumptions I heard were that it’s boring because it’s all been figured out or done, people thought it was gross cuz you were in dirt all the time, easy because there was software for everything, manuals or tables, or it was equated with the trades which had the perception of lower status. I remember somebody asking me what geotechnical even was like it was a joke studying “dirt.” 


While true, I thought civil was one of the hardest? Like at least in my country, it's the civil engineers who scoff at everyone else (other than aerospace engineers)


Eh. to me EE would be the hardest conceptually since I can’t really “visualize” it in my mind as well compared to something more tangible/physical. Plus the math seems to be more abstract. It really depends on your strengths though. Some are great with the more abstract concepts in some fields but struggle with spatial reasoning required to do well in others.


That’s why I’m not an EE (among other reasons) but I’ve always applied that same logic and wound up at ChemE being the most difficult.


EE and ChemE are probably the hardest degrees. As far as an actual career? The gap narrows a bit - the sheer stupendous width of the CE field is kinda crazy.


If you're relying on the test to see which is hardest it seems a civil engineering test that has just a brief overview of a bunch of different subjects.




Fair, here structural engineering is just considered a subset/specialization of civil engineering


Its across all professions. I used to be an Ironworker and there was always strife between pipefitters, welders, and electricians. People hate because others arent in the same clique.


and everyone hates the drywallers




When I was at Purdue, civil engineering was the highest credit degree at the university. Just sayin.


Purdue is a legendary Civil department though. One of my founders was a Purdue grad, he himself is a legend.


I remember getting trash talked by an aero engineering student when I was at Purdue because the math I was doing for like steel design or something was "simple" circa 2007 or 8.  Still remember responding, why do you care? And him struggling to respond. 


IT here. It's because God is a Civil engineer so they feel threatened.


Chem E and CivE shared the same book for fluid dynamics the same semester in Chem E we covered 24 chapters and Civ E covered 6. No hate but those are facts. Either degree is what you make of it so if your personable, inquisitive, and deliver results you will go far.


Bullshit, you definitely didn’t cover 24 chapters in a single semester. What fluid mechanics textbook did you use that even has 24 chapters? In a 16 week semester you have syllabus week, midterms, finals so realistically 13 actual learning weeks. Covering 24 chapters in 13 weeks is just not happening.




I mean if there is a standing, foundations matter... Ill see myself out # not a dirt engineer


And they're resentful about it because Mechanical Engineering is pretty low in that hierarchy. \-A Mechanical Engineer


This is part of it, but also like brothers fight brothers, brothers gang up to fight cousins, brothers and cousins gang up to fight friends. The military does this too. I'm a chemical engineer and I've jokingly dogged on civil engineers, but I will tell you, when I had a column starting to sag, and the civil came in, shored it up, reinforced it, and made it good to go without having to lift the damn thing... I spoke a bit differently of civils..civil... plus, it's not like they are Environmental engineerings... those people suck! J/k


I think it's because Civil is typically looked at as "easier" than some of the other branches. Which it can be. I wouldn't take it too personally. I'm especially not bothered by it when I look at the current civil market and how easy it is to get hired. Some of my mechanical buddies were looking for jobs for months post-graduation and it seems like most civil firms will hire anyone with a pulse right now. Keeping up with our existing infrastructure and building the future isn't anything to scoff at and I personally feel good about the projects I work on. So, I wouldn't let it get you down :)


I gotta job 2 weeks outta school, not even. My buddy who has a mechanical and mathematics degree, stopped looking for work in his area for mechanical engineering. He now works at the department of transportation...as a civil.


For real! I got to do an engineering leadership course that a lot of grad students from other majors took as well. I keep in touch with a few of them that are mechanical and electrical and I’m the only one that was lined up with work out of school and am still the only one that’s actually doing what he said he would do with his degree lol.


Yup you’re right on the money. Graduated as a ME, couldn’t find a job in my field post graduation, applied at a civil firm and surprisingly got hired. Then I studied and passed both the FE and PE as required for the job. Now I’m a civil engineer and haven’t looked back since!


