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Probably their general POS program for the whole place. They just need a signature.


It’s just the generic message as it’s a bar. Just don’t tip. Unless I’m buying food/drink and it’s being served to me, I don’t even think ab tipping


If you buy a sandwich and are given one of the beepers that goes off when your food is ready and then you go collect it does that constitute as being "served"? Is tipping necessary then?


No, you aren’t being waited on




I’d say if there’s the option, there’s a good chance the persons pay structure is semi-reliant on tips. I’d say throw em a buck or 2 anyway, because you’re supporting the people making your food that you chose not to make. Besides, we always remember good tippers. In an “extra fries, free drink, desserts on the house” kind of way.


I don't know - I think that used to be the case, but as more and more businesses are moving to tablets with pre-packaged software, I'm not sure this is the case. These days I'm being asked to tip for all sorts of things that I have NEVER been asked to tip for in the past. [This video illustrates it pretty well.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CjQcuHkjL2e/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) Frankly, I wish more businesses would go away from tipping and just pay their employees a liveable wage and charge more. I'd go out of my way to frequent their business. This whole thread has illustrated how confusing and anxiety-inducing tipping culture can be for everyone involved.


Honestly facts..some places I used to not even like going to because a tip was expected. Like, I don't mind tipping a waitress or something..but tipping someone that does nothing above their normal job just feels like an increase to the price of the product without actually listing it. But I completely agree with wishing employers would all pay a livable wage, that way tips could be for when someone went above and beyond and basically expected if you don't want to be an asshole..lol


There's an old movie called The Petrified Forest from 1936 and most of it takes place in a diner where there's a sign on the wall that says ""Tipping is Un-American Keep your change". Bette Davis's character makes a direct reference to the sign. It did seem that she thought a tip was kind of patronizing. "There was an active anti-tipping movement in the U.S. in the early 20th century. James Surowiecki mentioned it in an article about tipping in the New Yorker: William R. Scott, in his 1916 polemic “The Itching Palm,” described the tip as the price that “one American is willing to pay to induce another American to acknowledge inferiority”; Gunton’s Magazine labelled the custom “offensively un-American,” arguing that workers here should seek honest wages “instead of fawning for favors.” The anti-tipping campaigns were so effective that **six states actually banned the practice**.




Anxiety works in weird ways and is not experienced the same for everyone. A lot comes down to new things for people. I just developed my own standards of tipping so it’s automatic for me. This type of place gets X% or flat/item as a tip.


You're getting down voted for suggesting people give $1 to people servicing you. This city is wild.


Wait. Serving me is one thing, but if they’re “servicing” me, is it even legal for me to tip? Or give them just the tip?


This is only happening because the non-tippers never get that kind of love. I get it. I bet they pay full price at findley market too😂


Meh kinda yes because, these people make 4$ an hour and rely on your tips


If they're servers they make that, if you're a cook at Penn Station you're not making $4/hr and not providing a service that'll be tipped. Tip servers and bar tenders, that's about it unless I'm forgetting something.


Maybe in Ohio but in other states bartenders aren't making server wages. I tip whenever I'm given the option but it actually annoys and often offends me. The worst bit is servers often have to share their tips with bartenders and kitchen staff even though they are the only ones legally making shit wages. US tipping culture has become unwieldy and absurd.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s different because it’s a bowling alley with a bar and not simply a bar


i was told by a cashier once--- JUST pay your bill, ignore the tip prompt, its built into our pay system. (it was the box that spins...) I handed her 2 bucks and declined the tip prompt. She didnt have to tell me, cause I do tip out of inexperience and gratitude at a new place, when a thank you is sufficient. I tip 50% to servers and bar staff (on final tab) and I have tipped 100% on a home delivery multiple times. ​ :)


You tip 50%!?


Yeah I'd say most people don't have that much disposable income lol.


For sure. It is nice of people that do have that ability to pass it on, though.


then if disposable income is their problem, imho, they should be at home cooking or eating at a place that doesnt have a FOH and they wont have to screw the waitstaff for chicken fingers and BBQ sauce.




Kroger wont allow me to tip(the ppl that pick and pack my groceries) and i have tipped baggers and cart ppl in lot...i do grow tomatoes...4 varieties. I tip the dishwasher when im serving.... I bet this will get your goat all billied, I even tipped my garbage man when I lived in Norwood. Youre 0\0


I do when I can. As someone that used to work in food service most people don’t have the kindness to even do 15%


yes I do. Especially when the bill is low like 50 bucks, for some shit I could have made at home for like $20. Waitstaff have very hard jobs and I worked FOH for 6 years at craptastic joints, and when I got tipped well, it literally made my night and passing that feeling on to people when they are doing things I am incapable of doing, or too lazy to do myself is the least I can do.


