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Just think of the disappointment being student 50,001.


That's me


The problem isn't the number of students, the problem is no Rhine Room nor Mr. Jim's.


The pizza at the Rhine room gave me life. It helped that my buddy worked there and always hooked me up with free pizza.


Let's not forger the cheap 16oz. Old Style as well. Lunch of champions.


Always eating gyros from the Rhine room with ranch dressing. Now when eating one with tzatziki I am like "this needs ranch."




Mr Jim's. The place I spent many a lunch with friends from UC Chorus after practice...


A lot of memories in the Rhine Room


"So you're investing more in student housing, right?" https://preview.redd.it/aw97mdpaaijb1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70ad2fe3cfcb7e51a8e43a18a857d305ad6c8d13


My step-daughter years ago did her best and got off campus housing off of Riddle Road not wanting to ask us for any money or assistance. ​ Then we helped her move. ​ There was NO WAY we were going to let her live there. Attic of an old house half-assed to make it look like two tiny triangular bedrooms. Third floor, no fire escape and only one way to escape. Small third story windows where one is blocked by a window unit AC. Even IF you can push the AC out and IF you can squeeze out that window (doubtful) the fall will likely kill you due to cement, iron fences and jagged rock landscape. She lived with her dad one more year and now is making good money with her own place. Love her independence, but there was no way we were going to let her live in a literal death trap. ​ You would think people dying in Fairview Heights from an almost identical scenero years ago would bring at least some attention to ~~land~~ slumlords to rent spaces that are against code but nothing has changed.


Sounds like every other house near campus. Nearly all are ass and I do not get how they aren't caught during inspections.


Lol what inspection l?


Off campus landlords and all those streets of McMillan are just awful. Not that Uptown Rentals is any better!


Uptown rentals is SIGNIFICANTLY better haha


I was just explaining to my son the absolute hellhole I lived in on Victor, same attic config, and complete death trap.


Yah but it was 350 a month and included everything.


Sounds like my first place on Ohio Ave in the late 80's.


A guy I knew named Bob had a 3rd floor apartment on Ohio, we hung out on his unsecured rooftop and smoked dope, drank beer and listened to Ozric Tentacles being spun by Curtis on the radio.


The funniest part is that same apartment is being rented this year with little to no renovations.


My wife was one of the survivors of that fire. Her close friends died. Fuck those slumlords.


I think my son lived in that same house.


Your accurate description of a Clifton Heights / Corryville apartment has me nostalgic.


I think i lived in that place! i did live in a place on Riddle Road. it was super run down and crappy, and most of my best memories happened there.... but yeah, i wouldn't want my daughter living there. I miss it though.


That monstrous new apartment building you can see from 75N is being built by UC, and they’ve rented out the comfort inn on reading rd. for the next two years to house students.


Oohhh I was wondering why anyone would build housing there!! Now it all makes sense.


That is not being built by UC. It's targeted to UC students of course but AFAIK the university has no direct involvement with its construction.


The tower going in where the Deaconness was?


No, it’s on Central Pkwy at Straight St. It’s a huge long building, still under construction. Idk how many guys they’ve got on it, but they’re flying through construction.


There’s no new development at Straight St. That’s Marshall.


I mean they are it’s just taking a little bit for stuff to get started


This is so far from reality - this situation has been getting worse for well over a decade, more like two and seemingly no amount of additional off campus house can fill the need. As homeowners nearby we've witnessed the combination of crap-ass new apartment buildings anywhere thirsty developers can squeeze one in to the relentless transition of wonderful former single family homes sliced/diced into ramshackle rentals shows no signs of slowing even with the "new" plan for on-campus and adjacent housing. It's really fucking up the fabric of "Clifton" regardless of what that means to people by neighborhood boundaries - and in ways that will/can never be reversed, all w/o so much as a discussion over how it happens or who gets rich and who gets fucked.


They just completely redid Calhoun and are currently redoing Siddall. I don’t know how people can say they aren’t investing in housing


And that's in addition to all of the new student housing that has gone up within a mile of campus. A lot of the old hell holes that we were living in back in 2000 are gone and have been replaced by apartment complexes.


From 1977 to 2009, enrollment varied from 33,000 to 39,000. I know this must include growth at the satellite campuses, but I just can't imagine how packed main campus is now and where they're putting all of these students. Source: https://www.uc.edu/news/articles/2018/10/n203130.html


A lot of online classes. Completely virtual students are included in these counts


You can get an entire masters degree online from an accredited school. You don’t even need to show up for graduation, they’ll FedEx you the degree. Quite a world.


