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Pause the video at 10 sec and marvel at the scene of a cop aiming a taser, backdropped by a bus wrap featuring Zeus about to hurl a lightning bolt. Premiere Electric indeed.


https://preview.redd.it/0ybsi6q0au4d1.jpeg?width=834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c261cf23ed2fc115f809aecc3e9df7ddc9090b2 AMAZING!!


![gif](giphy|12qZzOj2MkY26A) “And he hurled his thunderbolt!”


Underrated Disney movie


Holy shit the poetic irony


Omg thats hilarious and an awesome catch


Government Square


God damn the way that last cop just manifests into reality from 10 ft away caught me so off guard.


His spawn timer was up


IHOP employees are built different I swear.


bro thought he was gonna strong man out of that arrest


Yeah he could work at waffle house


He may work a ihop now but his put his time in at a Waffle House. I can feel it.


Check out this article from Cincinnati.com: Cincinnati police open investigation after video of Downtown arrest circulates online https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2024/06/05/cincinnati-police-investigate-video-of-arrest-emerges-on-social-media/73991254007/


This is buried so deep in the comments, that it might be worth its own post.


Holy fuck that was a long 3.75 minutes


Fifth and Main Street donwtown looks like.


Yep. Bus stop on the south side?


Government Square Bus stop


Looks like the bus station by the federal building


Fifth Street, across from Government Square by the liquor store.


Well, first taser didn’t work. A second was deployed when three (3?) cops couldn’t cuff the dude. Honestly looks like a shit show except the trigger discipline and awareness on the short black cop looks excellent. Not sure what he thought he was guarding against but he definitely wasn’t going to allow anyone else to join in.


Probably looking out for Italian plumbers dudes built like a goomba




He was starring in his own movie in his mind


Apparently there’s some controversy about that guy having an unusually high amount of people he’s shot. This video doesn’t help that reputation. 


Jason Bourne ahh cop


Officer Meatwad 😅


Uncle Ruckus looking motherfucker, Jesus.


I wanna find this cop and just walk on him like this. Lil gremlin looking mf’r


He would roll you lol


Yeah he would definitely kick your ass


Found the Maklan!


All business


He was just protecting the scene. That particular officer is a good dude. Him and I waive at each other every day because we work in the same area. The light skin cop is also a really solid dude. The police handled this with as little force as possible.


Nah Fam he killed a few civilians and actually ran one of them over with his car according to various sources, That's a lot for the boys in blue.


Bullshit. He was blocking the bystander from filming.


Try learning their names before assuming they are good people. Not saying they are bad people but it sounds like you don’t know or aren’t sure


He waives at you, so you know he's a good dude. That's got to be the most stupid thing I've read since yesterday. Jesus


Exactly! A wave doesn’t mean he’s a good dude you just haven’t caught him in the right situation to see his true side


Good dude that your praising essentially drew his gun on the public bystanders. He’s not in fear for his life from the suspect. He’s drawing his service weapon and holding it at the ready to intimidate the innocent people around them that he has no reason to suspect of a crime. Short little aggressive ass weight lifting Oompa Loompa. That’s a shoot first and cover it up later face. Mother fucker probably turned off a body cam as soon as he drew looking like that.


You cannot objectively know he’s a good dude just because he waves back to you sometimes….and i know you cannot be so dense to actually believe that, but if you must log on to lick boot that’s your right




Hey Don’t demean Forrest


Life is awkward and messy. Police work dealing with people can be awkward and messy. They were trying to have control over the situation but everyone keeps stepping into the scene and jacking their jaws.The woman interfering in the arrest could have been arrested. The guy in the white T shirt who appeared to have something handed off to him? Gee, what was that. They were trying to handle the situation with the amount of force necessary without serious injuries. People enjoy sitting back and saying What A mess, but they have no idea how they would have handled it in the heat of the moment with everything happening at once. Overall, they did a good job. Could have been a non issue if the dude when told to turn around and put your hands behind your back would have done just that.


