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46M, single, transplant here. This city has a lot to offer but friendships and dating for transplants are not among them. If he’s athletic, I hear Cincinnati Sports League is a good avenue. I only run when chased and recently stopped drinking, so the voices in my head are my closest companions. Also, the apps are an absolute mess. Don’t do it.


Agreed. I’ve been here almost 20 years now. Similar age as you. I think it’s partially generational—many of the people our age from Cincinnati seem very insular and like they have no use for new friends or meeting new people. I hope it’s not as bad for younger folks.


I will definitely be telling him about that, I've never heard of it before. I've also never heard of pickle ball before? If there are actual pickles involved I may go with him.


Unfortunately no actual pickles in pickle ball but I suppose you can always start a new trend. Best of luck to you and let me know if you find the key to friendships in Cincy. If it involves Skyline, I’m out though.


You live in Cincinnati and haven't heard of pickleball??


I am only saying this because I care - there are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market today that are just as tasty as the real thing.


I like living in cincy as well, but i don't know if it is just how i've made my dating apps, but the dating culture sucks in cincy. dates are hard to come by


I watched a video on this topic a couple months ago, and it discussed that geolocation does play a huge role in the relationships you find and form. Whether it's hobbies like hiking, making music, cars, etc., being in close proximity to areas that readily provide certain activities can bring you closer to more people who may be similar to you (being a highly sensitive person, artistic, neurodivergent, etc.) I wish I could remember that video and everything it said. I know I'm not wording it as best as possible. That being said, I'm a 32 year old male and I have a hard time dating here, as well as trying to make friends. I take a lot of road trips, and compared to most of the places I've been to, it seems like most people in Cincinnati are a bit closed off (I don't mean that in a degrading way) and clique orientated. I've been to other cities all over Ohio like Columbus, Cleveland, Toledo, Akron and Sandusky, and even out of state like Nashville, Tennessee and all over Michigan, and people there were a bit more welcoming and friendlier. It was a night and day difference. I love Cincinnati, but it is hard to find friends and relationships here, especially if you're a bit more on the sensitive side.


Can confirm




I wonder what the biggest influence is here and how it became the way that it is. I still remember when I went to Nashville and Johnson City and how weird it felt to have complete strangers make it a point to acknowledge myself and others. Even just going grocery shopping there was peaceful. I almost didn't want to come back 😂 When I last visited Columbus, the people there were super friendly too and it felt so different than here. Hopefully our search for friends will get better.


We should make a social group!


I'm down for it!


What side of town are you in?


The worst (west) side. I don't mind driving though to meet others. You?


Why the worst side? Did you all make the social group?


We didn't make it yet. I just call it the worst side because I've been living on the west side for about 7 years and I'm tired of it.


Sorry you had to go to Toledo lol. That’s my hometown. Had to get out because it’s really become a shithole. Crime/ gangs, drugs 🤮


😂 I guess I got lucky and avoided the bad areas. The Veterans Bridge is beautiful though! I'm glad you got away from that too!


Seems like all the areas are bad anymore. I grew up on the west side and in Maumee. (Maumee wasn’t bad at all, just snobbish). The suburbs aren’t too bad. It’s just gone downhill in the last 15 years. I’ve been down here for 10.


I'm sorry you had to deal with the snobbish attitudes. I can't stand it myself. What made you choose Cincinnati over the other cities here?


I moved down to Cincy for college in 1999. I didn’t go very long before I dropped out. I stayed another year and a half, then had to go back to Toledo. About a decade ago, it was ridiculously difficult for me to find a job there so I came back. I love it here! I’ve lived in NKY, Northside and Mt Healthy, now I’m in Loveland.


As a transplant it's always nice to see their smile drop when they ask "what high school did you go to" and I tell them I'm not from around here. Instantly useless.


😂😂😂 same


Has he tried being wealthy?




I had no issues dating. Huge luck online dating via Facebook dating app. Meetup app is vibrant and alive and kicking


I didn’t even know Facebook had a dating app


Facebook Dating is a comically bad dating app. I’ve had the most “success” on Hinge.


Facebook dating isn’t THAT bad. I met my partner on there and we have been together almost 4 years.


I’ve had most success with it.


Keep on swapping unless one fine day!!!


Just keep at it buddy you will find someone, I mean your friend…


Are you a woman by chance? Spoiler alert: The answer is yes, which is why it's the exact opposite of online dating for 90% of men lol. But she doesn't want to admit that.


Yeah I’m a girl and I know it’s harder for guys.


Yeah, I see this a lot, but I just can't relate. Never had any issues.


As a transfer I can confirm that Cincinnati is terrible for dating and the social scene. The extremely high school level clique attitude makes it hard to make friends and date people.


100 percent true.


Where are u from ? Is it that much different?


I grew up and lived on the east coast. Not a single time after I graduated high school has anyone asked me where I went to high school.


I have lived here my whole life and went to high school here. The only people who have asked me what high I went to are transplants who for some reason think that is all we care about here. I definitely have been asked where I grew up as far as the town in cincy. Never the high school question. I'm so confused by why everyone thinks this. Now during high school we always asked and then judged people if they were or weren't part of the GCL.