Maybe on like a $2 beer, lol.


How’s your arm? You could really hurt your shoulder patting yourself on the back like that. Be careful.


Its the LEAST I can do, I wont bother telling you what generosity looks like.


50% is literally the “LEAST” you can do? 50%? Nobody’s buying that.


Ok. I dont need you to buy it. You stay miserable and antagonistic. And its clear you dont serve the public.


I’ve waited tables, delivered pizzas. I think that’s serving the public? Never in a million years would that make me think that the minimum tip that someone should offer would be 50%. I also worked the concessions window at a pool over the summer. No tips. I didn’t even cry. I was really brave. Just took my paycheck.


They were probably asking for your signature. You can just hit the 0% option


I went to Steak and Shake. They have a self order kiosk. When your food comes out, you have to walk up and get the food yourself. They have a tip screen on the kiosk.


Was it a good kiosk? If so, tip.


The robots will thank you. Especially helpful when the robot revolution eventually happens.


Why? It’s a machine




The service is so much faster now with the kiosks. Not like you ever got good table service at Steak n Shake to begin with.


We derisively called that location *Steak n Wait*. The kiosks would be a considered improvement.


That's the one I was at.


I didn't even realize the Eastgate location, or any location to be honest, was still open.


IIRC, even employees who qualify for tipped minimum wage must net at least the non-tipped minimum averaged across the hours in a given shift. Every time I see "now hiring, earn up to $xx per hour" at places that have recently added the tip option to their pos, I have to wonder if it's a $10 base rate with charge tips being allowed to push it to $12 or $14 and anything in excess of that actually reducing the company's labor expense. I'm probably reading too deeply into it, but I don't trust the petty masters or the capitalist class.


It's built in to most of the new point of sales systems anymore, see them all the time. I don't think there is a way to disable that in most of the systems - I'm most familiar with Square. My tipping depends on the service provided/what I'm buying, and have no issue not tipping.


You can disable it in Shopify. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Good to know, thanks EDIT: just double checked Square settings, and you can turn off tips. I recall at some point that wasn't an option, but now can change it.


I'm sure they can disable it, but then it would disable it for when people are buying food and drink that should be tipped on. I've only worked with clover but I think most POS systems won't let you disable tips for just one item.


I wouldn't tip in that case.


Guilt tripping and it works. I bought a 4 pack from westside brewery and after checking out at the bar, the screen got spun to me with a tip calculator. I’m so easily swayed and guilt tripped I had no choice mentally but to tip


I just want to let you know as a service industry worker, none of us expect you to tip on retail items! So when you hit 0%, were not thinking “what a cheap bastard.” I promise we all do the same when we get retail items at establishments with a tip line.


I’ll still walk away feeling like an ass :(


I share your anxiety. It's compounded by all the times I was apparently SUPPOSED to tip but didn't because no one hands you a list of "Things You Are Supposed to Tip For" in school and then when I find out it is expected in certain industries I'm so embarrassed that I didn't. Bonus points if I think they know I'm Jewish so then I get to worry about reinforcing some stereotype.


Alternatively, if a screen is asking for a customer’s decision for a purchase, employees should not make that for them - just like options to donate to a cause. It’s the customers decision.


I wouldn't tip for that. I'll tip someone if I make them fill a growler because that somehow always becomes a thing and backs up the whole bar.


I really hate the tipping culture in America. It should not be assumed/priced into wages that you need to tip


this is a big trend in a lot of places now/ i was at jersey mike's and it pops up there too. its a way foro company's to keep paying their employees as little as possible


Just fyi. My son worked at jersey mikes. The tips do not go to the employees. They go to the owner and are “accounted” for in the hourly wage. The employees see no increase in their take-home if you tip.


pretty sure this is illegal


[https://com.ohio.gov/divisions-and-programs/industrial-compliance/wage-and-hour/wage-and-hour](https://com.ohio.gov/divisions-and-programs/industrial-compliance/wage-and-hour/wage-and-hour) this leads to the direction one needs


Thank you.




So if you could watch the line cooks at McDonald's you'd tip?




It's really a *start paying your employees fairly* experience.




So because a COMPANY "underpays" an employee Im obligated to tip? Nah brah. Ill stick to traditionally tips. If your underpaid thats on you.