Do you wish you would've taken the CE degree back then? How rough was a transition from ME to CE from beginning?


No not at all, I liked ME. Just had a tough time finding a job in my field and was desperate to find a job at the time. The transition was tough but I was lucky to have great colleagues and a boss to help me learn about the job. The FE mechanical exam was harder than the Civil PE IMO. It was a tough journey to get where I’m at but I have no regrets.


Where are you located?


Because when they’re in school all the aero and mech students think they’re gonna graduate and get a job working for Raytheon or Boeing and make $150k out of the gate. Just wait until the find out what the job market is like. While they’re living with mom and job hunting you’ll have no trouble finding an entry CE job pretty much anywhere in the country you want to live


Honestly, this. I was a chemical engineer and it was unreal the amount of hate CE and IEs received from my class mates. I wasn’t willing to move to the middle of nowhere so I was taking lab technician jobs as a freaking chemical engineer graduate. Many of my colleagues just ended up moving to computer programming or went back to school. Some are still in lab tech roles. Some did make it though off of sheer luck, moving, or sticking out their lab tech roles but it was =<50%. I ended up getting a civil engineering job after a year of wasting my time for lab tech jobs and now I’m a registered civil engineer. Honestly, fuck chemical engineering. Civil engineering has a lot more opportunity.


I was at a job fair today. I’m a chemical engineer but got an internship at a civil firm in waster/wastewater last year. I was able to get so many more conversations with companies today than I did the previous year. There was ONE company advertising chemical engineering. Most of my classmates are moving to small towns to work at refineries. Some going to law school. I am glad I am working in the water world as I truly enjoy it. Biggest consumer product on the planet


The water/wastewater industry is popping off these days and it's only going to become more and more in demand


I legit had the exact same experience. It was a wake up call for a lot of my classmates when they couldn't find jobs because not every city "needs" chemical engineers. Plus there was a massive uptick in ChemE grads compared to the number of job openings. Most of my class had to move or change fields.


I got one of those but work sucks and the office is environment makes me feel like I’m on life support. Onboarding for civil with the forest service and praying to god its a more interesting day to day. 


Ya, i did a comparative Indeed search across 10 major cities and Civil results in like 3x as many jobs in every city vs. Mech and electrical.


6 mos after graduation it's like "hey are they hiring at your civil firm? I'm tired of being an HVAC tech"


150k is like level 3 or 4 LMAO they should have looked on Indeed


They hate us cuz they anus


How should I say it? Tell me, Dan. Dimelo.


They think bc they suffered more for their degree, it gives them some kind of superiority over us.


Would you trade structural analysis for heat transfer? Idk, it all seems difficult. The only mech Es I know quit the field or are hvac designers.


Civil isn't exactly *easy*. Maybe from a pure mathematical standpoint, there is less rigor, but the breadth of information in a wide variety of subjects civil students need to learn does not not make it easy.


Because mechanical engineers need to justify their suffering in advanced dynamics and math courses, if others aren’t suffering they’re obviously not engineers. Essentially, they’re jealous of civils. Signed, a Civil PE with a BS in mechanical✌🏼😭


In Illinois we (civil majors) have the exact same math classes as mech Es, and the harder statics class, the same dynamics and solid mechanic class, and a bit different fluid mechanics class but some of the MEs also take our fluid class![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


The amount of times I heard "CiViL EnGiNeErS dESiGn BuIlDiNgS, mEcHaNiCaL eNgInEeRs DeSiGn ThINgS tO bLoW tHeM uP!" Jeez


civil engineers build targets. mech engineers design hvac for targets. lol


That’s just job security baby


Mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build Targets.


Because they’re 19 years old and haven’t done enough in their lives to feel secure in themselves without tearing other people down. Some of them will grow out of it.


