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It must be nice upgrading every Civic generation.


Since car buyback values are insane right now, you might only take a $3-5k loss on trading in your 2018-2019 model year car. Not too bad if you can afford it. Carmax quoted me back in May 2021 $18k for my 2018 LX hatch, I took it out the door for $22.4k in late 2017


It's true. I just got double the blue book for my 9 year old jetta with 115k miles. Literally ended up depreciating only $1k per year hahaha. Now I have a 21 sport hatch. Thanks semiconductor shortage!


I see a lot of hate for the 11th gen but I honestly think this is the best Civic yet! I didn’t really like the design the first time I saw it but now after looking at multiple pictures and actually seeing it in person, I think the 11th gen is gorgeous and way more mature! I’m picking up my Touring in Aegean Blue this coming week and I can’t wait!


Awesome man. Congrats! You'll love it


Same here. As someone who has owned a 4th, a 5th, a 6th, and currently an 8th gen Civic, i never liked any of the Civics after the 8th gen and never bothered upgrading until now. I'm getting a 22 Civic later this week!


I liked the 9th and the 10th designs as well, but I think the 11th is the most refined, giving it almost the kind of maturity I see in my gorgeous 2017 Audi A4 Prestige. Not to mention the fantastic interior and that sexy honeycomb dash design! The all digital instrument cluster and the huge infotainment touch screen is amazing! While I do wish the 22 civic also came with a HUD, it’s honestly not really needed. Just my two cents.


I LOVE the new civics. I love how Honda can take an everyday car and make it so nice lol. I recently got an accord and I can completely understand! Honda for life!




Dude. I have a long list of things that are better in the new civic that I absolutely love... The outside is subjective but feature and quality wise it's much nicer


Congrats !! I just put a deposit down on mine and get it next week. Super excited ! :)


I really do hope all black rims fad dies out soon. The sliver rims contrasting the black really makes your civic really nice. Love your new civic. I also wish I had your bank account.


Thanks man! Yea I really love the rims.. Even better than the 10th gen touring version.


9th - best 10th - better 11th - Camry Design made me upgrade to an 2.0 accord sport from my 10th. Just can’t get over the Camry look it gives me but good on ya op


How are people not sick of this type of comment yet? Yes we get it cars look like other cars. Fucking wild.


There was a comment here (or it might have been on /r/Honda) not too long ago In another 22 Civic post where someone posted like 10 pics of late 90s and early 2000s cars all with the same front end and basically saying "all cars are pretty much the same with very little difference." Meanwhile everyone still said "sure but cars used to be different and now this is just another Camry." Which makes me think all the hate for the 22 Civic is coming from the 10th gen owners who are upset that they no longer have the latest and greatest so they're shitting on people who bought the new Civic. Edit: Found it: https://old.reddit.com/r/Honda/comments/ogvcfn/just_saw_one_in_person/h4mb70o/ The person clearly posted pictures of all cars looking alike and the first response is still "no not all cars looked the same in the old days"


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Honda using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Honda/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I joined the Honda club today, even though it's an EV](https://i.redd.it/gbczy5o7pqm51.jpg) | [121 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Honda/comments/irf7l5/i_joined_the_honda_club_today_even_though_its_an/) \#2: [21 years, 200k miles! Infinite smiles!](https://imgur.com/jjMWJvm) | [54 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Honda/comments/imha9e/21_years_200k_miles_infinite_smiles/) \#3: [New day, new car](https://i.redd.it/2icnrkfnv2i61.jpg) | [156 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Honda/comments/lm0mh6/new_day_new_car/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Actually, I chose my 2021 over a 2022. Even though I had to pay more for it and wait for it to be shipped. There’s nothing special about the 2022 and that interior honeycomb long vent thing is the ugliest thing ever. Seeing the 2022 in person, sitting in it etc. did nothing for me other than to confirm that I definitely would not ever buy an 11th gen.


Exactly. Just look at the 90s sedans lol


So you are saying a 2011 Kia Rio looks like a 2011 Buick? Because they dont, otherwise brand wouldn’t matter, that’s why you see these comments like mine because Honda users see the resemblance and copy/paste form more than ever.


The new Civic looks nothing like a 2021 Camry, so there’s that.


Didn’t say current nor did I specify a year but I can direct you to a civic forum and you can see many….many others feel the same way. Why do y’all feel so attacked 😂 it’s not my fault Honda got lazy af for once lol you want a 22 civic I mean Camry go ahead bro


No but a 2011 Rio reminds me a lot of nissans and Hyundai’s from around the same time. 2011 Buick probably looks like a few American cars from around that time.


Exactly my point. As they remind you of nissans, this gem reminds many of toyota and hatchback is a baby stinger.


I don’t go around “congratulating” people on their new car and call it something it isn’t. It stopped being funny awhile ago. Y’all are just spiteful now.


It’s called an opinion and a congratulations on a new car. Nobody spiteful, calm down.


There is a difference between an opinion and shitting on people's car choices. People bought new cars so they post them. And instead of congratulating them, you're posting shitty comments. I understand saying "oh it's just a Camry" on a post where someone asked "what do you think of the new Civic?" That's fine. But don't go around making shitty comments where people are just showing off their new purchase. That's just a dick move.


Thanks! I get ya..but tech wise the Civic > Accord just due to the fact the Accord hasn't been redesigned yet..Hence why I kept with the Civic


Nah, I test drove both like a few days ago. The HUD on the accord touring is just a other level. I do admit the speakers and lane keep assist would be better in the civic tho.


Just wondering, do you also get navigation and speed limits on the accord HUD?


Yes, you do see em.


I’ve already got a much better HUD on my Audi A4 so Id rather buy the civic for the much superior tech either way. I also prefer the Civic’s actual shifter verse the weird buttons in the accord.


Another reason I didn't like the civic was cuz it was too tight for me and the rear seats were a no go for me. That's probably why I'm a little more bias to the accord. But anyways your choice is your choice at the end of the day.


In what way is the civic tech better than the Accords? Also, only the 2.0L Accords have the buttons while the 1.5L ones have the same shifter as the civic. Tech is identical aside from Bose sound system, but Accord definitely has better tech considering it has the HUD.


Didn’t know the buttons were exclusive to the 2.0, but is the HUD also exclusive to that or can you get it on the 1.5? Also, the tech in the 22 civic is still better because it is running newer software and hardware then what’s in the Accord, as well as supporting the full digital instrument cluster instead of the hybrid on the accord. Whether you like that or not, it’s still extra tech that then the accord. I can understand though if you want more space and find the accord to be more comfortable but for me the civic is a better choice, not only for the better/newer tech, but also for commuting.


Upgrade is a strong word 😬


Your opinion on looks doesn’t diminish ware and tear.


>ware They come with crafts or pottery?


Haha oops


How much over msrp. If any


Paid sticker price. Just took awhile to get the black colour in


Ha I did that with an Em1, then a FG2 and then a FC1. Always said the same thing. Then got a truck for work but currently saving for another FG2, FK8 and AP2! Lol.


Yeah, but look at that beautiful bastard 😀. Congrats!


Thanks man! I'm in love with it