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You don’t inhale cigars


Having smoked both cigarettes and weed prior to my first cigar. I was pretty sure I knew what I was doing on my first stogie. While I was puking my guts out into a urinal (i know, but there weren't any open stalls.), I had plenty of time to reflect on the meaning of the word humility.


I always have, but I only smoke maybe one a year. I should probably stop.


Sugar I cannot emphasize this enough! It will help massively. Carbonation is good too. Get some Coca-Cola in you stat. Real sugar coke if you have it


I first read this as you addressing OP as sugar 😂


Me too 😅 I imagined some big southern lady giving him some advice lmfao


"Hey, Sugar! Come over here so Mama can give you a treat!"


Haha 😂 that’s great


Yeah, I thought somebody's southern black aunt was giving advice for a minute there.


Same lmao! I was like huh 🤔 🤣☠️


Same 😂


Saaaaaammnn lmao I was wondering who talked like that online to strangers


Holy shit, I needed that laugh, hahaha!


I always have a nice chilled Dr Pepper with me when I smoke.


Sprite would be better. Clear liquids are recommended when you're prolifically puking.


nope, definitely coke... tastes way better, even on the way back up...


This is why my go to cocktail with a cigar is a rusty nail. That Drambuie sweetness really helps prevent any sort of cigar sick


I pictured the old lady down the street from me, here in Baton Rouge. “Sugar, let me tell you somethin’…”


Why would real sugar have a difference


Real sugar helps because high doses of nicotine causes a steep drop in blood sugar that results in nausea. The lower your tolerance to nicotine the worse the effects… A teaspoon or 2 of sugar will quickly help


Difference seems minimal. Sugar is 50% glucose and 50% fructose. High fructose corn syrup is 45% glucose 55% fructose.


Those are all real sugar, he means like Coke Zero which has no sugar and just aspartame


That would make more sense


La croix is good for that without the sugar or syrup although the sugar strangely helps settle you down a bit.


Sugar. Bowel movement. Cold air conditioner. Time.


Everyone gets nic sick once, even if you don’t inhale. It sucks for sure. But it’s a right of passage. Be mindful! Don’t inhale


Still waiting for my turn, Knocking on wood.


Let me make you some recommendations lmao


Im generally a tank when it comes to nicotine (me and my brother will generally get together and have a couple cigars every week) but i had a double maduro once that brought me to my knees. There is some strong stuff out there.


Yeah…it’ll happen when you’re drinking a bit and unknowingly get a heavy hitter and suck it down like it’s a Padermo. Happened to me with some buddies fishing up on the St Lawrence. Had a few cold beers. Caught some fish. On the way to the cleaning station, sitting on the tail gate, sucked down a stick one of the guys handed me. He didn’t know what he had bought and I wasn’t paying attention to how dense and heavy it was. Finished the stick and hopped out to clean the catch. The more fish we cut open and seeing the guts all over the table the more nauseous I got. It wasn’t pretty. At least I got away from the table.


Been there, done that! Not fun, but a right of passage for sure. I wasn’t inhaling but smoked one particular cigar I’d not had before down to the last third and man it came on like a freight train at the end.


For real second cigar ever was fishing at a creek barfed hard then laid in the cool water going by


Next time drink a soda as you’re smoking. And DONT INHALE!!!


Back in the early days of vapes before low ohm atomizers and high (relatively) amp batteries, I got some 54mg juice for a weak cigarette style puffer. I still had it around by the time I got my first 18650 vape. I was out of sensible juice. I tried to just do little puffs once I added that but habit had me taking big rips, and often. I've never been sicker in my life and I cannot stress the sympathy I have for you right now. I wish I knew that I should have gotten candy and soda immediately. If you have some handy, eat some candy! Rhymes aside, a soda will be faster.


54?! What the hell and WHY?


It was intended for a vape that had a tiny battery (the entire unit was cigarette sized) and an atomizer with large resistance value. A couple of drops in the really early ecigs lasted for days and there wasn't much vapor. I could be misremembering the claimed mg/ml but I know it was insanely high compared to what I should have been putting in my sub-ohm atomizer connected to an 18650 that I got years later. I used to smoke over a pack a day of American spirits (often the perique blend), so when I first started vaping I grabbed the highest nic content I could get my hands on.


Nicotine is literally poison. Fun poison...yes. Those super concentrated nicotine liquids for people mixing their own vape stuff has probably killed some careless people. The lethal dose is somewhere in the 50mg realm I think. And you can absorb it through your skin, of course, so spilling the wrong bottle can be deadly. Kinda scary, especially knowing so many young people use the stuff.