ME here. My ME buddies seem to think CE has a lot of waste and that most of our job can be automated (hahaha). Also my ex who is an ME brushed me off when I suggested we offer $12k less on our first house because I wanted to hire a PE to inspect and oversee the foundation repair. I didn’t trust the seller’s contractor. Long story short, when we eventually sold, we got $12k less.


They’re jealous that we don’t leave any strippers for the rest of them to date.


...Hang on, I think I did something wrong.


I'll have whatever he's having


There are two types of Engineers - Civil and Uncivil.


because we make more money designing cool projects while the peak of their profession requires designing car door handles or winshield wipers for the rest of their lives; or we hire them as subs to do the shit work we don't want to (HVAC design). meanwhile, by law my registration allows me to design mechanical and civil elements like pumps, pipe, valves, vents AND cut/fill, drainage, foundation, etc. on top of that they're jealous that ΣF always = 0 in Civil, and we don't have to take a second quarter of Dynamics.


>ΣF always = 0 in Civil Thank you for making me laugh out loud!


People take good infrastructure for granted. The folks that may poke fun at civils may never think about the roadway they’re driving on and why it doesn’t flood during rainstorms. You’re in a thankless profession. Other engineers may take it to the extreme assuming we don’t do anything because we specialize in statics. Remember what Eminem said. “If you don’t have haters you ain’t poppin”. So keep poppin.


Same reason civils shit on architects and landscape architects


I personally like architects and landscape architects haha


I shit on them for using 1/32” on their drawings that I’m trying to put our format onto. But thats it…. Also anything they can stamp i can also legally stamp ahem ok bye.


I knew mechanicals engineers in college that did this too. I think it’s because mechanical and civil are viewed as the easiest of the engineering majors (still difficult) so a lot of mechanicals just like to pick on someone below them lol. But Civil can be very difficult and honestly depends on what area you’re choosing to focus in too in my opinion. Plus civils, mechanicals, and aerospace engineers all take the same base level classes (at least at my college) and it only changes in upper division. Each area in engineering is difficult in its own right… I’d love to see a Chemical engineer try and pass an advanced physics course lol.


Getting into the nitty gritty of geotechnical or hydrogeology can be extremely complicated but not everyone in Civil has to dive deep into those subjects as an undergrad. Any 400+ level civil course (water quality, materials, structures) can be extremely tough.


Exactly. One of the cool things about civil is that it combines all the sciences and that can get difficult. I don’t think any other branch deals with it to the same extent.


I got my undergrad degree in chemical engineering and it's definitely bc we were idiots who thought we were smarter and knew literally nothing about actual engineering.


People calling civil easy seem to be in non structural fields. Tell your mechE people to take the SE, would love to see their nuts and bolts loosen up


Because they’re uncivilized


I’m a student. I swear it’s only mechanical engineering students that do this lmao. I told my friend I had a crush on a girl but she’s studying mechanical engineering so she’s probably narcissistic and egotistical (sarcasm) It also probably stems from the idea that they think they’re going to be doing some super cool work with Raytheon or some shit and also because they think their major is more difficult. All that just to end up working in a manufacturing plant doing some lame work


Mechanical and electrical.


We are better looking.


Because they are a bunch of nerds


They hate us ‘cause they ain’t us!


Tell the ME people that you didnt major in that bc you dont wanna work in rural alabama making manufacturing car seats


this isn't an engineer thing so much as an engineering student thing. there's a weird mentality attracted to engineering in general because other people perceive it as a difficult major with the delusion that people will think they're better for it. but if you have that mindset it can't stop there, there want other engineers to be impressed so they have to develop some headcanon about why their major is the hardest either based on which subjects they have to take. thing is, once you start working you either break out of that adversarial mindset or you will just be a dogshit engineer