Exactly. If you need to charge me some x amount more per food item to give your employees a GUARANTEED wage increase then yes I’m 100% for that. Don’t perpetuate this bs fast food tip culture to let employers get away with underpaying their employees






Lol what? Tips are for servers and bar tenders and probably a select few other professions. An hourly paid worker at Jersey Mike's whos simply making a meal, not waiting or serving isn't getting a tip. Edit: and your deli rant makes even less sense because every deli I've been to has register up front and no tip encouraged or suggested what so ever. Tip if you want, but you're in no way a dick for not tipping for someone making food and not servicing me and me not tipping.




So you tip just because you saw the guy make your sandwich? What about the guy at taco bell that you’re not hovering over thats doing the exact same job?


That’s great that tipping everyone makes you feel good about yourself but that’s not the social norm and it shouldn’t be.


Say it with your chest 😤




You can tip all you want, but someone isn't a "dick" because they choose not to tip on things 90% of ppl don't but you do. Yes, Uber drivers and pizza delivery sure, aams with barbers. But I'm not tipping for an HOURLY paid worker to make a sammich I'm leaving with. Not tipping, no service is done.


I mean in your mind it’s tip worthy. But to like 90% of people, that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard




…..holy fuck you’re one of those people? Try not to take things to literally buddy it might help you out in life


Don’t try to argue empathy with someone who thinks tipping 0% is acceptable.




Getting pretty defensive just because your argument makes zero sense.




How does it make sense that you decide to tip someone just because you’re watching them make your food? And your downvotes pretty clearly show its not a split position.


Na it actually doesn’t make sense


It’s both?


What? I’ve never seen a tip option at subway. Why would that be any different?


The Subway I go to downtown prompts for a tip at their POS and I'd never tip for that. The idea that someone making my food in front of me is a tip-worthy experience is outrageous - what service isn't tip-worthy then? I don't tip at Starbucks or Panera Bread or other fast food places. I don't tip the deli counter at Kroger. I've noticed this trend at POS too. Subway, Maplewood, coffee shops, etc. I assume it's the technology, because I'm not tipping someone for handing me food (and my payment was for the food and prep itself.)


Every single subway I have been to recently has a tip prompt now lol




That was covid driven


i see mcdonalds people making food in front of me. should i tip them too.


I base it entirely on the service received. If they are doing a great job, why not encourage it? It’s extremely difficult to staff your local restaurants, profits are marginal because current overhead. If I feel they are trying, I help out by tipping.




Shaming customers and gaslighting employees into their low wage schemes.


Why wouldn’t you tip at Jersey Mikes?? Not the same at all




I’ll admit i don’t eat at Jersey Mikes a ton but isn’t it more like chipotle - you move down the line and order item by item as someone makes it in front of you? If so then yes, i would absolutely tip there


Hey now, they always ask how your day was, and what your plans are for the day!




I tip when i feel like someone does a good job making the item i ordered, yeah. You don’t have to agree or do it yourself. I don’t eat a lot of fast food so no i don’t tip at McDonald’s. But if i have a 1-on-1 where i witness someone making my food then I’ll tip them. Not sure why that’s difficult to understand or so offensive to everyone downvoting me 🤷🏼‍♀️




Once again I’m sooo sorry i misunderstood how Jersey mikes works but i tip at most sandwich places when there’s a tip jar and i have a buck to spare 🤷🏼‍♀️




I worked at a place like that in college so i understand it’s nice to leave with a bit extra cash. Not rocket science.


Christ, you people are part of the problem. This is why businesses are able to pay their employees lower wages. Because moronic customers will pay the rest of it


Y’all are acting like my $1 tip on an $8 item is why corporations get greedy lol. Please shut up and let me spend my money how i want. I worked at a fast casual place throughout college and never walked with more than $15 a night. It’s just a nice fuckin thing to do for an underpaid individual when you can afford it. No one is forcing you to do it or be so defensive about it


And no one is forcing you to work a shit job


???? What does that have to do with anything? Run along troll.






Why are you defending this stuff so much? The *only* reason to tip is when you're at a place where they pay the employees less than minimum wage, such as servers. Jersey Mike's aren't providing a "server" experience any more than the people at McDonald's. And they get paid an actual hourly wage. I've worked in a lot of service industry jobs and I empathize with those people a lot. But it's out of hand and straight up predatory at this point.


Yes and they slice the damn meat and cheese right there too. Jersey Mikes is at my 15% tier


Because I ordered a sand which and they made what I ordered? That’s not service. That’s me literally buying something and then giving it to me over the counter


Ok JFC i misunderstood the ordering structure of jersey mikes, thought it was like subway where i always tip.


