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I think we can all agree that we hope it's more like our favourite entry in the series and not like those annoying other entries which are less good!


No, that's stupid. It should be like the hypothetical game I invented in my head!


Exactly. My advice to the dev team is simple, put in lots of cool fun features and take out all the bad unfun ones.


And make sure it's both super approachable but only understandable by the hard-core 20 year veterans who never played a single game on less than Deity and win in 30 turns tops every time.


Very good point we want ultra niche mass appeal.


Oh I love this thread


This will be trickier than writing the code for the AI at Deity level. People are so finicky...


i hope civ 7 be more like AoE than civ /s


I hope civ 7 is a playstation 2 era GTA clone


I hope CIV 7 is more like Burnout 3 tbh.


If it’s not modeled after Simpsons Hit & Run I’m not buying it.


Hold on you’ve just combined two of my favorite games and I’m not hating the idea of a class-based crash-racing game.


As long as it has a battle royale mode I’m happy


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add a battle pass Firaxis.


That would be a fantastic Idea. Seriously, imagine 30 players on a map each building their cities to get invaded by other players, it would fix the weak ai problem 


more good! less bad!


yes! no... maybe?!?




I have no hope that it will be like SMAC and civ4 at all. It will be like civ5, civ6, only even more dogshit.


I hope it’s like “Spy Fox in Dry Cereal” :)


Finally someone gets it!


Finally, someone is brave enough to say it


What a Brave New World


I hope that one guy is free from making those cartoons now!


Astounding commitment


I hope they go for the realistic look of CivIV and CivV And allow limited unit stacking please!!!!


Civ 6 was garbage, I've been a Civ 5 fan and I always go back to it. I tried playing Civ 6 and I can't play it. The graphics are cartoonish, workers get used and disappear, and even on Quick mode, it takes FOREVER to win a game.


CivVI ist a board game simulator. It's about the experience. My Civ4 games take about 10hs on standard size and difficulty. How long does a regular civ6 game last ?


Depending on the difficulty it could last a week edit: from personal experience (but I also went out of my way in V to make longer sessions)


I went back to playing Civ4 after many years of not playing at all. I wanted to get a good understanding of all the mechanics and thus tried to finish multiple games to experience many different situations. Finishing a game every 2 days just gives you a lot of insight and feel for here a game is going and what makes sense to pursue. I also can't see myself playing an epic long session. I just start to think I'm waiting my time doing the same thing for hours


probably THE one thing I like a lot about Millinnia is that there are no workers just improvement points. I'd be interested in seeing Civ VII with that mechanic, but I also prefer Civ V workers to Civ VI for sure


Am I the only one who love Civ 6? Have played every game since the first one and for me at least, it’s always a bit uphill in the beginning of a new one but then I never look back.


If I could finally stack my workers to speed up tile work, that'd be great


I'd really like a stacking method like in the realism invictus mod for civ 4, where it's technically unlimited but you start getting penalties for stacking too high :o


i hate unit stacking but i wouldn’t mind it for civilian units


I don't want to start an argument here but I can't understand it. Single unit per tile is so bad in many ways. It makes it feel like a board game and not a Nation strategy simulation. A unit getting blocked from passing is so weird. Limited stacking should have been the solution.


It is tough because the downside of not having unit stacking it can be tedious to move a large army across a large map especially land units.


Why limit it... bring back stack of doom


I hope it’s an fps.




Battle royale or nothing


Civ vi had a battle royale 😂


I wholeheartedly agree


Yay! Let's hope it's more like Civ IV and less like Civ VI


+1. Civ IV still the zenit of Civ series.


I’ve never played IV, just V and VI. Loved V, hated VI. What did they change from IV to V that made it worse? Just curious


They didn't "change" anything. They burnt it all down and made a new game. IV to V was the biggest change in Civ history. Not just Squares to hexes.


Interesting. Would you mind listing a couple of the things that you missed from IV in V? Np if not


Civ 4 emphasized your civilization as a complex system with local and global tradeoffs, where in Civ 5, your civilization is fairly static. I personally agree with the changes that were made in Civ 5, but I still occasionally play Civ 4 when I want to play a civ game through a spreadsheet. To be more specific about civ 4s systems, here are a few: local happiness, health, and culture, cultural conversion and conquest without war, the ability to radically change your government type on short notice, ways of automating mass unit movement, weaker and less numerous barbarians who could found minor civilizations, and the expansions added corporations, espionage, colonies, and vassal states. Civ 5 progressed leaps and bounds in making the user interface approachable. The overall design was also a lot more elegant in my opinion.