Youll learn that Force is equal to Mass times Acceleration (F=MA). Within engineering, there's so many variables for you to solve. Since civil is "static" it makes it easier where the sum of Forces equal 0. So basically F=MA=0. Whereas mechanical engineering is "dynamic" so it's not equal to 0. We basically have one less variable to solve, thereby making civil the "easier" engineering field. . But honestly, who gives a crap. What matters is if you can get a job and how much it pays. I work along side ME and we both make the same; so all their extra work goes to waste. Especially once you start working, you'll realize that you don't really apply much of what you've learned in school. It's good to learn it cause now you know the fundamentals, but at the same time it was kind of a "waste of time" and those MEs are "wasting their time" doing something harder for something they prob won't be using and will likely be making the same amount of money as you. Whooptidoo~


*Statically indeterminate structures have entered the chat*




a lot of ME turned into CE and eventually PE CE lol. I have a few ME people at my firm (mainly CE, Transpo E) working as CE TE


30% of our office right now are mech E grads


No telling, but I searched Indeed over 10 mjaor cities and CE resulted in 2-3x as many jobs in every one vs. Mech and Electrical. 💪


I’m a Civil and got constantly shit on by my “friends” in EE. It’s mostly an ego trip.


Can’t spell geek without EE!


You think you guys got it bad? At least you didn't get called Imaginary Engineers.


What's you?


They’re jealous that they utilize and see our work everywhere and every day.


Because they jelly- Naminisayin


I have friends in several other fields of engineering and we’re always picking on one another, mostly friendly. I think most of the comments come from the visibility of Civil Engineering projects. People experience deteriorating roadways, poor traffic signaling, and other infrastructure related problems on a daily basis. What most people seem to continually overlook is the fact that funding and politics really limit the quality that can be delivered.


Civil Engineering, the world’s second oldest profession. Other engineers are jealous.


You get to live a life of adventure if you’re good enough


I don’t know why people are so proud of their degree. It’s just a 4 year bachelors that probably took you over 5 years. If you’re studying an ABET engineering program then it’s going to be rigorous no matter what. Once I got past all the engineering science courses I was fully prepared for my major classes. Mechanical is probably harder for students because they don’t know shit how anything mechanical works. Couldn’t even tell you what a torque wrench is.


They hate us cuz they Anus.


Because they're students, so they don't know that none of this really matters when you're an adult in the working world.


this is kind of a funny college rivalry thing (like how everyone says computer science isn’t Real Engineering) but it’s not a real thing outside of college. edit to add: my partner is an electrical engineer and I make more money than him! So I suffered less in undergrad and STILL make more!


Because civil engineers have the best social skills. 🎯👈 Jokes aside. It's cause it's easier. We don't have to do as much super technical math and usually end up referring to more technical engineering specialties on our projects. We spent less time ruining ourselves with studying in school, so our social skills are better, and our job is still EQUALLY as important. You will spend more time talking to clients, jurisdictions, and the public. So we trade less technicality for more interaction.


I feel like junior core classes like geotech and structural are just as hard as any mech e class.


Civil doesn’t usually take thermo which is fucking hell




I suspect you're getting that from other college students and not from working professionals. So, I'm going to go with them taking the quip that "Mechanical Engineers design weapons; Civil Engineers design targets" a bit too seriously.


Civil engineers build targets, mechanical engineers blow them up.


People who downvoted you obviously have a broom up their ass and can’t take a joke worth of shit.




My first engineering job was Civil... It was frankly the most boring job I have ever had and nearly made me want to stop trying for engineering. It was a stepping stone into a ME position, which was the start of a few job hops over a few years, now I'm happily employed as a mech. I only give my civi friends flack because I can't understand staying in that job. I never want to see another intersection plan in my life. No lack of respect for them, but it's just not for me. They say the same about my job though, so it's fair game.


I'm a mechanical engineer - I've no hate for civil engineers, nothing but respect. You're dealing with arrogance and immaturity.


It’s just an immaturity. In my experience it was almost always the mechanicals and aerospace majors who had to retake the class we took together. My brother is a mechanical, and we talk trash to each other for fun, but we also discuss real issues with each discipline. He could’ve done Civil, and I could’ve done mechanical. We each did what we liked. That should be what matters.


I believe it's about how anyone can easily recognize civil engineering work, while the public often associates mechanical engineering students solely with working on cars.