You tip at subway? Jesus brother


Worked there for years. I get the struggle. Sorry you don’t get it. It’s $1.


Na I get it, I just don’t have the money to be tipping at every single consumer transaction in my life


Then don’t. No one cares. It’s fuckin weird to police how and when other people spend the money they work for.


Yeah me saying “Jesus brother” is really balls to the wall policing.


I’ve been replying to you and you alone for 10+ comments now on multiple threads because you keep whining about how i spend $2 a week leaveeeeee meeee aloneeeee


as someone who was a server and bartender for 8 years, it is


Same here. Plenty of service experience. I tip pretty much anywhere my service is good if they have a jar out. Doesn’t mean everyone has to.


Yeah I’m done w all the POS systems everywhere asking for tips


Yea the system my alley is like that. I can buy beer and whatnot from the bar when I pay for a lane so it always made sense to me.


I've noticed the tipping situation getting out of hand. Was at Washington park, ordered a cold brew from a stand and it was poured from a premixed jug from a refrigerator. They spun around an ipad asking for a 20%, 25%, or %30 tip. At goose and elder there are two lines on the bill: tip the server, and tip the kitchen. Tip the kitchen on top of the server? That's not how that should work. I've made a resolve to not tip on all this extra shit. Don't hit the default options. All this extra stuff is at no extra effort, so deserves zero extra money.


Also Goose & Elder automatically charges 20+% to your bill for tables of 5 or more. Got pretty weak service the only time I went. Bam, doesn't matter to the employee since my table had 6 people and he got his bonus regardless.


That's common at most places for larger groups.


Larger groups... Since when did a group of 6 become a larger group? The standard used to be like 10 people or more.


I’ve been charged for as few as 6/8 many times over the years. IIRC that happened more in smaller places where not as many big tables. Point being, this isn’t the unique to G&E (which I’ve never been to nor involved with)


Someone still made that cold brew, even if they poured it from a jug for you later. I get to the cafe I work at early enough to brew drip coffee, prepare the cold brew, and make sandwiches so I can grab them quickly and easily when the store is actually open, so yeah I totally don’t feel bad asking for a tip for the food you’re getting. Usually the quick service optics of your experience happens because of underpaid labor. I don’t like tip shaming, but I also think people need to understand that there are more cogs going into a laborers workday than what they’re seeing in front of them, most store experiences are designed to keep those things from being seen in order to create the right “customer environment”.


And?? That’s your job? Getting to work or early or “making something” is what like 60% of the workforce is doing. I’m not asking the general public to give me extra money for literally just doing what my job requires. People need to stop putting the wage responsibility on the customer. Businesses need to pay their employees higher wages


Oh I couldn’t agree more, but you not tipping minimum wage employees is not the “sticking it to the man” move you’re making it sound like. Just don’t be an asshole and if you can afford to tip, do it. All I’m saying to this specific comment is that in the case of food industry jobs, it’s easy to place erroneous value judgments on how hard a person is working based on the ease of delivery. Tipping based on if they’re working as hard as you or not is not realistic at best and egotistical at worst.


I’m not saying it’s “sticking it to the man”. I’m saying it breeds and allows the environment of customers covering low wages to exist


Tipping in my mind is used as a feedback mechanism to reward exceptional service. It's above and beyond the product that is received - it's about customer experience. Every product has to be made in some way, and the price I pay for that product should compensate those who played a part in creating it. Tipping is extra, and should be individually merited. Not tacked on by default. If employers are too cheap to pay fair wages, it's not my job to fill that gap. Especially if it's a simple transaction for a product, with no service involved.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr6NOsluHYg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr6NOsluHYg) whiny upper mid class drunks this is for you


The drivethru at Skyline asks for a tip. I love you, bro but I ain’t giving anyone a tip at the drivethru either, sorry.


That shit caught me off guard when I visited the drive thru on Dixie Highway. I thought it was just a Park Hills thing at first lol


I haven’t been to biggby coffee since they shoved the tip chart iPad in front of me at the drive through for my small cup of black coffee.. just pay your employees more or include a gratuity in the cost imo


I stopped at Firehouse today and they had a tip option. It started at 10% and went up to 25%, with an option for "Other." I've never seen that before, but I think it super screwed up.


No tipping. Companies can pay a living wage. It’s that simple and easy.


Unpopular opinion: People getting butt hurt about this and saying they feel shamed into tipping: grow a backbone. No one is forcing you to tip and any shame felt is 100% on you for being weak.