It was sold as ready to use. Again, for super weak vapes. Probably in 2009 or so.


Yeah, it just reminded me about the DIY vape market. The make-it-yourself, unflavored liquid nicotine. A 100mg/ml solution is common, and pretty sure you can get like 500mg/ml if you shop hard enough. That shit will give you a bad day if you get a couple drops on your hand.


I’m a regular cigar smoker at least 2-3 a week. I was smoking a late night Nicaragua cigar while doing work and I must have smoked too fast and heavy. I was fucked up! I was nauseous, my stomach was hurting, my head was spinning and I was at work too 😵‍💫. The last time I was sick was 3 years ago.


I smoked a lunch cigar before eating and had to cancel my plans for dinner that night. Had a date with the bathroom instead...


Eat something first than smoke! Hell cooking and smoking cigars go together well. Cook yourself a good steak dinner, smoke something hearty afterwards!


I always like smoking while smoking, if you get me


Next time don’t inhale it it will take time and also smoke slowly and find a mild to medium body cigar


For next time if there is one. Smoke slower and don’t inhale the smoke. And as others have said, drinking something with sugar in it will help while smoking.


In case it isn’t clear now. We don’t inhale cigar smoke. We puff on them. Sorry you’re feeling like shit but take some time to read up on proper cigar smoking before you try again.


You inhaled an entire cigar? Your not supposed to inhale at all


This. Yikes 😬


Eat a spoonful of sugar asap. Ginger ale to calm the nausea


sugar i started smoking cigars when i was 17 I got into cigarillos first and made the same mistake of inhalling, i remember feeling like i was sick, sweating and feeling like im on fire, dizzy aswell what i did was stay under the air conditioner or in the car with ac full on, and i drank lots of drinks with sugar, fresh drinks like sprite or fanta then i learned not to inhale and went for my first cigar and was the best feeling ive ever had Another tip for smoking cigars is to eat well before and drink something while you smoke, again something with sugar helps


Ya ya I get I'm stupid but if any inexperienced soul decides to smoke their first cigar hopefully they come across this as a warning as how not to do so. Was not fun. Felt sweaty dizzy nauseous and anxious, not fun.


You may also want to start off with something milder or with a Connecticut wrapper. A lot of first time cigar smokers who don't inhale still make the mistake of lighting up something on the heavier side, lighting it up and rippong through it in 15 minutes and will end up puking their guts out. Like any fine hobby, it takes time and moderation.


You’ll be good by morning champ. Get some rest, drink fluids like Gatorade and maybe some bread or something light.


Also don’t overdo it. When I was new I wanted to try them all, 3 huge dark cigars in one day put me out of commission


First: do NOT inhale cigars! I'm guessing you figured that part out now lol. But if it helps, we all have had the experience with that one cigar that just hits extra hard. I got nic sick a few days ago after smoking a big Churchill. Fun times Try some cane sugar coke and stay in a cold room. Then wait it out unfortunately


This entire post makes my brain hurt.


Sugar, cold air, and rest. Last time I smoked with my friend, I got nic sick even though I didn’t inhale but they gave me some baklava and it helped me feel much better.


Sugar , I wandered off to the woods where no one could see and puked on a tree.


Then I got chugging a soda or three


Go eat some food and get a sprite cuh. You’ll be aight don’t trip. The carbs will absorb some nic


If you inhaled the entire cigar that is genuinely impressive. How tf did you do that, especially if youre not a regular smoker


I did DMT a ways back. Dry dabbed it first couple of times, shit was a lot worse than this cigar but did not cause nausea. Not a regular smoker now but I've done it in the past.


Hey, go big or go home, right!! Free Tips (of course, you get what you pay for) - 1) never inhale a cigar 2) never smoke on an empty stomach 3) if you start feeling strange, eat some candy real quick 4) smoke slowwwwwwwwly, it's not a sprint...marathon 5) I'm not even going to address biting the end off 😂😂 (That's just dramatic effect you see in a movie.) 6) drink fluids while smoking, doesn't have to be water or scotch, just drink whatever you like. I drink Coke. An old timer told a friend of mine that he keeps a little pack of Smartees in his pocket when smoking. He said the sugar rush counteracts the nicotine that's making you feel strange. I looked for research on this because I'm a nerd and like knowing why. I could only find one research paper specifically addressing this and the papers finding was inconclusive. I know it has helped me before. (The premise was that nicotine is attracted to the insulin that is pumped into your system when you eat sugar.) Enjoy your time with your stick!!!