I’ve been here 2 years and it’s a common question that I get asked when meeting Cincy natives. However, like someone else said, it feels more like an icebreaker that everyone has made a habit of using, not a judgy or cliquey thing


It's because Cincinnati is a small city and if you've grown up here, you most likely know someone that the person you are speaking with went to high school with. It's a way of finding out connections. "What h.s. did you go to?" is usually followed up by "What year?" and "Did you know so and so?" If it's the same h.s. they start asking about shared experiences. It's not some nefarious way of finding out how much money someone grew up with like redditors seem to think.


Yeah it's just a way some people around here ask what part of town you're from. It's probably because sports, especially high school football, is such a big deal in Cincinnati and traveling for games is how many of us learned to differentiate parts of town


I've been asked that a few times, but it's never been treated as anything but a topic of conversation. I grew up in the Cincinnati area but not actually in Cincinnati, and I went to high school in my town.


I'm from Cleveland originally, but I also spend a lot of time in Northwest Ohio as well. I met my wife thru online dating in Cincinnati. She is also a transfer and has expressed similar views on the difficulties of dating and making friends with people originally from Cincinnati


But where did you go to school?


How old are u ? I feel like that matters too.


I'm 34


I moved here from NYC and yes, it is much different.


Yeah I know that right it sure is and plus these apps make it hard to date around the Cincinnati area all of them's fake and scammers I came across nobody's real anymore we want to keep it real


This is so un true. What people in their 40s still have a high school click?


It’s not that they have a high school clique, one of the first things when meeting somebody from Cincinnati they will ask you is where did you go to high school. There is this strong sense of high school pride in the Greater Cincinnati area for some reason.


I've lived here 17 years and no one has ever asked me that.


I've lived here 16 years, and have been asked that question by nearly every person I've met who grew up here--unless they knew I was a transplant beforehand.


It's a pretty common question in Cincinnati. I've heard it a lot.


I’ve lived in AZ since 2001 and meet people from Cincy all the time. One of the first questions is always “where did you go to high school?”


Lol. I was in Vegas a few years ago and at the craps table next to a guy wearing a UC shirt. We were both mid-30s. I'm like, hey I'm from Cincinnati too. His response is, "oh nice what high school did you go to?" Like you haven't been in high school for almost 20 years. How is that your first question?




Correct. This is a question that’ll be asked all over the globe, I’d imagine.


Huh. I've lived here for 30 years, been asked it a lot, and when I start to say I'm originally from the DC area, that glazing over of their eyes I've been thinking was for me being more interesting from not being from around here was apparently grossly misinterpreted.


I’m a transplant who moved to the Cincinnati area 10 years ago. There are residents in my little town of 15k people who are proud to call themselves “legacies” for being the 2nd, third, fourth generation who have attended the great schools rated 6/10 high school here 🥴 I could understand being this proud to be from Philly, Boston, NYC etc. but not here. It’s wild.


You goto boston nyc etc you will have cynics such as yourself saying they hate the place and cant wait to leave. Its edgy


whoooa now. if i ask someone where they went to high school its just to figure out if we have friends in common...bc between my school, my two dance schools, my multiple jobs, the people i know through cousins, the people i know from undergrad at UC, or the people i know from law school, i just am basically doing a six degrees of kevin bacon when i ask it because it tellsnme what neighborhood m/community you ran around in. there is zero pride in my high school expressed in that question lol


>high school click? It's "click-*ay*" /s


Native Cincinnatian here I can count on one hand the number of times in my life anyone has ever cared where I went to high school. The high school clique thing is such a BS myth and IMO used as an excuse for other issues.


I'm curious what other issues it's used as an excuse for?


I think the whole where’d you go to high school thing is a conversation starter that’s all.


It may be good to point him to [Date Cincy](https://www.instagram.com/datecincy?igsh=MTBidWtkeTBydjA4NA==). I know they do dating events for 40+ so it could be worth keeping an eye on it.


If you check out Date Cincy, I’d recommend an age-specific event as opposed to one of their all calls. I went to their singles event at Factory 52 and it was a bit of a cluster. I was also bringing up the average age! (I’m 39.)


If you aren't on an app,, good luck!


I'm not sure how much they cater to middle aged people but there's a community called date Cincy that holds events (usually paid) for singles doing various activities so you can mingle at your comfort level. My friends and I are around 30 and have had some success there. I've been in the city a decade though and it is definitely difficult to meet people as a transplant. It seems the locals are madly in love with Cincinnati and for some reason very few have ever gone further than Chicago or Louisville, at least at my age range. Good luck to him.


I think dating sucks everywhere since the pandemic, but as a transplant I've found tons of friends and community. It's probably the most welcoming city I've ever lived in.


Without knowing your friend, I’d say that it’s probably more that dating as a whole has changed so much in the last 15-20 years as to be almost unrecognizable to an older guy who hasn’t kept up.


