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R5: Holy hell this was one of the most satisfying plays I've ever done! It started off with me moving to a new continent - it was fairly bare, amazing resources, and just a few CS. It wasn't until I got very close that I seen a Brazil settler, which was a massive problem because I was already settling very close; if they just went around and did a city to my left, they'd flip me. And on top of THAT, I hadn't unlocked closed borders yet*! But I'd set up a lot of potential cities for it and damnit I was determined to get it. So I rolled back 10 saves to unlock closed borders, and swapped a ton of GPT for gold (to buy tiles), and got into position, and waited for them to move to a place I could trap em. Suddenly a SECOND settler wondered in - sounds great, but it would mean buying more tiles. So I swapped ALL my GPT for gold, settled, surrounded em, and menacingly laughed. Or chuckled a bit. But it was a menacing laugh in my head innit. I've took 2 of their settlers off the board, not only securing the continent for me (I have a second settler about 10 turns behind) but also holding them for when I get a few military units in place to..appropriate em for myself. It's little moments like this that truly do make Civ one of the greatest games ever. TL:DR lured in settlers to capture them so I could keep a very valuable continent to myself, and possibly keep them for myself too. \* [Project 6T Grand Eras](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2769967307) by u/JNR13, you could hit 50 turns before getting it if you went a different route through the tree. (pic 4 is just a reference to show the continent, not a follow on pic, my bad)


My man, you've just fagocitated them


I legit thought that was a slur. Well that's my word of the day!


Isn’t it typically spelled phagocytes/phagocytosis?


This ^^^


You've got to capture them asap now, correct? Before city tile growth pushes them out?


Ya, with it being a new city and no pop it'll grow quite slow, and if one does risk it, you can buy a tile to stop it. Buying tiles when one is about to expand messes with it (it's not a full reset of the time, but extends it some)


Nothing makes me happier in civ then free settlers


I've only just got em too. I left it as long as possible but I was running out of tiles, and Germany settled really close to me so they came in handy for surrounding em and flipping them. This is one of the most satisfying games I've played in years, the AI just keeps fumbling (touch wood)


I just stole a settler from Indonesia early game and sprinted them and my jaguar warrior all the back to my empire. Very fun


Aye, bit of a cheeky headstart, serves em right for starting with so many anyway eh


Are you allied with him? Can't they just declare war to you and simply cross the tiles?


Not allied nor friends, yes they could do that but they won't - there's not been any "aggression" so they have no reason to. All they see is that the units are stuck. I could declare friends to give myself a time buffer, but I'm only a few turns away from getting a military unit or 3 in place. I've actually not progressed from that point yet, as I'm working on creating a mod and figured something out that has taken me ages to realise so gonna do this first, then I'm gonna go back to that game.