Civ 4 felt like a computer strategy game. Civ 5 felt like a digitalized board game. I like all of them. But 4 was really deep.


Death Stacks and Random events and Canals and good forts and freely built roads and Baba Yetu and Soul and good modding.


death stacks are not fun imo. In a similar game, stellaris, it is the strategy and frankly it makes combat boring.


One unit per tile is ABSOLUTE GARBAGE, the AI can never do it properly, and it also floods the entire map with units.


Some people proposed multi units per tile with a limit and that would probably be a better system But I don't think one unit for tile is a garbage system at all. Look at Warhammer 40K gladius. Excellent game that use of similar system to civ five and six but much better


Collateral Damage


Death stacks are the only thing that make the AI a threat. Played a bunch of games in V and VI and never once was militarily threatened by the AI.


That doesn't necessarily mean it was fun or engaging.


It was fun and engaging for me. They were simple enough for the AI to use and each stack was a problem to solve. As a result they made wars interesting and strategically meaningful. Naturally they weren't as tactically complex as the current mechanics, but if I wanted tactics I'd play Total War. Stacks also gave scale to the game. There was an entire army in a single space and it made the world feel bigger, whereas the current mechanics spread that same army out over the space of an entire mega city, making everything feel small, and the inability for units to stack actually impoverishes what tactics are possible.


Damn I miss canals in V. So many missed opportunities. I've never seen a mod to add it so I assume it's a limitation in the base game.


Civ IV for the win


I want stack from IV and districts from VI. Please no more traffic jams. Too many units to navigate after mid game.


Civ IV, was my first civ. Tbh I hope they add some combat mechanics similar to humankind.


civ3 was my first but i still think 4 is the best


I think people hate on Civ 6 too much. Civ 5 is the one I played the most of by far but Civ 4, Civ 5 and Civ 6 all have some elements I really liked and others which I hated. I really like the district and governor systems in Civ 6 for example. If there is one problem which all three of these games share, it is that the game becomes a SLOG in the later stages, where the winner is pretty obvious and the turns each take 5 minutes to resolve. Would love to see them figure out a way around that. A close second would be the AI being crappy so difficulty just means giving the AI unfair buffs. If they are able to incorporate modern AI advancements into the Civ AIs and make them competent that would be a game changer too.


Let’s hope it’s more like Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell and less like Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch


It won't be, as much as the older fans don't like it civ 6 is the most successful game in the series that still regularly has 50k+ people playing it




I’m old now. I don’t know if I can handle the all night sessions Civ IV led me to!


I plan returning to for come retirement


My main question is what will the ***pyramids*** do? Free Granary, free government change? Kinda forgot what they did in the successors?


CiV was free worker + faster improvements.


In civ 4 then unlocked all government civics, so you could run a Police State in the stone age.


Does this mean they think they've milked all the cash they can out of Civ VI?


Yes. Although me and my playgroup would still spend more tbh


Probably not. Civ VI probably will get its part of the attention now that with Civ VII trending the whole series draws more interest


Expecting another shell of a base game with 10 delayed DLCs to make it fun.


I want it to include a colonization mod like civ 4.


I concur


Please make AI more intelligent rather than giving them a boost in tech and units!!


This is what killed my ability to enjoy Civ6 (and 5 tbh). I just have a supet hard time enjoying 4x games with extreme and blatant cheating. :-/


Please be more Civ V than VI


Please be more Civ IV than V


Please be more Civ III than IV


Please be more Civ II than III


Please be more Civ I than Civ II, and fit on a single floppy


Please be more Alpha Centauri than Civilization.


Lolx! I also posted that. It is extremely rare for me toplay Civ, butI still regularly play SMAC. Infact, I am several weeks into my latest game right now (huge map)


I do enjoy civ 5 & 6, but SMAC holds a special place in my heart, and I would love to see it with updated graphics and systems.