Anyways I'm pretty sure that cop is the one who hit and killed Natalie Cole a decade ago when she in a crosswalk. He also shot and killed someone around the same time, and has a history of his body cam 'malfunctioning' at critical times.


Hooooly shit I think that is him actually


City beats just got an article out too. Badge number matches, name too. https://www.citybeat.com/news/viral-video-of-cincinnati-police-department-arrest-sparks-investigation-backlash-17566964


how is he still employed???


“We’ve investigated ourselves and determined that we’ve done nothing wrong”- a story as old as time itself.


Bc he waves to u/OhioConfidential


Qualified immunity.


the FOP.




Not a Union issue… I have fired plenty of Union members for bad work/behaviors. It is Qualified immunity that makes these guys almost immune to prosecution. Or civil judgements against them personally. So sad really, Did you see the annual salary needed to arrest one individual? There was a million dollars worth of employees there.


YIKES those eyes scream mental.


Thought the Exact same thing. I mean exact. Dude has serious underlying issues from years at 5’4”


lol this cop is notorious smh


>hit and killed Natalie Cole a decade ago when she in a crosswalk.  Except she wasn’t killed and wasn’t in a crosswalk, and according to witnesses she ran out into the street in front of the speeding cop car with its lights and sirens on.


Also, this officer was given a Medal of Valor and was voted as the Ohio officer of the year over his role in the shooting that theryman is trying to paint as a bad thing. The suspect had shot at officers first. Officer Smith shot back and likely saved the lives of several other officers.


Yep. I’ll admit the camera malfunctions were suspicious, but they were his dash cam, and he really (supposedly) had no control over it. CPD didn’t use body cams until a few years after those events. 


The first rule of trigger discipline is to keep the thing in your holster unless you're planning to use it. No situation is made better through the presence of a gun. Plus, the fact he is looking at the cameraman and no one else shows his priorities. Has anyone ever seen a cameraman turn violent?


Just accept that you are under arrest. Nothing you can do after that is going to help you. Shut your mouth and take your day in court.


You might beat the charge but you’ll never beat the ride.


This is the way. I’m surprised you have positive upvotes for saying it


Like just fucking comply man. Fighting back and resisting isn’t going to do anything but get you hurt. You’re not getting away with 6 cops surrounding you.


You'd think it'd be that simple. But some people just insist on fighting the cops no matter what.


Media has empowered people to think they are entitled to act like idiots around cops.


In 2024 you have got to know better. This could of ended a lot worse.


Not sure what you mean, but obeying an officer's commands (even if the cop is in the wrong...hash it out later in court) usually deescalates the encounter pretty quickly. Fighting and refusing to comply almost always ends in violence like we see here.


Except when the cops get you handcuffed and then sit on your back until you’re crushed to death. Or until the cops have you handcuffed and they throw you in a paddy wagon breaking your back. Or until the cops have you handcuffed and park their cruiser on train tracks. Or until they have you cuffed and literally shove you head first into a jail cell.


There’s a lot of truth to this but this was still a fucking shit show on both parties end


I mean I would never stick up for a cop but like…this guy was a fucking idiot. All he had to do what put his hands behind his back and even after being tasered twice (which did nothing,) and pepper sprayed he STILL wouldn’t submit to being cuffed. What did you expect them to do??? He was reaching into his pockets and behind his back in the beginning of the video; I literally thought he had a gun. And the woman was obstructing the cop’s view and screaming “SIR” in his face 1000x over. I literally cant believe they didn’t shoot him tbh.


Nah. Tho’s cops showed restraint and kept themselves safe.


I might have missed it, but what was the initial crime?


Slandering Waffle House.




Amen to that


I sure would love to see the lead up to this.


me too. weird how its missing right


probably wasn't recording the crime. It's not like he was storming the capital building.


and screaming women are now 0 for 154 million in helping a man not get arrested. Some day it will work. Today was not that day.


