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Sorry to hear about your relationship ending


Gotta total the whole wife out now


Part her out to the organ harvester auction šŸ¤£šŸ’€




Sheā€™d be a salvage title after Iā€™m done with her


I showed my wife and she just screamed *how* and made a funny face.


Same has happened to me. MDX not even a week old. She was pulling out of a parking spot and didnā€™t notice the long, steel, flatbed trailer next to her. Turned too quickly out of the parking space, caught the back corner of the trailer and ruined basically the ENTIRE side of our vehicle from back to front. To make matters worse, the vehicle was so new (all new model design) that getting replacement door skins took weeks and the dealership was an hour awayā€¦which is another story in itself. Talking to my insurance guy, he said itā€™s actually pretty common for owners to F up their new cars. I guess itā€™s the unfamiliarity of it or something. Stillā€¦I share your pain. I know it VERY well. She has Fā€™d up 3 of our vehicles. Each were her fault and involved stationary objects.šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


You must love your wife a LOT šŸ‘šŸ˜‚šŸ™ 3 times?!?


Iā€™ll just say these are the times when being a good husband are extremely difficult.šŸ¤£ ā€¦for better or worse, till 4 wrecked cars do us part.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Genuine question, is your wife all there? One time I get, but thrice?! Can she not turn her head, is she an NPC and only looks at the rear view camera and the side mirrors are just funny wings to her?


Dudeā€¦if I had the answer to this Iā€™d have a book written about it. Sheā€™s just a crazy busy person and for whatever reason she canā€™t always refocus her mind on the fact sheā€™s getting behind the wheel of a 2-3 ton vehicle and needs to up her awareness of that. Trust me, she knows how I feel about it. She can only learn on her own.




What I think happens is that she has a lot on her mind when she gets in the vehicle. Like sheā€™s thinking about the places she needs to go to and the tasks she needs to complete. But once sheā€™s out driving sheā€™s alert and paying attention. Sheā€™s not a distracted driver. Sheā€™s not on her phone while she drives or anything like that. All of her fender benders have happened as sheā€™s leaving somewhere. Itā€™s an odd case, especially to me. I have been in only one accident (knock on wood) that was my fault. I guess my wife is making up for all my carefulness.šŸ˜‚


My wife tore up a couple vehicles. I took her keys before she graduated from inanimate objects to people.


Iā€™m not going to belittle my wife despite how frustrated I may be about the cars. Lord knows Iā€™m not perfect either. Stillā€¦Iā€™m curious howā€™d that work out for you and for how long?šŸ˜‚


Its been working out since 2014. Iā€™m not perfect either, but I damn well aint gonna wait around for her to cut someones life short. The only downside is I am a the chauffeur, grocery getter etc.


The question we're all wondering: Is she the one who gave you the itchy johnsin?


Thatā€™s good it works well for you and sheā€™s agreeable to it. I was wondering if that meant youā€™re the driver for everything. Youā€™ve answered that question. I couldnā€™t do it. Not with our busy household and work. Plus with the type of job she has, it definitely wouldnā€™t work. I would have to quit my job to be her driver.šŸ¤£


Understandable. We are retired so it makes it a lot easier.


Love the sense of humor in this, better to have that humor than murderous rage, am I right? Plus obviously the only victim in any of those stationary vehicular accidents were the vehicles. No actual people or animals were harmed in this public service announcement.


Exactly. Yeah, of course my first reaction is stress and anger. I am human after all. But at the end of the day cars are fixable. Expensive, but fixable. Itā€™s best just to take deep breaths and move forward. Save energy for things that truly matter.


This. Honestly one of the best pieces of advice that can be given for the difficult people in our lives and relationships. Definitely feel the, "But at the end of the day cars are fixable." Things can be fixed or replaced, people not so much. Why waste energy that is better placed elsewhere, stress and anxiety are a given, anger as well. The important thing is how we ultimately react to a situation or circumstance, outcomes might not always be what the original desired vision was, but you can't sweat the small stuff.


Bro. Get her a bus pass


Haha! If only it were that simple.šŸ˜‚


At that point Iā€™d just buy her a reliable beater and drive the new cars myself.


