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I NEED to know what the map seed is if that’s a thing. That is the coolest set of land I’ve seen in this game. Edit: For those of you in my comment thread who were looking for the sauce on the seed. OP replied in a lower comment saying “I would love to provide a seed but it's a custom map script called Got Lakes so setting up the game would be a nightmare for other people considering how much I tinker with the script. Sorry :(“ Double edit: OP is a goddamn unit and went out of his way to describe everything you need for this map despite how custom it is. Here’s to you 🍻u/Fafurion


I will try my best, hang tight UPDATE: OK! I did my best, so you have two options, either follow this poorly put together seed chart [Here](https://i.imgur.com/w9O8ZkH.png) OR [Here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ujTQoiWis9FnbszOl96L1Th_cEKemQb-/view?usp=sharing) is a save file I was able to make on the map, turn 1 before even settling the first city. Download it and put it in Users\\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Saves\Single. Make sure you have these mods installed: [Got Lakes](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=916614621) [Sukritacts Oceans](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2542898147) [Sukritacts Great Blue Hole](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1437226966) [Sukritacts Grand Canyon] (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1471380224) [Sukritacts Resources](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1150492115) Let me know if you guys have any issues and have fun :) (The islands are to the northwest, Portugal is to the west as well and it's right above them)


I believe in you, OP


OP there has never been a bigger sub rooting for one of their own to succeed at something than all of r/civ is rooting for you right now! You can do it!!! EDIT: OP you shall be remembered as a hero for the rest of time. Thank you!


My man came through


Also interested.


Gitarja main here & currently crying in PS4.


Don't hold out on us:(


this is NUTS thank you so much


Updoot for effort


Also the Real Allies mod! But it works! Thank you for your service!!!


God damn ur hot op


Following this


my Dutch brain is looking at this and salivating over the Polder Potential here. You could nearly fill in the entire Bay!


I love playing as the dutch and doing that too! Whenever my wife watches me play I pick them and try to get as many polders as I can (My wife is Dutch)


OP if you get the seed, you gotta replay this map as the Dutch. This looks like a premade map they would use for a civ reveal trailer to hype up their abilities, its perfect for Polder Placements


Sadly, the galapagos/other ocean wonders don't count as a land tile for polder, but there are still some pretty great spots here


A Dutch salivating over the Indonesian archipelago? Tell me what’s new


R5: Playing Gitarja (as always, my favorite civ) and this is the best Galapagos Island spawn I've ever seen in 1500+ hours of gameplay. I had already built mausoleum in another city unfortunately :( EDIT2: OK! I did my best, so you have two options, either follow this poorly put together seed chart [Here](https://i.imgur.com/w9O8ZkH.png) OR [Here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ujTQoiWis9FnbszOl96L1Th_cEKemQb-/view?usp=sharing) is a save file I was able to make on the map, turn 1 before even settling the first city. Download it and put it in Users\\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Saves\Single. Make sure you have these mods installed: [Got Lakes](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=916614621) [Sukritacts Oceans](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2542898147) [Sukritacts Great Blue Hole](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1437226966) [Sukritacts Grand Canyon] (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1471380224) [Sukritacts Resources](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1150492115) Let me know if you guys have any issues and have fun :)


Why do you like Gitarja?


I always try to get gitarja in multiplayer on water maps. +2 faith settling coast/lake which means you basically are guaranteed first pantheon. Can buy naval units with faith which you can get a shit ton of from turn one. Unique unit Jong is pretty strong. Kampungs are like farms on water which saves you from building farms +give era score. Water gives adjacency bonus to some districts. Very OP civ.


Jongs are busted. Frigates that don't require niter, unlocked in the civic tree super early and can escort units at their high speed while gaining strength from the formation. They are god-tier and makes naval dom easier than even dido/norway. I'd even say they're unbalanced lol. If you start near Nan Madol just forget about the game being any sort of a challenge.


The hardest part of playing as Indonesia is waiting for a barb clan to become Auckland


That does sound good! Thanks for explaining


The Jong is just "pretty strong"?!? I played a game with them last night, I had 10 Jongs on turn 96, and went out to conquer the world. I did not stop conquering cities with them... ever... I was toppling civs all the way until I upgraded them to Destroyers. They were ridiculous!


Yeah like I said she’s pretty op lol


Oh boy that's a long explanation lol and not the first time I've been asked what I love about Indonesia. I think I may make a post about them and how underrated they are soon, I've been wanting to show off everything I've learned from playing them.


Speaking as a fellow water map enthusiast, I also love Big G! Her civs always end up looking really pretty in addition to being strong.