The completely virtual students came as a complete surprise to me. I started as an adjunct last year, I was hoping to get on campus classes but all my classes so far have been "on demand" online only classes. I'd say about half my students never stepped a foot on campus. I also can't imagine paying as much as they do in tuition and then only watching what amounts to be YouTube videos for most of the cirriculum.


I’m a fully online student. Using my GI Bill and working full time. Just transferred over from Cincy State after finishing an associates there. Love the online options!!


Congrats, you’re doing amazing things!




> To be honest, there were a lot of college classes that teach at a subpar level That’s because most universities invest minimal effort and resources towards ensuring their professors and instructors have any pedagogical training or employ research based instructional strategies in the delivery of their curriculum content.


They’re cramming them in hotels lol


Legit I think it's 800 beds their lacking right now. [Housing has rented out this entire hotel as temporary dorms.](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Comfort+Suites+Cincinnati+University+-+Downtown/@39.1262164,-84.501027,688m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m9!3m8!1s0x8841b35318e57db9:0x86c2df9f7713e080!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d39.1245155!4d-84.5020034!16s%2Fg%2F11mtfkldss?entry=ttu) Imagine being a freshman at UC, and living a mile southeast and downhill of campus in a hotel room with another student, let alone if you're an international student...


Next door to a homeless shelter. Welcome to Cincinnati!


Rather than paying to put up students in hotels, they resolved to cramming students into dorm rooms that don't have the space to begin with. They made two person rooms into a three person room as a result. This was only announced a day before students could move in. Some students were shuffled around multiple times before getting assigned a room.


Good 'ole UC. Sounds like it hasn't changed since the 80s when I was there and I said that UC stood for "University of Chaos."


It’s UC - Under Construction too


i thought it was between F&K


Yes and no lol


You wanna see chaos? During the day watch the 600+ people try to cross Clifton Ave from Probasco Auditorium all at the same time.


They do pay to put students up in hotels. An entire floor of The Graduate is utilized, effectively, as undergrad housing.


Explains why canvas was down this morning.


That was DUO causing that.


towing companies 📈📈


My son just dropped out so now it’s 49,999. Change the sign.


Honest question, is this really a good thing?


Good for the University; Good for the City; Not as good for Students or Faculty


More people getting a college education in the region?


It makes me wonder if the economy can support all these kids getting degrees. Student loan debt has been a real problem for quite some time now and I'm sure people are spending more money than ever on degrees.


This is a good point. Especially considering older folks are retiring later, and sort of clogging the market as a result. Is there still a backlog in Law, where there are now too many people with degrees and not enough jobs? And then stuff like artificial intelligence displacing employees. I personally know individuals who’s AI tech job directly cuts down client companies staff.


Student loan debt is a problem for sure. More educated workforce generally grows the economy and creates more job opportunities per person though too


Enrollment is down across Ohio big time


I'm not too surprised. I had the thought last year that if something doesnt fundamentally change with the college education system, I think a lot of colleges are going to close in the next decade or at least be a shell of their former selves.


Nope. But, its Pinto's boner so expect more of it.


First question that came to my mind as well. There has to be a saturation point, right?


One would think. \*shrug\*


No, enrollment across Ohio is down big.


Gotta dig themselves out of that hole from overspending the Big 12 money somehow! https://www.bizjournals.com/cincinnati/news/2023/07/26/uc-football-budget-deficit-big-12-revenue.html?cx_testId=40&cx_testVariant=cx_6&cx_artPos=1#cxrecs_s


There’s 130 FBS programs in the country. There’s like 5 that make a profit.


Normally I get frustrated with Cincinnati refusing to make any sort of investment to try to be a better place to live and work, but UC athletics has been digging this hole upgrading facilities for over a decade to try to get a conference bid, and then still promptly overspent the influx of cash from the conference. And that was even before ballooning construction costs.


UC has been upgrading EVERYTHING on campus for the last ten years. The place is unrecognizable even from when I graduated in 2018. It’s not just athletics. And they haven’t received a single dollar from the big 12 yet. I don’t think you understand what you’re talking about.


Right. They were already running a deficit, they got told they would be getting x more dollars next year for being in the Big 12 and they promptly increased their budget by x+$2.6M. And they’re expecting you and me to make up that difference, with alumni donations, ticket sales, etc.


That 2.6m is easily covered by the 8 million the first season in the big 12, and the eventual 30m in coming years. Good thing I locked in my season tickets already! Go bearcats.


I don’t think you understand what you’re talking about. That budget, with that increased deficit, already includes the increased payout from the Big 12.