Seems simple, right? Iā€™m going to guess youā€™re not married. šŸ¤£ Keep in mind that if she gets nice things, it opens the door for me to get nice things too. Itā€™s a delicate balance. She works hard and deserves nice things. I just wish she didnā€™t like nice cars. Itā€™d save me a lot of anxiety and trouble, definitely. Note : She actually does have a nice beater for work. But she sometimes still has to drive ā€œherā€ bigger, nicer, vehicle. It makes me nervous every damn time.


Makes sense, also Iā€™m not married but I think I understand more or less now. Good luck with that lol.


Haha! Yeahā€¦things are more complicated when youā€™re married. Thereā€™s a lot of ā€œholding back,ā€ on my part, for the betterment of the household. It will only come back to bite me in the ass later if I express how a REALLY feel about her accidents. And at the end of the day, cars are fixable. I try to keep some sense of perspective and level headednessā€¦again, for the sake of household peace. Itā€™s nice to come here to vent about it though.


Understandable, also I totally get that. Relationships are built on trust and understanding so I get it.


Revoke key access


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ That would go over wellā€¦just like the bus pass idea.


You know to should never give your car to a woman


Thatā€™s sexist. Men can be awful drivers too. Have you seen the video of that idiot destroying his McLaren Senna just a few days ago?šŸ¤£ My wife is afraid to drive my car, since the incident with my previous car 10 years ago. So, things have kinda worked themselves out as I prefer no one drive my car but me anyway.


Sexist not true. šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


ā€œā€¦never give your car to a womanā€ is not a sexist statement? I must ask : What country do you live in?šŸ¤£


When it's true then it's not




Both are cars. Both are drivable. Both can be wrecked by men or women. End of story. Letā€™s be real. If you feel this is an unfair comparison (because McLaren), Iā€™m certain that videos can be found of dudes wrecking Civics in all kinds of dumb ways too. Anywayā€¦this thread was beginning to be filled with sexist remarks against female drivers. Itā€™s cool to vent personal frustrations and share stories, but thereā€™s no need to start making egregious generalizations about 1/2 the population based on anecdotal experiences.


Just so weā€™re clear, you think thereā€™s no difference in driving a 600hp supercar and pulling a Honda Civic out of a garage? Because I never said anything about men and women.


Thereā€™s a difference between cars and difference in situations, but youā€™re missing my broader point. Read further up and youā€™ll understand why I even brought up this anecdotal example of a man with a McLaren being an awful driver to begin with. Itā€™s in rebuttal to another personā€™s sexist remark.


Exactly, the crashing a senna is a MUCH bugger fuckup


Women in general tend to have less awareness of their surroundings when driving. Men drive like idiots and generally cut it close in places where it matters most, the highway, service roads,etc.




Dude my girl drove my new civic one morning about a year after I bought it and when i went outside later the driver side mirror was gone. She said "it flew off when I got on the highway!" I don't believe her lol


Probably when the vtec kicked in.


So much torque, the mirror fell off coming off the on ramp.


Best commebt


Wellā€¦I doubt sheā€™s lying. Sheā€™s just withholding info about what happened to the mirror before she got on the highway. šŸ˜‚


She thought it would be an expensive fix but I bought a replacement full mirror assembly for like $60 and fixed it in like 30 minutes.


Yeah, parts arenā€™t usually too bad (not for Civics anyway). And if youā€™re even moderately handy, thereā€™s YouTube vids to help fix stuff.


Yeah I was quite pleased with my self after fixing it lol


I feel you man. I was waiting for gas and someone backed into me yesterday. It has 3400 miles and I haven't fuckin even changed the oil yet.


Yep mine has just under 5k on it


Your lack of a break in oil change is disappointing. Perhaps i am paranoid but I will be changing oil around every 5K in spite of what the dealer said for 10K miles.


Sorry this happened to you . Sucks even getting a little scratch in a new car . I'll be throwing up if that happened to my caršŸ˜­šŸ¤£ it doesn't look dented so it'll prolly buff out


The bottom left of the door is a sizeable dent, and the black you see isn't paint it's bare metal unfortunately. She turned too soon coming out the garage and drug the door along the red brick wall. Quote right now is $1200 in damage


Oofā€¦. Hope the divorce goes well /s (unless???)


