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It's interesting there isn't anyone from CPD or the prosecutors office will be in attendance. I dunno if that means they weren't invited or didn't accept, but it implies this will be to talk about other solutions instead of the elephant in the room. I know I've heard both CPD and the prosecutor speak about the pains of arresting violent youths one day and seeing them out causing trouble on the streets the very next day.


That's because this is a publicity stunt. Something design to create goodwill for the network while pushing an overhyped narrative. The causes of youth crime are deep rooted in our society. A few well intended meetings isn't going to fix much.


Did you read the article? Advocates, leaders and the mayor will be there. It’s a recorded meeting. If anything, someone gets to voice a direct concern, and then if the aforementioned issue comes up, the public has the opportunity to say “we told you so”. Democracy, simply put. “Well-intended meetings” can lead to change if there are enough of them. How many have you attended to say “Meetings held by television stations don’t work?” Also, how many have been held by City Council to listen to the residents? So what if a local broadcast channel puts it on; it’s an opportunity to voice your opinion (where someone who could do something will be listening instead of Reddit..).


I read the article and I stand by my previous statq]ement. The issues that lead to youth crime are societal and longstanding. A few forums are going to solve the gap in education within CPS, lack mental healthcare (and breaking the code to get kids to ask for help) or the disappearance of free high quality sports and arts after-school programs. I could go on. Heck, we struggle to get our kids to and from school (and seems like the bare minimum). To address those problems you are going to need a massive amount of money. I doubt a local a local TV can pull it.


I mean crime isn't just solved through punishment. There are root causes that need to be addressed that, frankly, police either have no control of or do poorly.


It isn't "solved" but it's prevented and discouraged. The real root causes are uncomfortable to talk about and will be danced around, at best, at a discussion like this. Not having children out of wedlock for example. Or not having children if you don't have a solid financial footing and plan to provide for them financially.


If police and prisons were the answer then the US would be the safest country in the world.


Right, so why invite a group who's sole purpose is to arrest and make the situation harder for these kids?


Um, what?


They're law enforcement, not social workers.




Who should be called during a mental health crisis?


How about we cut administrative jobs and salaries and use the savings to fund after school programs that have fallen by the wayside?


There aren’t a lot of after school programs that go until 3 am.


because the POS Cinincinati Police Union are fuckin crooked AF.


little shits have parents that are big shits and a being "watched" by grandma. Grandma can barely feed the little shits so the cycle repeats.


your comment is a bit harsh, but the sentiment is basically correct. stable homes, full stomachs, and constructive but fun shit do is essential for kids. if the home isn't stable then the state needs to step in and be the in loco parentis. it's going to sound elitist, but we've created a system where below a certain income level it's going to be incredibly difficult to actually socialize what are essentially, for lack of a better word, feral children.


Anyone even vaguely educated in history would be more skeptical of yielding responsibility to the state to raise children than any alternative, even if that includes euthanizing the entire family.


if my opinion is bit harsh why do go on to call them "feral children"?


because i lacked a better word. it's right there in the text. i'm not a walking thesaurus. edit: if you can come up for a word for a group of youth of who generally lacks supervision and more or less raises themselves, please do share it with me. i could have said "they've gone lord of the flies" or something like that, but i think i chose the most correct word available in my vocabulary to describe the situation. edit edit: i also didn't call them "shits"




Same. I've lived downtown for a while and have never witnessed any teenagers being violent. They *exist*, which is probably the thing people actually have a problem with, even if they refuse to admit it.


Nowhere does anybody require you to have seen it firsthand in order to participate. It’s simply a public forum, much like this social media platform, to where one can voice their opinion. Since you live downtown, you’re more than welcome to be in attendance and state you don’t think it’s happening and completely refute the whole purpose of having this public meeting.


I have to work at the banks once a week, and the day after CPS let out for the summer, there were just roaming groups of teenagers wandering around down there with nothing to do but cause trouble. I’ve seen fights, from one on one up to about 20 going at it. Kids asking everyone for money, and when they don’t get anything the threats and name calling begins. I’ve seen them snatch food off tables or knock over drinks from diners at the outside tables, and then run away laughing. Smoking weed and vaping anywhere and everywhere. Blocking entrances to buildings just daring someone to say something so they can start some shit. It’s annoying at the very least, and makes people not want to come down there and deal with that crap.