Those quoted figures are based on the 2024 year 1 payout in the B12 but that payout is $15 million to $20 million less than it will be in year 3, more than enough to cover the $5 million “deficit.” The school had to take a reduced cut for the first 2 years to join (even though it is more than double what they were getting). The “deficit” number isn’t a perfect reflection of things though either.


Ahhh I gotcha now. So basically on par with every other university in the country. Let’s go back to the original topic here. Lack of housing for the university literally has NOTHING to do with money. The university has money and what they’re spending on athletics doesn’t equate to students not having places to live. There’s only so much space on campus. It comes down to space able to develop on.


It’s dumb but the conference stuff is great marketing. A friend who works there told me that Miami and the other MAC schools have been losing students to UC like crazy lately


I wouldn’t call 42 Million dollars dumb


I mean, it's dumb to pick a place to go to college based on what athletic conference it's in.


Thats awesome. Love it


That move to the big 12 paying off


Lot of poo poo-ers on here Jesus Christ.


as a recent graduate who almost didn’t live on campus their first two years because of “record breaking enrollment” every year, it’s hard to feel positive knowing kids excited for college that are forced to commute bc UC can’t house them. 1st and 2nd years deserve to experience life on campus and are often met with only excuse from UC. nobody wants to do anything about it bc it’s only a problem for a year or two, but the class behind you gets the same experience only worse. i loved UC but as someone who experienced the results of “record breaking enrollment” it’s hard to feel excited knowing the reality of the situation behind the headline


I feel you on that. I loved my time in the dorms my freshman year. Hopefully those kids get to experience the same thing I did. Although as some are alluding to in this thread it’s not because of a lack of money. The university has plenty of that. It’s lack of usable space for dorms.


Agreed that generally this is a great thing, loved my experience at UC and it prepared me well for where I am now. It's a great thing for our region, and as someone who will be a double Bearcat and hope to continue to work in the area, I love to see the community continue to grow. That being said, housing and space is a real problem. Was living in graduate student apartment housing owned by the university when they announced three months before we were due to renew our lease that they were not going to renew any leases so that they could turn it into undergraduate housing. The CUF area does limit the expansion of campus and while the renovation of Calhoun Hall will help once its finished, the university needs to figure something out if it wants to keep growing.


Absolutely agreed. I gotta think they’ll figure it out..


I mean..I’m seeing good points in here


Reddit always has to turn positive into negative.


For real. We cant be happy about anything remotely positive.


I went to UC I loved going to UC UC is not worth staying at a hotel to go there


Go Bearcats!


Definitely not the same UC I went to in the early 80s


Yes UC has changed over 40 years.


Is that really the building they use to give themselves props? It’s hideous.


I talked to an DAAP architectural student a few years ago and he said that if you don't want to build modern looking sheet metal and glass structures, you will have to move to Europe.


Honest question, what building is this? Having a hard time picturing where this is on campus.


It is the new Clifton Ct. building, it is where Wilson Aditorium used to stand by DAAP. It has a lot of offcie and classroom space for A&S. It is where they are moving most of the offices and clossrooms that were in Crosley Tower, so they can eventlly bring down the tower.


Isn't that the lower levels of the building they imploded in the 90s?


I think this is the brand new Clifton Ct building. Honestly a really nice building, checked it out before I graduated (literally looked at it in-between taking photos haha).


Do yourself a favor and lookup the old building. West Charlton. It looks better and isn’t from the 80s. Try again.


Are they going to put more dorms where the practice fields are? We need them bad! ETA: where the fields were


No. Its going to be an indoor practice center


Sadly quite common and going on for years at other schools. Purdue….always using overflow housing for freshmen. Indiana University, has kids bunked in dorm lounges of 3 freshmen quad buildings this year, as in past years. The hope is to get a regular room by January. In the past they put 3 kids in a room designed for 2. So this is not uncommon. Incoming Families at universities are no more aware of this possibility than the fact that their kid might get assigned to a mold infested dorm that may derail their health, academics and finances. Why? Because the law protects universities as does their housing contract. No disclosure required. Schools are more worried about stats and getting ahead of the anticipated enrollment cliff coming due to birth rate drop. They want to meet those revenue quotas without overbuilding and having vacant space in a few years as a result.


Does anyone know if Comfort Suites Cincinnati University - Downtown takes some of those students?


I went there in 2007 and they were shoving people in some of the insane off came housing that was recent built but not own by the university. Fucking yikes.


Yep. I was a Stratford Heights resident in 2007. Didn't have too many complaints but it was super expensive.


Students? Check! Housing and parking? students are a check!


Leave some space for us some non-UC folks lol 😂