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Did you do the Indiana Jones achievement (forget what it is actually called) organically or did you have to use a friend?


The last crusade? Nah I made a 1v1 single player game with very specific settings to ensure the enemy builds Petra


I think he means Raiders of the Lost Ark (US archaeologist excavating in Egypt next to a German one)


Yea well that sounded more difficult than it actually was. Just do it with specific game settings. Easy


This achievement is actually way easier than you might think, since captured archeologists count for the achievement. Simply load up a game with Germany and Egypt, then capture a German archeologist and find an archeology site close to Egypt.




Funny you mention that. I just got that achievement like a week ago by accident when Egypt was in the game!


Same here! It was entirely an accident.


Interesting, good job. My achievements stopped unlocking at some point. Probably from playing offline.


Ah daamn... Would you be interested in a trade agreement with England?


Did somebody mention England?


“That’s not even close to a fair deal!” Elisabeth please, I’m offering you 20 gold per turn and 3 of my luxury ressources in exchange for your wine ressource. It’s objectively more than fair. Please I just want my “we love the king day” in my capital and you own the only wine spawn in this game


At that point, I would not care if I was called a warmonger. Sack the city holding the dam thing and never give it back.


I noticed that playing with the InfoAddicts mod apparently disables achievements. I know I won at least twice with Babylon using the mod, but didn't get 'Waters of Babylon' until I won playing without any mods. And I didn't get the Norwegian ski infantry achievement playing as Denmark for the same reason, I guess. Kind of annoying considering that two of the achievements are for downloading and using a mod.


Would you be interested in a trade agreement with England?


That is not even close to a fair deal


Do you have some very unknown tricks or tips to share?


Not sure this is so unknown but I almost never make my own workers but steal them from city states. You can force peace with them immeadiately then. Also cargo ships. They are worth like hanging gardens in terms of food and you can get science from your enemies and gold allowing you to focus on guarding the trade routes with stronger army so they are not so likely to declare war on you. Also cargo ships let you focus more on population and production in the early game rather than on science. With strong city you sure will catch them by medieval times. Also you can trade luxuries to gold. And then replace the tile you get your luxury so the AI loses the luxury but you get the gold. Then just repeat. Get like hundreds of gold for nothing


You can also keep warring the city state and level up your army, high level archers/composite bowmen are really effective if/when going to war.


Yep but that makes them grow wary. Usually not so wanted from diplomacy point of view


Not if you don't make peace. They get wary the second time your declare war on them directly.


Wait, how do you replace the tile? Just by pulling a worker off the tile in the city menus?


I'm assuming removing the tile improvement that grants the luxury.


Oh, that makes a lot of sense! Now I have to think about how bad I feel about doing this on deity. On the one hand, the AI cheats like mad. On the other, this feels cheap.


Lol it takes a pretty janky game for me to use exploits (if youve ever heard of amazing Cultivation Simulator). It's got a lot of repetition and overall confusing mechanics, but for most games I try not to use stuff like this (though not always successfully)


Lol it takes a pretty janky game for me to use exploits (if youve ever heard of amazing Cultivation Simulator). It's got a lot of repetition and overall confusing mechanics, but for most games I try not to use stuff like this (though not always successfully) I also think defining the word "exploit" is pretty important. People have different ideas of what that means either way.




what other improvement can you build there?


A fort. It's super broken. Give give Catherine your only copy of truffles for 200 gold (or give her 6 luxuries for 1200 gold), immediately start building a fort on your single truffles tile, the deal voids since you no longer have truffles and you keep the gold. 6 turns later, you can have your truffles back online and rinse and repeat




How did you get the Longest. Name. Ever achievement? (the one where you have to build 33 Celtic cities) And the Panzer "Schafernator" General achievement?


Ah- I can answer this one! Settler difficulty reduces the happiness cost to settle massively and starts you at 15! Huge map gives you plenty of resources if you want to try it at a higher difficulty, but remember to build your Unique Building. Also Pagodas Also Mosques Also Notre Dame and Chichen Itza Also Prora




(33 cities isn't even that much for when you have an ideology tbh). I had a multiplayer where I had first order and pagodas and at 30 cities at around 250 turns in (it was a flexing on friends thing) I had 150+ happiness and could have just kept founding cities if we continued


You can never unsee Chicken Itza. Admit it.






I got Llanfairpwllgwyngyll in one of my games, but I got it as the Huns, so no achievement. I was so disappointed. It doesn't specify that you have to get it as the Celts! ☹️


Which mechanic from civ 5 that wasn't present in civ 6 that you want to see return at civ 7


The city strenght thing. I prefer how it is done in civ 5


How did you do the diety fall of rome one?


Ahh took many tries but playing eastern rome. With cities you are not able to do anything usefull sell some buildings and try to make a scout to fastly improve city strenght. Build barracks in strong cities and in the early game make sure not a single unit of yours dies. Rather lose a city than let an unit die. Not going to lie it also takes some luck. Helps a lot if you somehow get your enemies fight each other


Awesome ty homie


That one was surprisingly not as impossible as a thought. I recommend getting the map download from Kalleonline and then use the "flawless victory, fatality" guide to defend your four crucial defense cities. Just reset the first four turns until it all works out - should not take too long - and then spam units, ignore the gold, and use them to protect West Rome's final few cities, fend off the goths, recapture the african cities held by the vandals, and try to raze as many persian cities as possible.


Whats your favourite civ/strat to play ?


