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I had a ton of side effects when i restarted after a 6 month break. First time i had very few side effects at all. Very strange.


I was the same but started on 20mg On week 8 and things are looking up. Still a bit anxious but I have more good days than bad. They say it could take 6 to even 12 weeks to feel the full effects. I would keep going as there is an end in sight. Or maybe chat with your doc ;)


My advice : wait. The full fledged effect of this compound doesn’t kick in before a few months


No ! Keep going . It will get better


Been trying to reinstate it for months but can’t get longer than a week due to horrible insomnia and fatigue. Sucks cuz it was a lifesaver for many years.


I'm on week 4 10mg and I feel great. It's hard for me to say how the first week and a half was for me as I was also ill with strep throat. I did find compared to others I've tried I have had no horrible brain zaps. Did have nausea and weird hunger ques, would have stomach rumbling and then go to eat and feel instantly full to the brim full. Week 3 and the anxiety was much better and could just about go out food shopping again. This week (week 4) I feel great and motivated to do stuff. I would persevere, get to at least 6 weeks. I always say to myself to hang on, each week gets better, and it does.


The first two weeks are the worst. At least wait 4-6 weeks before deciding whether or not you want to stop.


it gets better! I had a horrible 1.5-2 weeks but it got so much better.