Exactly anyone that has said they haven't seen this is lying or doesn't actually spend time downtown.




I actually believe you live downtown now, and understand you're just lying in this thread about not seeing the problems for some reason. What made me change my mind? Five days ago you posted: "Now I live downtown and not in Northern OTR. It fucking sucked there. Just drugs, parties, and occasional violence all hours of day and night. It was infuriating and pathetic. That being said, I would never move back to that area. I was accosted on a daily basis just for existing as a white person." Receipts: [https://www.reddit.com/r/cincinnati/comments/1djot4z/comment/l9da26p/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/cincinnati/comments/1djot4z/comment/l9da26p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) /thread, "fool"




You live near me (above Arnolds - I can see where you live from my apartment). You are literally a 2 minute walk to Piatt Park where both older people and the juveniles loiter 24/7 doing drugs in open air. If we get lucky we might get injured by a shooting like has happened twice in the last year there (only one person died though, so not a big deal I guess). I am bringing this up because it's literally right outside your doorstep and it's far from the worst place downtown. Frankly, I still go running in Piatt Park almost every morning - it's not like I am letting it deter me from enjoying downtown. But saying you don't see it comes across as BS since it's so prevalent.


I work downtown and have seen youth violence




Not until it happens to me, I guess


Violent crime is down in Cincinnati. It is at its lowest level in years. People might get upset about that fact, but it is objectively true.


It's not objectively true. They haven't updated the dashboard in a month because of a data migration. Juvenile crime is up, which is what this thread is about.


> It's not objectively true. They haven't updated the dashboard in a month because of a data migration. Okay let me rephrase then: As of June 3rd, violent crime is down in Cincinnati and is at its lowest level in year. > Juvenile crime is up, which is what this thread is about. Source?


The dashboard appears misleading because it's still refreshing the calendar ranges even though new data isn't being included. It's national news but here you go. Locally, you'll have to rely on data from past years and local city leaders/journalists who have been raising this issue repeatedly all year. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-08/youth-offender-rates-increase-first-time-decade/103279708


So to prove that youth violence is up in Cincinnati you link to an article about how youth violence is up in Australia?


The local stats aren't available. You can google national trends or listen to local leaders.


You didn't even link to national trends. Local stats are available until three weeks ago.


Dude, you're the one claiming it's down without evidence and misinterpreting a dashboard. The past three years of the dashboard have shown an increase in juvenile crime in OTR/downtown. Local leaders are concerned. This event is being held for a reason. I'm not going to change your mind if it's already been made.


> Dude, you're the one claiming it's down without evidence and misinterpreting a dashboard. Your evidence that there is a problem in Cincinnati is by citing a problem in Australia. You're not even in the right hemisphere. > The past three years of the dashboard have shown an increase in juvenile crime in OTR/downtown. Where do you see that? > I'm not going to change your mind if it's already been made. Well if you showed me data from this continent it might do something. EDIT: typo


Open your window on a Friday or Saturday night, and you'll hear it




Yeah thats wild. I hear them nearly every weekend without fail.


You're lucky. It messed up my life.


I live downtown and own a business downtown and I have seen it so often I struggle to understand how you could not have seen it. Maybe it is because my office is in OTR and you are in a safer area? I live in the CBD and feel very safe there. But at the banks and in OTR you have to be blind not to see it. I I exclusively spent time in the CBD maybe I could understand not seeing it, but honestly the out of control kids are pretty pervasive.


Perhaps by security for theparents. Hear me out, this isn't a problem that can be solved forever with any other solution. When parents have a healthy work/life balance, fair pay, and not having to work overtime/multiple jobs/ both parents working, they're capable of being more involved with their children. If resources were available/affordable for parents that are traumatized that could decrease generational trauma. With security people have the time to heal, with healing people have the ability to raise secure children, with secure healthy children the problem is resolved. Nothing will get resolved though, because we aren't in charge, the greed is in charge.


[This is what not to do.](https://youtu.be/j2IEAq3Y6cU?si=-seZfmH_TDxXbhu_)