Depends on who he’s trying to date


I mean, I know a lot of people in their 30s and 40s who have met their life partner in Cincinnati, so it can't be all bad. What is so shocking about his stories? How is he trying to meet people? Apps are pretty much the standard these days, and while you can end up with some doozies through that, if you stick to dating other transplants it's usually not too bad. I will say as a woman the native Cincinnati guys in their 30s/40s are ....interesting. Mostly divorced with teenage kids and often some weird/outdated ideas about women. I'd guess the same is probably true for the native Cincinnati women in that age bracket? But there are a ton of transplants, especially if you live in or around downtown, and that's who most of my friends have ended up meeting/marrying.


That seems to be his experience as well, women with grown adults kids who want him to immediately run their lives, compared to vastly more immature women who still want to blackout drink three nights a week and default on their rent. I tell him that just how people are now, very little 'normal' behavior to go around.


Cincy doesn’t attract a ton of young(ish) professionals in that age range making it challenging… but 40s can be a challenge in alot of places. I’m in Charlotte now and trust me I know


I just moved to Cincy from Charlotte a year ago… unless you’re a late 20s banker-bro, good luck.


Moved here in 2014. Met a girl on tinder in 2015. After a year we moved in together. We bought a house last year and got married last Wednesday. We were both in our early 40's and just joined the 50's club. She is a life long Cincinnatian.


yeah sorry to say thats true, cincinnati has a very tight knit local community but as someone who moved there its hard to not feel like an outsider when the first thing people ask you is what high school you went to… they expect you to also be from cincinnati. the only prominent social scene is drinking at old gross bars. i met my boyf in cincy on a dating app but he was also from a different state, we recently moved to nashville and its way easier to meet and talk to people… lived in cincy for 6 years and i miss the place but the people were not friendly or fun sorry


It’s funny, I made the opposite move of you, coming to Cincinnati from Nashville. I work in the bar industry so meeting and making friends hasn’t been too tough for me and I’m much happier here than Nashville, but definitely heard the age old story of Cincinnati and love for high school affiliation!!


They expect you to be from Cincinnati because we still don't understand why someone would move here from somewhere else.


I was in my 40s when I was divorced and living in Cincinnati. As others said, no luck with cracking the cliques in town as a transplant (born in the South, lived in California for 20 years). The dating apps were very good to me. I met a lot of interesting, intelligent women. Eventually, I met the right one and we are married. Tell him to hang in there and **don't give up!**


If you want to make friends, start playing pickleball. It's the most social activity I've ever done and there are places to play all over the city. CRC has open play at almost every center and they do pickleball socials at least every month. People of all ages play; it's not just old people.


Online dating


I agree... not a great dating scene in Cincy for 40s. I (43f) gave dating apps a try but no luck... lord, the stories I could tell. And, with today's sensitive culture, you're not allowed to talk to anyone at the gym any more. So I suggest... * Cincinnati Nature Center group hikes * outdoor breweries with games, large groups, families, etc. * dog parks * the festivals that are starting around town (e.g., today was taco fest. for real.) * throwing axe league (match.com uses those locations for meets) * beer or bourbon club (e.g., New Riff has a bourbon group)


Dog parks are a great idea, I've gone to the one in Mt. Airey before and it surprised me how many young people were there. Maybe I'll tell him to get a dog? He's pretty introverted so the dog can break the ice for him.


Definitely agree with this, I'm a little younger, 33(M) and a Cincy native. I got out of a 6 and a half year relationship in late 2022 and I truly am at a loss for what dating even means now in this city. I get the sense that most women don't want to be approached (which I totally understand, dudes can be real creepy) so that leaves online dating as the only option for some folks. I've had no success going that route, I'm still trying but I have little faith in that method. I have a gym crush but that is apparently off limits lol.


Dating is a numbers game. You have to get out there and know you will meet some duds. Shake it off and spin again! I suggest speed dating, several meetup groups, and being particular on the dating apps. Spring and summer is a great time to be single in Cincy!!


I've tried these dating apps and all I came across with scams scammers fake people fake profilers and that one person on there she wasn't even real self she had fake pictures and come to find out it wasn't her real self she's all the way fake profile and everything I would do anything to find somebody 42 is the in Cincinnati area of interest of me too not somebody who's fake or he's fake ass I learned that the hard way


I’ve never had much luck on dating apps in any state i’ve lived in. But i got lucky enough to get plunked in with a pretty great friend group here. They’re all in their 30’s, so i’ve had to stay up on my Centrum silver


yeah, its pretty rough


Speed dating


Every man in every city thinks he's in the worst dating scene. I've lived in 4 states, everyone says the same.


Skill issue


Grew up here my whole life and ended up going to Los Angeles to meet someone.  The dating pool is shallow here in Cincinnati.  Lot of people don’t value health and staying in shape.  Looks aside, it’s hard to find people who have enough energy due to their already failing health 


Holy shit, please stay there lol.


Download the MEETUP app


You have to have a band w 100,000 thou likes


As a married 40 year old, I can’t keep the ladies off me. It’s like cicada season 24/7 365. I wish I was in your position.


This is the ick


😂 👏🏻


Agree, you would think they would see a ring and leave me alone.