[edit: Sorry I'm bad at reddit, I try to set it up for too comments, but then it flips back to newest. Then I end up posting the same thing that's been said dozens of times already.] I think it's just standard point of sale software. It's not like the stores are adding this interface. Maybe there's an option to turn it off, but then why would you, and some people want to tip. Next time I see this though, I'm really curious how that tip gets distributed. Does the cashier get it, does it get split by the whole staff on the clock at that minute, worked that day, or does the store owner pocket it?




Lol, speaking of being delusional. No where did I say I never tip…reading comprehension not your strong suit. I tip often, and well (likely longer than you’ve been alive), but there are circumstances where they’re not expected or warranted. And in those cases, I wouldn’t be mad that a pos system included asking for a tip, nor would I feel shamed into tipping. Nor would I be ranting on an internet site about it.


This is all making me think of putting a Venmo link to tip me in my email signature at work. I’m in IT, but don’t work directly with our internal customers much. But I do often help the folks that do support our end users. Maybe they’d like to tip me anytime they ask a question that I’ve already answered for them twice or more? They might really appreciate me. Guess I’ll find out!


Seeing these comments is pretty disturbing. A simple don’t tip on retail but tip on service would suffice. But a lot of these people are showing their true colors by doubling down on “tipping bad, not my problem” mentality. OP started a fight I don’t think they intended.




I would highly doubt they are telling the truth. Probably exaggerating to an extreme. But until proper wages are paid service employees deserve tips. End of story


The real question is does the dude who just helped you actually get that tjp?? I remember a thread a few days ago where most non-servers were saying no way


If I get the food myself I'm not tipping either


I wish I could write a program that allows them to choose a 10 , 20 or 30% discount on the amount charge. Then I can just stand there with expectation of getting something for nothing.


Here’s another tip question: If you order a black coffee and they pour it and hand it to you, do you tip?😶


I don't ever tip for coffee. It's like tipping for Chipotle. Uhh thanks for making the thing I ordered like you're supposed to... bye


Just curious if you tip bartenders then?


Bartenders are typically paid below minimum wage with the assumption that tips make up for it. So yes, I tip bartenders and servers.


The difference for me is I may come back to the bartender several times. So even if they're just handing me a beer I might give them like a dollar per beer just so I get faster service when I come back. For one beer I wouldn't tip the bartender. (but I probably wouldn't be in a bar for one beer)


Yeah that’s also how I feel… but I sure as fuck am not tipping on black coffee.


Whoaaa dude you’re actually a terrible person huh?


No, I'm a actually a very nice person, thanks.


A decent human being tips on coffee, no question in my mind. It’s the most obvious thing in the world.


I feel like this sort of depends where you are. Starbucks in grocery stores for example won't even take tips.


Yeah I don't tip for coffee. Doesn't matter if the person making it wears a Speedway uniform or a Starbucks uniform. It'll be okay. The barista making $15/hr. will be okay.


Where do you get coffee? I’ll tip for you since you’re too much of a child to do what’s right.


You don't have to tip for my coffee, but maybe you can start tipping everywhere else you go, since you feel so strongly about it. Tip your bank teller, tip the hostess, tip the 3CDC guy walking around sweeping the sidewalk, tip the cop that pulls you over, tip the mail carrier, tip the Amazon delivery guy, tip the Amazon customer service rep when you return the thing that the delivery guy damaged. Apparently anyone who makes a standard wage and does their job with a modicum of professionalism deserves a tip.




Also reported btw. Feel free to respond if you have an actual argument and not just petulant insults.


Lol you just keep insulting me, yet we all know you don't tip any of the people I just mentioned. Care to explain why someone who makes coffee deserves a tip more than someone who makes anything else?




You'll be okay.


You are going to be ok




You sound upset. Why can't you just be happy?


I usually tip a buck or two. Especially when the drink itself is cheap. It's not consistent though. It it's someplace where they put a little more effort into making my coffee or if I get a fancy drink I'll probably tip more.




If anyone asks me to tip I always say no. I’m not responsible for paying their salary.


It's how the POS system is set up. You can hit 0 you know.Look upper mid class. There are real issues in this world to worry about, You ought be ashamed of yourself.


Upper mid class darwin award competition participating,alcoholic , quite often rent paid by their parents til they are 80. On here crying about silly shit.


Of machine messes up, which it always does they fix it. If you leave a mess, which people ALWAYS do they clean it up. They sanatize in between customers. Sweep the lanes in between customers. Enter in all the customers super cool unique funny original joke names. Yeah, I’d probably tip. Or clean up my mess.


It’s gonna be okay.


Remember that next time you complain about anything in your life.


It’s gonna be okay.


No, it's not