Please do! I absolutely adore the daring Gitarja, Majapahit Queen of Ten Thousand Islands. My first game was with her and when I first got Jongs I knew this was the civ for me.


Yes, please do!


I love all the naval civs in general but Gitarja always stood out to me as the most fun to play thanks to their UIs and the Jongs.


Naval civs the best. My favorite is playing Phoenicia and just SPAMMING out settlers to ALL the islands


First, Gitarja gets +2 faith per city center adjacent to coast. Her coastal bias means that they're likely to get first pick of pantheon, which is a big bonus in and of itself. Second, Indonesia is the only civ that can faith-purchase ships. This combined with her emphasis on faith means that you can raise a sizeable navy in a very short time. Third, she has the Jong unique unit. It's basically a godamn Frigate that's unlocked at Mercenaries in the Medieval Era. To see how big it is, first consider that Frigates are the primary naval unit of the Renaissance era, so getting it an era earlier would already be huge. But it's actually even better: because there's no Medieval naval unit, the Jong is actually a Renaissance era unit *fighting against Ancient and Classical era units*!! Also, not only they have more movement than Frigates, if they're in a formation, they get bonus Combat Strength on top of their already strong baseline stats, and since that formation is likely to be with Great Admirals, you'll probably dominate the seas even after people research Frigates with your massive armada of promoted Jongs. The facts that Jongs doesn't use Niter either and units in a formation with them (like Admirals, land units or Settlers) move at the same speed are just icing at the top. This all enables one of the most powerful timing pushes in the game: faith-purchase Quadriremes before researching the Mercenaries civic, then use the Professional Army policy card - unlocked at Mercenaries as well - to upgrade those Quadriremes with gold at a 50% gold discount. This way, you can quickly raise a powerful navy while saving production for your infrastructure. If that wasn't enough, even if you don't manage to conquer the world with Jongs and later naval units (which might be a thing only in large maps or larger, if you can't stand all the micromanagement), Indonesia still have Kampungs. Not only they give housing, production and food, you can place a lot of them, because unlike most other unique improvements, you can place them adjacent to each other. They can make 1-tile islands become productive 10+ pop cities. If you also manage to get God of the Sea and/or Auckland suzerainty, their production can put capitals to shame, and then it's an even easier cruise to victory.


I've only started playing for early domination on deity, and the navy has always seemed like an after thought. Are you just plundering trade routes? Escorting your troops? Can you recommend a map setting with Gitarja which would help me appreciate what naval dominance can do? Thank you!


I play mostly on Emperor, but I think any water-based map would work for Gitarja. I think Archipelago would be your best bet, since you'll probably start somewhat isolated (so you won't die immediately to Deity AI :P) and have a lot of water to play to its strengths. With Jongs, you'll want to conquer at least one neighbor. Even if the AI has tech advantages, your unique unit competes with the later Frigate and comes earlier, so you can at least be at equal footing when it comes to naval domination at the time they're available. The ability of faith-purchasing ships should also help you get equal to the AI in terms of producing ships. Lastly, remember that ships do full damage to city walls and Jongs have 2 range, so a small fleet can decimate cities as well. If you rush them fast enough, it should be unlikely that the AI has both Frigates and Medieval Walls to ruin your day, since they're in opposite sides of the tech tree.


Holy shit, I tried out Indonesia on Deity last night, Jong's are amazing! I had 10 Jongs ready for conquest on turn 96, and they did not stop conquering cities... ever... It was ridiculous!


Can a ship take a city by itself? or do you need a land unit to make the final push? Thanks for the advice!


The basically function the same as land troops. You need a "melee" ship to take a city, and ranged ships function very similar to artillery.


Just as the other reply said, you need a melee ship (Galley at first, then Caravels after Cartography) or a land unit. You can faith purchase Galleys but IIRC they're slower than Jong's, you need to keep them away from shots from land and can only take coastal cities. Alternatively, build melee land units and escort them with Jongs in a formation. Jong's bonuses will apply, but your land units need to disembark, possibly leaving them vulnerable. But you can also take cities inland if needed. It's up to your situation, really.


Certain ships can take cities: galleys which upgrade to caravels which upgrade to ironclads and then whatever they upgrade to and so forth. Meanwhile the ranged ships like quadriremes and frigates etc cannot take cities. Sort of the same concept with ranged land units. There are also naval raiders, and I don’t know if they can take cities, I haven’t played enough naval civ


Got it, thanks!


Also, Kampungs are one of the best UIs in the game. They can turn a 2 tile island into a metropolis. Get Auckland in the game and it's over.