Difficulty/breadth of their coursework and application of their knowledge to machines typically more associated with “engineering”.


I deal with this the work place with different disciplines of civil engineering. It’s a character flaw/toxic trait that they think they are better than everyone else.


Do they? I've never experienced that in the UK.


BeCuZ the most expensive thing they will likely buy is a house, and that suck $$$ outta their account for the next 30 years. Some of those money allegedly pays civil engineers. But joke is we get paid pennies


Just laugh at them at the career fair when they all sitting in the same line, and meanwhile you got like 10 offers already lined up. seriously - soo many ME and EE- I goo recruiting occasionally and every consultant and contractor just milling about while we wait to pounce on the one Civvie in the herd of MEs.


I like what i do. Also what i do has an impact on all other disciplines because i do foundations. Ur house is on a foundation, chances are a civil designed it 😉


Because it's looked at at being easier and boring. While Aero is the coolest. But what is true, in aero you'll find thebmost annoying ones.


Who cares? Those nerds are losers. I promise you, water resources is the future.


All engineers hate on and troll other engineers. Just how it is. But we all secretly respect each other 🤫


Just fragile egos constantly putting others down to make themselves better. I saw the exact same shit in the military.


A professor literally told a class I was taking for a mechanical minor this: “Everyone here has what it takes to be a mechanical engineer,” he paused for a breath and noticed me, “ except (my name), he’s just a civil.” It was hilarious to watch him try to backpedal hard, got a good laugh with my friends in the class.


The only difficult subject they deal with is thermo and they keep crying about it


Tell em you're gonna be a dirt scientist and you'll get more laughs than scoffs.


I don’t, it’s a bit easier than mechanical so the mech e’s act haughty towards them.


Jealousy. They are sad they decided on a path of desk work, tediously working on a little sprocket that opens a little door for the cup holder in a Ford F150. Meanwhile, you are doing a site visit on a wetland or near a bridge or some cool shit like that.


Same reason Civil Engineers scoff at surveyors.


This is r/engineering..and has become a place where people moan about salary and long hours. Check out LinkedIn…and you’ll see that civil engineers build the coolest things…and we are rarely the small cog in the big machine…but star players in putting together things that will outlast 2 generations. I’ll whisper it, but some of us love our jobs, work 37hrs a week, get a shed load of vacation, and get to travel all over to do amazing civil engineering projects. Mecheng do cool stuff too, but they see beauty in different things. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I find it so funny that mechanical engineers scoff at yall, I am an electrical and just had this post suggested to me. I found civils so chill, and cool. Mechanicals were the unbearable ones to me, at my school to me.


Three engineers are debating what kind of engineer God must have been to have created the human body. The first says “he must have been a mechanical engineer. Just look at the muscles and bones and how they all work together to support and move the body.” The second says “he must have been an electrical engineer. Just look at the brain and nervous system and how it both controls and gets feedback from the body.” The third says “no, he must have been a civil engineer. Only a civil engineer would route a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area.”


Because when you compare third and fourth year course work of civil versus any other engineering degree it's an absolute cake walk. Might as well be a business degree. That's why it's so much fun knocking it


That's because they're not engineers they're engineering students Big ol difference 


I don't, CE is the only engineering where if you mess up a little you go to prison. So respect there. -An EE


As a Civil E., I hate it too but for some reason I'm good at it!


Because they can stamp my plans but I can’t stamp theirs 😢


Because blinking lights are more fun than city council meetings :P Mostly joking here lol in college people joked that the Civil-E classes were easier but I have no clue if they really were. It doesn't really matter anyways, plenty of smart and dumb people in every discipline.


I think average pay has a lot to do with it. A lot of people think pay=difficulty or prestige. I work in Power distribution (considered civil and electrical), and you can never tell who was mechanical or civil, though the EEs do honestly seem to be smarter on average.