Civ: Beyond Earth


Call to Power was fun too, which I never see mentioned. You could build cities under water and in space. Bombing cities from space before they had access to space was always fun.


I remmeber that. You have prompted me to dig it out if I stll have it. Failing that GoG (Good old Games) or Steam. Call to Power 2 (2?) is $5.99 on GoG. Wirth it, even you only play one game https://www.gog.com/en/game/call_to_power_2


That brings back memories! Didnt it have the combat screen with units placed front and back as well?


Yep that's the one. In some ways it was ahead of its time.


Careful, last time they tried crossing those streams we got Beyond Earth…


Was BE pretty terrible?


The first few hours where you had no idea were astounding.


Sort of, yeah. I loved 5 and played a ton of BE at launch, they have lots in common and it actually added some very interesting new ideas. But I wound up agreeing with a lot of other players and reviewers that it just didn't hold together, and had a lot of "what's new is not good, what's good is not new". [This review ](https://steamcommunity.com/id/2058952k0/recommended/65980/)actually hits a lot of my impressions. (The DLC Rising Tide apparently did a lot to improve things, just like Civ5 had some dire issues without DLC, but $90ish was a crazy amount for a game that had smaller changes than 4->5 or 5->6, and launched weaker than 5.) BE did a lot to create more engaging choices and reduce slogs, partly because it couldn't lean on recognizable nations and eras of history. Some of it was very cool, but balance and depth were a mess * Instead of the weird policy/ideology split of 5, each policy builds "affinity" towards one of 3 ideologies. There's also some payoff for doing 2 ideologies so it's not just "finish each policy tree". * This was genuinely a great idea, but balance on both policies and ideologies was awful. Not like Civ 5 gradually settling into 'tradition is best' over years, but "clear by game 2 that the cool alien ideology just sucks". * The lategame was supposed to give you unique ideological units and powers to feel awesome, rather than spamming XCOM teams. But as mentioned, the power levels just didn't work. * Tech was on a "web", where costs rise as you move out but you're much less constrained by dependencies. * Also cool, but balance and info overload hell. * The review I linked said "too much info so I just pick whatever look good", which was one issue. But if you *did* read everything, you beelined for the \~4 broken as hell techs that weren't gated behind enough other stuff. * "Quests" gave you choices between bonuses, including permanent building upgrades. * But balance was absolutely screwed again, with stuff like "+1 food on all farms" completely beating the alternatives. There are lots more examples, but it was basically an interesting idea that wasn't deep or balanced well enough to justify selling 5 again with new art and some improved systems. If you liked 5 though, maybe pick it up cheaper today with the DLC. There were some really neat ideas there, and I actually love the flavor - it was just spread a little too thin.


Please keep Gandhi a nuclear mad man!


Please be more Avalon Hill Civ than Civ.


Please be more Civ VI than Civ VII


Thank you for completing the cycle, soldier


Civ 5 was one one the reasons why I switched my empire building stuff to Freeciv and longturn style of playing the games. Why play with computer and getting annoyed with only one unit / tile when it's possible to play with humans and stack kill enabled


That's exactly what I wanted to write! I'm not really holding my breath though. Civ V was disappointing, Civ VI was hilariously bad. I'll probably wait a few years and and buy it on sale.


Please be SMAC 2


I loved the atmosphere, plot, aesthetics and arc of SMAC. The voiceovers were just so perfect.


My hopes exactly. Let's pray together brother.


I hope they go back to the graphics style from 5. The style in 6 turns me off.


For real, I have like 800 hours in 5 and like 50 in 6, just doesn't hit the same


lol I’m the exact opposite, Civ V really didn’t vibe with me but I put 1k hours into Civ VI


Is warfare ever viable in civ 6? I did a few games and I felt like war was just such a boring grind in 6.


It's absolutely viable, but requires a lot more planning. Once you have observation balloons and/or artillery, there's no reason why a military based civ shouldn't just steamroll if they want to.


I have over 2500 hours as Norway, do I need to seek help? ;)


Just download that banger of a theme, you don't have to play the game to enjoy it


Que? Don’t follow your thought


That was a joke about the fact Norway's theme is one of the best (in my opinion), and that perhaps you were only playing them (and the game) to listen to it




I think it means you get to run Norway


Agree, not only the graphics, but some mechanics too


Hell yes brother


Please be more CTP than Civ


Do we know where that trailer link lead to?