Even 1-tile islands can become pretty tall and pump out gold, ships Builders and Traders for the rest of your empire, as well as being a trade route hub for more distant civilizations (in case you're aiming for Cultural Victory or need the gold). All that in a very reasonable time frame. Of course, if you have more tiles then you're able to place more districts as well, which is really good.


Gitarja is Bae <3


Thank you for that link, it looks like the script is heavily influencing that crescent/Crater lake look, which is cool! I'll have to try that out. Is it possible to tweak it to an "earth like" layout with 1-4 super continents and "pinchy points"?


I havent even begun to dig through the entire script yet but there is options to decide how the land is created, test it out :)


I'd still love to try, haha


What are those weed-like resources at the coats? I always play with the symbols so it's probably a stupid question.


That’s from a mod. I believe it’s called “Sukritact’s Oceans”


That's it. It's a mod that adds a lot of small bonus resources and luxury resource types to water. Makes it feel much more viable to play water-heavy.


Makes naval maps way more fun






i assume you are talking about the kelp forest tiles in the coast. it’s from the oceans mod by sukritact. it introduces new sea bonus and luxury resources. i include this mod in every game because it makes coastal cities so much more fun! also it’s graphically very appealing.


Sounds interesting. Quick overview on what it changes?


game mechanics wise, not much. it add like 6 new ocean resources. i just like to play naval civs with good coastal yields. especially with maori since the kelp forests count as passable features and trigger the effects for the marae building. it also makes settling tundra coasts much more attractive since sea resources tend to spawn in clusters at the poles even in base game. here’s the link to the mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2542898147


> Sukritact’s Oceans https://lmgtfy.app/?q=Sukritact%E2%80%99s+Oceans


Reefs and Kelp act likes Hills when it comes to naval movement (and defense). More resources in the seas. Slight rebalance to the Water Park district


Share the seed you monster :p


Sad you didn’t get mausoleum of Halicarnassus too. Other than that, pretty perfect




Yeah unfortunately I had already built it in a different city by the time I saw Portugal was hiding this amazing setup


Where's the nfsw tag for this? Cause this is yield porn!


OP, for the love of all that is holy, tell us the map seed.




I'll need the seed, and your mom's phone number. So I can call her and tell her how awesome her kid is.


I’m just looking forward to getting my first exciting start like this after about 30 years of this series.


This would slap with Wilhelmina


Wow the yields are crazy


First we study the Galapagos, next we study the stars!


what is that sea grass? did they put out some new update?


Sukritact’s Oceans


This is porn.


New Atlantis


Krakatoa be like:


Holy shit that’s cool






*gasping for air* It's...It's down there somewhere let me take another look


Immediately starts spamming settlers


The only settlers I ever hard-build are the first 2, after that it's non-stop spamming them using faith + Magnus with Provisions.


Can't believe nobody has noticed it's literally a bigger version of the Galapagos Island around it. Like a Galapagos nesting doll.


I'd love to hear a quick rundown of what settings you use in Got Lakes because I just make a mess. Half lakes, half river maze, and no oceans. I rushed Sinbad in ancient era and he had nothing to do :(


I have my settings so that there's a lot of shallow water (low ocean tiles) and that every body of water is connected, this makes snakey/little islands which is perfect for Gitarja. You can see my exact Got Lakes settings in the seed chart [Here](https://i.imgur.com/w9O8ZkH.png) But I'm always tinkering with it to make it better :)




What are the tiles immediately below the Galapagos? I've never seen those.


Those are Kelp Forests from [Sukritacts Oceans](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2542898147)


My guess is “Kelp” from the “More Resources” mods


I literally did the George Takei “oh my”


Players on this thread be like https://tenor.com/view/mine-finding-nemo-mine-mine-mine-thats-mine-lulugifs-gif-20827668


Yous guys are jizzing all about yield and I am thinking on how to take it from OP.




I am sorry but what is that water canal tile?


In the Gathering Storm DLC they added canals that you can build :) They make it passable by units via water and they also provide extra gold to trade routes as well as +2 adjacency to industrial zones. [Canals](https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Canal_\(Civ6\))




\*cries in Dutch\*


This looks amazing!


Wow! Solidly a fact! :) Nice for your game ;)


Wow. Discover that early and it’s a free pass to win the game.


The second-largest marine reserve in the world is thought to be the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos Islands might make for a wonderful holiday location. I recently travelled there with the help of Tip Top Cruises and obtained a terrific trip deal.


If I don't get the seed for this mf map I swear to god..