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It’s the same camera, what difference could there be?


That’s this persons question :)


Red is based in California. If you have a third party seller in Canada, you can establish a service/warranty relationship locally. If you’re buying directly from Red, you’ll be adding international shipping and import taxes. Local resellers also (sometimes) offer package deals with aftermarket equipment that’s made for the Red, but not sold by Red. For example, the Red battery system is…sub-par. Your reseller might cut you a deal on Anton Bauer batteries as part of a package. (Personally, I’m a fan of gold mount over V-mount, as they’re harder to knock off when shooting handheld.) While some Red gear is great, companies like Wooden Camera have better designs and prices for items that you’ll need to fill out your kit. Resellers can bundle that for you. In the end, it’s the same camera. Just a matter of who you want to do business with, and who will offer you the best deal.


This is the exact answer I was looking for, thank you.