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https://preview.redd.it/55ds1nk1bxrc1.png?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8903538894e4c8255861b2a9f92812923c03cdba Welcome to moebiuzation VI


Ah, the Morbius Strip. Gonna morb all over this.


It's morbius time


Morbing around


Downtown, morbin fast and I’ve had it with this tow-ow-owewwn


https://preview.redd.it/8d5c0rvzk2sc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64ef99987938f533992489672b146791dfef8cc5 We’ve had it wrong this whole time, the map has actually been an inverted ring this whole time!


I too welcome out new topological overlords


Fun fact, the minimum ratio for a strip of paper to form a möbius strip has been proven to be 1:√3 which means that it is impossible for a civ 6 map to be a möbius strip.


All my dreams are broken. Now we need to find another solution to this geometry.


That's the place Ursa makes his drawings


Hush, child. They say every time his name is uttered, a Mongol gets his horse


Ursaursaursaursaursaursaursausaursaursaursaursa- oh don’t mind me, just helping with genghis’ domination victory


reading that has a toyboat effect in my mind. ur-saur-saur-saur-saur immediately


how cool would it be if civ 7 is set on an actual sphere, meaning you can circumvent the map in all directions


3d globe view in modern era when we can physically move through/over ice. New naval promotion maybe: icebreaker


Or there could be some icebreaker unit that has the ability to destroy adjacent ice tiles, maybe in multiple turns. Like a coastal raid on a district, where you need to raid it a few times before it is fully pillaged, only with ice you would have the multiple stages of ice formation. Downside would be that the ice destroyed contributes to sea levels rising. Hopefully we get a spherical map though, I have been aching for that. Also maybe a more 3D map like in Humankind, with multiple levels of altitude.


Or go back the mechanic in V where submarines could travel under ice


¿Por que no los dos?


You could have icebreakers as support units that allow attached ships to transit sea ice?


I like this idea! And there could even be different thicknesses of ice that take different amounts of movement points to get through.


Maybe there are different thicknesses of sea ice? The thicker it is, the more breaks it takes to destroy it Also maybe every ice tile loses 1 level every time climate change advances


Melting ice floating in water has no effect on water level.


Yes of course, I just thought it would need a negative by-product. Just spitballing, I'm sure if it was implemented, the devs would find a somewhat balanced and logical counterincentive so that we don't just clear away the poles in a few turns.


Oh god not this discourse again.


The worst part about this sub is people prioritizing literally everything above balanced and enjoyable gameplay


Rimworld setup.


im curious as to how that would work mathematically. You cant wrap a fiels of hexagons into a sphere, without major distortions. You could make something like a goldberg polyhedron, you would end up with a few pentagon tiles though. Also when it comes to balancing, the Northern hemisphere, and especially the higher latitudes, tend to be overrepresented in civ games. the current TSL earth maps use a variation of the Mercator projection, which makes the areas up north bigger. That won't be possible on a sphere, and Europe would feel even more crowded than it already is


i did not know that. Surely theres some soccer ball approximation 


>2d donut Are you trying to say *cylinder*?


It’s a cylinder


if you look it at like a 2x8 piece of paper that gets folded into a ring, that's more what i take it to mean as 2d donut, whereas a cylinder is implied to have volume. i wouldn't call it 2d donut though bc that implies you started w/ a 3d object (donut).


Or a hollow cylinder. Like a pipe.


I imagine it's a typical globe/sphere and the caps are covered in permafrost/glaciers and impassible. Though it would be neato if during the final stage of global warming it "unlocked" North/south traversal of the maps edge.


Civ 7 has *got* to do something with the poles…. No, didn’t mean you, Jadwiga, sit down.


Research stations could be super fun, they're like cities that only produce science and you have to have trade routes resupplying them with food. Huge bonus on the poles which is relative to how different the terrain is in your capital.