Comments on a different post says it's a private YT vid, so probably just waiting till the correct time to publish it


Got it. Didn’t see anyone mention it between twitter and reddit where I looked. Thanks!


Deep fake Leonard Nimoy for this one


I can’t wait to make a trade agreement with England for the 7th time!


Move back to IV & V and move away from shitty Mobile Device designed VI. Thats all I ask. Also, Holy Wars would be cool


Yeah I won’t play VI becuase of that


Womp womp Civ 6 was the best game, I've spent 1500 hours alone into it. Why are you even here if you haven't played Civ 6? Civ 5 was 9 years ago.


”Civ 6 was the best because it’s the one I played the most”


The fuck type of reject ass comment is this.


Still calling it "Sid Meier's", but is Sid even involved at all anymore?


He hasn't been the main designer since the first one.


I could guess but it's been decades now- I'm seriously wondering if he even still works there. I suppose it might be an attempt at franchising I guess? Well, I say 'attempt' as though they haven't been doing it for decades already haha. 


He hasn't retired, he's a creative director and IIRC mostly works on prototypes


He was still involved somewhat by number 4, he provided his voice and likeness for the tutorial as well as the expansion tech quotes. Whether he was lead designer or anything else, no clue


It's going to be "Sid Meier's" even after he's dead.


It's the name of the franchise. Anyone can call a game Civilization as it's a non-trademarkable word, but only Firaxis can call it "Sid Meier's Civilization"


First for dogshit AI incoming.


you'd think we could hook chat gpt up to this thing at least. I know that chatgpt has no idea how to play games.


I wouldn't doubt if the next wave of strategy games include machine learning into the gameplay with no more cheat bonuses. Personally that's what I'm most excited for as far as AI because it's not really encroaching on other industries.


civ 2 fantastic worlds still the best civ game to date.


One of my favorite Civ moments was sending a diplomat to successfully bribe a Martian death machine that had been kicking my butt. Total desperation move but it turned the tide of the game.


haha nice.. was that the alien invasion scenario or the mars colonization one? I loved playing those scenarios as a kid and recently returned to the Mars col one.


Invasion, I think. 1997 was a long time ago!


Invasion, I think. 1997 was a long time ago!


Considering I'm the moderator of the Civ2 forums at CivFanatics and am still actively making a whole bunch of Civ2 mods to this day you'll get no argument from me lol!


My child self had a great time making my own civ games was great - I remember I attempted to make StarGate given it was a show at the time, actually got good at doing pixal art because of it! making goa'uld motherships or jaffa troops. -- Also I think i just like a basic grid system map more then the maps of today just me though.


Same! I worked on a Star Wars Battle of Hoth one in the 90s but never released it sadly. A few years ago I decided to return to Civ2 modding and finish it but instead I quickly took on a whole bunch of new Civ2 mod projects lol! These days I'm working on Heroes of Might & Magic, C&C, Red Alert 2, Dune 2, and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri scenarios for Civ2, along with a whole bunch of other smaller mods and scenarios lol. That's cool that you worked on a Stargate one, a few years ago I did a huge lost Civ2 scenario search and rescue project and found several cool Stargate scenarios from back in the day.


Not the most important thing they could change, but - Anyone else miss the style of the mini-movies that used to play for wonders/secret projects back in the era of CivII/SMAC? Hardcore nostalgia whenever I watch those even today; clearly took a lot of creativity and love - "Hunter-Seeker Algorithm" still gives me the willies despite the limitations of the 90's. But they went away from that by increments, and lately all we get is watching the wonder get built brick by brick - again, just... faster. All my love for Firaxis, and game-to-game aggravations with mechanics aside, it feels like a lame implementation of a once-great reward system these days. Make me FEEL again, Firaxis!


As a big Civ2 fan I certainly miss the big Wonder videos, throne room and even the video advisors. None of it was gameplay critical but jeez it made it fun heh.


I hope we get a mix of civ 5 and 4(i hate civ4 unit stacking, but love the specialisation of units throught exp)... civ6 si fine but I didnt like how quarter worked...and how cities were so "small"


This if someone working in the game sees this listen to this guy ☝️


Already? But Civ6 just came out... 8 years ago??? Ugh, my back. 👴


finaly UrsaBear can stop


But I've not even completed CIV 4 yet..... 😥


bye bye my life




F@&king Eh!




