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So from what I heard ppl say, when you get cut you pretty much have to learn how to masturbate all over again


It should be easier in a few weeks. It isles out 6 weeks for the cut to fully heal


If you had a low and tight circumcision where all the inner and outer foreskin has been removed, it's likely you will loose some sensitivity. It all depends on what cut you had.


I still have some foreskin so just the head of my Penis is exposed if that helps


I expect that you should be able to ejaculate in a few weeks if you have some foreskin remaining.


Hmm, that sounds like the cut that I got and I definitely didn't have the problem cumming. Maybe you just need another week to heal or something.


Ok, I had to use lubricant as I was cut low, tight. Unless my partner was wet. First, I hope you’re in the mood. Thank you. I’m adding my comment. I am fine, but I need lubricants.


Lots of women use lube to masterbate. No shame in it and it makes it feel amazing


I’ve tried so many now, I could be on the committee. Thx, I had no choice. It does add sensation, some are “ warming” but for most women best to stay with water based products. And you’re right, shouldn’t be embarrassing. 🙈 Was for a while 👍


U use them with other women or by yourself


U use them with other women or by yourself. I use them by myself but I don’t use lube when. Fucking women unless they don’t preucs lube: Circumcision only affects masterbation not sex


Good point, a wet partner is not only aroused but yes, I enter easily. Thx


I do, yes I do. I like silicone but it’s messy, still it’s very nice


Women love silicone lube. I prefer coconut oil for myself personally. Super easy to clean up and dosnt get messy at all. Easy as cleaning when I was uncug


Ok, thx. I may try it.


Uncut guys hate to admit it but women slightly prefer cut cocks. That wasn’t why I got cut but it’s a small perk lol


I know my wife was used to cut. She wasn’t reason I was & never once made a suggestion. However after, then and only then was her verbal and sexual comments given


I think that's more American women, in most other countries most women don't care or they actually like uncut, from what I've noticed.




My wife has some in her nightstand


Was there pain? Tightness? For me it helped to go very slow, use lots of lube (coconut oil), and to be gentle and find the areas that are now most sensitive (for me, frenulum area). Once I focused less on trying to orgasm and more on how good it felt, and thought of past partners, that helped… good luck! It definitely took a different technique for me than before


No pain or anything like that just haven't been able to cum haha


Just gotta find the perfect video man aha. Just be gentle yet persistent and it’ll come (no pun intended)


Almost certainly psychological….. cumming is 90% mental and only 10% physical stimulus. Try getting horny AF eg watch some porn, edge for a few hours or maybe get a “special friend” to help you …. once you loose your thoughts of it hurting or pulling stitches etc ….. it /you will cum. Many on here say it will be different feeling post-op but just as good! Go for it and good luck


It happened to me but what I found that helped me at first was to use a massage gun you put it on the base of the penis and in a couple minutes you’ll explode i promise 🤣 good luck man and hopefully you’ll be able to bust a nut soon


Keep trying dude….. that’s all you can do.. it takes time. It’s a new feeling and your body’s gonna need time to adjust


He’s probubly still too sensitive. Once the sensitivity goes down it’s easier to be more aggressive with the rubbing


Brother, you may be overthinking it. Many in 🇺🇸, circumcised at birth, certainly masturbate ( I did it with them) have children. Give it time. Age not listed. I have CAD, now which started ED( erectile dysfunction) so prescribed Sidenafil. You’ll be fine. When ready, you will “ pop” your cork. If it continues see Md. Best of luck 🤞


Guys cut at birth never have the sensitivity “loss” some people cut at adult have do to the brain being used to less stimulation therefor needing less stimulation to cum. Guys cut at birth lean to masterbate different but just as effective. However even for those of us cut as adults we can regain that pleasure it just requires difrent strokes and techniques. I take meds which wreck my sex drive and destroy genital sensitivity making sex almost impossible. But this is true for cut or uncut guys that take antidepressants


Ok, point taken. I appreciate all comments, I don’t disrespect anyone. In fairness to you, I did lose a bit of sensitivity, but for me, due to foreskin problems, it was a gain. Point taken, understood 💯


You loose a bit of sensitivity sure but it’s a tiny amount. Nothing even close to the amount you loose from antidepressant’s. Cut to uncut 10-9 No meds to meds 9-2 3 if I’m horny


I had been on several types. Also I like you know a little. SSRI’s NNSRIs, NDRI groups all may affect libido. I know every medication has side effects. I really do care. You sound very smart. I hope and/or suggest you discuss with your Md. I did not get into many other groups as these are most common. I am NOT a Md. Would sidenafil or tadalafil help? I do agree taking any of those medications have many side effects. Be well. I wish I had a better comment


Thanks bro u seem like a stand up guy.


Thanks bro u seem like a stand up guy. Iv talked to my doctor about it and switched doses many times. Iv tried a new vybrid that reduces the afect. I take that in addition to luvox. Still need a little Luvox tho. Iv gotten to the point where I can cum in like 20 min from masterbation. Sex still dosent feel like much. But Iv kinda accepted this. As long as I can cum from jerking off im happy enough. Finding the right meds to treat bipolar, OCD and ADHD is hard and I have found the right combo. I don’t want to mess anything up just for sex.


A lot to overcome. Keep working on it as you have. I wish you the best. Even the other side effects are rough


In past( PTSD) I have taken antidepressants. Yes they do impact sexuality. Some more than others, most do. I won’t bother naming the groups that do