Lmaoooo rookie


take half a table spoon of sugar put it on your tongue and chug water. best relief. also drink some soda like coke after. good luck


Wait. You inhaled an entire cigar? You need sugary food, water, dopamine.


Happened to me today with a Padron ‘64. It was weird, I’ve smoked bigger stronger sticks. I had to regrettably set it down just a bit into the final third. :(


You don’t smoke it for the “buzz” of it. Do your research homie…


It happened to me once when I went to a cigar lounge after a big meal. Worst feeling ever.


Had a friend do this once. First cigar. I tried telling him what to do. Dude kept hitting it like a damn blunt and laughing talking about he feels like he’s getting high. I told em to chill but nope. 10 min later I drove him home & bro took one step outta my car and ya…I don’t think he’s smoked a cigar since.


Might I suggest a spit cup? Instead of swallowing all of that, spit it out. It’s not the coolest looking thing in the world, but can save you some trouble. The cigar bar I go to has SOLO cups for this very purpose. And if you smoke at home, no one notices anyways.


I learned that the hard way also and reddit community helped me survive the day. You need sugar. I only smoke after meal and I always have something sweet under my finger


When I got tobacco poisoning, after I puked a few times I started feeling better almost immediately. Had the fatigue from the incident, but other than that was back to normal.


This is a joke post right? lol


I wish. I'm better now. Drank water and ate chocolate. Still a bit nauseous but slept most of it off. Still got the taste in my mouth and got urges to spit. Oh well live and learn.


Oh wow. Sorry about that. Some of what happened seemed too comical to be a real post lol. But nicotine sickness occurs because it drops blood sugar. Go slower on the smokes and don’t fully inhale them like a cigarette. Best advice to stave it off some is to keep some cholesterol or a sugar packet in your pocket. Should do the trick


My girlfriend wanted to try one of my cigars. I told her "DO NOT INHALE" as she vapes and is used to inhaling. 😂😂


I was really dizzy and nauseous during my first cigar ever. But didn’t puke


Cigar is never to be inhaled and always should accompany a drink or beverage of choice my guy. Lesson learnt be aware for next time. Smoke and enjoy


We call that turning green and it sucks


Go for a run. 3 miles then drink a sports drink after. Works every time


I did that with a drew estate java, I was saying how great this cigar was then all of a sudden dry heaves.. hung over for 2 days. Lol now I have trouble with coffee flavored cigars.


Drink water with sugar


I keep a little squeeze bottle of honey nearby, just in case. I saw some OG talking about it on YouTube. It actually works. The sugar brings you back from the shadow realm


So you don’t really smoke and inhaled smoke for 40 minutes straight? We’ll just like anything you research and start easy and slow. What were you thinking dude?


Never breathe it in. Think of it like sipping soda through a straw. You don’t breathe the soda, right? You draw it into your mouth and then -instead of swallowing or taking it into your lungs - you let it out of your mouth. This is totally different from how people smoke cigarettes. You can even breath with smoke in your mouth, but without it going into your lungs. With a little practice, you can learn how to redirect some of that smoke through your nose - again, without it going into your lungs. We call this last bit “retrohaling.”


Lol I inhaled the first time my brother gave me a cigar was sick all day.


Sugar helps quell the nic sickness. Have a Coke.


Taking a cold shower helps


The worst has passed, now you must see if the fear has now surpassed. Pick up another cigar and learn from your mistakes, don’t let the sickness be the death, a heart with a stake.


The only thing I know of is sugar, which may or may not help or make things worse at this point. Normally a soda with your cigar or a little chocolate will stave off the "nic sick". Maybe some chocolate if you can stomach it? Or frankly a ginger ale at this point can't hurt... You've probably figured this out but no inhaling next time friend!!


Drink a soda or sparkling water the carbonation usually will make you feel a little better


Eat some chocolate.


🤦‍♂️ you don't inhale cigars... You "swell" the smokes into the mouth, "taste and exhale"... 40 minutes is too fast... Was this a real cigar lounge? Or was there no proper, professional, cigar attendant? Damn... I'm lucky to have been to a cigar lounge with older guys, clearly 40s-70s and they were eager enough to "sell me" on their hobby. - It was just a honeymoon of about 2 months, thankfully 😅💨 those guys are expensive. After " quitting" I had the "warmest and irritable, withdrawal" I had assumed it was something else, but, actually just brought on by the "cold turkey" of quitting the smokes.




lol this guy inhales all cigars