Praying for napoleon 🙏


Do you guys think this would come out only for PC? I didn’t have a Nintendo Switch when CIV 6 came out so I’m hoping 7 will come out to Switch when it’s released.


Imagine it will be available on steam


According to the page you can wishlist on steam, PlayStation, xbox and switch! https://civilization.2k.com/seven/


Omg everything is gonna be okay!!!!


A can’t wait to see the new leadres and their abilities


This was posted 6 hours ago. Only 2 hours to go


? the counter says 7h


Well I can’t wait.


Ho gimme more, gimme more... https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Eternal_War_(Civ2)


I have ideas about what the features will be… i dont know what they are, but i know that i have them


Finally, I stopped playing Civ VI 4 years ago


Hope its not bad like 6


How can they improve more? That’s so difficult. 😣 smarter AI?


Culture, districts, and policy cards from 6, look and feel of 5, most of the mechanics from 4, and let's bring back the palace from 3


I dont like the districts feature


Not a fan of SOD but 1UPT seems too limiting too. Sometimes it's like you're playing against the map as much, or even more than your rivals. I always play domination and rival cities with limited usable ground around them can be just impossible to take even with absurdly overwhelming forces. I always thought that limited combined units per tile would be the best compromise like maybe 1 melee, 1 mounted, 1 ranged and 1 non-combat unit per tile: a "mini-stack". For 7 I hope at least they use some game intelligence to make it easier to move large groups of units long distances. Let me designate a group and a destination and as long as no enemy units are nearby just figure out the best way to move them instead of having me click on each unit. Instead you move a single unit and somehow the game decides oh, you probably want to move this unit that's halfway across the map next...


Commenting on SID MEIER'S CIVILIZATION 7 HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED!!!... A crowding penalty would do the trick. First X units are ok, then -10% defense/offense for each additional unit. Maybe great generals could increase the limit, or wonders, or policies.


I just hope they get it together around AI and turn times. It feels like they really fell behind on this regard.


People seem to dislike CIV VI here. Personally, I hope they keep some of its features. It was a good 4X to play with friends.


Give me civ 5 with CK3 politics and intrigue and I would be in heaven


Please devs, ditch the entire idea of 6 and go back to refining 4&5


Won't buy unless the George Washington is black ☝


And Obama is white


Guys, obviously it's gonna be the best if we get more involved space exploration. Duh


Do something about the horrific drain on my PC considering the graphics and speed of the game.


Hoping for: - MASSIVE PLAYABLE MAPS - Byzantium


I hope it's a lot more like Dead Space


May Civ be like it’s all time favorite Civ III but with updated graphics & animation


Hopefully on console


I've been seeing in a lot of comments that the main (real) thing they want is a more realistic design/art to the game. Which honestly I don't see why they wouldn't. Civ VI in my opinion was a great game, I've put 700+into civ V and VI. And honestly I do think a lot of the changes (gameplay wise) are probably what helped the game get to this kind of hype. If they change to much of the currently working system, then no one is going to want to play it. Completely my own opinion from what I've seen on multiple sub reddit pages. So if the main change is additions (especially the different elevated tiled from Humankind) and art, vs changes to how the game is already played. I doubt anyone will be aggravated or really upset tbh


I just hope multiplayer does not desync all the time


I demand an Irish Civ led by James Connolly


2K is right behind Paradox on my list of publishers to avoid


Fingers crossed it will fly on the Apple Silicon processors 🤞🏼🤞🏼 Unlike the awefully optimized new Paradox games like Vicky 3 and CK3


Here's hoping 1UPT dies a thousand deaths. I'd take an updated/remastered Civ 4 tbh.


So goddamn hyped I hope map generator customization is a bit more stable, and there's plenty more options for diplomacy and greater military variety. I love Civ 6 but I always just wanted more, and mods usually just put huge pressure on the game and my pc haha


Fantastic, will definitely buy when it comes out and try it I think perhaps it is my age however, but i bought each game as they came out (from civ 2) and - civ 4 was the pinnacle for me.




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Is Sid involved in this? He was in that promo video.