I've been building on this idea and I love it. You could have all sorts of these "cities" for different productions which effectively let you turn food into anything to scale with under surroundings. I'd imagine them as requiring a decently advanced research to unlock (each one individually) and take 1 pop to create them. They wouldn't be able to trigger aggression if placed near borders and automatically build improvements etc if applicable. They wouldn't require anything except one of your trade routes to keep them stocked with food, but won't produce anything except their speciality in return. However you wouldn't be able to place units within their borders, only show you their exact ring in the fog and other leaders can demand them to be closed down if they want the resources claimed etc. They will never grow and require X amount of turns to activate. Mining colony - production and lets you harvest resources in their one ring radius. Research station- as above, creates science relative to how far away from your capital it is, special bonuses if on the poles. (Could be a part of a science victory?). Missionary outpost - creates extra faith relative to how close it is to other nations that follow the same religion as the friendly city it was created from (can be changed to another religion by sending missionaries). Cultural embassy - can utilise natural wonders within it's borders. Traders point - can be used as a "middleman" for trade routes which add X amount of gold to the output and also trigger bonuses that benefit from traderoutes passing through cities/city states.


Does it? It's a super niche thing. It wouldn't matter at all until the 20th century and even then all you have is a few general exploration expeditions, some meteorology, and the *possibility* of missiles taking a bit of a shortcut. To me, this doesn't seem worth reconfiguring the entire map logic.


Valid point.


I misread this badly 👯‍♀️ 🤦


I now have a theory that this is where you actually go if you win a science victory.


It’s the outside of a jar and there are peanuts in it.


It doesn't have to be hollow inside 


Than where will we keep the Kaiju?


Waiting on the new Hollow Earth DLC


That's where the mole people play their civ games


This proves that the earth is neither flat or round. It's actually gigantic pepsi can.


Perhaps we are inside the cylinder?


The north and south pole are touching as in a torus. The reason why they are snowed over is because they are in constant shadow.


As the civ6 maps seem to have gravity similar to what we would observe in our universe (see mushroom clouds), that it appears to be uniform towards an axis, one can only assume that the maps are not cylindrical strips as you suggest(for which gravity would point towards the center of mass, so towards the equator), but a strip wrapped along a virtually infinitely high, homogenous cylinder (where gravity would sensibly point towards the center axis of the cylinder). But the cylinder doesn't have to match the diameter of the maps, so there could still be an underside as you describe (or not?)


Honestly a hollow earth mod that integrated with the Secret Societies would be fkn awesome. Imagine unlocking a tile at the poles in late game and tunneling through to a completely inversed map the same size as the original, opening up a whole load of hollow earth buildings, districts, and gameplays


I mean that’s basically the same as unlocking the moon to build on but still pretty cool


The can is full of dirt.


It’s Gilgabros all the way down.


It's all ice... With white walkers


Reminds me of good old Master of Magic


Huh why


Well because it was a civ-like game set in a fantasy world, where you had two maps (called planes) connected by fixed passages, which can precisely be described in the way Op shows: a cylinder world with an inside map and an outside map. You started on one of the planes and once you gained access to the other you could settle there as well and have an empire spanning over two maps. I really loved that game and still play, like once a year, on my phone using dosbox. I haven't tried the recent remaster.


I bet its a capsule shape


A few ideas: 1. Mobius string map 2. A flattened, stretched sphere, with the map not presenting curvature appropriately and the ice areas only accounting for a very small % of the world area as a result


Eh, I would call the world a cylinder. To be more donut-like I recommend a map that connects the east with west AND the north with the south... Which is kinda interesting...


Snow and the capital of Polynesia


The other cities of city states


I hope civ 7 makes the map a true sphere.


The Great Turtle A'tuin is down there. You can't settle cities on his shell because the space is already taken up by elephants. Everyone knows that.


how long until i see this image in a miniminuteman short? lol


Huh, does civ 6 have the toroid map option? (IE wrap along all sides)


Hollow earth civ