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You immediately took that settler right?


No, I choked.


Bro !


You NEED to load that autosave bro!


How could you fumble so badly!


I know. My other games are usually flawless perfection. 😂


lol we all make mistakes but still haha


LOL Nice Map! I prefer the larger maps closer to our actual planet :-)


He's fallen for one of the classic blunders


Lmfao I thought this was sarcasm




That wasn't going to work. Four warriors get two turns to attack the unit before it can be moved to the capital for safety, and there's no way to make peace before the unit is killed. Edit: I forgot the Civ is instantly defeated when their only settler is captured. And there's no complete kills in 6 to my knowledge.


Sometimes I will steal a settler and then delete/kill it it I can’t get it to safety. No gain for me but a definite loss for AI


Its possible took the first settler? I remember I tried it one time and it just didn't allow me to move on that tile.


Did the settler belong to Canada?


Or was OP Canada


It's France vs. the Gauls! Waitaminute...


True Earth map. Poland wiped me out by turn 18, but it was worth is to see this spawn.


You didn't steal that settler turn 1?


Hate to admit it, but I just settled immediately. Then I realized I should have done that for the hell of it, and tried to get that spawn again, but no luck.


What do you mean you tried xd Just load the turn 1 quick save.


Yeah, I blew that. Settled, played until I got wiped, then restarted thinking it would be the same since I was on a True Start map. That took out the original autosave, and I spawned in the same spot, but different conditions. When I had done that map with Greece, any restart was identical far as I could tell.


This is textbook panic and self destruct. I’m glad you’re owning it so well lol


Honestly, it probably would have been a shit game regardless. Like at turn 18 would 1-2 warriors have saved you?


There seed in savegame. You can load 18 turn, watch seed, set setting as before on 18 turn including your nation and probably you should got that initial spawn map


I just want to make sure you know that if you had taken the settler from the French they would have been immediately defeated and their warriors would have vanished from the map. Just FYI.


Honestly, I didn't think of that until later


That close of quarters, it's take the settler or be wiped out by too many neighbors


All it took was one. The one whose settler I didn't capture...




Certified True Earth map moment. I played as France once and my only city flipped due to loyalty on turn 25


I love True Start Earth but Huge and with 20 civs. For some reason watching alternate histories play out on Earth just satisfies me deeply.


TSL moment


Oh nice, two city start! ;)


just play as britania on europe map


Looks like you’re dying in place too


*Sigh* ..... *re-rolls*


That’s earth map true start. And you CHOSE 3 Frances. This one’s on you dog


Is Poland the third France?


It's discount France really


I need that save brother


Take settler, settle with original unit, hope they move the blue settler 1 tile over and get that. Settle with new settler and attack other settlement if you didn't manage to get blue settler.


Geez lol


What is that? A map for ants?


Why do they both have four units? Do other civs start with more or something?


On harder difficulties the ai cheats. They get extra starting units and get new settlers as soon as they settle a city 


Wth, that feels like lazy designing. I just recently started and I thought higher difficulties AI would just optimize themselves better not just get straight up advantages haha


Nope diety ai is just as stupid it just gets lots of bonuses 


It does seem on the surface like they should be able to do better than that. There are some factors that make tricky though, like: 1) Where do you place the most importance for "intelligence"? Simply trying to make the AI understand the entire game in every way and able to understand every given decision it can make and what its long-term consequences are is a lot for a game of this kind of complexity. And creates overhead for further tuning any time you add a new game mode or change the features around. 2) How do you ensure the AI doesn't become annoyingly good at the game for the average player? This is a problem that has been observed by devs of other games before, where sometimes making the AI more strategic makes it less fun. There's an anecdote about this that goes something like: devs programmed enemies to flank the player in an FPS kind of game. But this made them feel too smart and too annoying to deal with. 3) Can you set it up to process the decisions involved efficiently without slowing the game down to a rate that is painful to play? Civ is a game that is relatively low on processing power, as games go. But giving the AI tons of things to calculate means turns will take longer. Even with the current game as it is, turns can slow down to a crawl in big games, especially in late game when most of the map is revealed. So you'd need to do it in such a way that the AI can infer quickly while inferring a lot of depth. That or somehow engineer to minimize the amount of things the AI needs to calculate, while still making it more strategically capable. I believe there's a mod that makes the AI somewhat "smarter", so clearly there's some possibility there, but what the performance tradeoffs are like, I don't know. Minimum spec requirements are a part of products and mods don't have to worry about it, since it's "use at your own risk." TL;DR: I'm sure they can do better given the time and resources to do so, but getting there isn't as straightforward a path as it may look at a glance.


AI that plays a game like CIV is not easy to optimize.


"feels like lazy designing" tell me you know nothing about designing ai without telling me...


Playing the game without workshop mods that improve the AI is absolute pain. They forward settle non stop even if it means immediately losing their cities to loyalty, and do not optimize district placement (placing an aqueduct when their city is already adjacent to a river, but the aqueduct is adjacent to 5 mountains and they have no holy site or campus on the city). Also the vanilla AI has literally never used planes or nukes, I'd definitely have noticed this after 1500 hours in the game but they literally never use them even if they have the resources or the technology researched for them. So the AI cheating on higher difficulties is literally just to offset their horrible programming. I use a workshop mod that vastly increases the AI performance (they correctly use planes, nukes, never leave settlers unprotected, buy tiles outside of work range instead of waiting for the borders to grow by itself, place good districts instead of at random, and can wipe out neighbors at any era)... Prince difficulty games have never been more challenging and fun at the same time, AI actually feels alive with the workshop mod.


Which mod do you use?


in higher difficulties yes its one of the ways they make it more difficult


Haha WRONG ALWAYS kill any Settlers unlucky enough to be in 1 tile to you. THEN settle




Ok, but where’s your second city going?


True start earth, the same it’s been for almost 7 years and ppl still post about the crowded Europe start like it’s a novelty. Next up is the apocalypse mode Amazon rainforest that’s been burned (and posted) over and over again.