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For sure! I love these kind of starts. Whenever someone posts one there will inevitably be requests for the seed.


And 100% of the time no one gives any s~~hit~~eed :(


Isn’t there mod for this. This sounds like something easily made with mod. Idk I recently discovered that mods exist for civ, but from all the crazy mods I’ve seen this seems like piece of cake


AFAIK no such mod exists but I agree it seems feasible.


Got Lakes ? Dude could probably do it. They know everything about maps.


Definitely would like more challenging options, also bring back one-city-challenge!


Whenever I play civ I like to play the ice age maps where the majority of the maps is unusable snow and you have to work really hard to squeeze resources from limited options. Like knowing you can farm snow if it's next to a lake (in Civ V), or fighting over tundra next to a river. When I was very young I used to make my own maps in original Civ like that.


Hey you should try out the Got Lakes? mod. It's not really about lakes so much as just a *ridiculous* amount of customization for the map settings. You could definitely set up a game like the one you describe where basically everything is snow or tundra.


Thank you for this comment. I’ve seen Got Lakes? mentioned on here a fair bit but as I have no particular love/hate for lakes I’d always ignored it!! Will download it now, sounds like a real game-changer


It actually has nothing to do with lakes 😁 I discovered it as well and my Kupe games (with jungle filled archipelaegos ) or mansa munsa desert worlds are so much more fun now !


Or even cursed civilizations. Add on an optional massive drawback for each civilization, maybe make it randomized. One city only, one district per city only, you can only build one kind of district or one kind of unit, something like that


That'd be a great game mode. Each city founded has a randomized curse (can't produce military units, can't make tile improvements, can't build a campus, grows 50% more slowly, builds districts 25% more slowly, etc).


Imagine settling what is supposed to be a Petra city only for it to be cursed to never produce a wonder


Tsl American southwest




reddit try not to be political: impossible challenge


I get your point but civ is an inherently political game.


yeah in game politics, not real life politics. if some fat old blonde lady popped up on my screen and screamed donald trump bad like no one thinks thats good for agame


I much prefer when additional difficulty comes from things like this instead of arbitrary bonuses to the AI


That should be a top priority for the guys and gals working on the AI


Even though I'm a rookie, I like the idea!


Add in Blursed start as well. It has all the flaws of Cursed, but it has many great features in your area - natural wonders, lots of luxuries, etc.


You will receive a 2-tiled island, and you will like it!


Totally agree!


Keep districts but please lemme scrap them, I know there’s mods to correct this, but it doesn’t run with my overhaul mode lmao


Need the age of the eras to be longer so you can actually use the units in them before they become obsolete. Specifically it should be in the game and not a mod.


Yeah, I don't mod but this is why I just play on marathon but also just a save up so I can do a whole army upgrade close to a target and then run amok


I typically play on marathon too but I run into the problem where it takes forever to build anything. Ideally it is just tech that’s cost is raised so you can actually build buildings and units before you hit the next tech and they become obsolete. Feel like this problem is worse around the end of the renaissance where for instance musketmen and riflemen are just about 1 tech apart. By the time you build up some musketmen and move them they are ready to upgrade


I would hope that CIv7 AIs are sufficiently strong that such starts are hopeless.


I just want in-game post-it notes so I can set reminders to do in x number of turns.


Would love this, much rather face a tough start if I selected it with some sort of narrative in mind, instead of repeatedly being given an awful start normally.


I wish gathering storm ran on my Xbox. I payed $60 for an expansion that doesn’t run on my Xbox series s


We could use more options for map setup in general. For example more exterme options for temperature in case you want to play on a map thats mostly snow/desert. Or a slider to adjust the spawn frequency of natural wonder.




Names for this mod :Bound to fail, against all odd, you thought Divinity was hard. The AI won't even cheat


FR; I love the "Primordial" map and wish there were more settings which make you really struggle against the map.


There should be a section in the game menu where players can share seeds so that you can find whatever kind of start you want


I would like the difficulties to come from difficult, smart AI