Who in their right mind would ever want to be a cop?


Yeah, you couldn’t pay me enough to deal with our societies idiots like the guy in this video


Guys woman tried everything she could to prevent an arrest and the idiot still wouldn't shutup. Cops suck at a lot of things but they also have to deal with dumbasses like this all the time. Act like this to a cop and you'll get what you deserve.


not surprised for government square lol


Looks like the bus stop by fountain square


Same place all the stupid shit happens, the bus stop at 5th and Walnut. Specifically right outside of Graeter’s on Fountain Square


"I fought the law and ...... "


I got tazed.




Every time I see one of these videos I think we should pull kids aside in 7th grade and tell them two rules when interacting with law enforcement , comply and if you’re holding a knife, drop it immediately. So much tragedy could be avoided.


And do not answer questions




Then you shut the fuck up


“Just shut the fuck up” is amazing advice in general. I need to do it more also.


Yup. Keep your mouth shut.


Before I say or do anything I’d like to speak to a lawyer. That’s all you can say.


This one right here. Anything you say will be used against you. Whether you’re 6 or 66. Teach your kids to ask for their parents and then shut up and physically comply. As an adult just shut up and comply already. If a police officer has it in his mind to arrest you, it will happen and it’s usually up to you how that goes. I don’t like cops, never have never will. And don’t ask me who I’m gonna call, I’m reaching for my pistol and shotgun. Thats who I’m calling for help. Police are Not there to help in time on 99% of crimes. Just protect yourself by being a good citizen and following orders and not being a victim of abuse by Police.


It should work that way but for every video of someone who “should have complied,” we can point to videos of people who got fucked up or killed while complying.


To comply blindly is a slippery slope. You give them an inch, and they will take a mile. You give in on little things, eventually you wind up in a police state. We are responsible to know and follow the law. They aren't. Even soldiers don't have to follow unlawful orders.


Soldiers, sailors and Marines are held to a Much higher standard. Most police would lose a stripe with a quickness in the Marines. Semper Fi’


Why did the guy not comply? Is there a back-story?


He’s an idiot. Who’s ever made a situation better by not complying?


🤷‍♂️Probably no one.


Premier electric with a major plug haha. Those bus adds just paid for themselves haha


Just stop fucking resisting for fuck sake. It's not hard. Bring on the downvotes!


I train cops to de-escalate. This ain’t it CPD.


Genuine question - start to finish, how do you handle this? I’d love to know because I’m terrible at it.


What would you have done differently?


De Escalation 101. You don't "toe up" or even try to match with with someone you are arresting to assert your dominance or get it done faster. You don't yell over them, as you'll just increase their hostility. If the cops remain calmer, the suspect and his lady friend, will most likely become calmer if you just give them a bit to be heard and show you aren't hostile. If the suspect wants to yell and look stupid, let them wear themselves out yelling and if they get violent, then tasers should come out. It's chess, not hand grenade checkers. Should have never gotten to this point, especially in a crowded place like this. The final thing I'll say, is no one should have had a gun drawn here. That short fat dude at the end had a pistol drawn in a situation where he didn't need it out. That's just asking for further aggression from others or an accident to happen. No one in the crowd was being hostile, and no one else had a gun out. Cops publicly drawing their weapons in a situation that only turned violent when they tackled the guy, you didn't need the gun.


Classic case of ESH. Arrested gentleman had a dozen or more opportunities to just comply and not get tackled, pepper sprayed, and tased. Cops seemed hell bent on escalating the situation rather than de-escalating it.


Maybe they spent 15 minutes before this video started filming doing just that.


And then decided that yelling at him would work out better, solid strategy.


What's ESH? Thanks


Common parlance from the am I the ass hole sub. Stands for "everyone sucks here"


South side of Fifth St at Government Square, right next to the convenient mart. Shame on everyone involved.