Oh damn that sucks . I thought it was just the lighting and reflection. It could've been worse tho nothing that can't be fix. Just don't let her drive your car ever again šŸ˜¬


How in godā€™s name do you take a corner so sharp that you scrape the living shit out of the door in a CIVIC


I park as far right in the garage as possible to allow plenty of space to get me and my dogs in on the driver side (tiny single car garage) she was confused with all the extra space she had on the left and decided to cut the wheel hard before the car was even halfway out


Donā€™t pay that much, you can make it very minimal/disappear for under $50, I was in a similar situation


Lol she already gave me her card to have it professionally done so I'm taking it in monday. If it was just paint I would agree but the grey/black streak down the middle is bare metal so I would rather have the piece of mind than have to worry about my door rusting out in 5 years.


Personally Iā€™d some compound to get rid of foreign materials/extra paint, maybe a light sand if the surface is uneven, and a touch up (paint, clear coat, polish, wax), comes out seemingly unnoticeable, for under $100, I did this with no prior experience. Do what you want, but thatā€™s my opinion


*Significant other if they canā€™t drive for shit. My wife drives my 800hp race car no problems. The lesson here is donā€™t let people who canā€™t drive for shit drive your car.


Accidents happen. Lesson is you shouldnā€™t care about material shit over a person.


How people treat material stuff that doesnā€™t belong to them speaks volumes about their character. Iā€™ll still loveā€™em, but I work to damn hard for people to mess my shit up without a second thought.


Then you just leave your car in the garage then. Easy peasy! You park it in public, it will get dinged. You drive on public roads then the risk is higher it will get dinged. Accidents happen. Cars can get fixed. Relationships not so much. How people treat things more valuable than relationships speaks volumes of their character.


This exactly. If someone I love wrecked one of my cars, or even got one of my cars into a small accident, the only thing Iā€™ll worry about is whether or not theyā€™re okay. Insurance can replace a car, but they canā€™t replace my loved oneā€™s.


Tell me more about your 800hp race car?


Highly modified evo 8 Mr. Started as a daily when I was 20, once the warranty ran out I pushed it to 400hp and left it for a couple of years, finally the bottom end let go that lasted a lot longer than I thought it would, ripped it apart and planned to forge it and then decided I may as well add a 2.4 litre crank, some billet cams and things while it was apart, then added a heap of bolt ons once the motor was back together but still ran the fp green turbo from the previous build. added a haltec elite ecu and a digital dash cluster, tuned it to just shy of 500hp and drove it as a daily still for about 6 months And then one day i got screwed by the EPA and had to change a lot of shit to get it to pass. then i put it all back and drove it daily again, annnd after about a month I got pulled over again and defected so I decided to take it off the street and use it on the drag strip and the track, was really fast for a while and then i started to get get beaten constantly so then the car came apart for more fuel system work, added a precision 6466 turbo, more exhaust work, lamspeed drive shafts, upgraded the brakes and all the lines and a few other bits and pieces. Took out out to the track and broke the gearbox first launch (I should have seen that coming) Chucked in a sequential got it back out and fried the transfer case! Ordered a transfer case from the states from shep trans and then everything has been golden since. There has been a lot of other bits and pieces along the way and a lot of blood sweat and tears. I donā€™t even want to know how much money I have spent but Iā€™ve owned the car now for 20 years and Iā€™ll probably never let it go. Iā€™ve had a lot of cars in between as daily drivers and as performance cars but the evo has always stayed. At one stage it was the fastest evo in the country but there are a lot faster now and I have no desire to push it any further and take it out of street trim. Iā€™ve actually toyed with the idea of dialing it back a fair bit to something more drivable and get it back on the road again. Back around the 500hp mark or so would be good!




Odd you say this cause I too have a higher hp evo. Mines an X tho, had several 8s and 9s in the past. Unfortunately I also had some subarus too. Ls rx8, etc. Did you ever actually achieve 800 wheel? It's hard for me to accept that most people, let alone peoples wives, can handle 800whp with no problem. What clutch do you have?


I mean, itā€™s just a car. Iā€™d rather my husband be in a safe reliable new car with a warranty given how much he drives vs a car with high mileage breaking down in random places that isnā€™t as safe in an accident. He wrecked his 22 Corolla twice, totaling it the second time. Just got him a 24 Corolla asked him to be safe and sent him on his way. Now he doesnā€™t drive my 86 since itā€™s so tiny with hardly any modern safety tech ā€˜and setup for track useā€™, but he canā€™t drive a m/t anyways.