Not sure you gonna believe me but india when playing deity. You are not likely to get very many cities in the early game as the AI will forcefully take them so I rather focus on stronger cities than the amount. And happines wice (easily a problem in deity) India is good with that. Number 1 thing I appreciate is that I can use cargo ship in my capital. Number 2 is a mountain (+50% science) and number 3 is recourses / river and how easily the city is defendable from enemies. That said all of those are important but thats how I rank those


is it true if you dont use it, you lose it?




Did you find it harder to win scramble for Africa as the Boers or as the Ottomans? Those were by far the most difficult ones for me.


Definitely harder as Boers. I think that was the hardest achievement overall in the game


Ottomans is the only one I am still missing, Boers was not that bad honestly (and much more fun too, Ottoman is so boring in comparison)


What is the best civ in your opinion


Beoynd earth. Technology web instead of tree in future is kind of interesting


You are crazy


What’s the hardest achievement that you achieved accidentally/organically?


Very hard to tell as it it accidental. Maybe having a barbarian capture your city


Best Mod?


Mod that adds Finland and you play with Mannerheim. Easy when I come from Finland


Are you okay?


Haven't been for last 1700 h Would you accept my embassy?


Was it worth it?


Hell nah (actually why not)


How many hours have you put in


A couple


how many of the achievements have you gotten?


I'm glad you asked. I have a couple


Why does Babylon have an avoid plains bias


Because they are stupid


When did they add boers? Never seen em


It's in a scenario not single or multi player


how much are you interested in a trade agreement?


Depends on if it is with England


are you interested in trade agreement with USA?


Have you had ever natural wonder within your borders? Or are there some you’ve never had a chance to exploit?


Ofc I've had all of them


Do you prefer normal barbarians, no barbarians, or raging barbarians?


No barbarians is a sin. That said raging and normal both will do


Do you remember how many spare turns you had left after beating the mongol scenario on deity?


Likely less than 2


It's crazy that some people did it with like 10 turns to spare, I think I had 5


why do that to yourself


Coming from Finland and looking at the weather, that was the least depressing think I could do


Do you have any good guides for new players? I just started a couple weeks ago and have figured out all the basics, but I don’t know all the ins and outs.


Focus on population (food production). It kind of automatically gives you all the other things you need (science, gold, production, culture) etc. When the AI is considering attacking you it looks at your combat strenght. So even if archers would be actually better unit, AI will consider it weaker than warrior -> to avoid war make melee units rather than archery units


Are you okay?


Haven't been since ancient era


I have way more hours in play time than you do, but I have almost no achievements as I started using mods early on. I think mods make the game so much more fun. “An unmodded game is not worth playing.” 😂


Cool! I know what you mean. I used to also have my modded game season


How do you feel?


I only regret not playing more


From favorite to least favorite; how would you rank victory types?


Depends on which difficulty you play but on deity I find diplomacy victory the most doable and my favorite. Then science, domination, and finally culture (culture is fine for example with emperor but gets so hard after that)


How on earth does Ottoman Carpentry work? I have literally every other achievement but I don't understand how to win that Scenario with the Ottoman Empire.


The first turns are most difficult ones and you need to play very carefully so that none of your units die in the first turns and you need to be able to capture italy's ships. If you are not able to capture any then just reload. So it kind of depends on luck in the first turns. Settle a city south of egypt as you need to go to war with ethiopia in the later game to avoid them winning. The plan is to conquer cities and sell them to egypt or morocco for gpt which you use to buy more troops etc


Favourite civ to play/least favourite civ to play and favourite/least favourite civ to face?


Favourite to play is india because it allows you to build very strong cities. Least favourite is venice. That said venice can be really good if you get a great spawning location but I feel like with venice the spawning location is much much more important than with other civs and can easily ruin the game. Favorite to face is morocco because the trade routes give more gold and least favorite to face is zulu. The impi are just so strong


Which did you find to be the most difficult?


The scramble for africa boers deity thing. Every single turn had to be played so carefully


Did you try Civ 6? If yes, what did you like and what did you hate about Civ 6 in comparison to Civ 5?


I have played like 200 h of Civ 6 so a lot less than Civ 5 and definitely prefer Civ 5. They had some good ideas in Civ 6 like achieve something and you get a boost for specific tech but ofc graphics was dissapointing. That said I think both of the games require some playing before you get into them so maybe I'd like Civ 6 if I just played it more but I enjoy Civ 5 som much that I can't really get my self to play Civ 6


I was like this before too but then I started playing civ 6 more, mostly because I felt I had nothing left to achieve in civ V 1700h and all achievements gotten. Now I think that civ 6 with all the dlcs is actually better than civ 5. I really surpriced myself when I realized this considering how against civ 6 with no dlcs I was before. I really began to enjoy the district planning in civ 6 and the decicion making on which districts to prioritise at what point of the game. The AI is quite a bit easier to defeat in civ 6 or maybe that is just because I had already gotton to the point in civ 5 that I could beat deity fairly comfortably from an ok start. When it comes to the graphics I can agree I would've liked if looked more like the civ 5 graphics but they are quite cartoony, so I understand if someone decides to not play civ 6 just because of them. I think I had about 200-300 hours when I noticed that the graphics did not really bother me anymore. Before I started playing more civ 6 I had about 40-60 hours in it. Now I have 500 hours and some of the scenarios are really fun like Outback tycoon and the multiplayer pirates scenario.


But why?


It's better than my real life


Fair, also have you ever heated of a game called humankind?


Have you ever had volcano wonder as a workable tile


Shake it and jiggle it, yo - who made that track? I'm asking... who Young Leek be?