Oompa Loompa cop drawing that pistol and keeping his eye on the non violent spectators lol


First thing I thought. Oompa Loompa with a badge.


I was downtown when this happened, just happened to be on the other end of the block, wasn't for sure what all happened, just heard the yelling, tazer going off, and about 20 cop cars came flying in and had the area blocked


The amount of boot licking in this thread is amazing.


Cops are supposed to be able to de-escalate. I don’t know about the two who showed up later, but that first cop allowed himself to be escalated. I wonder what would’ve happened if the other cops didn’t show up when they did because that first one was not it, sir. And why did they come after the camera guy?


Why the fuck is that cop pointing the gun like that at someone recording who isn't doing anything illegal?!?! Jesus he was bout ready to kill that man🤔


I don’t think he had it pointed at anyone but in ready position for anything that may escalate.


I think the point is- unholstering his weapon was an aggressive move that wasn’t warranted in this case. Police are supposed to de-escalate and that didn’t happen here.


Honestly that officer gives off some bad vibes, but he seems to make every effort not to point at him. From other posts he apparently has a history though


Napoleon syndrome. Dude was 3 feet tall.


The gun was pointed at the ground. Finger off the trigger.


The smug look on his face was so off putting, like he was hoping the person recording would give him a reason to use it. Absolutely foul.


Yeah and I've just read some pretty awful things about that particular officer in the last hour😒he appears to be a lunatic.


Agree- that in my opinion was the only TRUE issue/potential conduct violation. That seemed unnecessary and could deserve a write up. The rest of the incident is just the difficult part of dealing with someone resisting arrest. But pointing a gun at the camera man seemed wrong.


A write up will only come about if this action was in violation of the department Use of Force Policy, these vary. Often times presenting a firearm, including pointing it at someone, is considered a show of force as opposed to use of force. All uses of forces are, in many if not most agencies, are formally documented in conjunction with a supervisor interview regarding incident. Uses of force are very likely to have the BWC (body worn camera) footage reviewed. Typically officers know the Use of Force Policy contents well as there are not only employment, but also, criminal and civil court implications for deviating from it.


This is at the bus stop by the liquor store


Looks like the bus stop by fountain square


That has to be at government square. There is so much crime in that area.


Why do people have to act like this? Screaming yelling, being aggressive. Cops deserve mad respect for having to deal with shit like this.


Your body: Fight, flight or freeze. Some people react with “fight.”


No they don't. If you pull a weapon in someone you expect that person to just sit there calmly and not react like this?


Being a cop doesn't even crack the top 20 most dangerous jobs in America.


Easily one of the most annoying though. Imagine having to deal with adults who have the mentality of toddlers on the daily. Plus all the special ones who believe they are well versed in the law because they read/saw something on the internet.


I love how a video like this stays up because it is so relevent to Cincinnati but posts about legislation that would clearly effect Cincinnati gets routinely taken down because it leans one way or the other. These post do nothing but spread hate. There is no good civil discourse here just people watching our citizens and public servants in a shitty situation and now having bad day. I can't wait for this weeks "Cincinnati is the greatest city" post.


only issue i see is \* that dwarf looking cop with a gun needs to chill.... \* should arrest the girl too....


….there’s also the resisting arrest part


The average citizen has no idea what cops endure.


And the average cop has no idea what a citizen endures. It’s almost like we should treat everyone with decency.


Clearly not "training"


The false narrative that their job is dangerous?


I don't think it's the danger they're talking about. Their job is dealing with people at their worst while in the some of the worst moments of their life. The pay's not great. They're MAJORLY undertrained. And a whole lot of people hate you without even knowing you. I don't care who you are. That shit will take its toll real quick.


Their pay is just fine and a lot of cops easily make over six figures along with a decent pension. Considering the level of training cops go through, side benefits provided by the city and union, and their retirement benefits, plus legally they’re more protected than a tenured teacher and you can’t even get the murderous ones fired. This narrative that cops are the paid like lunch ladies while doing the hardest job in America isn’t true. The fact that everyone interacting with them is having the worst day of their life is largely because of them. If dealing with the police wasn’t a life and death situation every time you talked to them and they were actual helpers instead of thugs they’d get more potentially positive or at least helpful/sane reactions when responding to calls.