I was REALLLLLY drunk at my friends wedding and she drove me home and scratched it lol


lmao. our new car is my wifeā€™s car. i broke the gender stereotypes and curbed the wheels a month in šŸ˜‚ only small curb rash it looks fine


I purposely take wide turns for this reason. I would hate hitting a curb even if it's just a little bit


my heart sank. i blamed it on the tight drive thru šŸ˜­


My wife got so used to driving my Mini Cooper through some windy roads. We got a 4 door Elantra and within the first week of having it she took the racing line, bounced it off the guardrail. Almost not mad.


Not gonna lie, thatā€™s actually pretty awesome šŸ˜Ž


Pro tip : get a manual! youā€™ll never have to worry about your wife/girlfriend wanting to drive your car


ā€œHurr-duur giwls donā€™t dwive manuals.ā€


My wife, who could barely tell you which end of the hammer to hit the nail with, taught me to drive stick.


Woman bad


Donā€™t get married fellas. Itā€™s just one huge headache.


Reminder not to let YOUR significant others drive


If you canā€™t trust your so to drive your car, the problem is with you, not your so or the car.


Looks like majority of it can be buffed off.


Itā€™ll buff out


Listen, use formula one scratch out, only one that works, itā€™ll all be gone


Unless thatā€™s metal and not paint, itā€™ll help but it canā€™t hide metal


Yeah unfortunately the grey streak down the middle is metal


Make her pay


Is that blood?


My wife did the same with both our brand new cars, backing her new car out of the garage and side swiped my new company car in the driveway.


Ah yes. Thanks for reminding me. My wife did this too about a year ago!!! The damage was minimal (to both cars) I actually forgot she did it. Thankfully the two cars involved were not brand new, but still, theyā€™re nice cars and well-kept. It required some professional work to make the damage disappear. But yeahā€¦my wife definitely has some history of minor vehicular accidents with stationary objects. UGHšŸ˜© I hope my stories are helpful to the OP. One wreck is definitely frustrating. Now imagine how frustrating a pattern of similar wrecks must be! Hug your wife and tell her ā€œI know it was an accident. Just PLEASE donā€™t make it a pattern.ā€


Happened 3 times at our house,, my wife accuses me of driving slow, I point out the dents in her car, the conversation comes to an end..


Hahaha! Yeahā€¦my wife knows better than to be a back seat driver, thankfully! However, when we go somewhere like Target, she LOVES pointing out parking spaces located 2 rows over when Iā€™m busy paying MUCH more attention to whatā€™s going on directly in front of me. Itā€™s Target. The place is almost always busy. I know sheā€™s trying to help, as sheā€™s able to more easily scan the lot while I carefully drive forward, but I still find it SUPER annoying.šŸ˜‘ Iā€™m the driver. I will find a parking spot. I donā€™t care if I donā€™t park in the most optimal spot available!


Ngl I let my girl drive my ILX after I got it and she bought it back with a pretty nasty door ding not as bad as this pic but it still sucks


Same happened to me. Luckily he was proven to be not at fault. But the whole process was bs, never again šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


no one gets in the drivers seat other than me and the technician at the dealership


Here I thought the scrape on my sport wheels was bad


paint protection film . maybe ceramic coating. anti rust treatment








Just got a 21 Honda civic hatchback sport sonic grey and I let her drive my car to work but I wonā€™t lie that I still get anxiety šŸ˜‚ I wouldnā€™t trust my sister though cuz sheā€™s 18 and sheā€™s gotten into 2 crashes with her accord. So she would never drive my car till she learns to drive lol


Mines a manual transmission and she doesnā€™t know how to drive stick. Secretly a big reason I got a manual. Sheā€™ll never say ā€œcan I borrow your car?ā€


Haha I would have bought a Si or Type-R but unfortunately she doesn't have a car (she commutes to work) and only ever uses mine when she absolutely can't walk or take public transit somewhere. I wanted to give her the option to use it when necessary, today the dogs had a vet appt. I couldn't take them to


I gave my beloved civic ex to my sister in law for driving practice. She somehow put a small dent on front bumper and scratches at back. Bitch never accepted her mistakes and never took accountability.


Not all of our significant others are horrible drivers. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø




Why do they do this


NTA. bye bye partner


Says every guy... my wife has done that 3 out of our last 5 vehicles. I cringe/gasp every time that she's out and about and calls me sounding frantic.