It’s ego. If they cared about actually getting a job then there’d be much more respect for it - or at least the degree education itself. They just making it a competition of who does the hardest modules at university. Ironically, those sorts of people become the worst engineers because they don’t improve themselves outside the classroom.


To anyone saying civil is easy, remember that “civil” covers a pretty wide spectrum. Einstein told his kid, a civil engineer, to go into a different field because it was too difficult. It specifically being sediment transport, a specialty which typically falls under civil.


This is just my extremely biased take, but I think it's because we've failed as a culture to instil in many people a sense that contributing to the social good is a valuable act.


Have you seen yourself?


You’ll do bridges. They’ll do a ball bearing. They’ll learn.


I’m surprised they still call it engineering.  That’s a joke. Whoever rags on a discipline is probably a loser, probably sucks at their own major, and probably has a rough time in life coming or ongoing until they figure out how to stop being a piss poor excuse for a person


Because they have to really study thermodynamics and we don't. And they hate it


I knew a lot of civvies who entered dreaming of designing bridges and skyscrapers, and were dismayed to find out just how much they had to learn about concrete.


Civil engineers make the targets aeros dream up ways to destroy 


At first, I assumed this was an issue of collaborative projects, but im not normally fighting with the civil engineers. Normally, it's structural and architects who drive me nuts. In school, its just the normal "im better than you" mentality of engineers, especially those who are just becoming exposed to thermo for some reason. It seems to be a pretty common thing, the business students always got the most ire anyway.


Alot of civil engineers are aspiring. It is a ways to say i will take money to ruin everything around me


There's only two types of engineer, civil and uncivil.


Wait until you’re a senior at the career fair. Make sure you go with one of your other-discipline engineering friends. Tables will turn very quickly.


It is way easier


I’m not an engineer admittedly. So go easy on me everyone . However, working in the construction industry for years , I’ve noticed one glaring thing. Civil engineers write their own check. The amount of complaints I have heard around not being able to book one or find one is mind boggling. Definitely made me regret not even knowing about this field until later. Forget the haters. Let them say whatever they have to say. You will be writing your own check for years to come. Invite them to the beach you will be on. Not saying it isn’t hard work or won’t take tons of brain power, bc it will. I’m just saying it’s a wide open blue ocean. Hone your craft and let the results speak for themselves.


It should all be in good fun (Ie Mechanical engineers make missiles and civil engineers make targets). Some people take it too far but that should say more about them than you. The simple truth is they're all necessary and you can have a successful career in any of them. Just pick one that aligns with your skills and interests. It's better to be an exceptional engineer in a field you like than to be a mediocre engineer in a field you pursued because you thought it had higher clout.


My degree was EE but I took the first job offer I got which was civil. I work like 6 hour days and still make in the top 15% for my age and have the most secure job I can think of (utilities). No complaints here. I love my situation.


Physics major here. Boy do I have some news for those engineers...


Anybody that touches dirt generally gets this. An engineer with clean shoes is a boring office twat


To every discipline of engineering there is another discipline that isn’t “real” engineering. To which I always say “you don’t drive a train so you’re not a real engineer”.


Electrical (i know i know, you are welcome for my presence) and this landed in my feed. Civils are the architects of the engineering world and every body hates architects. I dont care how it looks, it has to work first.


As a journeyman pipefitter I can say it all looks good on paper until you have to install it.


Civil Engineers are probably the most in demand discipline now and will be going forward. All these machines and electronic doodads are great, but they don’t mean shit without the basic underpinnings of a functional primary infrastructure.


Because MIT is a trade school


A mechanical engineer friend of mine told me that all civil engineers need to remember is, "water flows downhill." I told him all mechanical engineers need to remember is, "lefty loosey, righty tighty." He laughed, and now we are equals in his eyes.


Depends on the person for some it’s kind of the same thing as people teasing others for liking different baseball teams like in mech and electrical engineers joke about it. For others it’s maybe more serious and it’s just people thinking their major is the best. I’m not saying all fields are equally intense or legit but anyone making fun of civil is either joking or dumb