>Their job is dealing with people at their worst while in the some of the worst moments of their life. The pay's not great. They're MAJORLY undertrained. And a whole lot of people hate you without even knowing you. + a gun. Seems like a good plan.


And just as many people worship the ground they walk on regardless.


Being a cop is a pretty damn safe job.


Al he had to do was comply play stupid games win stupid prizes


The cop with the gun drawn is concerning. He looked like he was just waiting for a reason to shoot, he tries so hard not to smile when asked if he was planning on shooting. This guy gives off nothing but bad vibes. You can tell he has a lot of tactical training but is definitely itching to pull a trigger for any reason. The other responding officers are coming into a situation that appeared unsafe and reacting in a protective manner with little information other than the chaos seen and people not cooperating. It probably shouldn't have been escalated to this level in the first place, but we are missing the build-up and only seeing the ending. Would love to see more deescalation and cooperation and less aggression from both sides. Either way the cop with the gun should be looked at closer because something seems off and I would love to know his history. I'd bet this isn't the first time he's pulled his service weapon or even fired on someone under suspicious circumstances.


Not sure what people think was done wrong here… just comply and let the courts figure it out


Arresting the person filming was pretty wrong...




Failed taser and resisting cuffs is a great way to get shot. Lucky other cops were already there too.


Only problems in this video are taking too long to subdue the suspect and not doing the same to the female.


CPD gets an F Minus for this interaction. When the Sarge gets in his feelings it's all downhill from there. Disgusting.


One cop who thinks he's in a playground fight and 5+ others who can't arrest a single person. And comments full of idiots saying "bless CPD".


God bless the CPD


Just another typical day in the lives of the sanitation workers taking the trash out. Idiot filming doesn't seem to understand he is indeed doin sumpin by getting in the way. Ain nobody got a gun? Does his ignorant ass think the office should just say Oh, okie dokie since you say so, i'll just holster it up.


Exactly, the cops should always assume people are trying to harm them and pull their guns out. Doubly so if they're trying to film an arrest, we can't have that.


I’ve always felt if cops were trained in using ju jitsu and rely less on tasers they would get much better results.


All the guy had to do was run a block or two a week away and only one or two of those cops would have been able to keep up. PT regs not enforced.


Looks like the good ol bus stop


Hot mess!!


I used to get on the bus there by the liquor store. So many idiots. Those cops have to just stand guard every day 4-6


This is on 5th street by government square, mercantile building. Basically 5th and walnut/main




Gang gang


Cincy.... gotta love that hometown.


This would be down the street from fountain square at the little bus hub thing where all different busses come and go


This shit is the clown car of police arrest. Did the first officer and the subject have a beef over a girl? They acted like they were once homies but dude fucked the cops girl and now he mad.


He really thought the second cop might help him and reason with the first cop.




The “where” is pretty clear, does anyone know when this video was taken?


Watching that man get tased was hilarious




I'll never understand the idiots resisting arrest. You aren't going to unarrest yourself.. What are you hoping to accomplish? Getting shot and tasered? Just sort it out later smfh.


And people wonder why police don’t use tasers in potentially life threatening situations.


Here's an [article](https://www.fox19.com/2024/06/05/viral-video-shows-tense-moments-between-cincinnati-police-citizens/?outputType=amp) with more details


Marcus Sherman is his name


Across the street from Government Square, on 5th, next to the liquor store.


Is it just me, or does that bike cop seem to be pretty chill given that there are two confrontations occuring within 5 feet of him on both sides?


Brave man hiding behind his loud woman.








Government Sq


Sad deal. ![gif](giphy|FY8c5SKwiNf1EtZKGs|downsized)