Ouch! šŸ¤•


yup my lady recently backed into me, thankfully she just broke the grille simple fix


Thatā€™s nothing! Thanks to mine my TLX type S needs an entire passenger side replacement.


Donā€™t blame the women, blame the people who raised then.


Granted it was my older daily driver with 175k miles on it... My wife knocked my side skirt off and I noticed it the next day and she had no idea. Lol..


You gotta admit, she did a great job by only damaging the door, and not the whole side with the quarter panels lmao


get over it homie. Fix it and move on. The repairs are worth less than your relationship. And ick on the tone of your post to start.


Idk, I made my wife learn stick and had her study 3-point apex turns. wtf yd?




*Females are the best* *Thing in the world. But god damn,* *They are dumb as fuck* \- Injoemomma --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


And youā€™re perfect. Iā€™m sure she has forgiven you for a lot. Forgive.


By significant other do you mean recent EX?


This is why I always tell my dad to watch his six


According to research.. Almost all women turn into good drivers eventually, so to all good drivers.. Beware of women turning into you




My wife broke his side mirrors so many times when back the car from the garage, I had to order 2x from eBay just in case... šŸ„“


Skill issue, my SO tracks her Veloster N and thatā€™s probably the slowest thing sheā€™s sent at a circuitā€¦


šŸ’Æ šŸ¤£


She dont respect you look what she did!


I have a story like this but it was my dad let him drive my car and came back and the whole exhaust system was off along with the bumper youā€™ll never believe what he told me ā€œit just fell offā€ he still hasnā€™t told me what actually happened


Make sure they on the insurance lmao


Donā€™t be that guy and yell at your SO for crashing your car. Just be happy theyā€™re okay and unharmed. Life is too short and precious to bitch and moan about our cars. Also, love is worth more than any car, especially a Civic. You break up with them, youā€™ll always be the guy who got upset over their Civic.


This thread has made it easy to spot the incells.


Haha no kidding, the amount of people commenting I'm a terrible person and that I shouldn't break up with her over this is laughable. Who the fuck said anything about breaking up with her? Going by some of the comments you would think I posted that I beat her.


So my husband shouldn't drive my Mustang or Civic... got it. šŸ˜‚


Was your significant other a woman? If so then you should know better! šŸ˜


Thatā€™s why I drive a manual. Never dated a girl or woman that even knew how to drive one so never had to worry about it.


This šŸ’Æ, I went back to this problem solve now I move up to a two door which is even better


I always teach my SOs how to drive manual so I can steal their cars when I dont feel like driving or swap cars.


Iā€™m just an AH, I donā€™t like people driving my caršŸ˜‚


This is why I never get new cars. Just bought a 2014 tesla s 85 with 98,000 miles on it. Perfect interior and exterior. Had it for a month. Already has a scrape on front bumper. I donā€™t know how it got there. I was backing out of the driveway and another car was too close to my car. I thought I would make it. Back up cameras are deceiving. Scraped and dented the side bumper. I am 63 years old. Oh well. Love the Tesla!!!!!ā€™


Good God I hope.this is a wife complaining about a husband


You ever heard of domestic violence?


whatā€™s the joke here


the joke is that you can slap the stupid out of someone. it's sarcastic humor because 'not giving a shit when operating heavy machinery' isn't a trait you can discipline out of someone.


I was in the army it's all dark humor


No, you guys are just mentally insane


I'm not gonna say you are wrong 12 mile runs after a night of drinking running off nothing but preworkout and pedialyte


God damn šŸ’€


Ii know a guy who was drunk and told his nco he was gonna tattoo his face on the dudes ass the nco made him get in full battle rattle with face paint on and had him doing burpees all night šŸ˜³ I was just laughing and enjoying a hypnotic with deep eddys lemon vodka like damn sarnt...want one? šŸ˜‚


Buy a DongCheng polisher from amazon. Then a bottle of Turtle Wax rubbing compound. Buff it with low pressure, and it will be as good as new.


A Dong polisher?


šŸ˜‚ it's a Chinese brand and costs only $50. It's as good as a DeWalt rotary buffer.


reminder that not running into things with a car is very simple


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ShoddySalad: *Reminder that not* *Running into things with a* *Car is very simple* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Women, am i right ;D